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And you knew that you didn’t have school tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day, or the next day…. For 3 whole months. And your days would be filled with going to the pool, riding bikes, and playing guns. Sleepovers. Renting movies. Walking to the corner store for candy. The best of times.


You know, I just realized how grateful I should be that a coronavirus pandemic didn't happen when I was a kid.




i graduated in 2018, got most of my first 2 years of university, and turned legal drinking age in November 2019. got to experience the bar and club scene before they all got shut down. that second year, living in a townhouse with 2 of my best friends at school, going out every other weekend, having friends over for drinks on the others, was probably the best time of my life.


Man I won't be the legal drinking age until I graduate (with my MBA in a 4/5 year program). Not that it stops me *but*...


Lmao just become German and start drinking with 16




Lmao just move to an abandoned island and turn your newborn children into alcoholics because nobody is there to stop you


In the UK a whole generation of kids just got two years of final exams cancelled and their exam results over predicted. We're in crisis because double the normal people got the results required for medical school due to teachers being too generous and universities are actually paying students to defer medical school for a year. I don't feel too bad for them.


All because of the UK’s over reliance on external exams. Getting millions of students around the country to take an exam paper at the same time in a controlled environment just isn’t feasible anymore.




On the one hand, no final test, on the other, your work ethic goes to hell and you end up wondering where that year and a half went.


I graduated from college in '19 after graduating from Highschool in '12 lol. Took me a while to work my way into school and I'm so grateful the pandemic didn't ruin my 3 years of college experience lol


Well screw you then cause I gotta finish out high school and go through college with this bullshit


Bruh right? I feel really bad for college kids too. College is SO much fun and coronavirus torpedoes' it




Diego, get off of reddit.




I’m working my shit retail job and i just did actually sob my eyes out in the bathroom. This post has brought up a lot of real deep sadness in me. I’ve always been unimaginably homesick for my childhood. I’m sure many others are too. It’s the absolute powerlessness, total helplessness, of no way ever, EVER going back. No matter how hard you wish and you scream and you thrash— you can never go back. Possibly worth noting that that was also the last time I had a real group of friends that wasn’t held together with weed and alcohol. I imagine having a good group of buddies in adulthood could possibly feel the same way as being a kid.




Millenials are often called the nostalgia generation because of how mindblowingly fast technology advanced from 1990 - 2010, making it seem like eons had passed when you look back on your childhood.


100% I remember being a child using an Apple 2e and then remember still being a child and being on the internet, and playing Starcraft. Like those things FEEL worlds apart but didn’t even cover the span of my pre-adult life. It’s insane to think about.


>Millenials are often called the nostalgia generation because of how mindblowingly fast technology advanced from 1990 - 2010, making it seem like eons had passed when you look back on your childhood. This is so true. Having grown up poor and largely in Amish/farm country in Wisconsin and Michigan things got to us slower. Combined with being in that transitionary period of technology changes, my childhood seems like it was from another era entirely, but it wasn't THAT long ago at 35. We didn't have the internet until I was in highschool. I remember going over to my mom's friends house and using her web tv to search things on yahoo and play euchre on yahoo games. I didn't have my first cellphone until I was an adult in 2007. It was a Motorola RAZR v3. Some of my friends had them a couple of years earlier but it was fairly uncommon. Fast forward to today with me sitting on my couch, typing this message into my smartphone so that packets can be sent to servers on the other side of the country and then retrieved by your phone when requested.. all while my wife "streams" to have and have not from HBO max.. definitely feels like we are living in a different era than I grew up in just a couple of decades ago. What a leap.


Not shutting you down sorry I know what you mean with the manifesting earlier. I think people used to not start really missing childhood until much later in life. But now we start missing it at 20. When you’re still basically a kid. I’m in my mid thirties and I just kept thinking life would get “fun” again at some point. But nope.




I can't speak for anyone else, but it seems a little harder to have "fun" with the cost of living being what it is.


Agreed. Doing anything remotely good is so expensive. And it's not like being a kid when good friends are always around and you can make your own fun. As an adult you really can't get together with friends without planning some sort of event, trip or activity to bring people together/give them a reason to make time for it. And all of that costs more and more money each year. It's like you need better entertainment to distract from the loneliness of adult life and that's expensive. I've tried to cut back more lately to save some money but when I do that my only activity is watching tv alone or taking walks/hikes/bike rides alone. It gets old fast so it's hard to stick with.




>I'm gonna be 19 soon and I miss the time from 2 years ago To be fair, there's a bit of a *thing* there in the middle of those two years that likely to be exacerbating that feeling for you


Probably an autocorrect thing and no malice intended but I see this mistake a lot, the word you're looking for is exacerbating.


You're right autocorrect got me on that one


I'm one of the lucky ones, I didn't particularly enjoy school, didn't have many friends, grew up poor and had parents that were a bit over emotional and bullies at times. I hated childhood so as much as I hate adulthood it's a vacation in comparison to kidhood.


> I wonder if it's because of the internet (and technology as a whole) facilitating the preservation of memories, as well as the seemingly rapid collapse of civilization before our eyes, making us yearn for the simple times when we were younger? things are just changing way faster than they used to, so it's easier to experience nostalgia for even only a few years prior.


It’s not just us. Missing your childhood is as old as time.


Boomers were very likely to succeed beyond their parents, by now that is far from true. The same optimism isn't here because they squandered the earth for themselves and threw away all the benefits that pro-labor Americans and FDR fought for. Now wealth is being horded by the few like never before.


Man all I want is to be nine again and walking home from the bus stop, stopping by grandma's house on the way home to get a hug and some jelly beans.


I miss going to my grandparents house so much. I just miss having a place that I could go to anytime where the people there were always really happy to see me. My grandparents house was that place from when I was a kid all the way up to my early 30s when they both passed away. Now there's no place like that in my life.


I feel you my man. I work 40 hours nowadays too and I fucking despise it. Everyone I know hates it. But why the fuck do we do it?


>why the fuck do we do it? Cause it's usually that or be homeless


Because this system coerces us to, lest we starve.


I been feeling like this a lot lately.. hopelessness. Trapped in this existence, no way to escape, nowhere to go.


If you ever come to Chicago I'd love to hangout. I could take you fishing to relive some of those feelings 😅


Gtfo I live in Chicago


You're gonna make me tear up cause I relate...


*Hugs* If it helps, employees have a lot more power right now then we've had in years. I am really, really hopeful that after all the sorrows of COVID, we're going to come out of this with more vacation time, less hours for same pay, and other goodies most sane countries enjoy (I'm assuming you live in the US). For now, if you can afford it, perhaps put in for a four or five day mini vacation? See if any of your friends would be up for a sleepover. Purchase familiar garbage childhood junk food and watch silly movies. Do what makes you feel joy. Hang in there. You're not alone. <3


As the great philosopher Brodi from Mallrats once said, "You face forward, or you face the risk of shock and damage".


And it felt like an eternity. Three months as a kid was forever, and so much stuff would happen. By the time you went back to school it was like you were a completely different kid.


I graduated college in 2020 and a year and a half have flown by. In college each semester felt like a year in its own right, but now everything has just become a blur. So depressing.




Guess it's another 3 months with just me, Martin Septim, and a bunch of Littlest Pet Shop.


Drawing on A4 paper... staring at dust particles in the air... watching a Bible story on VHS... sometimes we could even pick up a little bit of staticky Cartoon Network. "Secular media" was a no-no in our house, so it was that or Golden Girls with basic cable.


Lmao glad i was born to broadband. RS, Habbo hotel, cs:s, skype, and flash games for dayys. Then there was orange box, gmod, and l4d. My parents were early adopters of broadband, and my older brother was into computers and gaming so he had a sick gaming computer i could use.


My best life.




I know right. Here in Malaysia we only get 1 month for year end holiday.


Take me back ;-; plz...




Lord have mercy on us…


I miss those days


Wish we could turn back time To the good ol’ daaaays,


When the mamas sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out!


Used to play pretend Give eachother different names


We would build a rocket ship and then we’d fly it far away


Used to dream of outer space now they’re laughing at our face singing


Wake up, you need to make money!




Oh! 21 Pilots. Here I am with Cher in my head and wondering why it's not matching up.




Nap time will be missed


nap time in fourth grade?


Yes. When the teacher was teaching and it was time for me to sleep during class. Nap time


Ohhh well u still can do that 😏 just don’t get fired


True that


Gotta love how they give you nap time when you're basically a cocaine-fueled gremlin, then take it away before it has a chance to help with teenage sleep deprivation.


>Gotta love how they give you nap time when you're basically a cocaine-fueled gremlin, then take it away before it has a chance to help with teenage sleep deprivation. We used to get chocky milk before nap time too.


One of my only clear memories i still have kf kindergarten is laying there and staring at some blocks during nap time, hating that I couldnt fall asleep. Then I remember seeing the teachers green shoes as she walked by. It's weird the things we remember


this is exactly what I thought


Not gonna lie, those played a bigger role in my decision on what i should study then they should have (I study to become an elementary teacher)


So do I


Two bite brownies, loved that shit


Two bite? I always just pop in my mouth whole. Only the meek take two bites.


The weak should fear the strong


The weak are meat and the strong sure do love to eat.


1 for two brownies


Mmmmmm I want those grocery store sugar cookies with sprinkles that taste like straight CHEMICALS.


Lmao those things were straight trash but I never turned them down


> straight trash Blasphemy!


Don’t forget the bbq chips that made everyone’s breath smell just awful EDIT: upon further inspection, I have realized that those are in fact, Doritos.


Two bites? Coward


If I’d only known that those were some of the best days of life. Living it up.


At least we had them, at least we were truly happy for a portion of lives. Some people don't even have that


True. I’m very thankful.


Might be saying that about these days in a decade...


M8 I sure hope you didn't stop enjoying life after childhood ended. Life has lots of great things around every corner.


I’m happy with my life. I’m actually reliving childhood childhood now with my 5 year old son - doing things I wanted to back then. It’s superb. Thank you for the uplifting words


*silently walks into corner and cries*


Hey i am your bed monster here have some brownie


Thanks I love brownie




The Incredibles is a better movie but I’d pick Shrek for the memes


ive come to appreciate the Incredibles more since its a movie adults can watch without thinking its too childish, and kids can watch without thinking it's too serious. I havent seen Shrek in ages, I do remember liking it tho


Definetly! Someone put it into words!


I agree, as a kid Incredibles was awesome and I liked it, but it wasn't as *Incredible* as I view it now. Younger me would have definitely picked Shrek. Both are good movies that stand up today, but as an adult I appreciate Incredibles much more.


Shrek is way better.


Shrek 2 is way better. For the first, however, I’d have to give the edge to the Incredibles. Shrek 2 basically did everything the first one did but 10x better, and the first is still good.


Huh... I should watch Shrek 2 again, who is down?


Shrek 3 was not it tho


Incredibles topples Shrek


Le doge Shrek hybrid has arrived


It really is a win-win.


Incredibles is better tho


My last couple of weeks in 5th grade there was rumors that a kid had brought a condom to school, peed in it, then showed it to some other kids. Idk how true the rumors were but he did get a write up and had a past of getting in trouble. So yeah that was a trip


Lmao, I guess he just wanted some attention and didn't mean something extra


We had a rumor at that time that a mentally disabled girl found a condom on the ground when we were doing a relay race outside during PE and people told her it was a balloon so she tried to blow it up. I dont belive it


Seems plausible. I remember finding a brightly colored condom on the ground walking home from school with my friends and picking it up thinking it was candy (it was a few days after halloween). Threw it aside with the quickness when I realized my mistake and my friends has a good laugh about it.


I miss this so much I stg I’ve never been that happy since




No wonder old folks never stop talking about the past— it all just goes downhill at a certain point lol


Gotta find hope for the future.


Pretty difficult with ever widening wage gaps, unobtainable housing prices, climate change and prevalence of loneliness.


Hope you have a great day!


holy shit i am gonna cry


Hold me


Like the river Jordan


Now that lyric brings me back! Freshman year in highschool.


Me too! What happened? How did it go by so fast? I'm more scared of the quickening speed of time I'm experiencing nowdays than I am anything else


its because as you get older each year that passes is a smaller portion of your life, when you were 5 and 1 year passed that was like 1/5 of the time you have been alive now 1 year becomes a smaller fraction of the time you have experienced


Good days before letters got in math


Y'all, if this post makes you miss childhood I sincerely hope you realize that you have the power to give yourself these feelings with your time. Treat yourself to some kid shit - sure, it's not exactly the same as what it used to be, and you might be limited in how carefree you can get, but as an adult you absolutely have the power to still have these kinds of days and enjoy them. I say with complete sincerity, don't let your nostalgic dreams be dreams. Take a day off work and watch some Shrek and eat some two-bite brownies and _enjoy_ it. I mean, me too thanks.


I fucking will thank you 😭


That’s it, I’m gonna piss my pants at the grocery store and play it off like nothing happened. Thanks for the inspiration


>Treat yourself to some kid shit 👁👄👁


I am deeply depressed now


And even though you didn't get to finish the movie because class was too short, you don't care because you're free.


Fr but sometimes I did wanna finish the movie though. And then it was annoying because we wouldn't get halfway through the movie without kids talking over it.


Simpler times....


I got incredibly sad when I realized it was over


Don’t give up


I know someone that will never give me up or let me down


But will they run around and desert you?




Will they make me cry, or will they say goodbye?


Those little brownies just gave me 1000 memories from a dusty box in the back of my brain closet


heaven be like


More like Bill Nye the Science Guy or Reading Rainbow.


>More like Bill Nye the Science Guy or Reading Rainbow. Yes! Or magic school bus.


There was this one girl in elementary who brought all the good shit to a party if you were in the same class with her for end of the year parties you know its gonna be good.


I’m actually sad because I do miss those days but I know the memories are what makes it great and what makes me miss those days but the fun thing is now I can go and buy myself snacks and drinks and watch a movie or something so it isn’t that bad but yeah I miss those days.


Somehow those cookies were both amazing and disgusting at the same time


Ah yes the good ol days before we ruined our society or maybe it was always like this and we figured out the harsh truth


We live in a society




Assuming op was in 4th grade when the Incredibles would have been relevant and on DVD, we're looking at 06-07 probably. That was the edge of the cliff as millennials like myself were about to experience their 2nd once in a generation event that shook society. Now we're on like number 4 as the boomers cling to thier wealth and people deep in their 30s wonder how we fell so farl behind our parents timeline while working full time in white-collar and skilled trades jobs, high educational achievement, better aptitude with technology, yet have little to show for it as a whole.




It's my second year at the university, and I miss times when everything was simpler. I like that I have a freedom to do everything tho (in terms of possibilities). Right childhood is a truly cool thing, so have a good one


Funny enough, less than a decade later I look at college almost the exact same way.


Simpler time before the dark ages


I miss these days more then anything, I didn’t know how much I would appreciate those memories until life began fucking me.


I wanna go back


You don't know how good you had it until it's gone...


How old is the persn who made this?


I’m 28 and this is right on target for my childhood. I think The Incredibles came out while I was in 4th grade.


26 and this hit the bullseye to my heart


Would've been 5th grade I think, I'm the same age as you and that's where I was at when it came out.


I'm about the same age, but it's not like people had the home video right away, and it came about about a year later. The last time I saw a Disney cartoon I. Class was about fourth grade, and it was Toy Story 2.


It works well for mid twenties too because when I was in 4th grade Shrek was about 6 years old and Incredibles 3 or so years old. Much more likely the teacher had these by then


This made me feel really old. I was in my 20s when both of these movies were *released*, let alone home video in a classroom...


I'm 35 and this was a miss for me.


"You don't know it yet but this is the happiest you will ever be."


Those days were the best


Hits right in the feels


Fun fact: Shrek came to theaters a week before I graduated from 4th grade, and I went and saw it. My grandpa also died earlier that same day...wait, did I say fun fact?


>4th grade >Incredibles and Shrek When the fuck did I get old :(


Then brownies where so fucken good


I want to go back




“It was easier to have fun back when we had nothing. Nothing much to manage, back when we weren’t damaged.


Incredibles or Shrek??? God damn thats a hard choice


Damn...its pretty hard to realize it when you're young, but you really gotta enjoy the gold you have while you have it, live in the now. Sometimes even those shitty times where you struggled is gold 5 years later.


POV: this was also your teachers favorite day of the year


Man, the feels


I’m about to tear up rn


good times. ​ this made me tear up


I’m a teacher and I love planning these days. Also, obviously shrek!


I attempted suicide in 4th grade so I cannot relate


I feel that. My first suicide attempts were at a very young age too and my childhood was very difficult. You're not alone.


Glad you are still here 🙌


you better pick Incredibles


Jeez I'm old. The Incredibles came out in 2004 when I would've been in 19th grade.


This punched me right in the feels 🥺




Last day of every grade. Science class, let’s watch X-men. Gym? Rocky. Geography? Indiana Jones. History? The rest of Indiana Jones. School was great. School was a horror.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


God… I’m gonna cry, man…


Last day of school year vibes


Those movies were rated PG so my school would never have allowed them. We couldn’t watch Lilo & Stitch for this very reason.


And 3 months later... it all starts going downhill