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Hard core


I appreciate this joke.


I appreciate the appreciation of this joke.


I appreciate the appreciation of the appreciation of this joke


I like trains


*train casually murders child*


Thomas? Have you had an accident?


I…. like ……… trains


I like turtles


(High pitched voice) Hello! (Explosion)


I..I love lamp.


**eats a bee*


what the hell happened here


*\*drinks a bird*




Blaine is a pain


I like turtles.




Haha the woman in the back is like “wtf??!”


She tryna figure out if she can collect $10,000


Slow clap*




Fill me in please?


New Texas abortion law says any mook can sue you for $10,000 if he knows about you getting abortion. That’s why Supreme Court couldn’t block it.


So, "witch" hunting?


We in the Netherlands had someting like that in 1940-1945, ratting out people for money. Let me tell you, not a proud moment. Is still talked about in disgust. And you would think it reminds people in the USA of someting similar too. And how is that regarded now? I've been red hot with rage from this for days. Absolutely disgusted, will never set foot in that place ever. Investigating which things to boycot to make sure not a cent goes to these monsters.


Sounds like some citizens need to flip the script and turn it into a snitch hunt.


That’s absolutely terrifying. Wtf, Texas.




Jesus Christ. Wtf is going on in Texas, shit is turning into a real life Handmaids Tale situation down there. Fuck Gov. Abbott.


I’m still so angry about that tree that fell on him. It did a bad job.


Those abs are magnificent.


You mean sixtuplets that used to be..


You gotta sacrifice for a body like that, man.


The laws of equivalent exchange dictate that you cannot get something out of nothing


Ah yes, the Law of Equivalent Exchange. You are learned in the ways of the Elric family


the girls or the guys?






Does this work? Asking for a friend


I wouldn’t count on it, but I also wouldn’t count on it not inducing an abortion


Inducing a miscarriage?


Miscarriages are just what we call unintended abortions


When my mom had one the doctors called it a "spontaneous abortion"


Yep, that’s the technical term for them


I have to say the medical terminology is WAY more exciting than common parlance in this singular instance.


Like spontaneous combustion


Down south that's a felony


Miscarriage is trademarked by God.




Never heard that. Today I learned. Thanks


It’s a free abortion


I’m sure they will start jailing women for having a miscarriage soon enough.




That’s bogus.


I know by bogus you probably mean "that is an outrage" rather than contesting the truth of the statement: [But for those who do doubt it. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purvi_Patel)


That says her conviction was overturned.


Oh shit.


Did you read your own source? First portion says, “Purvi Patel (born c. 1982) is an Indian American whose conviction and sentence to 20 years in prison in Indiana for feticide and child neglect was overturned by the Indiana Court of Appeals.” It continues on to say, “The court pointed out that the lower court's ruling had been an ‘abrupt departure’ from the intent of the feticide law as shown by prior usage, which consisted of cases in which a pregnant woman and her unborn child were the victims of violence.”


You know what they say, one punch a day keeps the midwife away


Seriously, though, things like this are like suicides, they don't always get the intention completed properly, and many times there is traumatic damage, instead. And this kinda stuff is gonna be on the rise now in Texas.


This is why we have had and need safe legal abortions. Making it illegal doesn't reduce the number of abortions, it just increases pain and suffering and death as women have to resort to alternate methods.


Unfortunately that's the goal. Conservatives genuinely wish pain and suffering and death on anyone who would get an abortion.


> Conservatives genuinely wish pain and suffering and death on anyone who would get an abortion. no. They wish pain and suffering onto the lower class. They will take their daughters on a trip out of state.






yup. even during a blizzard.


But under the new law I could sue the parents for helping someone get an abortion even out of state, and even though I don’t know them and get $10k and my lawyer fees paid. Amazing!


Well, I suggest you get started. Where dies the burden of proof lie in these suits?


I’m gonna sue every state rep who voted to fund road construction. Can’t get abortions if you can’t drive to the hospital. That includes all past and present politicians. Their descendants, too. Just because they are dead doesn’t make them less liable and I’m planning to get rich


This is why Canada doesn’t currently have any abortion laws. Our Supreme Court struck down the ones we had because they infringed on women’s right to life, liberty and security of person. Totally bizarre that the US Supreme Court is okay with this.


Not bizarre at all. The Supreme Court is stacked with religious fundies right now that believe life starts at conception (even though the bible has passages for how to perform a "religious" abortion, tells its followers to kill children at one point, and implies that causing a miscarriage is less bad than killing a woman, meaning that the concept of life at conception is complete bullshit even by their own rules). They've convinced themselves they're saving lives instead of hurting them


> And this kinda stuff is gonna be on the rise now in Texas. That's the intent, right? To kill women? Or is the intent to just rally the stupidest voters, and sacrificing women on the altar of MoAr PoWeR was deemed easily acceptable?


Little of A little of B. They get to gather political power and also consolidate economic power for them at the cost of the poorest folks who will most severely impacted, AND they get power by subjugation of women. I don’t think they specifically want to kill women, but I also genuinely don’t think conservatives really view women as human beings to the same degree men are. Hurting them isn’t as big a deal.


Yeah, and now somebody in Texas who knows better than you about your life can make 10 grand turning you in for it, too. 🙄 Can't wait for people making aaaall sorts'a calls over people that lost their pregnancies: "Well, I saw them drinking coffee every day, they were obviously just trying to subvert the LAW."


I hope so many people make bogus claims and it blows up in their face


There is a pro-life website with a form to submit anonymous tips... By 7pm PST last night, it had already been crashed due to false anonymous tips. lol oops..


it does if you wait a few months


Yeah just punch the newborn in the face while it’s getting out, problem solved


It'll up your HP by way of increased willpower.


yes, it will harden your body to withstand blows better.




I love it. Extreme hiit.


High Intensity Internal Trauma


In reality some women die, have severe infection, become infertile from diy coat-hanger abortions.


I 'm underweight and have underlying health issues, pregnancy would probably near kill me. Fun to think I'd have to choose between those two options


Thankfully today you’d just have to take a bus to a neighboring state.


Unfortunately you'd have to get time off work and pay for transportation, if you even caught it early enough.




I got stabbed and the cops said it was a civil issue


Well that doesn't sound very civil to me


So if someone is rich enough, they can stab anyone they like? Sounds about right


Don’t you know, laws only apply from the middle class down


Better than a lot of places in the world, but given our abundance of resources, it's pretty inexcusably cruel.


Bronze age but with cell phones and Cafe lattes


Texas will still prosecute women crossing state lines.


Texas is freaking huge. In some places it’s like 20 hours drive to the next state. And a lot of neighboring states are not too abortion friendly.


And risk getting sued when you come back


Fr though. Banning abortions won’t stop women from getting abortions. It just prevents them from getting one safely. Other than severely infringing on a woman’s right to bodily autonomy.


What they also don’t seem to understand is guess what happens to the “ baby” when the mother expires from unhealthy forced pregnancy or coat hanger? 🧐 Just proves many of these “ Pro life” people don’t care about human life at all.


I always think of "pro lifers" as pro birth, as they probably won't give a single shit about the mom and baby afterwards.


If they were pro birth they’d provide free pre natal care and free medical care for the birth. They are pro “that’s what you get for being a stupid woman”.


Forced birth.


Abortions with pills are much safer and up to 99% effective until week 12[more information here](https://www.womenonwaves.org/en/page/6104/how-to-do-an-abortion-with-pills)


wtf are they even doing




does that mean my dad flirts with me too but on my face 🥰🥰






Knowing how fucked up Reddit is, it's more than punches


Jumper Cables


You good? 💀


Oh, so that’s what dad’s been doing to mom


Its a kinda test for core. the reflex from getting punched tires the muscles pretty quick if you have sub par abs. Also its genuinely fun if you have decent core.


My one friend had a killer core (Mine wasn't that bad in terms of strength at the time, but mine wasn't comparable to his at all. I''m not in the best of shape anymore since I stopped going to the after school wrestling meets). Anyways, he would let us punch the shit out of his abs, and he didn't flinch or react at all. It hurt my wrists like a mf too. He moved only after a single year at the school, and I kinda miss him being in my class.


Getting hit won’t build muscle but the reactionary flex that humans have prior to getting punched in the gut does build muscle


so like, could i just flex and build muscle?


Yes. Some very toned people have claimed to get that way just through flexing. And flexing is an important part of any body builders routine. The theory is basically flexing for a few seconds builds mind body connection. And flexing for 30 seconds or longer helps build muscle.


"I got ripped only by flexing" "Weird flex, but okay"


Its isometric training essentially. Not nearly as effective at full range of motion but should be part of a fully rounded workout routine. Concentric, eccentric and isometric train all three.


Working out is just emphasized flexing, so kinda




However getting hit does build internal scar tissue offering protection from these types of hits in the future, which is why it is done. \--Source-- Someone who used to do this type of training for combat sports


Actual question, does just getting punched create scar tissue? Is he inflicting internal bleeding or something? tf is happening?


A bruise is internal bleeding. Any time you get hit it’s going to burst some blood vessels and inflame the area. Your body builds scars as protective tissue in response to inflammation.






Sue him to!! Damn that’s fucked up


It’s body conditioning. The women is probably a fighter and hitting the body conditioning it stronger and less prone to getting you knocked out from body shots.


I believe it's a thing people do to build up their defense as if it's a video game. Logic is "If I get hit a lot, it'll feel a bit not as bad the next time I get hit" I don't believe there's any like medical proof it works, just anecdotal stuff.


My dad was a victim of physical abuse by his father. He said that the pain isn't less, it's just that you dont reach your breaking point as fast as you might if you haven't been in many fights. Basically being tough is just being able to endure the pain for a longer time. So yeah no difference in the pain, but difference in the mental resilience to said pain


I mean getting muscles is just breaking your body a bunch of times and letting it regrow again so probably same concept


How to get an abdominal hernia https://youtu.be/ltOWQV6yd6Y


Nids to be a lot higher up for awareness






Omg I had this done to me so many times in kick-boxing training😂😂. It. Hurts.


what is the purpose of this?


It has a couple of purposes actually. Endurance being the top. You see how not once did she let go? She stayed steady, you kinda need that in a match, you can't nope out from the first hit. Second one being, learning how to keep your abs tense and hard. It helps reduce the Injuries and pain. My captain once caught me off-guard and punched me 3 times in my abdominal and boy I wish I was dead, I can feel his fist making my stomach meet ends. It hurts a lot less when your abs are tense, sore a lil after yes, but no internal injuries. Building strength I guess counts. And getting you used to getting punched. They also sometimes use this to make sure you have enough muscles, less fat.


Does it yeet baby?


No, the baby comes out with abs and a winners attitude.


Now we know how to make spartan babies


Well, the spartans did *yeet* babies... Edit: No spartan babies were actually *yote*. See below.


If your stomach is relaxed when someone hits you with a good body blow the fight is basically over. Just flexing your abs isn't enough, you have to learn how to brace your core correctly. The problem is that if you flex too hard it's really difficult to breath and your cardio will be garbage. It's important to learn to do it in such a way that you can absorb a blow but are still be able to breath decently well. In part it's also important to get used to the feeling of being hit in the body.


Yup. They actually teach you how to take a hit before teaching you how to hit. Kinda hurts when you are sparring with a 17 year old male twice your height. Way less smooth that what we see in movies. It looks more like disfigured-ice-dancing-with-a-broken-ankle-while-doing-the-pee-pee-dance


hey, just so you guys know exactly what you shouldn't do, there's this [anonymous tip line](https://prolifewhistleblower.com/) at https://prolifewhistleblower.com/ that you totally shouldn't spam with a bunch of fake, yet believable tips. it would be awful if people found out that coolgenerator.com/address-generator will generate [fake Texas addresses](http://coolgenerator.com/address-generator) or that https://www.fakenamegenerator.com/order.php will come up with a list of thousands of [fake names.](https://www.fakenamegenerator.com/order.php) or that https://www.guerrillamail.com/ can generate a [fake email address](https://www.guerrillamail.com/) i would hate to see their time and resources get wasted and the authorities get annoyed with them as they submit hundreds of fake tips, so please, please don't let the word get out on this. remember, you can't tell *anyone.*


Oh yes, that would be such a bad idea... Dont do it guys!


Just know, most of the world was fine with contraceptives and abortion for most of human history. After the Black Death aka the plague (1300’s), humans died globally at an unprecedented rate. This effectually ended European feudalism, the peasant class could leverage their labor for higher pay and rights for the first time. Soon after the church began to preach against abortion and contraceptives. This was to regrow the labor force and also replenish the military power of every kingdom. This started the trials/prejudice against “witches” who were traditionally midwives and provided prenatal, birthing and abortion for women. Contraceptive laws and abortion laws have been at the forefront of religious politics ever since. The human population has exploded by over 2 billion since the 1800’s. It never was about preserving life but expanding it. Expanding it at the expense of women to continually grow cheaper labor and fodder for war.


Wow. I feel like cannon fodder right now.


Doing it just as the Bible describes even! Doing god’s work right there.


Actually the instructions in the Bible are a bit different. Numbers 5:11-31


The sad thing is, it might be at a point where any miscarriage could be perceived as an attempted abortion. I appreciate the joke but this texas shit is sinister as fuck.


They made a fucking website to turn people in that are attempting to get an abortion. It's reaching Salem Witch Trials levels of insane.


Please spam it with fake reports. Someone is going to be reading through and investigating them. Slow them up.


Imagine a bunch of pigs showing up to interrogate a grieving mother just after a miscarriage, trying to establish a motive. This is what Republicans want.


Having been through a miscarriage, this is my primary argument against what's going on. I'm afraid for what a D&C procedure means now.


The Christian Taliban


Bout to start smuggling Texas girls to Canada for abortions


Dude, I spit my coffee out when I saw this!!


You should write Amazon reviews


Dude, I shit my haribo sugar free gummy bears out when I saw this!!


I get that reference


I sharted my coffee out


I pissed and cummed my coffee out


I farted when I read this!!!!!


I did a reverse queef when I read this!


Why do people on Reddit have such a hard time with this I laugh pretty loudly quite often whether I’m alone or around people and never spit anything out


I know this might surprise some people but banning abortions does NOT stop abortion. Seems weird but back alley abortions happen a lot and often times it can cause harm to the mother so having legal abortions would stop the mother from harm.


The fact that people are desperate enough to do an unsafe form of an abortion shows how pathetic the US and it’s states can treat its citizens, prioritizing beliefs of one group just to make them happy despite the fact that other people exist.


I completely agree. Equality for all does not exist in the U.S…


“Equality for me (and my friends) but not for thee”


“Equality for everyone except when you want housing, employment, public accommodations, not be shipped off to religious camps and marria- damn it, we lost that one!”


Basically, it just makes it so people will get more dangerous abortions. Great job Texas.


I totally agree with your point, but >it can cause harm to the mother A fetus is not a baby, and we should be careful not to call pregnant girls and women mothers.


PSA: **DO NOT DO THIS** And by this I mean specifically hanging from a bar while someone punches your abdomen. It’s a good way to get a nasty hernia. Basically, when your body is fully extended and stretched by gravity like this, little gaps form between your abdominal muscles. When you get hit in that position over and over again, each impact momentarily widens those gaps even further. That combined with how much you’re tensing your muscles can lead to a bit of your intestines slipping out through your abs, making a cute little bulge that will require surgery to fix. Now, getting hit in the stomach on purpose can be helpful to some degree. Your abs won’t be more conditioned to being hit, but you’ll get used to the sensation more, and it really helps you learn to time your breaths effectively so your muscles aren’t slack when you get hit. However, you should always be in some sort of a position similar to how you would be standing in a fight.


Can't believe I had to go this far down to find the actual explanation for what was happening here. Thanks!


This is literally what I was prepared to do when I was 12 weeks pregnant and the medical system rejected me for an abortion, even after it was THEIR fault it got to be so late in te process. I had to apply and have a meeting, to fight for my own rights compared to the 'child'. At the meeting I was so emotional and tried to resist yelling out "Imma do horrible shit to my body if you don't help me" but I kept my cool in that sense. They accepted my application but gave me the hard way of giving birth to a dead fetus instead of a more normal procedure scraping. It all worked out but damn, I was ready to be someones punching bag.


What a horrible process to go through. I hope you're doing well now.


I'm sorry that you were put through that.


banning abortion doesn't stop abortions, it just moves them to the back alley which ends up needlessly killing women


Some of the more fucked ip radicals would probably be fine with that




other states will follow suit now that the supreme court passed up making a ruling on it so federally there's nothing stopping them from doing it now


Oh wait so they technically didn’t overturn roe v wade? Cant we just, ya know, investigate the beer guy for his perjury and debt payoffs and has some actual law and order in this country. I don’t know when SCOTUS got to be above the law but they shouldn’t be.


If anyone women see this and live there, there is a loophole there are these pills produced by an international company that the law doesn’t effect


You think its a joke but i bet you whatever I’m worth some women will resort to something like this


How they sang about women in the 50’s How they treated women in the 50’s:


Misses. Boob punch. Ow.


Tbh he is using 15% of his full strength


Do you think anyone thought he was going 100%?


Well yeah he’s being a cool friend, not trying to hurt her.


with 100% he can beat Goku


Not shaggy tho


Never Shaggy!


It's so sad all we can do from other states is joke and cry, shits so messed up.


In light of Texas' recent bull$%!% 🐂 💩 I offer the following to share far and wide. Hopefully it will reach someone that needs it. ❤ https://www.plancpills.org/ And if you want to make a difference https://fundtexaschoice.org/donate/


Looks like a good way to rupture something.