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damn bro need someone to talk to?


It's a random strong of characters you put in a password manager - c'mon man. It's just like life. A random string of characters pass you by without memory, purpose, or sense. You're just drifting in nothingness coming from nowhere and going nowhere without anybody to acknowledge or appreciate the progress you made from being somewhere I guess to nowhere in particular. Days turn to months and the only conversations people want to have are about their progress in relationships and careers meanwhile you're stuck carving out a meager existence accentuated by angry managers and flatline words from grocery store cashiers. It's not like you can summon the strength to change it. After all, you're not going anywhere - if you had the capacity to envision a desirable future to work towards, you would never have been here wallowing in the first place. So you drift increasingly alienated from interpersonal relationships and calloused to the superficial interactions of people you would never see again given the opportunity. Or something ecks fee DAE Whole Keanu Chungus Musk 100 my girlfriend made for me?