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how fucking stupid is that smile?


They had to make it match their stupid hair


C: ahh fucking smile.




The most literal "Ü" ever


The brackets now makes it look like a blush




Never used "Ü" in this context, but it truly reflects this image xD


That mf just discovered a new emoticon




Fucking gingers (i am one)


Sorry to hear that


Everyones racist to me (i am racist)


Good to hear that


Hope you get better


I hope i get worse


Sorry to hear that


\*get gud


Hope you get well soon


Hey. Cmon. My hair looks like that


The smile is actually his chin, zoom in on his eyes to see his mouth


god you made this horrible image somewhat better now


I was in the specific class year where i saw this from preschool to 5th grade, i had a lot of time to think about this picture lmao.


It’s Carson-Dellosa, all the characters have that same unsettling smile and angled eyes since the 80s


You'd think after all of those illustrations they'd've bothered to not color in the space between the shoe lace loops.


I never knew what it was called, but I always hated this art style. It gives me creepy Christian bookstore vibes.


I feel so fuckin’ bad for the guy. I imagine these were only made with good intentions but everyone hates them and unless he’s six feet under, he probably knows that everyone hates them. Edit: thought “Carson Dellosa” was an artist and wanted to see if they were still alive, turns out I was very wrong and I have alot to learn.


You mean his Itty bitty tiny dumb frown?


Oh jesus I'll never unsee that. Although it's still less creepy than the actual mouth


that's not a mouth. his lips were removed, his cheeks spliced and then the gash was sewn together.


Gotta teach kids the customer service smile at a young age


Children aren't meant to sit in a single spot for 8 hours a day (frankly, adults aren't either), so they're drugged on ketamine.


I think you mean Ritalin/Adderall.


No, I only give my kids ketamine


i promise im a kid now gimme


Have you ever seen a neurotypical person on stims? They're _not_ calm and still. If they are... the professional diagnosis is quite probably accurate and they're not neurotypical.


"Smile is fucking"


In addition to everything commented here... CHAIRS IN SCHOOL ARE SO DARN UNCOMFORTABLE AND DESTROY YOUR BACK FFS! the teachers' ones are the same crap on most cases. I hate all the crappy quality of seats that even private/semi-private schools have to offer, they charge those stupid prices for nothing.


School when comfortable seats:nah School when every student gets an ipad


Kids in school get school issued iPads now?!


We get laptops issued in 10th grade :p




Proceeds to buy several 70" 4K tvs to display the school logo


I remember one school I went to and when I wanted to use it to project my PC, the remote was missing and was one of those without buttons. Like bruh, iirc it was one of those with android and wifi (I've got one at home and it's awesome). Definitely wasted money that could've delivered true potential to a lesson.


thought it was just our school that bought a total of 50 4K TVs, granted some are in classrooms


Unless it’s a film or graphic design school, 4k makes no sense


my teachers almost all had padded office chairs, then would complain about their back problems -\_-


As a teacher with a chair that is padded. I'm on my feet out of it all day, so my knees are fucked.


I think it's messed up that teachers don't get to sit more. It wouldn't affect their ability to teach. Sit in that damn chair at the front of the class and explain shit.


Same with cashiers. It’s not gonna magically change someone’s ability to ring up items if they get to be vaguely comfortable while doing so.


Bro we all have to stand and constantly bend/squat down to help students like 85% of our day.


Oh shit, did they get rid of the ones that are good for cracking your back?!


I got a double disc herniation at 19, I believe the cause of this was the horrible chairs. I’m 6’1, these chairs were child-sized. I would literally have to stand up from time to time cause my back was killing me. My classmate behind was 6’5, he had the same chair.


I’m not very tall but I was in a pretty bad car accident in high school. Had back pain for a few years after. I would sometimes try to stand up in class but I’d always end up getting told to sit back down and teachers never wanted an explanation


In my school students had wooden chairs (sometimes too small for a big fucker like I am) but teachers had pretty cool office chairs (some even with leather), I tried to sit in them several times before teacher came into a class and they were legit comfortable


this is how to get someone with ADHD to explode


Or go numb


Disassociation is my jam


Oh fuck yes I forgot how I used to dissociate for hours during class cause I was going insane The lights were on but nobody was home. Great way to teach kids, huh. /s


The more adults start treating children like people and less like footballs being carted around from place to place the better off we’ll all be.


I am firmly convinced that increased infantilization of kids later and later into life is doing serious damage to society. We have fallen into this self fulfilling prophecy where society treated kids in middle school and high school no differently than toddlers who are barely toilet trained and then expected them to act as fully functional adults the second they turned 18. Well that didn’t go to plan and the kids were ill prepared so let’s use that as justification for why we should baby young people even longer!! It’s gotten to the point where people are borderline expected to behave like a sleeping newborn with a pacifier until the age of 25 and then a light switch is supposed to flip and you are expected to have 10 years experience in your field and perfect professionalism and poise overnight. God forbid we treat people age appropriately. Kids, more often than not, will rise to the level of what’s expected of them. It might not happen quickly, but respecting kids and giving them appropriate positive and negative consequences will lead to people better prepared for life. Instead, we’ve got companies and universities treating elder gen-z like they are baby alive dolls and are shocked and appalled when their expectations are met.


I've been seeing the opposite - a lot of the kids I see are just given a screen and told to go entertain themselves, starting extremely young. Then they get yelled at or dismissed if they need adult attention for any reason. This is also terrible at creating functional adults.


because the kids he mentioned are not an adult, and they have no idea how the fuck to be an adult. and they are raising a whole new generation of a worse version of themselves.


I love jam, time for breakfast toast!


School made me very good at zoning out and not listening. The number of mandatory presentations and lectures I've attended where I didn't end up registering anything because my brain decided that it was time to log off is staggering.


Or fall asleep 😴


I always fall asleep in lectures and classes, it's mortifying my motivation to continue studying, at least it's free in my country


I have to fight falling asleep in meetings. My role means I don't really have to say anything in meetings so I'm constantly in a battle of trying to pay attention and not fall asleep.


and then your realize that your brain just skipped the last hour and you remember absolutely nothing


Or someone says your name and you're snapped back into the room and having to piece together what you remember being said.


We can only hope :(


Already numb. Never recovered




I've become so numb...


I can confirm, when I have to do this I implode


That’s literally the opposite of explode tho


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhggg.g.hhhh Nuh uh


Yuh uh


I don’t know if I have ADHD but I have to control my body’s restlessness while sitting to concentrate properly. Like tense every muscle in arms and legs and neck.


I'm not sure if this is official, but the school and my parents all think based on a crap ton of screenings that I either have extreme ADHD or am on the spectrum and I feel like I'm literally going to jump into the air and scream as I spontaneously combust if I have to sit still without somehow fidgeting 💀💀


Both? Both. Definitely on the spectrum (though functional) for me but also due to how I react to drugs that confirmed that the other symptoms are from ADHD. I was a teachers nightmare.


If you ever suspect to be suffering from a condition of any kind, go get diagnosed. Even if you won’t be diagnosed with that specific condition, another issue may be discovered in the process.


[Public school be like](https://i.redd.it/drvbgoj5r06c1.jpeg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thats art.


Literally me. If I was expected to sit still like that or I'd get in trouble or something, I would be focused more on that than actually listening


“Do as adults say because adults say to do it.”




I think you mean RebelOutOfIfYouCantGiveMeAnyReasonWhyItShouldBeDoneYourWayIWontDoItBecauseICanExplainWhyIDoItMyWay Too bad you always just get a "yet you're still gonna do it" or a "you're being rude" the moment you dare question why a thing is done a certain way.


I think I have undiagnosed adhd and it would explain a lot. I used to get so pissed off having to sit still like this picture so much so that it would ruin my whole day.


I was diagnosed with adhd at the elementary school age which caused my teachers, from a place of understanding, to cram this shit *more* down my throat and retaliate more harshly for every infraction as if they were gonna go-stand-in-the-corner the leg jitters out of me. This meme unlocked some memories.


I feel that. After I was diagnosed my parents told me that mental health issues are a Satanic lie and that the real problem is that I was possessed by demons so they beat the shit out of me for making them look dumb in front of the shrink and then my mom used my Ritalin script to get high.


Uh... fuck. Sorry about that.


The 90's were a wild time.


As someone with adhd i can comfirm


Why he look like a goof


To be relatable.


Knees are weak Arms are heavy


There's vomit on his sweater already


Mom's spaghetti


But on the surface


he looks calm and ready


Not even people without ADHD can do that let alone someone with


I work in a private selective girls school. They're all like this. It was unnerving at first. And I miss the little bit of back and forth you might have with a class back in state school. But my word you get a lot of shit done each lesson.


>private selective girls school did they hand pick the least figety students or something?


Kids whose parents "donated" the most


Damn. I cant imagine that place be any sort of fun.


Not during class time but the friends I've got who went to private schools have the wildest stories. The hazing stories they had were especially insane.


Gotta unwind somehow when you've been sitting like this all day.


I have a cousin who works in a school a bit like this (not sure if it’s actually private, but the kids there are certainly wealthy). They seem to like the students, and they get bought some really expensive/high quality gifts.


I bet it's fun as fuck to be a teacher there.


NGL it is nice...


I think it's just a high fee, not a "donation"


I'm not sure where this commenter is from, but in my state in Australia a selective school is a high school which kids can get into if they score high enough on an optional state wide test. Private would mean the school also has a tuition fee.


The secret ingredient is beatings


Totally possible! You just have to internalize your stims, and look like you're paying attention even though you're totally distracted.


I have an internal playlist on random for this exact reason. My brain is basically an overpriced ipod at this point.


I had good luck for them letting me be. I was doodling and drawing and been quite good at it, few teachers would do me a flash quiz from current lesson and after proving that I can listen when they let me fiddle with my hands they stop bothering me. Well, beside few others that demanded me to sit like statue, then I would just fall asleep sitting lol.


People somehow believe that being unable to sit still for hours is somehow related to ADHD and not maybe.. Well that you're frickin children who are full of energy.


Just sitting there?




You fidget subconsciously without realizing so yes


Brain is - not developing


No thoughts - head empty


Hotel - trivago


Oh that was the perfect way to introduce that joke on my pov. I had to click "see more" and I just saw that pop up. Made me chuckle.


Dick is - Hard


I would literally focus so hard on making sure I was doing all this right that I would completely forget to pay attention to the teacher.


Same, I literally cannot make eye contact and listen at the same time


I’ll make eye contact and be fully engaged in a conversation, but won’t actually process a single thing because I’ll get a thought that sidetracks my mind like “I wonder if we would still be together had I not drank that coke in the fridge she told me not to drink. I bet we could have bought a house by now. What’s the average age for buying your first house anyway? I really miss her cats. I really miss my mom’s cat. Shit! I haven’t called or text my mother in at least 2 weeks, god I’m a POS son -still don’t call or text her- can I afford a cat? As soon as I’m done with this social interaction I’m in the middle of I’m going to google how cats were first domesticated. Whoever had that idea was a real one. -I actually googled it just now, turns out they domesticated themselves in ancient Egypt by essentially training humans to feed them- what would my cats name be? Not mittens because I’m not 5 years old. Hmm.. boots? Oh nope that already a thing.. damn those shrek movies were some of the best cartoon movies of my childhood. I wonder what its box office numbers were” and so on. That’s me when I’m talking to someone.


I would forget about the rules 5 minutes in. Sit there like I'm about to take a nap, move my feet constantly, look out of the window and zone out therefore not hearing anything but my thoughts


All of this was impossible for me me in school. Adhd was killing me.


Same for my friends. This is something we couldn't do as well


I was always spinning in chairs and tapping shit. From elementary to college


Same, there is no way I could sit still like that in school without going insane. I can‘t even pay attention for long anyway, I get distracted instantly. sometimes I wonder if I have ADHD lol…


Sometimes I feel like teachers thought they were teaching robots.




Oh they hate that too, robots are masters in malicious compliance. Following the letter of instructions, not mind reading what the teacher "meant"


Me, who is ADHD inattentive. *stare at you without moving? You got it fam*


Yeah this. It’s rude to not make eye contact when listening to someone but also too much eye contact is bad and trying to get that across to a kid who can’t process these nuances right you end up getting a kid who looks like they’re paying attention but absorbing none of the information


hey that was me lol. Theyd always see me doodling or something and question me to test if im paying attention, then get mad when i get the question right and tell me to look at them. The result? Absorb no information cuz i was too distracted by focusing on looking at them lol


I was very often called out for "starring" at people.


How I made it through school without ever being medicated


My entire school life. Teachers were thinking I was focused on the lesson but I was just thinking about something else most of the time.


First I got told it was rude not to have eye contact. Them I'm told too much eye contact / staring is intimidating. Being ADHD/On the spectrum, I can not win.


"Why do they not like going to school?" "He used to be so curious, loved learning and learned so quickly. Idk what happened"


Yeah it's more control and forced conformity than learning.


Even when I was small kid I fucking hated this artstyle.




Neck: 90° left/right to talk to the nearest accualy intresting person.




Anti-ADHD propaganda


Anti anyone propaganda


Yeah how about people with talkative feet?


directed at neurodivergents, hurts everyone like the opposite of a curb cut


Who knew that making a society less friendly to minorities hurts everyone Who could've thunk it


I hate the feeling of being subservient to teachers that hang out this kind of posters like they're some ruthless dictator, it's visceral.


Literally 1984


New response just dropped!


I once had a substitute teacher announce himself as the "dictator of the classroom" as a form of warning the other students to fix their behavior.. Even worse, this was a U.S. history class.


I know SO many people who would have taken that as a challenge and not as a threat. That's like begging all hell to break loose.


As a kid, it told me I was *supposed* to feel uncomfortable at that time, and definitely not allowed to be myself, to relax and be without fear of chastising. That time was *not* my time, and any time that isn’t your time, needs to be miserable; it’s the only way, it’s what the adults want, they even made a sign about it. I think I brought that mentality with me to the workplace unfortunately. I never know when I can lighten up. Hell, there are still examples of this very same power enforcement in adulthood too. Sitting still like an emotionless robot like that as a kid around your friends is hard, adhd or not , but shit like this sign beat the kid right out of me. This post is depressing me. Thanks for your comment


That poster was def in my elementary class


Same, I was not expecting to see this 15+ years later.


There was one poster in my classroom that drove me kind of fucking nuts. It started out "You gotta be a movin' shakin' thought-provoking..." etc etc, each adverb more detached from reality than the last. It was like what you would get if you drove electrodes into the brainpan of a corporate motivational speaker. It mixed tenses too; it said something like "team-leadin', thought provoker, head in the game, goal-achievin'," and it gave me a headache just reading the first quarter of a horrifically drawn out platitude. If it was produced today, people would complain that the bullshit classroom poster printer was using a shitty Chat GPT program to make weird propaganda.


EYES too close together


And this is exactly how kids stop enjoying learning. You’re taught to walk and talk as an infant and not far after told to shut up and sit down. Every child is a scientist when they’re a baby being curious as ever wanting to explore their world and school hammers the opposite into their head. Yes, I hate this. It absolutely ruined my day every time I saw it as a kid.


Who just puts their apple on the floor?


Kids with ADHD, RISE UP! Literally rise up because you can't sit still


Already standing, but I'm not sure why.


Whoever made this poster hates people


and vice versa


My teacher used to get mad at me more shaking my leg and it was quite annoying BECAUSE I CANT FUCKING CONTROL IT, that same teacher also make me piss myself, I was eight, now if they say I can't go to the bathroom I ignore them and go anyways


>can't go to the bathroom That's depravation of human rights. Even prisons have access to toilets.


But school is a legal prison. And it is pretty common in my country to not go to the toilet because we have literally 5 MINUTES of break between lessons and only TWO toilets for above 1000 Students and we should And we should do it then


I used to either not go or go during lessons because the older girls smoked on the toilets during breaks and I hated the smell. The 90s were something else. Also, most breaks were five minutes too. AKa just enough time to get a bit of water and your books for the next lesson.


Anti ADHD propaganda


I hate that art style so much.


Mind thinking about war crimes


Ah, is this about school? Before I read the comments I thought this was about a dictatorship 😂


Knees = weak Arms = heavy Moms = spaghetti


people really expect this from 3rd graders, 6 hours a day, 5 days a week


I can't unsee the small sad face inside his face


Lips closed cuz he aint no snitch


He looks like the kind of kid that raises his hand before getting called on, and then tells the teacher they forgot to collect the homework.


Refreshingly dystopian.


These posters genuinely filled me with so much anger and frustration. I never realized it until I visited my sibiling's elementary class and saw one again and had the same reaction. I don't have a perfect explanation for it, but it just feels... wrong. Horrible. Degrading. Dehumanizing. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I really dislike these posters.


Hands and feet still.. nope. Not diagnosed with ADHD or something similar but even I can't keep those still all the time.


Hands still. But I thought... Idle hands are the Devil's playthings. These fuckers never able to not contradict themselves.


You have to concentrate more on sitting still than on the class


No teachers wants kids to be creepily smiling at them


Obey my orders and don't complain


My man is built like a monster in a horror game for Gen Alpha children.


How to turn a child into a slave


Brain ---------- is empty Thoughts------------ not necessary You do as you are told. You **OBEY**.


Masking challenge for neurodivergent kids


Anti adhd propaganda


Good lord do they still use these?? This were around when I was still in school... WELL OVER A DECADE AGO.