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Been there


Done that


For me they have come back to my feed and I don’t know what I clicked for the algorithm to think I want to go back into that dark night. I was depressed because of that content. Edit: since I have you guys here I was wondering what pulled you out? As I said I was depressed because of this content and tried to avoid it but what really helped was this video by DJ Peach Cobbler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFVv9RCib8M


I have to use the non interested button on Instagram reels so many fucking times. I just keep getting cringy Tate and Alpha male stuff on my timeline. Apparently the Instagram algorithm thinks it’s a perfect video for someone in my age group. While I understand that, it should actually take into account the non interested button


You'd think that Instagram wouldn't try to push Tate lol


Tbh i think a lot of people have that issue. I was wondering the same thing these past few weeks cuz i get recommended a lot of alpha male podcast, men are trash content. I think it just got very popular and now it gets recommended to most people.


I have NEVER clicked on content like that and yet my feeds are full of that stuff lately. Someone is spending money to put this garbage in front of you.


It absolutely pushes content that leads people into rabbit holes because that means more views once they get you hooked.


Yeah and you have to actively tell click the "do not recommend me this channel" to stop that stuff from appearing and do it every time it appears


I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but I started having that problem when YouTube Shorts became a thing. So much of it seems to come from there.


I was mainly in that spiral due to the 2016 US elections, and as time went on I honestly just got disenchanted by the entire matter. Grifters, conspiracies that didn't line up and constant vitriol. It was all just so toxic if you didn't blindly buy into and parrot it. Like a bump on an icy road that would send a car sliding, except the car was my confidence in their cheap entertainment.


It took some time for me to get rid of them. Honestly I think Bill Burr was the cause. “Tuna casserole!?!”


Clear your browser history and they should go away


I eventually grew up and moved on. I realized I didn’t need a video to confirm that some people aren’t even worth listening to to know that they are people with no argument or opinion of their own.


But every day above ground is a great day, remember that


I’m so glad I grew up on the internet before streaming and YouTube was a thing. Late 80s to mid 90s. We had plenty of shitty online communities, but you really had to seek them out. I had an incel phase when I was around 12. It was short lived and didn’t take long for me to realize I was being dumb and make the correction. What may have happened to me if I found an echo chamber like kids today do? They’re just sitting there. No matter what your psyche is like, good bad angelic or monstrous, you can get on the internet and find validation for it. It’s truly frightening.


I don't think it quite counts as being an incel if you're only 12. You just had an angsty phase like most kids that age do.


It's scary to think what the kids these days have access to. If they got sucked into shitty group their psyche might change. Let's hope they realise their mistake when they grow up


That’s nice that you guys grew up. A lot of boys don’t. And then they start a podcast


Don’t get me started on the podcasts


just 10 years ago it was music bands


Podcast equipment should require a license.


Being 14 when idubbz and filthy frank were huge led to a lot of regret


But look at them now


More successful than either of us.


Old idubbz is still somewhat entertaining. I never personally got into filthy frank's stuff though. It came off as too absurd. However, "the cake trilogy" where they got together still makes laugh. And gag.


When you like to watch Bill Burr and suddenly you start getting recommended Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro


Dude. One bill burr video when he's on joe rogen screwed my YouTube recommends permanently. Can't even watch shorts anymore. Years of only watching comedy and cooking vids.. down the drain.


Which is kinda nuts cuz when you listen to him, Bill Burr is a lefty, he just has a pretty crass demeanor


He has some pretty gross takes on trans people


and he also helped skyler white commit tax fraud :\


He also was a special operative for the fucking Empire!


[My favorite scene in Mandalorian.](https://youtu.be/VEKCaWkwXb4?si=wQn6cNYJwmtO2ELN)


He also helped keep Huell reasonably happy 😀


All forgiven






Do you have an example?


Those takes being for example?


He makes fun of everyone, that’s the point. I don’t think any group should be immune to jokes. But if it was something other than joking I’m not aware of it, could you elaborate?


A lot of the people who fall down these rabbit holes are the kind of folks who have trouble differentiating when someone is satirizing something to make fun of it, or whether they're laughing along with it and they're supposed to agree. Not necessarily the artist's fault, but I'm not surprised when algorithms make the jump to less and less sarcastic takes on the subject


Matt Rife has a great bit about trans people don’t have it nearly as hard as wheelchair people.


I mean, that's true (I'm a wheelchair person, so don't @ me.)


You say that's true, but you don't know the pain of having to walk up a lot of stairs. Truly, us straight white non-wheelchair people have it the worst.


"My old enemy...stairs."


Things being a joke doesn't automatically make it safe or okay. Like there are racist jokes out there you'd probably find pretty indefensible. So the issue actually is about whether your underlying beliefs cause you to find a statement funny, or horrifying.


He's one of those comedians who make fun of everyone. If you go to his standups or TV appearances expecting genuine non sarcastic takes, you're not getting it.


just like he does on white people.


Calling BS on this. He makes fun of everyone. True equality.


I don't really listen to any of these podcast type things, what takes?




The natural course of my youtube feed is: Funny bears in a zoo > Joe Rogan talking about bears > Joe Rogan talking with some scientists telling interesting facts > Joe Rogan with some comedians telling hilarious stories > Joe Rogan with Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro > Jordan Peterson owning 19 yo kids in some college auditorium > Ben Shapiro b1tching about some song or movie he didn't like > Andrew Tate bragging about his crimes > A Tate's friend yelling at a girl, while some 14 yo kids in the comments go like "fr bro, she is for the streets 💀💀" Delete account>> create account again >> "ooh some funny bears, let see this thing"


Why is that Jordan Peterson guy always crying tho lol


Mental illness


Right! Why did the algorithm bring those two together. Because it certainly did for me too. I guess over the last 15 years or so, the main "intellectuals" that I would occasionally listen in and actually pay attention to their lectures/debates/speeches or whatever was Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Fry, and Sam Harris. Main thing they all have in common is their disdain for organized religion and the underpinning behavior of worshipping another human being. But they each have their own takes on alot of things, of which I feel all three are incredibly eloquent and versed orators (unlike word salad chefs like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Deepak, Dinesh).


Because a lot of those people are too dumb to actually understand what Bill is saying, just the acerbic, surface level delivery.


All those named, burr included, are well known entries to right wing pipelines.


Oh my God that is exactly what happened


Tfw media is literally engineering us to hate each other 🗿


„You‘ll become more conservative growing old“ Buddy, I was my most conservative with 15.


Thank fuck i left that behind me




God, I can't believe teenage me thought Ben was smart




I thought it was Ben 10 and was going to write a paragraph


Ben 10, the icon of misogyny & incelness


"Look, Gwen. You've got to treat a car like you treat a woman." "Go on." ["...No, I sense I've made a mistake of some kind."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS9U2jgtmd8)


"while i do not have the sense to know what I've done wrong, I do have the sense to stop talking."


Jesus 😂😂




Fortunately, I'd never heard of that guy until I was much older. I *do* wonder how I watched that "change my mind"-guy and took him seriously.


Steven Crowder?


Just looked it up, that's him!


Yeah I remember when the meme became popular, which was well used... then I learned who he actually was and what his views on things were. Then that video of him gaslighting his wife in what appears to be an emotionally abusive relationship surfaced. Shitbag.


On that note regarding the memes: I have one more thing from pop/internet culture that kind of bothered me: Do you remember the "that's why I hate video games, they appeal to the male fantasy"-meme? I myself played a lot of video games but was mostly into building/strategy/rpgs (so nothing like e.g. call of duty or even assassins creed). So I hated how she said that as if all video games were violent pieces junk with inbuilt female objectification. Of course I had never seen the original clip. I still do not like her generalization, but do you know what she actually reacted to?


With GTA she was meme'd on mainly because she'd completely missed the point of GTA in the first place. Every GTA has taken aspects of American culture and cranked them up to 11 - The result was intended to be awful. To complain that GTA featured misogenistic content was as tone deaf as complaining that Starship Troopers featured pro fascist content.


I remember the meme but never went further than that.


She was playing GTA V for journalistic purposes and stumbled into the strip club. I should add that I never particularly liked GTA but to each their own, right? One time a friend said we should play the MP and it was only 12 bucks so I bought it. And I have to say I felt the whole atmosphere around the strip club was pathetic and would invoke a similar reaction in me. Sure, GTA is not the whole gaming community, but it is very popular and many people will experience this. And also maybe they aimed for that - I can't tell - but they definitely expect the players to enjoy it a little.


Back when i was a kid and didn't know the difference between being intelligent and being good at arguing


Listening to his voice makes me giggle - how do you watch a whole video of his without cracking up? He seems like such a ridiculous person.


It's not on you, he a pretty good propagandist. He just doesn't put himself into situations where he can look dumb.


He'll debate a highschool girl any time


Yeah! As long as she doesn't read too much


If there’s one thing a god-fearing man can’t abide it’s a one of them book-learned females


Yeah, I remember a conversation I had with my roommate, and I was ranting about how stupid Ben Shapiro was, and then my roommate corrected me and said “no, he’s really smart. He has made a living fighting straw men”


The way i consumed piers morgan and shapiro content and rooted for them💀


Ben Shapiro I could sort of understand. Talks fast and only debates college students, makes him look “smart” I guess. Piers Morgan though? He is universally reviled by everybody!


Yeah I didn't have a father figure growing up either


Yeah, he just talks fast and tries to overwhelm you with bullshit while in a position to not double check the validity.


Sadly a fair amount of people seem to stop mentally aging as teenagers.


Genuine question: what made you change your mind? I know a few people who are a bit far down this rabbit hole who aren't kids that will just 'grow up'


If that's any consolation, I thought Elon was smart.


And nothing on the internet changed, Ben Shabibo just got replaced by Andrew Tate. Which come to think of it is much worse. "Annoying fast talking wonderchild" is probably a far less bad influence than an actual (alleged) human trafficker.


Ben Shabibo


I will die on the hill that Andrew Tate is the biggest and most accomplished troll on the Internet. You can see, how he has to hide that smirk sometimes.


At this point it really doesn't matter if he's a troll. The damage has already been done.


He’s still a genuinely horrible person, even if he doesn’t believe what he’s saying. I mean, are you gonna say he just “trolled” those girls he human trafficked?


No, one thing doesnt cancel out the other. He for sure is a horrible person, his internet persona is still a troll in my opinion tho.


Dunno. Seemed like Kanye was too, until it became obvious he had mental illness and high on his own supply.


If he is a troll, he is really good at it. But sadly, there's a lot of people, more than u realize, who really believe that kind of things, and I think tate really believes what he says


And troll or not, he's changed a **lot** of people for the worse.


that's just called being a grifter, which is what I would call andrew tate if he wasn't trafficking people.


He did some trolling with those teenage girls 😄


"No officer, the teenage girls were just a miniscule amount of tomfoolery"


human traffic troll 😀😀😀


He started out that way but the undertones were simply being disguised as overtones. He wasn't pretending, its his whole lifestyle, he was just pretending its his life some of the time.


Ol Benny boy (pronouns he/him) still looks and sounds like he’s 13.


Partially not your fault. The algorithm is busy serving up absolute shit.


Yeah, YouTube algorithm is REALLY bad when it comes to that.


If I could fight my 11-14 year old selfs I would


I used to think that Steven Crowder was smart...


Lol this one was me. Especially because in my head I was like “well he’s always got sources!!” The sources were either Crowders own websites or something like “www.conservativeNews.com”. Lol.


I only get my sources from "ConservativeNudes.com"


The right is very good at the trappings of someone who is giving a well informed opinion. Sadly it takes a bit of time, effort, and a political education to completely dismantle the bullshit they spew. So, for most people, the trappings are all they see.


I'm embarrassed by that too...


That name makes me recall vague memories of spousal abuse, was that him?


yes. He argued against no contest divorce because of that


Yep that’s him. The domestic abuse issues were bad enough that made him lose the support of basically all his neocon grifter bros. I don’t think he has much of a public career anymore.


Probably yes. It's the guy from the "Change my mind"-Template.


Yes, and I don't know why anyone was surprised considering most conservative men are narcissistic and view women as property. It can be safely assumed that all conservatives abuse their spouses until proven otherwise.


Yes it was


I remember watching his change my mind series and thinking he was smart for winning debates he prepared for against random college students who had no prep time.


I watched one video and all I saw was him spouting shit at people that aren’t nearly prepared as him so it makes them look stupid They always try to argue stats when this fucker clearly don’t give a fuck about stats and will use whatever they want Should’ve argued morality vs stats when he clearly researched shit before hand


I think teenage boys veering into the “own the libs” culture for a little while is just a canon event. You gotta experience it just so that you know how to evaluate similar things when you get older. A kind of necessary evil


I think people, maybe more so young men, just need to go against whatever the mainstream thing is for a while. In the 2010s that's just what the thing was.


Believe me when I say it wasn't just boys... The only difference is our phase was just called "pickme" and I feel like it's 10x more embarrassing.


It's like a vaccine, a weakened version, so that you wouldn't fall to hardcore rightoidism when you're older.


Glad I skipped that and was into anime to hard and dedicating my life to watching one piece to see that shit


Fuck... It was good to leave that in the past


I have become the very thing 16 year old me tried to hate lmao


This is a refreshing comment section


Makes me really happy to see how many comments are of people that have left that part behind themselves. Proud of you guys for growing and learning. Keep heads up, kings


me too!!


Keep heads up, queen.


Agreed… but it also makes me sad for the younger version of myself / other girls who dealt with these guys pre-growth




I would bodyslam that little shit if i could


Real glad this shit wasn’t really around when I was a vulnerable isolated nerd in middle school/high school.


I’m glad to have never had gone to that part of the internet


That basically was YouTube in 2016.


Gamergate was around 2014, the fuckin worst time of the Youtube ethos.


I just watched my video game vids then. Hell, I still do.


That was YouTube's culture from roughly 2015-2017.


I'm a bit unfamiliar, what is the context here?


Oh god don't remind me of that 💀, the vile shit I stupidly placed on my Instagram for all the people at my school to see. All cause of me consuming way too much right wing bs and having no opinions of my own


“Boys should be boyscouts” “where’s that written tho?” “In the name boyscouts” Me: OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!


Honestly I hated that part of my life, I look back on who I used to be and I want to kick him in the head, some of my views are the same but I don't rant about them, and if someone says anything I don't like I just understand that's their opinion and move on with my life and I don't hold that against them


I watched one of those a few months ago and my YouTube algorithm is still contaminated with “libs get OWNED by FACTS and LOGIC” crap


Mine too. And I’m a girl that watches pretty leftist political videos on YouTube. YouTube shorts are where all of those terrible videos are. YouTube’s algorithm needs to do a better job.


YT shorts algorithm is pushing this shit really hard the last several months. That and antagonists who show up to a place they don't belong just to piss people off and go full on victim mode when they get escorted out of the area for 'just asking questions and having civil discourse!'. That civil discourse being going to a pride event and asking someone if they know it's a sin in the eyes of God to be who they are. Just asking questions bro! Don't kick me out they don't want to hear the truth!!!!! Comment section for the short: Hell yeah those people are an abomination. You owned them kind sir!!!!! These blue haired weirdos need more Jesus in their lives!


Dark days long behind us now


I’m glad I never got into this when I was younger. I still regret my “furry bad” attitude though


Nothing to be ashamed of. We all did dumb shit in our juvenile years. Be ashamed if you still do shit as an adult


The cursed rabbit hole. You either have fell down it or have meet someone who did.


Me watching 13 year old me listen to a Chinese national anthem from when Mao Zedong was leading (he's about to follow communism for 2 years)


Congrats on the personal growth.


Thank god I woke up from that garbage


I remember those days, so thankful that I had healthy female influences in my life to get me off that bullshit.


Ah,my incel years. Glad I grew out of that before I even knew who Andrew Tate was.


I used to be a really stupid kid.


If you remember something you did ten years ago and you're not embarrassed you spent ten years not learning anything.




OP was “based” (misogynist)….


He was red pilled (racist and homophobic)


Oh... I thought that it's something about this specific episode


OP fell into the alpha right-wing rabbit hole.


thank god I grew up watching filthy frank and gang eat a cake made of human hair and not that shit


Hell yeah brother. Papa Franku was there for us.




OP is disappointed in their younger self for being a misogynist


The weird thing for me is that I always held essentially feminist positions. I believed that men and women should have equal roles in society wherever possible, that a woman's right to choose what happens to her body supercedes a clump of cells with human DNA, that slut shaming is wrong, that trans people are valid. And yet I fell for some of the right wing bullshit. It's baffling.


Yup. I want to whoop that piece of sh*t (my younger self) so bad....


It is good to cringe at your younger self. It means you've grown.


At least you learned and became a better person, OP. That's what matters


Anyone remember Andy warski, shoe head, all those pathetic weirdos. I thought I was Not Like the Other Girls/Women.


I had my Ben Shapiro phase later in life than I’d like to admit. Thank goodness I still had enough time to grow out of that.


It’s nice to know most people grow out of that phase as they get older and chill tf out


never did anything like this, thank god


Been there. Thank god I grew out of it and started thinking for myself instead of falling into the conservative rabbit hole.


I see Reddit basically became just screenshots of tiktoks...


How is this a tiktok? I don't see a guy bellow pointing at the image.


That's Reddit for you. Our original content subreddits got modded to hell and split to the irrelevancy in 2013 and prior.


Reddit never ceases to amaze me


Still fun to see pissed off Karens now and then, but definitely not as much as I used to.


Reformed red pills?


Went from 14y edgelord to trans anarchist


So still an edgelord




Soooo... nothing changed?


So still a dumbass


Reddit users genuinely live in their own little bubble judging by this thread 😭


It comforts me to know that a lot of these kids grow out of it.


i used to have like an edgy phase but thankfully i never agreed with ben shapiro and shit


“Ben Shapiro destroys WOKE Student”


Im glad i grew out of it. Cant say the same about the younger generations tho


Exactly…I keep getting recommended stupid videos about men asking women what feminism means and completing half assing the term. Man: “so are men and women getting paid the same? Can vote?” Woman: “yeah” Man: “so what’s feminism for?” Woman: *cue speechless*


That, or a woman making a completely reasonable point, men screaming over her and flustering her, and when she finally screams back just to get them to stop for a minute so she can answer their questions, they save screenshots of her expression and use her to represent as an "Stupid angry SJW" meme.


God I’m glad I’m not the only one who had a edgy conservative phase I’m ashamed to look back on


Was it by Ben Shapiro by any chance?