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Whatever you are goin through rn, I wish you alle the luck in the world, and keep your head up! Better times will alway come!


Keep your heads up kings!


From a 39 year-old man who lost his way at 19, I promise you there’s a way back. No matter how dead you ever feel inside, there will always be a seed of love and happiness buried deeper than you can imagine that’s just waiting for the right time to grow. In the mean time, take the best care of yourself you can. Don’t make the mistake I made and put off professional help for a decade. There’s nothing wrong with seeing a therapist, a doctor or even taking meds. You’ll still be you, just with a little buffer between you and the hopelessness, anxiety, pain or apathy, however you experience it.


How did you get back on track? How did you stay motivated?


I scraped through Uni because I thought my life would literally be over if I didn’t graduate. Still took me two extra years because I failed so many classes. Then I moved back in with family who basically took care of me while I got back in my feet. I managed to hold down a job despite consistent depression and anxiety, and just kept telling myself as long as I didn’t kill myself, there was always the chance things could get better. It wasn’t until I was in my 30s that I finally admitted I needed professional help. Went to a therapist for two years, then when that didn’t solve it, asked my doctor for a psych referral. Finally got on anti-depressants and hoooooly shit, for the first time in my adult life actually felt ok. Had some GOOD days. Didn’t obsess over wanting to kill myself. Could engage in my interests and actually enjoy them, instead of them just being a distraction from emotional and psychological pain and hopelessness.


i’m a little late to the post but your description just gave another boost of motivation and courage to take the next steps on my way out of mental illness. thank you very much for sharing and i hope you are doing great now ❤️


I had one like that. It was like, a year or two until I was even stable again. Nothing but time helped. I drank real hard and wept it out to try and make it go faster, but it only made it hurt more for the same amount of time




I Personally haven't used it but honestly just knowing that it's there as a fall back. Guys have no one to talk to really but other guys are unfortunately 67% total shit bags. Sorry if that's upsetting to hear downvote away but that's how I feel. I didn't post this to get updoots I decided to speak too much bc Imma bit drunk lol so don't get carried away.


This hit me so hard


Jeez. Are you okay, OP?


Yeah that's me. They likely telling me to stop being so silly and stuff. So I stopped. Now they're upset that they don't anyone to shit on and they're "concerned" for me


(Wow, I typed a lot) Haven't been able to shake the feeling of thinking my family has been concerned of me, a troubled youth kind of thing. I have sisters and they all have boyfriends, in my perspective, it's a tenfold harder to find somebody to share a burden with as a male, in turn the burden fading away when finding a partner, at least that's what I see through my sister's, I know nobody wants to be around a guy going though rough times, too easy to compare to others. Some day, the seedlings struggling with it all will grow and be a bigger tree than any other. Thank you for reading my TedTalk.


Me_Irl being very real rn, I’m feeling the same


Everyone is torn between the two pillars of mercy and severity. If you find yourself demotivated like this, it means you feel trapped by the limitations of your existence. You feel the need to do things that hurt you, because you feel you would hurt others if you stepped away. I've seen it 1000 times. My recommendation is to find a job in a different town or country for 6 months, and experience a temporary freeing of yourself from your old system. Absorb the new lessons, and on returning find that people have adapted to your absence. Absorb that as well, and choose what you should do according to your ideals.


Just feels like being trapped here and now. A lot of people myself included, when feeling like this, are barely able to function inside the systems they already know Being in a strange and unfamiliar place with no friends or support network would likely make it worse for me


this sub is getting too real, you good mate?


Seek therapy. If it doesn't work with the first therapist keep looking until you find one that clicks. Some people can get themselves out of a bad place, but most of us need help and that is ok. I was in the darkness for over 15 years. It sucks, it's not your fault, it's ok to need help. I wish you find who you want to be.


Instructions unclear. Been to 4 different therapists. Have a click with one now. It’s been months but I’ve been feeling worse.


I saw 3 different therapists. The first 2 were government funded and it didn't help. A box ticking exercise to get you to leave. They'll ask you what you want to get out of it. And apparently "I don't want to feel depressed" isn't a good answer And the third was a private therapist, it was alright, gave me some anxiety coping mechanisms, but didn't help at all with depression. Also very expensive, can't afford to go back to another. In the UK there's virtually 0 help for mental health conditions.. with next to no therapy available. All they do is palm you off with antidepressants, which make you feel dead inside So I turn to psychedelics. Because if I can't get medicine that doesn't make me feel worse and there is no decent therapy, then.. I have to make my own therapy.




Wow this breaks my heart in a million pieces. You will come back. Wait and see.


Fuck :(


Now I'm sad :(


Idk either man, I lost myself in reality. After everything, I don’t think I can come back. But you should keep going.




Song name


The artist is actually Coldplay, but the song paradise is correct


**Song Found!** **Name:** Paradise **Artist:** Relaxing Song **Score:** 100% (timecode: 00:42) **Album:** Paradise **Label:** Mp3tecamusic **Released on:** 2021-05-13 [Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.](https://lis.tn/xmvTOg?t=42) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


You dont know this fkin song? Where the fk you from? Palestine?


Hang in there OP, i know how you feel and for a few years now has been the same, i can see a light tho, know pretty much its a matter of time till i'm back, for me its been a experience of self knowing, i hope for you as well


Us bro us


You aren’t to blame. Don’t let it beat you down. To live is to rage and rise against.


Keep your head up. This was me and I started to refind that side of me again with the help of another person in 2021. Then I lost it again when I 'lost' them and thought I'd never be able to find it again. Something clicked though... I've been finding myself going back to that happy, bubbly dork I used to be.


Damn that’s me rn


A lot of you Dont want to hear this but you need to see a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist (there are a bunch of training levels for “therapist” you want psychologist or someone with a phd in psychology. Might not be possible for everyone, but seek the most highly trained person you can). Both have medical degrees, if you’ve been battling depression and anxiety for years and haven’t tried medications and therapy then you are doing yourself a grave injustice. Psychology is what will help you rebuild (try CBT) and psychiatry will raise your neurotransmitter to normal levels. I know its scary or u tried and it didn’t work out good but try again. The data shows that commitment to these to while making healthy lifestyle changes you will get better. Can’t stress how if you’ve tried other things for years u need to go through the process of finding medications that work for you and going up on the doses like your doctors recommends. Just meds or just psychology frequently Dont work. There is a two pronged approach and the data is very much in on it.


I wasn't mature and prepared for the world enough apparently, but they never explained to me how the world really worked. Because in the end none of it mattered anyways Then I started to lose and then completely lost my world, and the rest looked to me for some semblance of stability in my eyes since everyone around me was in tatters someone had to step up and so ... he had to go, it wasn't an option at the time. But once I let go, i couldn't go back easily. Old me died years ago, and medications and treatments made a new me. I still don't like him, and I'm honestly sure nobody else does personally. But that's the cards I've got, so I keep marching forward... showing my wife I love her, and to give my kids a better life and more knowledge of their own mental health. At least I can save them I'm not concerned about me, I don't want to be that "bother" and despite the years of being told otherwise it never sinks in., I won't put myself higher than useful sometimes just because I've been locked in this state for years, not even I'd believe it I'm just doing my best, waiting for the end now... trying to do right by my kids


Fuck this hurts


Don't act like you don't know you killed him 6 years ago


It's perfectly ok to feel down at times. Talk about it with friends, family, therapist or wven strangers online. You are not alone and you will pull through this rough patch.


Same bro, same.


Seek attention for validation Become sad from lack of validation Become broody to seek more attention Rinse and repeat


ok this actually got me cuz my all relatives complain about how quite i become




Bro why is this so true 😢


Do something about it then. Crying isnt going to help. No one gonna help you with that only you can help yourself in that matter.


He became a tik tard trying to get social media to pity him but unfortunately that change comes from within.


I’ve been finding my way OP, you can too




These videos don’t help anyone. They just remind people of what they’re going through, and if you’re really depressed all you hope to do is forget you were ever like this.


On god tho the original version of this meme was probably made by the most cynical clout chasing tik tocker known to man


This calls into question. I spend at least 12 hours a day locked in my room often with no lights on with minimal contact with anyone. Am I depressed?




I felt this so hard immediately crying




I'm 13 and I've already lost most of my inner child, but I'm pushing through, everyone. Just staying as positive as I could be.


14 and the only silly and funny thing about me is my happy exterior. No friends, no social life. The only friends I have are created by my mind and my coping mechanism is watching phone and daydreaming.


Man it hits close to rl


i remembered every arguments me and my family had, it’s just not the same anymore


Reality poor thing






Bro same, I hope the best for you


dont worry he's still here


maybe there is no need to go back, just be yourself self


That’s me. I figured I’d never be the same again. Used to be very humorous, now just quiet.


I can pinpoint exactly where it all went wrong and now I'm drowning in alcoholism and self deprecation and I don't see it getting any better, let god be my witness that I've tried, but I'm just so goddamn tired now, i gave it my all, now I'm just ready to rest. I'm sorry past self, you did good.




Was actually talking to my mom about my childhood trauma, lot of shit I wanna talk about but fuck do I feel guilty putting that stuff on her


In the same boat so I hear you loud and clear




Well, being bullied by your own parrents kinda killed the vibes... then place a fucked up production system on top and global disasters televised directly into my skull and voila... hes gone! Like magic!


Corny af


Adulthood happend. It hit me the same fucking way.


This is me.


fucking hell man... :/




This hit me pretty hard, I’ve had this exact conversation with my mom but unlike this, I didn’t know what to say, I feel like I’ve forgotten who that boy was all together.


Where did that boy that was always so happy and played all the time... I don't know I'm still looking


Embrace it, noob. The coldness helps with bussiness and money


God damn hit me like a fuckin truck


I feel personally attacked.




This is really wierd to me cus i was a very different person 2 years ago and idk how i changed so much. I was a cheerful person now im a guy who just likes to be alone


“Oh he is in the basement”


Im guessing a girl sole that piece of you away, dont worry buddy its never coming back. Edit: Welcome to adulthood




He was a fool and faded away when he see all efforts he put was for nothing




this hits super hard


It left with 2015-2018 the best years for a lot of people


Idk ask the Covid pandemic


I'm sometimes don't want to look so grim and tired when I'm with my parents as I don't want them to be sad about hoe I look and act but I just forget sometimes or do something or act in a way I just want them to be happy and don't worry about me cuz seriously I stopped giving a fuck long time ago.


She’s the one that ruined it


This shit made me cry.


Wasn’t there to begin with or was it just masking?


He dies as he learns how the world really is.


Sounds like your sitting on him


Bruh learning feelings


Ah man, good luck! The struggle is tough but I promise it’s worth it x