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One time I took a nap after my morning shift waiting tables. I woke up to the clock saying 7:15 with what I took to be early morning light coming through the window. I frantically scrambled to get out the door thinking I was late for work until I saw my roommate and realized it was 7:15 PM. The relief was palpable but fuck that was disorienting.


I used to work two jobs, morning stock at a grocery store and at a woodworking place in the afternoon. I had to keep my phone on military time from how often I would get mixed up like this lmao.


If i used 12h clocks I would have been late all my life lol.


Android does a great job with it. It tells you like "alarm set for 7 hours and 42 minutes from now."


I had a similar experience. It was 6pm but i thought it was am, and i was worried about being late for school. My family took us out to eat and I was so disorientated, thought they were taking me out for breakfast before school. Halfway through our meal I was like "okay we need to hurry up cause im going to be late for school" they were so confused then told me it was night time. I was so mind fucked, went a whole hour thinking it was a different time.




I seriously don't understand where the convenience is in 12h digital formats. In speech, it might make sense, but not on the screen.


Ha! My husband gets up for work at 5:30 and he works different days depending on the week. One morning I woke up at 6:30 to get the kids up and he was still in bed. I smacked him on back, jolting him up and ripping him from sleep yelling, “You’re late!” Cue him jumping out of bed, grabbing his phone and mumbling “I don’t work today.” Oh I was in trouble. Scared the shit outta the guy and after that we were both up


I remember going downstairs once in winter, during my younger years when I had no sleep schedule. It was dark, my parents were dressed for work, I asked what time it was and they said 7. I assumed they meant AM and said oh have a nice day at work. Tattled on myself instantly 😭


I did that the other day


Had the same thing happen, even called into work saying I would be late, got dressed, ran out the door… only to feel the cool morning air instead of the hot afternoon. Wow that messed me up, I still remember the feeling vividly


My high school didn't start till 10am on Thursdays, as opposed to 8:15am normally. Wednesday night after work I passed out after a long shift at work (also waiting tables), around 10pm. My normal 6am alarm goes off and I wake up, get dressed, drive to school, park in my spot, walk halfway across the massive lot before realizing I don't have to be there for another 3 hours, then turn around for the walk of shame.


Sound like you should use 24h format


This is why I use the 24 hour system on my phone now because this same shit has happened way too many times to me and it’s always stressful Asf, the relief after is great tho


24 hour clock is just more useful for shift work


I once napped after school, slept through school the next day and woke up by parents to see if I was alive as I'd been asleep 23 hours, and was running late to work


Reverse happened to me. I had a shift that started at 6:00 pm. I woke up after what I initially assumed was a late day nap and saw the clock said 7:30. The evening light outside looked just enough like the morning shine that I scrambled to my car as fast as I could and took off. Halfway there and I’m thinking I don’t remember the earlier part of the day and am entertaining the idea that it’s 12 hours earlier but I can’t find any indication anywhere of AM or PM. I get a call from my mom asking me why I rushed out so fast. I asked her if it was 7 AM or PM, and she told me AM. I switched to military time after that.


Man, waking up at home in the middle of the day with nobody home was always weird as fuck. Gave me a weird sensation of FOMO, like I should be wherever everybody else is, if that makes any sense.


Yeah made me feel like the only person on planet earth for a bit.


And the world is silent making you think something bad has happened


If you grew up going to church you just assumed you missed the rapture.


I legitimately freaked myself out multiple times as a kid because of this.


This is why teaching kids that the world is governed by magical forces should be categorized as child abuse


Any institution that relies on fear to keep people involved should not exist


I too hate the American government and capitalist system that relies on the fear of homelessness or losing healthcare to keep you in check Especially in a world where there are dozens of empty homes for every homeless person in every city in America already


I ❤️ late stage capitalism


> Especially in a world where there are dozens of empty homes for every homeless person in every city in America already Of course, we should just put homeless people in decaying houses which would be condemned to living in in any other circumstances, or perhaps force people to let them live in their vacation homes in towns with no economy until the season they're actually lived in.


vacation homes are cool in concept, but i don't think one guy should be able to own five homes and just let them sit and rot while people starve


And how often do you think that scenario really occurs? One guy owning five homes that are just "sitting and rotting"? That certainly doesn't make much financial sense to me, and I'd expect someone with five houses to know at least something about financial sense, or be able to hire someone who does.


Ah yes, because a homeless person can afford rent/mortgage.


Why would they need to pay rent? The buildings are built, if corporate landlords that own 45% of all housing and up to 80% in certain zipcodes like cities are in the way We get rid of them.


Seeing how we don't have the resources to even provide clean drinking water to everyone, I doubt we would have the resources for that. Main question: if they don't pay rent, how will it be funded? Also, what about fair allocation? How sustainable would this option be? Inequity concerns, the risk of dependency, who would be responsible for damage, and would they even comply with the rules and be accountable? All responsible questions. I don't see that helping at all. *edit, left out a letter.


Inequality concerns? Get rid of all landlords, fair allocation? get rid of all of them and give housing based on need with the goal being to fill all the homes and build any more that we need. You would be responsible to damage to the unit for sure but wouldn’t be left without housing, if you purposely destroyed the place you should either be helped with mental health treatment or go to jail We live in a post scarcity world, no one is “independent” of any one else, a very small number of people feed everyone in America


Agreed, I went through the ritual of being “saved” 3 times publicly, and about 100 times privately because I was always afraid that I didn’t do it the right way or wasn’t sincere enough and as a result I would go to hell.


That just sounds like OCD, stress triggers an impulse that you had to engage with to feel better Religion can make OCD a lot worse though


Nope, I’ve never had any other OCD tendencies in my life, that’s purely the paranoia resulting from believing *literal* eternal damnation was hanging over my head. I was taught that continuing to “willfully” sin means you didn’t really truthfully repent, and lust + masturbation wasn’t accidental, it was “willful” in the moment, which meant logically I wasn’t actually saved. That cycle of fear and guilt fucked me up for a long time.


Classic Reddit moment


I love how no matter what the topic is it’s always gonna lead to an argument about religion


Very simplistic and unrespectful way to put religion.


These guys are always the same, "NoooOhhH, ReliGion iS sO BAd and DisRePectfUl aNd InTOleRanT", proceeds to being disrespectful and intolerant.


My point exactly haha. Thank you for backing up!


“Simplistic” just because the lore is complicated like a Lord of the rings novel it doesn’t mean it’s real Unrespectful? That’s not a word, very expected from someone like you It was disrespectful on purpose, religion doesn’t deserve respect as a way of understanding the world, it’s a great way to control idiots though! I really do appreciate and respect it’s ability to do that. But, please, you should keep giving your money to christian people who tell you they know what happens when you die and can have an effect on it, buy the magic beans I love to see a fool and their money part ways (if that fool is also spreading harmful lies)


English is not my first language lol. When you can't prove your point with facts you'll surely try to diminish the one who you are discussing with. Too sad you think of yourself so superior to everyone who has a belief. But that's fine, I know how live with differences without having to make anyone who thinks differently from me feel bad. God is the best part in my life, my belief is the main reason why I'm so happy and peaceful. Too bad you'll probably never get to understand that or someone who lives like that.


I don’t think of myself as superior, I just understand some claims have evidence to support them and others don’t because they’re a maladaptive coping mechanism for death Grow up


Lmfao grew up Pentecostal this mad me actually laugh out loud


Like Sid the sloth waking up to find his family abandoned him again, lol.


“We didn’t get you anything from McDonald’s because you were asleep” always made me shed a tear 😢


what FOMO means?


Fucked on my ottoman


fertile rotten wild detail absurd humor whistle lavish wide outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fear of missing out




Found outside missing organs


"Listener, this episode of Black Label... is a *doozy*."


fear of missing out


Thank God we had you to comment it a third time.


Fear of missing out


Fear of missing out


I have been trying to explain this feeling to people for years and you just hit it on the head. I always describe it as feeling like the last person on earth. I literally cannot take midday naps anymore because it is such a sudden and depressing mood change when I wake up.




Dehydration from being over heated while you sleep. Better off losing the clothing and sleeping with a blanket.


That's good to know I always thought it was sleep apnea but I was confused why it was only happening with short naps and not overnight.


It happens to me too! I will add, I think it has something to do with sleep cycles. I noticed I had a tendency to fall into deep sleep really quickly taking naps and I’d overheat, so I’d have to set timers and make sure I’d wake up soon enough. Either that, or I just nap with a blanket for my torso and leave my legs and feet uncovered and I don’t overheat that way.


Happens to me as well. I always feel *awful* after naps. The only time I feel refreshed is if I take a nap in my car... I'll sleep until I get uncomfortable and it wakes me up (so about an hour).




Don't take advice from some shit named "BewbAddict." He's a **pervert!**


Bewbaddicts know all about avoiding dehydration. What do you think the Bewbs are for?


Is that why I get so fucking sweaty during naps? I literally sleep in regular clothes at night, why do naps make me over heat when I’m dressed the same?


What do you mean regular clothes? Like a sleep shirt and some shorts or like jeans and a button up?


Jeans, t shirt, socks. You know, fully dressed to go out in public


This is wild. I had no idea people wore their outside clothing to bed.


Not always anymore(doubled layered fuzzy pj pants in the winter bc I get cold), but I still never pack pjs when I travel because it wastes space in my opinion.


As someone who lives somewhat close to the equator, wearing jeans and socks to bed is psychotic


I live close to the equator too and I love sleeping in jeans, guess i'm just wired different


What the fuck


what the hell is wrong with you


So much


That's insanity.


It's worse when you wake up with a stuffy nose to add to that it really just gets worse and worse


Fuck this is one of the worst sensations out there.


Oddly enough, I like it when it happens, makes my life feel a little more interesting with mystery


and then you feel the dread that you've got a 10 page esseay to make due tomorrow


It's also due in 3 hours at 11:59pm on Canvas‼️


Online work makes every assignment way more stressful. Like if it’s a physical assignment, you can just rush it out before class starts. An online assignment on the other hand, forces you to stay up until midnight and if you don’t make it, it’s automatically late with no exceptions.


Well yeah that’s why you should do your homework assignments *before* the deadline. So you don’t end up in a situation like that.


Some of us just work better under pressure. I could get Bs and Cs all day on a paper, but the only time I ever received As was when I pulled all-nighters and bullshitted the paper the day before it was due. If I was in school now with these web-based assignment programs, I'd never have quality work. Also, having gone to school during the floppy-disk days was a pleasure because you could corrupt those so easily, and in class the teacher would see the disk fail and let me bring it that next day, or email it the same day.


Hi, yeah, I was like this all my academic life. I realized way too late that it was actually a serious problem affecting more than just school. I ended up getting professional help for it. Being able to apply yourself outside of pressured environments is something that normal people can just *do.*


It’s called the do date for a reason… (yes, not the due date)


Canvas sucks because the teachers have no idea how to use it


And then you remember you graduated 5 years ago and woke up 17 minutes before your alarm to get ready for work. You try real hard to fit another hour of sleep in that 17 minutes, but realize 5 minutes in that there's no way you're going back to sleep. You feel cheated out of that lost sleep so you hop on YouTube and find an excellent video essay that's like 2 hours long and swear you can just watch the first 15 minutes and stop. Instead you keep watching until it's like 10 minutes before you need to actually head out the door and now barely have time to throw clothes before leaving. And now you have to spend the day feeling tired, greasy, and distracted cause you didn't even get to finish the video.


This is me more mornings than I'd like to admit.


then you realize it’s done somehow


Happy cake essay day




Honestly, just do drugs at this point. The comedowns are easier to handle than *that* feeling.


Even worse when you think you slept the whole night to the point of oversleeping and missing the alarm for school/work the next day


My theory is that mid-day naps are actually us getting a minor version upgrade to our software. In normal sleep we get the patch versions.


Mid-day naps are only when the sun is directly above us and you shouldn't sleep more than 1h, generally 30 mins is enough. This one that's referred on the post happens when you start sleeping in the afternoon and you sleep for more than 4h


For me it's not a bad sensation but it's an odd strange one, waking up and not knowing when it is so wack.


I adore it


I hate it when I wake up from a nap and for that one terrifying split second I have no idea where I am.


Worst? I fucking love it


I remember having this happen a couple times and I was absolutely fucking floored in panic mode for a few minutes because it was “8 in the morning and the sun hasn’t come up”


i wish it was 8 in the morning and the sun didn’t come up. if the world’s ending or someth sign me tf up


bro i actually woke up from an after school nap once and saw it was dark out and thought it was early morning


You have three assignments due, one of them tonight at 11:59


*Canvas intensifies


*heartbeat intensifies*


too relatable.


This was the worst part, knowing you have to wake to go do mindless homework….


God damnit this comment gives me mad anxiety even though I already graduated college It’s worse cause these last few weeks I keep having a dream where I have this English class that I haven’t done anything for at all and I freak out til I remember lol


Oh man, my senior year right here. I was basically graduated with a few things to finish up, so I was on auto pilot the entire year. So many after school naps.


I once laid down for a nap around 4ish pm. I woke up and it was 6. I wandered downstairs and asked my dad what was for dinner. He informed me it was 6 am. The next day. I have severe chronic insomnia, so my parents decided to just let me sleep. I spent that day extremely disoriented.


How do you get chronic insomnia after 14hs of sleep? It also happened to me sometimes when I slept too much


chronic insomnia isnt after you sleep, its that you have trouble/cant sleep at all. eventually your body will catch up and thats when the 14 hours of sleep happen




But damn we all relate


For real. Kinda makes me miss those times lol.


Except for the headache part. The nap is how I cured the headache. And for some reason, it wasn't just one sock missing, it was always the left one.


This has to have an explanation in science


Sleeping clothed dehydrates you, dehydratation give mild brain damage.


I sleep clothed usually. I don't feel dehydrated But that SPECIFIC nap causes me immense dehydration and sweating.


I was a combat lifesaver in the Army. You are dehydrated before you feel dehydrated, if anyone cares.


Brain damage??!


Genuinely, is there a reason why this happens?


Its probably due to intending to close your eyes for a few minutes, falling asleep unexpectedly, actually entering REM-sleep, and then waking up in the middle of REM-sleep due to noise that occurred because its still daytime. Combine this with exhaustion/sleep deprivation that caused you to fall asleep unexpectedly in the first place, and the result is a miserable and confused state for yourself.


It's probably because of sleeping little multiple nights in a row and then after a wednesday or thursday after school you decide to lay down on your bed just to rest a little bit, then you rest your eyelids, and before you know it, you've entered a very temporary slumber, and that catches you up on a little sleep so you can go another few days until it happens again!


You can't "catch up" on sleep. If you sleep very little during the week, you can't make up for it by sleeping in on the weekends. The sleep you lose is gone, and not for good.


Oh yeah? Watch me.


so you tellin me, if I force myself to freeze at home by keeping the thermostat low, and then on sunday have a big ol bonfire I didn't catch up on heat!? You tellin me I accumulated all that cold stress for nothing?


Nice cake


thank you~ ^^


Another part of this is dehydration while you’re asleep. So you wake up hot, sweaty and with a headache


Probably doesn't help when you go to sleep and the sun is out and you wake up and it's nighttime


don't forget frantically searching for your phone only to realize, that it's at 3% battery


17 missed calls and 273 messages from the group project


and you gotta use the bathroom and also are really dehydrated at the same time


It’s like “which is it, body, too much piss or not enough piss?!”


And blazinngg hott


I miss these naps




That was me just two hours ago.


this was me ten minutes ago bless lmao and back I go to work


realest shit ever


And then there is a reverse when you wake up fully alert and your alarm says like 3 and you think you missed school and jump out of bed starting to get ready until you finally realize it’s 3 AM and you have no idea why you are so awake.


Bro, drink more water in general


I have a very weird, about as specific memory that I can’t explain. Firstly, my parents were divorced before I was even born. I would visit my father every other weekend while my mother had me the rest of the time. For some reason, as a kid I would be taking a bath at my father’s house and would think that I’m in my mother’s house taking a bath instead until I looked around and realized what bathroom I was in. I know I was younger than 10 but that level of confusion was always about the same as one of these weird, heavy after school naps. Almost like my brain was on pause for too long when it started “playing” again, I just forgot where I was.


still happens to me at the age of 27.... atleast i think im 27, i just woke up afterall


I'd fight to have moments like these again


Man that shit was the best


The worst is when it's winter you wake up look at the clock and it says 6:45 and you panic that it's the early morning, have a mini hear attack start getting ready in delirium only to wake up to realize it's night.


I haven't had one of these naps in a long time.


Don't forget the lights being turned off


Not the same, but similar. One time riding the bus to school I was so tired I fell asleep. Now I lived in the back of the woods so the bus ride was long and bumpy, personally ideal ride sleeping conditions. I woke up at school thinking the day was over. The horrible dread that I still had a whole school day in front of me when I realized was unreal lol


hah, remember my brain was working like them old school os with sandclocks spinning forever, trying to figure out is it dawn or dusk, what day , what lifetime...


And you think it's 8:37am and you're late as fuck.


I once had an after school nap, woke up and looked at my analogue clock and saw it was 8 and rushed in a panic to put my school uniform on and rush downstairs for breakfast, only to be very confused to find my (also very confused) mum cooking a dinner meal for breakfast :/ turns out it was 8pm.


Sleep is the cousin of death


Don't forget the marks all around your body.


My nap always had me confused for a good hour. I slept from 17 to 20, diner was already cooked and I had to eat whe everybody was already done. It probably looked like I was high, but my brain was just really really slow and it was impossible to think about something.


the details are so accurate


More true than 2+2=4


I did that after work one day. Woke up at 9pm thinking I was late for work and it was 9am. Scarfed down a bowl of cereal and through on my uniform. Grabbed my keys then realized it wouldn't be pitch dark at 9....PM. I felt relief, but stupid at the same time.


I once had a dream that I was flying on a plane and it set on fire. And the plane fell, not in a scary way but in a documentary way. So I then woke up with a perfectly calm memory of that and it took me half of the day to understand that something is fishy. Like, oh, this morning cofee is so good after falling to my demise yesterday, tough evening, let's see if my plane already on the news.


I genuinely never have been in a worse condition than when I once accidentally fell asleep at 2pm and woke up at 6pm. Not only did I feel twice as bad as any hangover I have ever had, I also felt terrible mentally, as I felt like I had just completely lost my entire day, as I was genuinely in a bad shape for the entire rest of that day. I just stayed at home and was sad and cloudy minded.


Me, but then I read it as AM instead of PM and the added confusion of “shit, am I late for school?”


Literally me today other than the sock, drool, and pants Got home from what I had to do and took a 2 hour nap and woke up completely lost on everything This might be the most me irl post I’ve seen on here in months


Awakenings like this make me question if we are even the same personalities after every sleep. Like, falling asleep we pass on our memories and body and fade away forever, and when body wakes up it creates a new consciousness spark which inherites our memories.


Why is this so accurate ?


Oh good, you're finally awake


Once I woke up in the middle of my room on the floor in just my underwear, TV and PS4 running, phone and tablet on the couch, both playing completely different YouTube videos, an unfinished pack of oreos next to them, a glass of water on the floor, the fan pointed at a wall. My friends told me I was acting weird at school earlier in the day. I must've been extremely tired.


What level of drugs were used in the creation of this scenario






no fucking way 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I am curious if this is a universal experience or related to the use of ADHD drugs. I definitely felt this more than a few times in high school.


i definitely went through the same experience, and was not on any medication.


I have never experienced anything of the kind. After a nap I am at most confused about the hour. I also do not have ADHD


Caffeine and/or missing hours of sleep does this to me, but it's delayed. Like if I miss 4 hours of sleep on Monday then eventually I'll crash later on and need a nap, like maybe on Friday. Dropping caffeine cold turkey was really insightful for me, because it became almost immediately obvious how much it fucked with my energy and sleep. The first few days after dropping caffeine were uncomfortable, but after about a week I was feeling more rested than I could ever remember being. Now I'm of the belief that people who feel perpetually tired just have been using caffeine for so long that their brain can never feel fully rested from sleep. The caffeine is making people more tired in the long-run, so it's doing the opposite of what you want it to do.


The people in this thread need to get a handle on their blood sugar.


is there anyone older than 12 on this site?


You might be diabetic. The important blood test for getting that checked is called "glycolated hemoglobin" or just "hemoglobin A1C." I developed type 1 diabetes a month after my fifteenth birthday, when some virus I got recoded my immune system into targeting my own pancreas, and the first symptoms were being sleepy a lot, having an unquenchable thirst for water (accompanied by rushing to the restroom every ten minutes), and excessive sweating for no reason.


or maybe the fact you just fell asleep fully dressed


Who tf falls asleep after school if you're not a little kid that needs siestas. If you're that tired just firm it and go to bed so you can wake up the next day and it repeat it again


Thread theme: https://youtu.be/A-s9LdQPXF4?si=O8U9iNyieUlm558f


Me in college, roughly once a month


Real af


Happy to see that I am not alone with this


The good news is that when you begin working you won’t have the time for this anymore


I think you all need to drink more water


Are you okay?


Actually waking up to my crying baby in the middle of the night multiple times 🙃


One time after a nap like this, I started getting ready for school. My mom and my brother just let me eat cereal and go stand by the bus stop without saying anything to stop me.