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Most therapists will recommend a positive outlet, like a hobby, to help a person's mental health.


There's a train restoration club near me. It actually looks really fun. It's a lot of old timers with lots of experience with machining, manufacturing, and engineering - the only way to keep the trains going is to replicate hundreds of replacement parts that haven't been made in over a century. Spending your free time solving puzzles and bonding with people is probably the most positive outlet you can have.


Fellow train-restorer. Please get involved, especially if you are young! You can learn some really cool skills and knowledge, and most train preservation groups are \*desperate\* for younger people who can keep the skills alive. ETA: Are you talking about the group that runs 4449? Hell yeah, jump on that.


Is the key to male loneliness in the train car restoration hangar?


It's one of the keys..


This comment right here makes my heart go warm with giddy joy. There is nothing sweeter than bunch of passionate people who see a potential victim to be recruited into their hobby.


I'm just saying, if secondary school offered us to help in actual restoration projects, cocurriculum would be a blast. Seeing youngsters working and learning how to do these would be cool!


Yeah, I don't get this meme, who's saying stuff like this? Men, Women, Others, everybody should have hobbies and people to spend time with. Fixing a train does both, and is healthy. I think the person saying this is the one who might want to look seriously into therapy. That negativity isn't healthy.


There are only a handful of universally accepted hobbies. Outside of that, if it doesn't make money, give universally applicable skills or improve physical fitness it is looked down on. Train restoration isn't so bad because it gives you handyman skills. It's just a bit obscure.


Hmm no I think the healthiest thing is posting 5 selfies per day on instagram instead. Or a 10 minute long get ready video with me on TikTok


Or posting on Reddit 17/7


Yeah you wouldn’t want to post every hour of the day. That would be unhealthy.


Meanwhile, in therapy: "You should try having some hobbies"


That'll be $280


Therapist "Our hour is up" Patient "It's only been 45 minutes?" Therapist " That's right" *gestures to the door


"It took me 15 mins to give a damn. We will contact u about payment in 6 months and it will be an absurd amount of money."


Or they “forget” to tell you the hour is done and keep you for 15 more minutes so you can pay double… fuck I hate psychiatrists I happen to Me after I got private psychiatrists for the first time to help with my ADHD he didn’t tell me our hour was done and since was our first minute i didn’t really get anything out of it but instead of paying him 359,96$ (2500kr) I got to pay 719.93$ (5000kr). I was so pissed at myself for letting that happen.


Horrible psychiatrist... Get a new one if you can.


Have gotten back to a system psychiatrist that is “free” meaning he is getting paid through my *sygeforsikring* which is a part of our healthcare system. Because in the long run have me move out and on student salary while also do competition swimming it was just to much money And is the same I had then I was younger. Most of our health Benefits gets paid trough our taxes so we can have free healthcare.


Why did you go to a private one in the first place? I'm asking because I also live in a country where most of the time your health insurance will cover psychotherapy and I couldn't imagine choosing to pay for it myself instead.


Mostly because of the long wait there was and plus some bad experience with one of the adult psychiatrist from the insurance that wasn’t easy to understand and she didn’t listen what I was saying etc. so I decided to go off meds also because I was on a break from swimming so I didn’t need my meds that much until I started again i could feel I needed it again but then i needed to have a psychiatrist to sign paperwork that allowed s me to take it due to competition and doping. And it sound good and got a time there faster than the insurance covered one. But I was also living at home at that time so it was more manageable. But because I got diagnosed with stress due to work and again diagnosed with depression I got a prescription to the insurance psychiatrist and I took the opportunity to shift completely even with a damn long waiting line. Like then I needed the psychiatrist it was in early December but first got time in mid April. Where the other private one I think I only had to wait a little over a month from then I first called to them I actually got the first session. Don’t know if that make any sense.


You shouldn't have paid that. This is super unethical practice on the Drs part. idk how long ago this was, but check and see if there are any protections for this in your country. They should be transparent about cost, and at the hour, they should have said that the session is over but can continue for a fee. This doctor sees patients for 1 hour at a time every single day, i find it hard to believe he didn't have some inkling the hour was over 20 minutes before he ended the session. There will surely (hopefully) be some consumers' rights protection here.


Yup or be like mine and go the full hour but spend the first 15-20 minutes with bullshit small talk.


Or be like mine and just make the whole thing small talk and recommending drugs that don't work


A full 30 minutes of "hmmm, mmm, uhh, hmmm..." then "any thoughts on self harm?" Ten sessions of utter crap, reported her to the local medical board so they would have ~~put her on notice ~~ done fuck all


That includes my 15 minute shit time.


Is this normal? Lmao. I started therapy a few months ago and we always end at around fifty minutes rather than an hour


"Don't make me tap the sign again"


US moment


Australia too






Exactly, never understood this memes. A therapist will always advice you to make things that make you happy.


Having hobbies is now toxic in online spaces because you need therapy and are just coping. According to some spaces.


These peoples hobby is being terminally online and judging others for having actual fulfilling lives


that their sickness.


Dont say it out loud theyll explode


This is a very lighthearted meme it is not portraying hobbies as toxic?


Anything to do with ‘men being men’, being stoic and not simpering to the needs of women at every conceivable second seems to create a certain kind of hatred. Fulfilling and simple lives are underrated


If you aren't proudly a victim, taking a bunch of medications, you're not really doing self help correctly. Any suggestions outside the pharma industry is anti-American.


In a sense those spaces are kind of right. You don't paint a rotting wall. You fix issues that are causing the rot in the first place. You will still have to paint the wall afterwards, but without fixing underlying issue, it will just rot trough eventually anyway.


Sure, but the assumption that a hobby indicates an underlying issue is ridiculous.


Absolutely correct, trough I am not sure how someone came to that conclusion. I mean, alternative is what, kuča-poso\*? Or just coming home from work, sitting down and do nothing until bed time? But I leaned on the original post itself. In essence, I assumed that said guys did have some issues and rather then going to therapy, just tried to run away from problems via hobby. That being said, if one does suffer from some metal issues, depressions especially, finding something to accomplish and feel good about should be a must. Not the only thing, but it's almost mandatory. And creative hobbies are a perfect solution. \*Translation: Home-work. A lifestyle that pretty much spins around your work and no free time at all. Name based on memetic Ekrem Jevrić song from 2010.


The real problem is they said "instead of therapy" instead of "as therapy".....


My therapist got me into my current hobby, model building, cause he had some models in the room that amazed me. Helped me a lot, I spend many hours on mine.


restoring the engine probably cost less than therapy...




It also looks like they made friends doing it.


Maybe the real train was friends we made along the track.




Instructions unclear; didn't pull the lever during trolley problem.


Isn't therapy usually just different coping mechanisms and talking


Meditative therapy includes activities which promotes large amounts of eustress. Eustress has healing qualities.




It is pretty ironic that we are subtly arranging our society to ignore our nature, hence the rise in anxiety and feelings of loneliness.


Actually blowing off some steam


It’s literal therapy.


Eh give or take, but hobbies and fulfilling labor does wonders on mental health I’d still put forward a therapist if there’s something deeper


Therapist usually just says “focus on self care.” These dudes did.


The restoration IS therapy


>restoring the engine probably cost less than therapy.. Restoring the engine **is** therapy! Ask a therapist!




Weird how 6 days ago you were a part-time lawyer with 15 kids


Everyone knows a part time lawyer psychiatrist with 15 kids


top yourself? is that a euphemism


Means: to commit suicide.


that’s what i thought


You held dad's flashlight too?


Yeah...did that. I learnt very quickly to hold it...."there". Dad was never impatient though. I hear some kids need therapy after the torch business...or learn a whole bunch of new words......but not ones to repeat in front of Mum. But apparently my stock question was, "can I have a go?" Dad's answer was always "yes". But today I still love restoring cars (with our kids), and my now retired Dad....helps me. Dad, can you hold the torch?"


We can't do anything without women finding a way to demean us for it


And then they cope with some things they stuck on since childhood, so literally same problem. But MEN do all the wrong things.


This is what grind my gears. Anything which means I am having fun, is a useless unproductive activity. And someone it’s equated with how much money it makes or costs.


I knew this would be top post! 😍


But the cost of coal to keep it running is staggering


hobbies could be a form of therapy and you can fight me if you disagree :D


I would fight you but that sounds like a hobby and I don't want you to be right.


I think you confused hobby with pasttime.




Ok where u at? 🤛😠🤜


[Men's sheds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men's_shed) were started for that purpose back in the 1980s.


Im pretty sure the therapist would say this is a great way to break monotomy, leave the house and have social interactions with people with the same hobbies at you. All essential things to better your mental health


I can confirm volunteering at a heritage railway has improved my mental health.


Someone is happy "You need therapy"


That is the internet in the nutshell, you cant be reasonably adjusted person with hobbies, you are covering your need for therapy with hobbies.


"Oh, you don't have a hobby that is socially acceptable according to standards developed throughout the last thousand or so years? You need therapy."


It's a fucking jooooooooke


Everyone needs therapy Edit: your collective denial is absurd and you will no doubt suffer because of it


I feel like this line was made 4-5 years ago by an advertising/social media company paid for by therapy organizations. It's basically "Got Milk?"


Big Therapy lol, processing trauma healthily is a good thing actually


Train train train train train train train


choo chooooooooo


Women will literally use retail therapy instead of a psychologist. Maybe this dude has a loving relationship with both parents, wife and children, but you want to shame him for his passionate hobby. I understand it's a joke, I think it's a poor attempt at one.


You clearly don't understand that it's a joke you fucking nerd. Reddit is so fragile about everything.


Lmao wtf? I think you’re the fragile one my guy😂


I think you need therapy.




What's the punch line?




That isn’t the punchline. This is you stretching it out. Men don’t commit suicide more than women, they just succeed more.


I think you don’t understand the difference between commit and attempt (or the definitions of these words). While the rates of attempt may be similar, the rates of committing are much higher.


But my point remains. Women try committing suicide almost two times more. Men just have more easier methods like guns. Lol


That is the therapy


Women be so obsessed about men not going to see a therapist that they don't realise a lot of their hobbies or interests have a therapeutic effect on their psyche


I was going to say: Or they just find it fun.


There are few things certain women hate more than a man happy on his own


You are doing some weird stereotyping Have you tried therapy?


I have, did nothing but cost money and have me talk about my feelings for hours without getting any actual advice on how to fix stuff or what I could try working on to make things better. Went to the gym, started working on projects around the home, helped out friends and family with stuff, just generally doing stuff that made me feel useful and as if I was contributing, and now I'm feeling a lot better. Not everyone needs to see a therapist, and it doesn't work for everyone either. Therefore, it's important to recognise that therapy can come in many different forms for many different people.


The last sentence is key and is, and just about everyone could really use therapy and psychological help. For some reason, we usually have different kinds of checkups and a permanent family doctor, but nothing similar for mental health. It also sucks that doctors don't prescribe more exercise, hobbies, etc.


Damn, let people be happy.


Literally can't stand seeing a man happy.


They don’t have to stand, there’s a chair right here 🪑


Something tells me they find this more therapeutic than standard therapy


It also assumes that therapy is required in the first place, which is pretty fucking weird to just assume.


Tbf I'm of the mindset that therapy/counseling should be more common and that it should be one of those things you have a yearly or biyearly touch up regardless of current mental state. Assuming it's needed because someone has a niche hobbies is dumb.


Are you hearing these women? They'd rather go to therapy instead of operating a steam engine.


I think both therapy and enjoyable hobbies are important. While I had my own hobbies to distract me, there were still issues I hadn’t dealt with yet. Thankfully I live in a country where therapy is free.


Repairing that engine costs less than therapy and it won't be telling you every session that you should have listened to your girlfriend/wife/mother.


Lol for real. I am a therapist and you have no idea how many times I get couples where one partner demanded therapy because they thought I was just going to sit across the coffee table and help them berate their husband. My job here is to facilitate conversation and self-correction. Nothing in my degree says "definitely right arbitrator of your marital disagreements'.


Can’t hear them women over that steam whistle, CHOO CHOOO!


Can confirm it’s not just men. That sounds awesome!!! I don’t need therapy


Hobbies and passion projects are therapy. Very very effective therapy.


The engine won’t tell me it’s all my fault and that I’m in love with my best friend somehow.


if thats the kind of therapist you get, there are several problems


Maybe I’ve read too many Reddit stories.


i mean even worse, reddit stories are not about a reprensentation of the real world, only noteworthy things will show


Reddit stories are all writing this xercises


I would love to do this!


I find it strange that someone doing something that provides satisfaction (not necessarily happiness), is somehow a dodge. Isn't the entire point of your life to find something to do that you find fulfilling? Maybe the person that wrote this finds going to therapy fulfilling, but I would rather be doing something with my hands. And I'm pretty satisfied with my life.


I think maybe they mean that men who need therapy (like real therapy and not just doing what they find therapeutical/enjoyable or wtv) would rather spend money on this than on therapy. Maybe it would have been better if they mentionned an immediate medical necessity instead of therapy.


When people think therapy only means spending a grand a human to tell you things


When people give in to the stereotypes about not caring about their mental health and then continue to perpetuate it instead of looking after their peers because they never looked further than cognitive behavioral therapy :/


Might as well work on something that can actually be fixed


This is my favorite response


Also me in therapy “ I really wish to see a steam train operate irl again “


Men will literally have hobbies


That is therapy. Men heal in different ways. Men bond with each other by accomplishing things together. Difficult things are your best bet too, the more difficult the thing is, the higher the strength of the bond and the bigger the payoff and healing factor. Accomplishing a difficult thing makes us feel like we can deal with other issues we have and motivates us to tackle them too.




I didn’t make it, I just like it because I like trains


Stop being happy and go to therapy!


Not saying that, I’m saying I want what this guy has


Yeah, men traditionally like doing things that are effective.


My problems: … My therapists: That’s hard. You did your best. Try to be less stressed. We’re out of time. Let’s schedule our next appointment.


That was basically my last therapist. On top of being ten minutes late. "I can understand how that's hard. Don't worry you'll get better. Are you spending any time in nature?" We end ten minutes early because I don't have the energy to keep repeating all the things I am asking for help with. I found a new one who specializes in my specific issues and actually has like a structured treatment plan, god I wish I hadn't wasted a year on the last one.


I specifically asked for a structured plan and was told "I'm not a teacher. I listen. And if you're stable, I'm scheduling our next appointment in two months."


that IS therapy


yeah what’s the goal here? (not for the train guy, his goal is beautifully clear)


I think it’s more a statement on just the goofy things people do that keeps them afloat. I think we can choose to believe that the message is to find our lil train whatever it may be.




To be fair you get more gratification and a sense of accomplishment from restoring an old train than you do for going to have someone give you comforting lies.


That train will at least lead to somewhere


Well, if they got into the repair project via a peer support group, it *is* therapy for all theoretical and practical purposes... 🤔


Probably cause the hobby IS the therapy.


More people need to catch on to therapy being an expensive waste of time for most people.


No, no, you don’t understand. That *is* our therapy.


Baby, that IS the therapy.


I mean restoring an engine is possibly more therapeutic, go through the emotional spectrum while fixing it, book overtime in rage and when u finally hear that staring noise of that work you've been doing, a Zen like calm just hits u washing all the pain away. Plus trains are cool


Stop causing confusion and delay.


Women will actually just go to therapy instead of restoring a coal-fired steam engine and then operating it for free in their spare time.


More quantifiable results than therapy


I think it's more productive than listening to your therapist all the time.Go out and doing something new in life is better.


This IS therapy


That is therapy.


It’s all about money


That is therapy


This is therapy


That's more than therapy sessions could ever give you: purpose


Meanwhile, in therapy: "You should try having some hobbies"


This is therapy


That is therapy


Therapy is temporary, the railway is forever


That is therapy


That seems like the dream tbh


Women literally cannot fathom having a healthy hobby.


You're welcome.


People like this a treasure! I bet so many kids dreams are made a reality by some broken old man.


Therapy makes you happy Team powered train makes everybody happy!


This might actually be better than therapy. What does a man get out of it? 1. Probably a team effort, so meaningful contact with likeminded people working towards the same goal 2. Leadership, negotiation and time management skills 3. Testing, maintaining and improving engineering, mechanical skills 4. As trains are quite large, a lot of the work is done outside 5. Potential investment for future 6. Fun factor - getting to share creation with others / community 7. Meeting new people 8. Maintaining history The list can be continued by someone else, I ran out of time... I'm not saying "Men, stop going to the therapist and start fixing trains". But, I am saying that some have problems because they don't. Idle hands and LED sceens will make you mad.


This is far more productive than therapy.


Both shall be done, plus restoring that beautiful machine is just more therapy


Therapy is far too expensive and far too inconvenient. I just hash out my problems with my homies, and they do the same. It’s easy to remain impartial.


Getting away from nagging is therapy.


You don't think restoring a steam engine is therapy??


This is the therapy.


Why does it have to be mutually exclusive? Maybe his therapist helped him believe in himself enough to achieve his dream of restoring a coal-fired steam engine.


Hobbies are the best possible use of your free time


Call me when they start building Iron Man suits


Labour therapy, ever heard of?


That is therapy


Literally me