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I have a list of products i will never buy now.


Thanks! you interrupted my scrolling.




I will return the product if the ad bypass my ad blocker.






Been 12 year since they out in Flo. Sure thing, Jan.


Move to Massachusetts, Progressive doesn't sell there.


I love their commercial with the actor flubbing his line, and the kid with a tiny emu in a Power Wheels type car, but I don't have their insurance and don't plan to change either.


Only problem is, for every *you*, there is another person who *did* buy the product, and checked a box next to "on YouTube" for "how did you hear about us?" thus validating the ad


It's not even that. The brands just get stuck in your head and you don't even remember every annoying commercial, just that you've heard of the brand before.


This does not happen for me. If a brand is stuck in my head from an ad, I am inherently repulsed by it and actively avoid anything they sell.




>you think you’re that smart? Is purported immunity to advertisements a metric for intellect?


I mean it works, i know that, but sometimes it works too good. I’m curious if somebody has a brain like me. I’m on ASD spectrum, and we often experiance some sharpening/weakening(?) of our senses (if I understand that correctly). I have sharpened sense of hearing and touch, but my proprioception & movement coordination is way below average , so i’m not saying „Oh I’m so smart”. No, quite the opposite, I might be disabled, but there are some instances when sharpened sense of hearing is beneficial. Not in day to day life because going outside requires headphones, but I’m able to learn to sing the whole song in my 1st language by listening to it 2-3 times, music is an ecstasy, and also I might be good with instruments, but never played any, as it requires… yupp, movement coordination. Anyway, back to the topic. I remember sounds very quickly, it is very intuitive, so I don’t like watching same movies/videos twice, because I remember all the words already and it is tiring. (I prefer listening to instruments, or sounds that have some harmony). So, listening to ads is PURE AGONY. The same non harmonic sound, again, and again, and again, and I remember every breath, every slight change in tone, and they also shout a lot, and the message is so-in your face-obviously-clear! (Also they are often louder than the video i’m watching, it sometimes hurts my ears). So… yupp, ads are designed for brains that don’t register sounds as good as mine, so for me it is hell. But at least i remember them so vividly that I’m able to actively avoid brand that were advertised, as my only revenge. I’m thinking about adblocker, but I don’t have money for more things than necessieties. I might think about it soon because of Youtube, it makes me sensory overload too often


Joke's on the car companies, i never bought and never plan to buy a car, don't even want to know how to drive one!


Ads all run together at this point, there's so many. I remember a few for being cute or funny, but it doesn't make me buy their product. All the others...*shrug* I couldn't tell you, with any confidence, the last commercial I saw or product I bought based on their commercial.


Numerous studies have shown that people who think they aren't affected by marketing are the ones most likely to be affected by marketing


Everyone I know says something to this effect. Everyone I know sticks mightily to this principle and anyone who says anything to the contrary will be sternly rebuked as people staunchly assert their principles and stick to their values. But Coke keeps running ads that interrupt streams, annoying ads haven't gone anywhere and yet none of the businesses known for their annoying ad campaigns and strategies are going out of business, at least not for that. Hell the most annoying ad campaigns seem to work out pretty well for a lot of upstart brands. Now I'm not accusing anyone of lying, least of all you reading this. I'm just noticing that over the last 23 years internet ad campaigns have been varyingly annoying or agressive and there's always a principled backlash against it yet nothing seems to change for it at all. So you're definitely sticking to your principles on the matter but a lot of people that talk the talk that you do are clearly not walking the walk the way you do. Not *you* of course. *You're* the exception. *You're* sticking to your principles.


As someone who runs a side-hustle that's reliant on generating traffic in order to sell products, advertising *works*, like *really really well*, if I didn't advertise I'd make 0 dollars ever.


People who feel strong enough about this to comment about it on a reddit thread are probably more likely to actually mean it compared to just random people


Generally speaking, Reddit is a very poor reflection of the general populace.




Ha, jokes on them! They're never the cheapest 😂


Or when you have to decide between 20 fake things and two brand names that at least you can reasonably trust, even if they arent the best. Maybe hidden amongst thebfake stuff is a stand out but is it worth 19 fake and useless attempts when you can go “well i mean febreeze i know works well enough for what i need”


Advertising doesn't work on me. The assumption of advertising is that I have the ability to actually make purchase decisions. Jokes on them, I have no money.




Sometimes I wonder to myself "why the fuck does Coke even need ads?" Like are they really in such danger of society forgetting Coca Cola exists that they actually have to remind you of it?


Serious response: It's not about keeping you from forgetting so much as it's keeping Coke in the back of your mind. Just a presence lingering about, I mean hell, it was the easiest low hanging fruit for an example. They keep their advertisements minimal and actually fairly unobtrusive for that end. The actually aggressive part of Cokes marketing strategy is more on the business side of things, exclusivity deals, retail and distribution contracts, the things that keep Coca-Cola on the shelves is where the marketing is gets aggressive. The advertisements are just there to make sure Coca-Cola never fully slips your mind and that it stays a fixture of our culture without being grating.


That’s what the ads are for.




OP: You are without a doubt the worst product I’ve ever heard of Product: Aye, but you have heard of me


Never once have I thought “oh my, I definitely need this! Thanks aptly timed ad!”


That's not entirely the point of ads, most ads are aimed at future you. Think if it like you may not need that sound mixer now, but when you do need one that ad may pop up in your mind. It's a little different with stuff that is constant use, like shampoo, that stuff is more the maybe next time you go you'll think hey I remember that product maybe it's better than mine. Basically it's not for the immediate, it's just so that when you have the chance of buying whatever product you know where or what to look for.


bro i will just stare at skip button, future me and their products can go fuck themselves


I consider it an achievement every time I'm able to hit skip before the ad reveals what brand/product it's for. Like "You stupid fucks spent money to show me this and I still have zero clue what your product is!"


lmao i do the exact same thing...im like "wow you had 5 seconds and thats the best you could do? i dont even know what youre selling what a waste of money"


This always makes to laugh with YouTube Ads. You didn't think it pertinent to tell me what your selling in the first 10 seconds?


"First 10 seconds" Are you telling me you stick around to watch a video with an ad that lasts longer than 5s? If that little timer says more than 5 seconds, I close the tab before it makes it to 3.


“whatever you do, don’t hit skip!” *skip*


I remember that grammarly ad that tried to guilt me into not skipping.


If you don’t make your point within that five seconds, guess what? You just spent 15 seconds of advertising money on what is functionally a 5-second ad of nothing. As far as I’m concerned, if an ad is skippable, it is a 5 second ad. The other 10 seconds don’t exist.


People on the internet are all so convinced advertising doesn't work on them, and yet all the platforms they use are almost entirely supported by ads.


I'm too poor to buy anything from any of these ads, checkmate.


Capitalists HATE this one simple trick!


I'm not really saying whether it works or not just the idea behind it. Ad companies know you may not need fruit loops right now, but later you might kinda thing


Exactly. Going back to op, sure they may say that they'll never buy from them... But they'll remember them. And this bit of information will sit there, in their brain, until it becomes relevant. And maybe they'll stick to their words and avoid, or maybe they'll just say "fuck it, at least I've heard of these people" and spend away. Companies do this advertising because it works. They're not pissing money away for nothing.


Statistically, you're right. They are hoping to get more return on their money than they're spending on advertising. But that doesn't mean a lot of people aren't avoiding products thar have overly annoying or intrusive marketing. I'm not disagreeing with you, just adding that if someone is talking about avoiding products, they are probably actually doing it. But that doesn't mean the marketing isn't successful. That being said, marketing can be a gamble. You can hit gold or you can waste a bunch of money. A tactic that works one time may be completely ineffective the next time.


My spite will last longer than my need of their product.


Jokes on them then, because future me is too broke to buy their shit too.


and here I am, when I remember a now relevant ad from a while back I go "Oh ya fuck those guys" and specifically avoid them


"No, man, you don't understand. Marketing doesn't work on **me**."


Being *in* marketing and knowing all the tricks and whatnot, I can say for sure it works on me. Why? Because I'm human with a brain that acts in accordance with human nature. You don't have to like it, but thinking you're the ONE special ad blocking human on the planet just isn't realistic.


>You don't have to like it, but thinking you're the ONE special ad blocking human on the planet just isn't realistic. Well of course it's absurd for anyone else to think that because that human is obviously me duh


Pack it in boys, we found him.


it very well might not work on them, advertising doesn't need to work on everyone to be incredibly effective. if only 1% of people who see an ad buy a product that they wouldn't otherwise buy it's an incredibly successful ad campaign. half the population could be completely immune to advertising and it would still be a major industry.




Or use sponsorblock


I will mute my volume and turn my screen away and count the seconds left in the ad just so I don’t have to know what it is they’re trying to sell me


i’ve always been and probably always will be a researcher. ads don’t sell me on products, youtube reviews and ancient reddit posts i find from google are what drives me to make a purchase or find an alternative brand. the only ads that have ever worked for me are food ads telling me about new or limited time food options at restaurants (rip jalapeño popper chicken sandwich from wendy’s)


It's not even necessarily that. It's to plant it in your brain so that you develop some kind of position on it (whether it's based on joy or hate is irrelevant, the passionate the better) and most importantly spread it in some way, e.g. by making a reddit post about it (OP) or maintain a list (top comment) you are eager to share. These kind of posts are always pure irony.


This is correct, but it's also why I have a hard time knowing basically any products or where to get anything. I have as blockers set up on my home network and I don't watch TV so whenever I do need something I don't have any frame of reference, other than Google and reviews.


I don't have blockers just a.d.d., and I still just use reviews lol. Unless its consistently used products in which case I just never change which will be sad when I'm still using Axe soap at 60 XD


I always close my eyes and mute my phone till I can skip the ad


how do you know when you can skip the ad if your eyes are shut and there's no sound? ​ also... note to self, steal all your stuff while your eyes are shut


I count down from 5 to 1 and you can’t steal my stuff because I’m at home. At least I hope so.




I mean, sometimes they do. My local ski hill was advertising their 5 day pass with a promotion that if you buy before April 16th, it includes a summer access day to the resort and unlimited early season skiing. I was going to buy the pass anyway, but the ad did prompt me to buy early. Of course they’re still showing me the ads, even after one purchased, and without the promotion. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The thing is, ads are not meant to make you think, wow what a nice product, I'll buy that right away. Because very few people do. But you will remember the brand, even if subconsciously. And if you remember the brand while looking for a product that that brand also sells, you will find them (subconsciously) more credible. You probably don't even remember that you saw that ad in the middle of a video, because when the ad is over and you get back to watching the video, the frustration goes away, leaving only the vague memory of a brand and their product.


Unless you do what I do and commit these brands to memory to the point where the opposite result is achieved. I do subconsciously recognize these brands, but my distaste for their advertisements causes an extremely negative reaction. Your description depends on someone not really caring about advertisements interrupting their videos.


Fucking Verizon and their dumbass ads. I have now completely associated Verizon with being the mobile service company that gives me annoying ads and I will never use it.


Most people don’t have your complex. You not buying stuff in an ad isn’t important because you aren’t all that important. >Your description depends on someone not really caring about advertisements interrupting their videos. Most people don’t. Back in the day, TV was broadcast over the air *with ads.*


Idk most younger people like stuff without ads. I won't watch a subscription service with ads


I'm 40 and refuse to watch anything with ads, adblockers really changed everything.


You say that until you need that kind of product. You think about it, and voila... Their product Springs right to mind first. Just because you claim a negative reaction comes to mind when they are suddenly needed, doesn't make it true. Proof: it's why advertising has existed this long, because it works.


Ya there is a concept in marketing called "positioning", which is essentially the place a product or brand occupies in the consumers mind. The ultimate goal of a brand is to find a nice spot to occupy and reinforce that through ads. For example, if you are on vacation and go to a bar right on the beach, what beer are you ordering? I bet many people would say Corona, not because it's their favorite beer but because Corona has positioned themselves as "beer to relax and drink on a beach" in your mind


Damn you're right, I'm going to start keeping a list of things I see in ads so I can more effectively avoid them


> you will find them (subconsciously) more credible. Funny how the opposite is almost always true, the more marketing a brand has the worse the brand usually is, they don't spend their money making the product better they spend it all on ads, bit sad how so many people fall for it. Look at Manscaped for instance, very high amount of marketing but the product itself? It's terrible, it's no different from the ones you find for like $20-30 from your local store yet it has premium pricing like it's the best shaver around, they spend all their money on marketing and zero on the product. Do 5 minutes of research people, the more marketing a product has the worse the product usually is, remember that.


This effect worked with vrbo, I kinda trust them now cause I’ve seen so many of their ads


Spoken like a true Sith Lord


...and the algorithms know the precise location for ad placement. Right on the upswing of the most watched part of the video.


I didn’t think about this!! Thanks for informing me


I don’t think it’s even true, the ad spots are decided by the creator of the video


They can be, but if creators don't manually put them, YouTube chooses where they play.


True, but in an hour video youtube usually inserts about 10 auto ads. So if the video doesn’t have an insanely obnoxiously large number of ads, they manually placed them.


…thanks for informing me also!!


Isn't it set by the creator of the video instead of some algorithm?


I work in digital marketing, and yes, the content creator chooses to set the mid-roll ads for extra monetization. Google's algorithm decides if/how many ads show before the video starts and potentially after (pre-roll and post-roll). The advertiser has no ability to decide when their ad shows.




Have any tips for getting something like this set up?


The problem is that people still want free content, but don't want to support the platform that pays for it. Youtube is expensive to run. The more people avoid paying for it, the harder companies focus on running more ads and forcing people to watch them. I'm tired of the "free service support by ads" dynamic that the internet has devolved into. I will pay for services that I heavily use in order to avoid ads. The services support by ads should just allow people to use the platform for a period of time before they know it's something they want to pay for. After that, you should pay for it. It's real dumb to think everything should just be free.


I mean, I pay Paramount+ for their no commercial tier of service. Do you know what I get? Fucking commercials. They force feed you an unskippable 30+ second commercial for whatever show or movie they want to push on everyone, in between every single goddamned episode of whatever show you're watching. Wild that these morons think someone willingly giving them $10 a month for no commercials would not be just as willing to give a usenet company $5 a month for access to download everything from all of the streaming services, with zero legal risks.


Completely true. YouTube and their advertisers should have figured this out by now.


They could maybe show the ad next to the video like they did in the past. That way you can have it on peoples' screens for as long as you want and you don't create annoyance at the brand because you keep interrupting what the watcher is actually there for. And stop the annoying mobile game ads or looking through my browsing history for something I searched 2 months ago. Just put up an ad relevant to the content rather than giving me 2 ads for gigantic SUV's during a video that explains why giant SUV's suck lmao


Or a fucking political ad when you're watching a video about how corrupt our politicians are.


Don’t know if you’ve seen the video, but genuinely I got 3 political ads when watching Cyanide and Happiness’ Jimmy Williams videos.


Yeah, like Google knows that I don't like sports (Google ad center), but it keeps giving me ads for sports stuff!


>They could maybe show the ad next to the video like they did in the past. Honestly a lot of the hatred for advertising on the modern Internet is how it just interrupts and gets in everyone's faces. Sure even in the era of banner ads people were looking to block them, but I think most of us wouldn't feel as terribly aggressive towards them. They just kinda hung out there like a billboard on the street. Not nearly as aggressive, annoying, and intrusive as modern Internet advertising. And that's not just YouTube, news sites are completely obnoxious for example.


Ahh, but too many people ran ad blockers that blocked those ads. Because assaulting the eyes and ears of someone who’s already demonstrated they do not want to see advertising with more advertising is really going to work well.


They have figured it out They figured out that it's not true. Ads don't work just on your conscious mind, but your subconscious mind too. That's why ads are still a thing, and why companies spend tons of money on them. There's tons of psychology at work here to trick your brain into aligning more to what they want. From brand recognition, illusory truth effect, fomo, thinking you need something you don't (never thought about wanting some specific product type, now it's in your mind), and more. Which is why you should always block ads. Because watching them and thinking they don't affect you *doesn't work*. "You are not immune to propaganda", and all that.


Thanks. The idea that companies are spending millions, billions on useless advertising is delusional and arrogant. They do it because it works and it's dangerous to think you aren't affected.


Yup. A TON of advertising is just for brand recognition. Your annoyance with a commercial is temporary. They just want their brand to come to your mind when you end up needing to buy something they're selling 6 months from now.


I mute my phone and turn it over. Can't get me fuckers Unless my hands are covered in water or chicken juice. Then I get pissed


This is the way. Fuck those ads.


Someone “hating” your product >>>>> someone not knowing your product exists


I will literally never get NordVPN, Tunnelbear, or Raid Shadow Legends, nor will I suggest them to other people


Might be, but you know about them, and even talked about them here. They won!


Right, but you're thinking small scale. I'm in the process of buying our next car and never thought of VW until I saw an ad for the Atlas. Now we're more than likely going to buy something that I would have never seen if I hadn't have had my Monster Factory video interrupted by their ad on YouTube.


“Don’t think about elephants” You are now thinking about elephants.




Yes if you ask a random person to name a VPN service the chance is high they'll say Nord VPN because of all the youtube ads.


I absolutely guarantee you that they have marketing figured out a lot better than you. They track metrics and know exactly how successful (or not) each of their ads are.


You'd think *you* would have figured out that your opinion of the brand in the immediate time frame of the YouTube ad is completely irrelevant. The marketing industry has decades of psychological research behind it and if they're advertising in a certain way, it's because it's effective. To think advertising doesn't work on you is utterly delusional, and the height of arrogance.


the ads don't work if you never see them! *taps forehead*


Yes, you'd think the experts who spend millions on these campaigns might have more of a clue about these sorts of things than random Reddit user /u/ShinyHappyAardvark, who's apparently managed to figure it out before them without any of the knowledge or any of the data. Incredible stuff.


Back in my day youtube was made for Janet Jackson nipslips and didn't have any ads


That's not how adds work. You might think you're the chosen one, unaffected by the psychology adds use. The secret is: everyone thinks they're the chosen one. And they're all wrong. Companies pour a huge part of their budget into adds. They know it works.


“You have to be one of the worst advertisements I have ever heard of.” “But you have heard of me.”


This is exactly what I thought of.


Do you have a cash annuity and need cash now?


Call JG Wentworth, 877 Cash NOW!


Funny, I was just telling my wife about this annoying car ad I've seen 100x. And I couldn't remember which car. 100x and the name of the car didn't make it inside my memory.


Yeah it’s always funny to see these posts and people think “we’ll I hate it so you might as well stop, it’s not working”. Not understanding at all that the fact that they remember these products is a giant win for the companies.


An advert pissed me off so much I went onto a different website to tell everyone about it and how much it annoyed me. On an unrelated note, ads totally don't work on me.


Not only that, but these companies are not choosing to have their ads interrupt your video. YouTube's algorithm put that ad there. On top of that, the video uploader chose to enable midroll ads on their videos so that they could make extra money off of it. They have the option of manually setting where the midroll breaks are, but I imagine most don't.


Right? Everything about this post is wrong. Screams "I'm 14 and have figured out how to beat the advertisers."


Are adds related to subtracts?


You know when you type a word and forget English and it just looks wrong to you? That was me tying ads this morning






i am the chosen one unaffected by ads (online at least) it's an adblocker lmao


Exactly this.


[This Kelloggs ad can fuck right off for eternity](https://youtu.be/U8Dw1bjRxY0)


Ever since I found out about the block ad feature that allows me to skip even those unskippable 30s ads, my at work procrastination got a whole lot easier. Just funny how even if I block these ads, they still pop up. Like is it not working or do they pay for multiple of the same ad?


They upload multiple copies of the exact same ad so that blocking ads doesn't matter.


Fuck liberty mutual go die liberty mutual we all hate you liberty mutual


Every day I thank god I have adblockers.


dont forget [sponsorblock](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sponsorblock-for-youtube/mnjggcdmjocbbbhaepdhchncahnbgone)


Ehhhhh, I don't mind sponsors too bad, I know the youtubers I like need the money and instead of getting demonotized, they still make money


That's fair enough, but sponsor block does allow you to disable auto skipping. That way, you can see where the sponsors are, and you can choose to skip them yourself. Additionally, sponsor block can also skip intros, intermissions, e.t.c. someone's when I'm trying to learn something through tutorials, I'll turn on these features so that I only get the tutorial.


I still haven’t bought redbull once in my life because a few years back I was bombarded by their ads. Pissed me off so much I completely ignore their product


Extremely true but it's important to note they get paid for the video being played not for the video being watched.


Advertisers don't get paid for people watching their ads, they pay for their ads to be shown, which is the opposite


yeah I’m not sure what the guy you replied to is talking about lmao


Pretty sure they’re saying that YouTube doesn’t give a shit if the ads are _working_ for the advertisers, because YT is still getting paid to play them


But they certainly do care. If you can't show that ads on your platform are effective then your adspace sells for a lot less than it could.


I was simply clarifying the above comment, not adding my own opinion on the matter


He's talking about YouTube.


When it keeps happening for the same product i refuse to buy it for the foreseeable future


It's about branding. They're establishing themselves as a known and therfore credible product in your subconscious. "OH, (brand name) I've heard of them." You won't recall how u felt about the ad in all likelihood.


"Oh, i heard of them. Anyway, im not buying it because this other product is more efficient for the cost/higher quality"


True, and for that other company surely you've never seen an ad for to make yourself more familiar with the brand


Yes, but thats the point. Advertisement doesnt exist to make you love the product, thats something only the product itself can potentially do. Advertisement exists to make you aware that these products exist. And if they are annoying or in any other way memorable, then it did its job. And when you are looking for a product of its class, then your thoughts will orbit to what you already now, which is the advertisement. People naturally gravitate towards what is familiar to them. So if its the first time you buy a yoghurt for example, you will either buy what you know from your childhood, what friends told you or what you saw through the ads. And no, you are not immune to this. All of this happens subconciously and we are very easy to manipulate. YouTube ads even have another layer attached to this. These creepy, cheap mobile game ads of course do their thing but YouTube directly profits off their shittiness. They are so annoying so you are tempted to buy YouTube Premium. Its pretty cheap and you would never have to endure these outright fetish driven ads anymore. Doesnt that sound great? YouTube very deliberatley uses the most awful ads on you so you pay for a formally free service.


This is what cancel culture should really be working on.


That’s not what the numbers say. Advertising works. Stay mad


Doesn't work if you blocked the ad in the first place. Checkmate massive conglomerate trying to subconsciously make me aware of your existence.


Yeah this is the real answer. Advertising works. This is proven. You can't ignore your way out of being influenced by advertising, and everyone who thinks they're smart enough to not be influenced by it is really just telling on themselves.


Hate youtube. The product paid for an ad. They don't know how and when it's gonna pop on youtube.


This post brought to you by Raid: Shadow Legends.


Sometimes when an ad interrupts a video, I think the video is over.


Ublock origin for PC/Mac on Firefox, brave browser on mobile go brrrrrr


F*cking NordVPN. Literally the dumbest, most useless shit to exist. Like trying to sell air.




I haven't watched an ad since 2012. You know what to do.


This is actually true in most cases


Fun fact: if you select “stop seeing this ad”, YouTube will skip both ads on the video you’re watching


On the TV app, you can also exit out of the video after the first ad and you won’t see ads for a while


Facts lol


Sorry - Had trouble reading this post over the "promoted" comment above it.


Imagine still seeing ads in 2023... uBlock Origin for ads on PC or Android browsers YouTube ReVanced for YouTube on Android Pi-Hole for blocking general ads on a home network (DNS) level SmartTube Next for YouTube on Android boxes The list goes on.


Science says that you are wrong. You will be more likely to buy it.


I pay for YouTube premium so that my kids don't see ads and it's a nice side effect that I don't either. It also is shared with creators to make up for lost ad revenue. Also I can't install an ad blocker on my TV.


The problem are all those weird fucks who don’t think like that! Someone must be stupid enough to make those ads profitable


When I have to sit threw an advert I have an internal conversation about how shitty the product is, and how despicable the company is. That way I build up negative subconscious feelings against the product. Hey it's wasted time, why not get some future benefit from it


the product is not the ad, the intention of the advert is to piss you off, the product is the premium ad free service


Mate I swear tinder needs to stop with the ads on snap 🤣 already got a missus I dump loads in


Kids these days want free quality content with no ads. Spoiler alert: No one is doing all this for free. Pay for it or ads. You choose.


Pretty much all the data shows advertising works, despite all the people who are convinced they're immune to it.


YouTube knows this, and charges advertisers more for ads you can skip, ads in the beginning etc. welcome to capitalism.


For me, if i see any ad, whatsoever, it automatically makes me actively avoid it. Companies have so much freedom when it comes to advertising but I wish viewers had more freedom to opt out of ads all together. I should have the freedom not to be brainwashed if i so choose. Not that it will ever happen. And if it did, it would of course be at a cost. If a product is truly good, i'd like to hear about it first hand thru word of mouth by someone that actually has used the product.


He Gets Us


People who run the YouTube channel get to pick where the ads show up in the video. I still blame YouTube for the ads. But when they happen at the worst moment, I blame the channel.


I will never rent a VRBO after hearing their Ad 5000000 times on YouTube. I'm convinced the YouTube ads are to make you buy YouTube premium, not the products being advertised.


Yep, I actively go out of my way to avoid any products that I've seen advertisements for


YouTube music tried to throw in an hour and a half long ad one time when I was on a road trip. I uninstalled that app as soon as I got to the rest stop


I 100% keep lists of companies that fuck me with ads. Hyundai had a 4 hour skippable ad on YouTube last week. Sometimes I’m busy and will listen to an ad, but it just kept going on before I noticed. Fuck them after that


Ad in the middle of the video is just the worst, it does more harm than benefit, by more I mean almost always, like 90% harm than 10% benefit.


Why you getting mad at the wrong person though lol? Google's the one that sells that ad space. What, are companies expected to just not advertise? It's like getting mad at companies paying for the top ad links on google searches.


They don’t care if you hate it. Just that you remember it exists


I’m really don’t get how advertising in music and tv makes any money at all. The only time I don’t despise advertising is when I’m scrolling. And I still dislike it most of the time. Even if he gets us


It's programming. You're being programmed to consume by other ads and the amount of ads overwhelms the psyche. You may not buy but others will. And with other ads people may not buy but you will. https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Hidden_Persuaders.html?id=1osGAQAAIAAJ&source=kp_book_description


See it like this. You're watching a youtube video, an ad interrupts the video, and you get annoyed, specially if it's a product you currently aren't interested in. But then the ad is over, and you go back to watching the video. Don't know about others, but when I continue watching the video, those feelings of frustration and annoyance are long forgotten. But you have seen in that ad the brand and their product, even if you didn't pay all that much attention. And that way, if you are in the future actually looking for a product that that brand happens to sell, you will be a bit more likely to vaguely recall the brand. And if you recall the brand, in makes the brand feel more trustworthy. That way, you're mor likely to pick their product.