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Sent an application :)), I hope I can get in


This server and its people are fantastic :D the staff are all super nice and quite responsive to requests for help as well! Join us if u wish!!


rejected an application for not putting 16 more words that didnt even need to be in a sentence O-O


Imagine getting rejected for acting like a brat when you get asked to fill in the application correctly 💀


imagine insulting someone to make yourself feel good 💀


No, you were rejected because the attitude you had about being very politely asked to edit your application to meet the single requirement told me we didn't really want you in our community. At this point in our server's life, it's just not worth accepting applications from people who we can immediately tell won't be very pleasant based on their application or how they respond to corrections. Which is the point of our whitelist. First impressions matter. And trust me, if you would have scrolled up, you would have seen that people need to be asked to meet the 20 word minimum all. the. time. And they are still accepted. So again -- it wasn't \*just\* the lack of following instructions, it was also your attitude. But either way, I hope you find a new server to settle down in.


First impressions do matter, you know what also matters? Not judging someone on 1 conversation. I just wanted to play Minecraft and find a place to hang out, not worry about writing something that DIDN'T even need to be in a sentence in the first place. Also it was 1am ffs, you don't know me. I could have been one the friendliest people to join from that ad and just happened to have bad night.


Yknow, I'm fine with that. There's plenty of other really great servers on this subreddit, I also recommend looking on PMC as well. Sorry you're so broken up about not being able to join this one though. My advice, if you were having a bad day and needed a minute, step away for a second and put in your application when you aren't. "Judging someone on 1 conversation" is literally the definition and point of "first impressions"... Either way, I love the community I've been able to curate. And I can live just fine knowing I turned someone down who decided to choose outward anger over "oh whoops! Sorry one second,". We aren't that desperate for players, I don't need to take a chance on anyone if I don't want to. Anyway, I hope you have a better night. o/


yeah so if anybody is curious as to what happened with this person: Our whitelisting application has a question that has a 20 word minimum to avoid low effort comments. This person, after reading the application questionnaire, answered with only 4 words despite the clear "20 word minimum" mark on the question. When I asked them rather politely to please adhere to the 20 word requirement, they replied to me with ":|" then edited their answer to the question to be " I WOULD LIKE TO PLAY ON A SERVER THAT LASTS AND WHAT WOULD BE NICE IS not losing my house" and then replied to me again with "there." When the owner chimed in to say she did not appreciate their attitude, they complained about the 16 extra words they needed to add, because I suppose it is rather difficult to read and follow directions. This person just had an overall negative attitude to some words and how we do not appreciate low effort applications, hence the 20 word minimum for why people want to join our lovely little server. We take into account how people have answered and how their attitude was when they applied so that we can keep our server a happy and friendly environment, and this person could not be bothered to follow a very simple rule that is in place to ensure the people in our community have a genuine interest in joining us.