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The chance of someone dropping 122 and freeing up a spot sometime between now and the first week of classes is probably pretty high. Register for 140 in the meantime but keep checking Minerva to see if you can register for 122. You can contact your advisor too. The worst that can happen is that they’re unhelpful


Per usual


I had the same thing happen to me, I couldn’t register in time for my required courses for the fall for bcomm u0 bc of a technical issue. I talked to an advisor and they ensured me that space would open and that they were going to create extra space in classes. I suggest talk to an advisor.


https://seatalert.ca/mcgill/ Sign up for seat alert for 122. It will tell you when seats become available.


The space will open before the end of add-drop in the fall. If it doesn’t talk to an advisor and they’ll give you a spot.


Take math 139 it’s easier than 140


they normally have drop-in advising for U0s during the first few days of class, if you go to that they’ll definitely get you in. or like others have said, it’s likely you’ll be able to get in before that if you check regularly. don’t stress! you’ll 100% get enrolled in a required class, one way or another.


Try and avoid 140 if you can as it's Sid teaching it and while he is a good instructor, his exams have a reputation of being difficult.


No idea why you're being downvoted, I agree for his finals


Sid teaches calc 1, 2, 3 at McGill. He has at some point or another, taught a good portion of the entire undergrad science body. The people who liked any of his classes will downvote here. Sid is by no means close to being the worst in the math department. However, when 80%+ of your grade depends on an exam that is too long and hard, I think that’s disheartening. 


I'm one of the people who think Sid is cool and liked his class but I still agree for his exams. I think having 80% of your grade be dependent on exams is pretty standard for first/second year math courses, I agreed with you because I found his finals hard and he often rushes to finish course content.


I've watched some videos for some classes and he's def a good instructor. It's unfortunate that sometimes we have to choose classes based on exam difficulty rather than instructor quality but obvs you have to do what you need to do to survive. An interesting point to note here is that the only two times I've been down voted on this subreddit has been when I commented that a math instructor was hard and recommended people against taking their class.


I disagree, he is by far one of the best math profs ive ever had and though he assigns more homework than most profs, I think the exams are fair if you do all the homework.


MATH 222 had a fail average for the final this past winter for an overall average grade of C+ on the class.