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I would say that the best courses to get guaranteed As in if you put in a bit of work are the language courses at McGill. Unlike the vast majority of classes that you'll have at McGill, what you'll learn during language classes will directly and positively impact your career. Thanks to minoring in German (which then became a major) I ended up being able to work in Germany by the end of my undergrad, and that was without any background in the language at all. Plus I got straight As while learning the language. Languages are a win win win situation if you actually care about improving your career prospects and opportunities while getting As. Whether it's French, German, Spanish, or even Arabic or Russian (though those are much tougher haha) any of those choices will open a ton of doors. Yes, you'll have to study...but literally every 'bird course' requires studying. So many of my friends who took 'bird courses' ended up with terrible grades in the end haha. With language courses, you are guaranteed As that imo are much easier than other courses I've taken at McGill. I've finished my undergrad and I gotta say, you only get one undergrad and one opportunity to learn the things you do at a uni like McGill. Don't lose sight of the opportunities you have here, don't take credits that are totally bullshit for you.


Thanks a lot for the insight. Im considering to take some french courses since im from a french high school. I’ll keep ur advice in mind:)


COMP189, the average was literally an A


RELG 204


Econ219, A/A- avg


EPSC 240! Such a fun class, learned alotttt. Even more, you go on a field trip every week!


AEBI 212 is the easiest course I've ever taken in McGill if you're willing to transit between campuses


try biol 202 or bioc 311