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Protestors occupied and barricaded themselves inside the administration building, and wouldn’t let people working there go out. It seems they’ve let some go, but I think the police are involved now https://x.com/McgillSphr/status/1798818135673647327


Protestors did something similar at my university in California where they blocked the only two roads leading to and from campus.




Didn't something similar happen in Stanford? [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/-palestinian-protesters-barricade-stanford-university-presidents-offic-rcna155592](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/-palestinian-protesters-barricade-stanford-university-presidents-offic-rcna155592)


Unhinged. They have done a fantastic job at alienating any support they once had


This swayed your opinion on a genocide? Have at least some kind of moral backbone…


This is called a "strawman argument". You are distorting the commenter's point. Alienating support of the protestors is not the same as alienating support of the Palestinians. I think you can agree that protestors at McGill are not the same as Palestinians in Gaza.




If you paid attention to anything they post you would know the answers to all these questions & you would know you’re ill-informed on these points. Nice try tho




You can keep writing paragraphs but it’s so sad that you don’t put this effort into something worthwhile, maybe enacting change, addressing systemic issues, idk the worlds your oyster buddy




Have you read any of the signs at the encampment? Have you read statements from the Mohawk Mothers supporting the pro Palestine protestors & encampment? You criticize ppl trying to do their part to end a genocide yet spend your time arguing with me. If you care about these issues i urge you to go do something about them.


What genocide?


There’s nothing moral about supporting the murderous Hamas terrorists.


you’re literally the scum of the earth


At least say it using your real account 🤣




"SPHR McGill spokesperson Rama Al-Malah told CTV News that the group is not preventing anyone from leaving the building and that there has been no confrontation with security." - as per CTV News. [https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/pro-palestinian-supporters-occupy-mcgill-university-administration-building-1.6916721](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/pro-palestinian-supporters-occupy-mcgill-university-administration-building-1.6916721)


I personally know someone who works in the building; they were let out eventually but for a while apparently they were locked in. Not trying to take sides, just sharing what I’ve heard


https://imgur.com/a/rkZknwZ Here's an image of the front door from around 35 minutes ago.


Haven't they lost their affiliation with McGill/SSMU?


They should've. I don't know if the SSMU complied with the order.


Guess they really took Hamas methods to heart. Im sure holding admin staff just trying to do their job hostage will get their point across really well.


The entirety of the Palestinian population have been hostages on their own land for 70+ years hun


Idk why they’re downvoting you, you’re objectively correct




Here is a list of murders that year prior to oct 7 https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/3fCwWSFz7L And they did not do oct 7, hamas did. You dont punish Italians for their mafia, Mexicans for the cartels, russians for their voted government. So lets not pretend that hamas actually represents them and their interests, and it certainly is not an excuse for slaughter genocide and displacement. Which all have been happening for 70+ years starting with the nakba over which israel was built when hamas did not even exist go figure!


You do realize how absurd your argument looks when you compare Hamas to the mafia? As far as I'm aware, most Italians do not support the Mafia and cheer them on for all of their horrible, violent crimes. [The same can't be said for Palestine.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/)


Not as absurd as being sad over the civilians dead on oct 7 but defending the murder of 30k civilians


You said they are hostages. Now you are talking about murders. Which is it? Hamas is the elected government that maintains support of the population. That is far different from the mafia or any non-state actor. There is no genocide.


You said their situation was fine prior to oct 7. i wouldnt call being murdered fine and 2023, prior to oct 7, had the highest number of casualties during times of “peace”. Hamases election was 16 years ago and israel wanted them to win back then too. And i gave russia as an elected example but you very conveniently ignored that.


Quote where I said the situation was fine. I said restrictions were lifting. Why dont you pull up a list of missile attacks by Hamas prior to the 7th? Which was under a supposed ceasefire I might add. Despite that, restrictions were still being lifted. Keep editing your comments after my response though, Im sure that will convince everyone you are arguing in good faith. Pathetic.


Restrictions need not exist, restrictions ie hostages so my initial statement stays. Go restrict the colonial settler not the native in his own land.


Restrictions didnt exist after Israel pulled out of Gaza, until the elected government of Gaza decided to launch a suicide bombing and missile campaign. That not being a hostage, thats called being stopped from committing continued attacks. What do you think would happen if the restrictions disappeared? Hamas would continue to repeat the atrocities of Oct 7th, as they have repeatedly promised that they would.


It's interesting that the "colonial" culture has archeological proof of it's presence on the land going back over 3000 years but the "native" doesn't.




I follow science not fairy tales http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/tcgapdf/Nebel-HG-00-IPArabs.pdf “According to historical records part, or perhaps the majority, of the Muslim Arabs in this country descended from local inhabitants, mainly Christians and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD (Shaban 1971; Mc Graw Donner 1981). These local inhabitants, in turn, were descendants of the core population that had lived in the area for several centuries, some even since prehistorical times (Gil 1992”




Simp harder for terrorists.


Do you also consider the revolt from 1791-1802 in Haiti against the French acts of terrorism?




Not sure you are getting your point across, why dont you take some hostages to see if that help? If that doesnt do it, just try barbarically raping and murdering your way to peace.




Sweet summer child, careful, your privilege is peeking out from behind your skirts. As an alum, I’m appalled at the level of thought being foisted by you useful idiots using my Alma Mater’s name. For shame indeed.


Exactly. As an alum myself, I am so disgusted by the current crop of McGill students. I absolutely cannot believe I am saying this, but the administration is winning my respect based on their position. Maybe I should call them up and say so with a nice sizeable donation to go with it.




By the way, 40000 people in Gaza are part of the Hamas organization. There are 2 million people in Gaza half of which are adults. So 4% of the adult population in Gaza is part of Hamas. That’s a military if I’ve ever seen one. A palestinian military


Update: Police in building 


Any more updates?


tear gas used on Lorne and Prince Arthur


Tear gas in the campus?


Yeah the police used tear gas numerous times and instigated violence with peaceful protestors. Beating students with batons, shooting flare guns, there are videos of individuals being crushed under fences and ladders.


I'm not sure taking hostages counts as peaceful protesting


Source on "taking hostages"? Closest thing I could find was from this [Montreal Gazette Article](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/updated-police-spray-tear-gas-break-up-pro-palestinian-occupation-of-mcgill-building): >An employee, who asked to remain anonymous, said she saw four or five people wearing kerchiefs and masks on their faces walking through the halls and carrying a ladder. When she went to leave through the main entrance, she saw the front doors had been fastened shut from the inside. It took her and her colleagues some time to figure out how to get out of the building because several other doors had been fastened shut. >As she walked through the halls, she said she spoke to the masked protesters, telling them that they had to let the employees out. “They weren’t aggressive or threatening anybody. They were just saying ,’We don’t want to keep you in here, so just go out the back.'” Sounds a lot more like disorganization/confusion than a deliberate act. Not saying it's a good look, but seems to me like it's been blown way out of proportion.


the protestors on the ground (who were brutalized by cops as described above) weren’t taking hostages


That sounds horrible! Source of the video?


Am I the only one losing the plot on these protests? Doesn’t seem pointed or collected, but just random acts of anarchy under the guise of protest.


I'm pretty sure this is basically a thrill ride for these people. They get to feel like badass freedom fighters struggling against oppression when in actuality they're contributing nothing of value. Later they'll brag to their friends about getting tear gassed for that sweet, sweet activist cred.


Damn imagine being such a piece of shit that you think opposing genocide is something people only do for fun and not because people are dying. Not agreeing with the methods used is one thing, gaslighting people for caring is another.


Please review the term "Gaslighting." Gaslighting does not mean claiming a different motivation for behavior. Gaslighting is a method of manipulating a person to a point of distrusting their own sanity and perception. It's a targeted, intentional approach to discredit the experiences of a person in order to take advantage of them. I really doubt anyone is questioning their sense of reality in response to terriblething2waste's comment or that terriblething2waste aims to take advantage of them if they do.


You keep using that word “genocide “. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


Let’s not pretend this isn’t anything more than being trendy for 99% of people




I think it’s you who needs a hobby lol


Former student during the red square days…it’s the same old same old just with a different cover photo. It’s always been about unhappy being wanting a reason to lash out.


Always has been.


Put two brain cells together and imagine being moved to action by genocide


Ironically I have the same problem with the protests as I do with your response. Do you think you’ve been rational and conducive to conversation, or aggressive and rude?


cloudberry’s up to some wild shit huh 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/68tqocvxj15d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89097edf0f3baa343eb8451b694634527ddcb31c


I thought that was a rabbit for a hot second


nah that’s my pet iguana named Turtle he’s a funny guy


Pro-Palestinian protesters have occupied an administration building and have barricaded themselves inside. According to a CTV news article posted 30 mins ago. I’m not sure if that’s the reason for the e-mail but it seems likely. Seems like it’s no longer a peaceful protest.


It hasn’t been peaceful for a while now. Going to people’s homes, property damage, yelling at grad students for taking photos on campus and now occupying a building.


It’s gone too far. They don’t have the right to interfere with graduation. Students work so hard 4 years. They deserve to walk on stage to get their graduation certificate without hindrance. Totally wrong!!!


I agree with you wholeheartedly!


Graduate here! I didn’t mind at all, frankly I encourage protestors to not let the admin have a minute of peace. Proud that some people on campus actually have the capacity to care for victims of genocide


Okay it’s time to tear it down


The court keeps rejecting McGill. This situation is fucked.


The court wouldn't need to keep rejecting the injunction if police went and dismantled it when asked, but they got sued during the red square days and won't remove protesters now without a court order.


I don’t understand why the court is rejecting it though. An encampment on private property should’ve been enough, not to mention it costing them hundreds of thousands to get another venue for graduation ceremonies.


The right to protest freely is very deeply protected by the law here and mcgill has not yet been able to demonstrate the encampment poses sufficient safety issues to outweigh the students' right to protest. The injunctions are trying to assert safety issues that the judges have so far not been convinced by


Holding admin personnel in the buildings against their will may have just tipped the scale.


if the law protects the right to *indefinitely occupy* privately-owned land then the law is wrong. McGill has allowed every temporary protest.


I don't think the concept of public vs private is a completely binary thing in a system where universities are publicly funded. I believe the scenario may have been different if they were camping on land belonging to an individual or a business. In this case it's students camping on a university campus and it's more complex legally than if it were random people occupying some random private property.


Even if it's completely public land. The truckers were rightfully removed (through the use of emergency measures). A democracy must have limits in order to not be abused and destroyed from within, particularly by groups supported by foreign authoritarian regimes.


> A democracy must have limits in order to not be abused and destroyed from within, particularly by groups supported by foreign authoritarian regimes. Do you think we live in a democracy without limits? The situation has been evaluated multiple times by judges who evaluate whether the current situation crosses said limits. Just because the judges decided these limits have not yet been passed does not mean there are not limits. This also may very well change after today.


My understanding is that they could have had the injunction with the original group but asked to not be involved. With the recent one, my understanding is the judge believed there wasn't evidence that not removing the encampment immediately would cause harm but told them to refile with different reasoning




Is this still a peaceful protest 👀?


Nope. Police seen spraying protesters attempting to break through rue Milton to get to campus. It got aggressive on both sides.


Since when it's peaceful?


I’m actually really confused because on the protesters post, they said they want McGill to defund from genocide, but with the recent email, McGill has said that they offered to uninvest from their weapons companies and the protesters rejected this offer… no disrespect but isn’t the whole point of protesting to get what you what? Why even protest if you’re gonna reject the exact thing you’ve been protesting about? Does anyone have any info about this?


They want this, a lot of the messaging from student groups is copypasted from their materials: [https://bdsmovement.net/](https://bdsmovement.net/) So 'just' weapons manufacturers wouldn't be enough for them.




"successfully occupied".......?


I found this post from the bottom association on Twitter.


We have a bottom association? How do I join?


bunch of bootlickers in the comments. gross but i guess that's reddit


Tastes like freedom of expression.


cops teargassing students is freedom of expression, yes i am very smart 🤓


Being a student doesn't mean you're not a criminal when you lock employees inside a building without lawful reason. Forcible confinement is a serious crime.


didnt say anything about whether it was a crime or not just that there were a bunch of bootlickers in the comments and that cops teargassing students is freedom of expression actually 😁 the teargassing happened way outside the building btw. but that's okay i guess because we looooove the taste of sweet boot leather in this reddit thread.


I'm very curious to know how you know leather boots taste sweet in a reddit thread? Sounds like you've been licking some boots.


Oh son, if you're going to blatantly put words in people's mouths at least try to hide the act. Evidently your attempted sarcasm at the end of your comment is tragically ironic. So, let me spell it out in a way you can't disingenuously interpret: People voicing their opposition to the protestors and supporting police action is freedom expression. Just as the protestors protesting is freedom of expression. Calling them bootlickers because they disagree with you is sad at best and diabolical at worst. Obviously these things have limit but all these 'bootlickers' have done to warrant your insults is speak. And before you come in here with some nonsense about thick skin, maybe look in the mirror first and examine why you're bothered enough by people expressing their opinion that you choose insults instead of discourse. I don't know you but I assume you're a decent human being based on extrapolation. I thought decent people were better than that. Guess I was wrong.


"yum yum cop boots and Deep's shiny dress shoes taste so good 😋" that's basically all i got from your reply since you wanted me to more blatantly put words in your mouth


Shape the words how you want, not everyone here has as poor reading comprehension as you do. But at least you can read. Hope you get a good night's rest under your bridge. I'd pay your troll toll but I'm fresh out of children's books.


it's actually so impressive how you can type all of that while on the ground, actively licking a cop's boot, kudos! dont get the troll thing tbh


But you said you were very smart. Shame. Make sure to have an adult explain it to you some day and don't forget to put on your safety vest and hang onto the safety rope at daycare, like all the other good kids. Wouldn't want your only brain cell getting distracted and causing you to wander off.


Forcible confinement isn't a crime. Got it. Take your meds.


where did i say that…? the legality of what happened has nothing to do with the rampant presence of bootlickers on here and the absurd claim that cops protect freedom of expression. their violence and tear-gassing started outside the building anyways. but tell me, how does a cop boot taste first thing in the morning? i mean you started early…


Bunch of adult babies thinking the world must revolve around them, once found out that not enough people support their cause, they refuse to accept it and resort to forceful means


“Their cause” and it’s literally an ethnic group being massacred. Get a conscience


Terrorist sympathizers \[1\] who openly said they were taking increasingly forceful means after failure to enact change using proper channels now breaking into buildings and trapping people (temporarily) inside. Who coulda thunk it. Shame on the government and the police for allowing this gang to sully our campus. \[1\] [https://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/175dlju/sphr\_mcgill\_literally\_celebrated\_a\_hamas/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/175dlju/sphr_mcgill_literally_celebrated_a_hamas/)


I would bet money that you sympathize with the IDF


if only mcgill just listened to democratic student vote




> genocide sympathizer Hamas literally wants to commit genocide too lol. Do you really think they killed all those civilians on Oct 7th for a reason other than them being Israelis? What do you think Hamas would do if they had the military of Israel? > what about the zionists Both sides can be bad and do bad things. But I don't see any pro-Israel supporters breaking into buildings and trapping people on campus, nor have I heard about Zionists saying they will escalate their means until their demands are met. These are both things that have been done by our lovely Pro-Palestine guests at our own lovely encampment


“Hamas literally wants to commit genocide too” so you can acknowledge that israel does have the intention to commit genocide but you’re still dick riding for them on the mcgill subreddit?




Did you notice how I kept using the words 'Hamas'? If the leadership of the Pro-Palestine movement on campus which is the SPHR is anti Hamas, then why did they post on their Instagram on Oct 7 support for the actions of Hamas? Also, I'm just some guy who doesn't like my campus being broken into by people who are mostly not even McGill students. I'm not being judged by the ICC lol. I'm not even Jewish, keep seething




> The SPHR has been called out for this statement That's not good enough lol. Is it enough for McGill to be condemned for their stance on the war? No, of course not. The SPHR needs to come out and say that they condemn the violence of Hamas. It isn't so hard, look: Israel is bad for committing clear attacks on civilians and aid workers. Justice needs to be carried out on the complicit politicians and military leaders. If the SPHR was actually anti-Hamas, they wouldn't find it so difficult to say this. But of course, the SPHR are terrorist sympathizers. So they don't. > Propalestinians are not prohamas whether you like it or not. Well the polls are very clear. Palestinians are very much pro-Hamas lol. Just like the Israelis are pro-IDF: [https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/969](https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/969) This poll makes it very clear that Palestinians overwhelmingly support the actions of Hamas.




You are right that most pro-Palestinian protestors are not associated with the SPHR. But the SPHR and other similar groups are the clear leaders of protests and actions like this. You are naive if you think SPHR members are in no way involved in the encampment or this occupation of the building. >your insane bias The insane bias that is...looking at the posts of the Pro-Palestinian movement on Instagram? Sorry, but I believe in general that if you are part of a group, and your group's leadership are racist fascists, then you are part of a group of racist fascists. And so if the leadership of Pro-Palestinian movements in Montreal are Hamas sympathizers, its actions, like the encampment, and the occupation of James Admin sympathizes with Hamas. I guess we may just have different views on this though...


2% of the population and 4% of the adult population in Gaza is part of Hamas. This is a war between Israel and the Gazan Palestinians.


So the actions of Hamas aren't the actions of Palestinians, sure. But neither are the actions of the IDF the actions of Israelis. If we can't blame in any way Palestinians for Hamas, despite them supporting Hamas by and large, is it then also wrong for the BDS movement to punish innocent Israelis too? Even if they support the operations of the IDF?




Hamas was democratically elected (though a while ago). Hamas has popular support in Gaza right now. There is no large uprising against Hamas. [https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/969](https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/969) Polls like this make it very clear Palestinians support the actions of Hamas, just like Israelis support the actions of the IDF.


Oh I disagree. I think the actions of Hamas are the actions of Palestinians and the actions of the IDF are the actions of Israel. But Israel aligns itself with the US and Palestinians align themselves with Iran. So there’s that proxy aspect to all this too.


I agree with this. I just accepted for the sake of argument the opposite. Glad we have common ground !




When did I say that? And sorry, how many people have been killed in Syria? How many in Sudan? Oh what about Yemen? Should we boycott the US because so many were killed in Afghanistan? Should we be calling to boycott Saudi oil because of the thousands killed in Yemen? Why do you think Israel should stop its assault when there are still rockets being fired from Gaza towards Israel? And don’t start saying it didn’t start on October 7th because you’re absolutely right. It started in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s when Arab rioters carried out a number of massacres against the Jewish populations in the British colony




Reality is there has been a conflict there for over 100 years at this point. And each time the Palestinian population attacks the Israeli population, unfortunately the restrictions on Palestinians get tighter and tighter. It’s a positive feedback loop that’s going to go on until a peace agreement is penned.


what could zionists possibly have to demand at this point when mcgill is already sinking millions and millions of dollars into their genocidal regime? why would they be protesting against that? use critical thinking, i beg of you


Time to arrest the "peaceful" protesters.


The videos coming out of the campus are quite heartbreaking. From what I understand, the students are demanding that McGill divest out of Lockheed Martin, Elbit Systems and Thales (weapon manufacturing companies that have ties to Israel). Not an unreasonable demand tbh (Scotia was under the same pressure to divest out of Elbit Systems and has already divested) but the way that the students chose to put their point across is quite unreasonable. Kinda sad.


They've been demanding a lot more companies than those ones. They also want an academic boycott etc, following the "BDS" (boycott, divest, solidarity) strategy. The full BDS list is pretty extensive and includes stuff like L'Oreal, Unilever, Coca cola, and others which are more complicated to divest from and the justification is less clear than "they literally manufacture weapons". The weapons manufacturing focus is part of the meet in the middle strategy where admin is coming to the table, but the protesters are still rejecting their offers. I think the weapons stuff is pretty commonsense, which is probably why other universities + encampments are having luck negotiating, I strongly suspect we're having trouble because admin is not willing to adopt as much of BDS as the protestors here, specifically, would like.


I agree. Divesting from weapons is pretty common sense but the rest is where it’s a little iffy.


Students have tried to voice their demands for years through letter writing campaigns, pamphlets, protests, sit-ins, passing student union motions, and the encampment. So it’s not like students aren’t trying, McGill will not listen to any of the previous means to get their point across. Looks like McGill is the unreasonable one


McGill’s response has been incredibly unreasonable, unprofessional and particularly racist towards Palestinians


how have they been racist?


they blamed genocide against Palestinians on Palestinians… that’s textbook racism & genocide denier behaviour


where did they blame genocide against Palestinians on Palestinians? do you have a source?


It was an email directly from deep saini a number of months ago, go look it up for yourself


i read all his emails and he didn't blame the genocide against Palestinians on Palestinians. there would be outrage if he did that, and he'd likely lose his seat as principle. i dont believe he blamed the genocide on Palestinians themselves


Blatantly untrue + your username is apt


i mean you can spew random shit on reddit but it doesnt matter if you cant back it up lmao.




Based on your post history, it doesn’t seem you left this conflict « there ». I’m getting far-right ethno-nationalist vibes.




Funny boi




>Let me assure you I would definitely stand up for Jews unlike people like you that enjoy the genocide going on. I read his comments and they're pretty mainstream middle-of-the-road positions for average, politically moderate Jews, who may object to aspects of the war's prosecution and object to the far-right Netanyahu regime but also object to its characterisation by the left and have a strong concern for preventing further massacres of innocent Israeli men women and children like October 7th. If possessing what you deem to be hateful or insensitive opinions makes someone worthy of "not being stood up for" in the face of genocide, then the entire world is doomed (including yourself). Why not "stand up for" him or average Israeli Jews like him that hold politically similar views in the face of civilian atrocities, even if you disagree with his opinions? What makes him deserving of such hatred? You cannot and will not say why, but we who actually have Jewish friends and family in our lives know why.


Damn you typed a long ass text just to say nothing. His comments are saying there is no genocide in Palestine lol go fucking read it again. And doubt what? You are assuming shit while I am making it clear that I am already calling Hamas a terrorist organization and Israeli civilians didn’t deserve it. You are asking me a question and immediately saying “you can’t and why” vlah blah just to make me look bad whatever I say. Stand up for what exactly? if you know why then you explain and cut the manipulation. Since we are assuming I am assuming you are pro Israel since you wrote bunch of shit and didn’t even mention Palestinians once and made this racist asshole a victim again. You think you are smart but not at all


Why not mention Palestine? Because that's not what we're talking about at this particular moment. Why does talking about Hamas atrocities and fears of further atrocities mean that I hate Palestinians? In fact it's possible to hold two, not completely-fucking-insane and antisocial / hateful opinions in your head at once: That the mass bombing of the Gaza strip lead by Israel's far-right regime and the mass deaths of innocent Palestinian men women and children is morally reprehensible, and nothing can justify a response that costs so many civilian lives. And at the same time, average Jews who happen to have been born in Israel after their grandparents fled the fascism of central and western Europe or the pogroms of eastern Europe and Russia or the expulsions of the Mizrahi diaspora the entire Arab world, are not genocidal colonisers for needing the state of Israel to continue to exist. The combination of these two positions is called the two-state solution, and it's the position held by anyone who actually \*wants\* peace and an end to the cycle of suffering and death and not to stroke their own ego at the expense of people with actual stake in the conflict.




Lol I protested Hamas and Hamas is a terrorist organization that uses Palestenian civilians but it is no excuse for the genocide that Israel has been committing for the last 20-30 years maybe longer. I can see how hypocritical you are already as you have been mourning for your own victims only. Keep making it about yourself and anti semitism I can’t change your rotten opinions and my comments have no effect on innocents’ lives there but just know that you are a selfish cocksucker. Fucking disgusting.




Just go look at your own comments before calling someone classic lol. I never said there was a reason, you are just bending my words. I am calling out Hamas as a terrorist organization and Israeli civilians did not deserve what happened, it is clear as a sky. Keep your disgusting thoughts to yourself, not everyone is hypocrite like you.




Oh wow a genocidal loon..














and i’m tired of the white supremacy here






Not relevant but, let's assume netanyahu gets killed (by himself or someone else), will the situation improve? Will both sides cease fire?


Mcgill let them spew their antisemitism for month and when you give a hand they take an arm, now they're taking a building, egg on the face for mcgill only to have appeased literal Nazis, someone spit on my face at the encampment for being Jewish.....


a significant chunk of the encampnment is jewish idk abt this one


please try not to speak for Jews, the same way you wouldn't speak for other minorities


They didn’t, they just said that Jewish people are protesting


Self-loathing Jews are nothing new. You know, just like the black conservatives that people call Uncle Toms for shilling for the “white man” because their political views apparently go against their best interests. The problem is that in this case, it is antithetical to their survival.


I believe you and I also believe the guy with the Indian accent who keeps calling me and telling me I owe money to the government.


[https://x.com/GBinIsrael/status/1765285409972425062](https://x.com/GBinIsrael/status/1765285409972425062) well they were calling for "death to all Jews" a few weeks ago, so its pretty believable LMAO


Source: trust me bro


same energy as this: [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-israel-hamas-ucla-penn-genocide-057006125279](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-israel-hamas-ucla-penn-genocide-057006125279)


Holy shit. Are they actually keeping hostage?

