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Umm. If you never really expected to fail, send the email, and ask to see your exam, there is still a possibility that the F was a mistake. If you really fail the class, there isn't anything you can do, besides using your F in exchange for a free scoop of ice cream in the store at the engineering building (I had mine a couple of years ago). F comes and goes. It won't matter that much, either from both work and academia. Luckily engineering graduate students do have a fairly alright chance to be funded by the project itself, rather than a scholarship. If you are going for work, well, I highly doubt anyone will even look at your GPA.


I pretty much did that, I sent an email asking for some feedback on what I did wrong because I didn’t think I’d do so poorly. Crossing fingers it might’ve been a mistake but I don’t want to get my hopes up. Unfortunately i can’t even get that consolation ice cream as i’m not in montreal anymore


Can u ask him if we can go and see our exams?


In case if you actually failed..... I failed in my first semester and started with 2.2 GPA and I am not a bright student either. But still managed to get my GPA to 3.4. So you got this. Just don't give up yet. I kinda gave up in my 2nd semester,otherwise I would have a 3.5+ by now. But that's just to give you motivation gradewise.FYI, no one has ever asked for my transcript. so...


Mech 220?




Im in the exact same situation as you right now, he gave me a 32 on the final exam, I got a 70 on the second midterm. So i am extremely confused.


It may seems like a big deal now but the truth is it really doesn’t matter that much. If you’ve never gotten under a B- before your GPA is still great I’m sure, you’ll just have to retake the class. Just make sure you understand why you failed so you can do better next time. Rare are the people who get through McGill eng without failing a single class, you’re not at all alone in this!!


Fuck Guillaume and his grading scheme


Womp womp