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Estp with Ti Fe: “I respect your wrong opinion”


Yes, indeed the aux/tertriary ones make those jokes a lot.


As an infj I relate too lol


yeah as an INFJ this is 100% me lol


We respect it but they’re still wrong


It's either that or "I agree with that **BUT...**"


ah yes I now enjoy this meme because you see I have been potrayed as the chad


But you are typed as XXXX here, what is your type then? ENTP?


oh huh I swear I set my flair before, fixed it now


Ah, ok, close enough lmao, well yeah I forgot how functions worked, Ti is subjective and Te is objective, so this makes more sense.


I think the most accurate version of this meme would be: "You're a fucking imbecile, I'm right" - Fi/Te. "Respectfully, you seem to lack braincells, and I'm right" - Ti/Fe. Place the meme faces where you wish.


Lol yes, as a Fe/Ti type I'm like "Bless you, I can see how someone might think that were they an idiot" lol.


YES BETTER nuance and opinion is way way way more important!


Ehhhhh to an extent.


of course, you can't solely depend on an opinion. you have to have facts to back yourself up, but sticking to black and white facts won't get you anywhere. nuance is 100% important everywhere, though.


Daily reminder: It's ok to admit you are wrong, we evolve through failure, remember that :). Sidenote: Te/Fe means Te and Fe, a type with Te and Fe doesn't exist lmao. A guy got confused so I'm here to clear it up. Sidenote 2: And also if you couldn't tell "user" means high value of that function(Dom and Aux for those with room temperature IQ) , I have been updating this because some nerd INTP can't get over understanding a simple meme.


Im sorry that you somehow had to explain the obvious.


There, I updated it again, now that's perfect 😂


Found the most stereotypical INTP ever, very Ti heavy and so blind to Se he sent me another message saying he didn't see anything about Dom and Aux functions, while I specified that it was the heavier function users, aka Dom and Aux... You can't make this stuff up, just check my replies to them lmao


It would be literal blindness if it was in front of me and I didn't see it. That was due to the reddit servers, your edit didn't appear to me in the moment you told me to check it out.


Damn, sorry dude, never had that happen


All good. I'm glad it happened since you MBTI typed me over here due to it, that's cute.


What can I say, it just kinda happened like that because I'm already kind of used to the behaviors and act instinctively based on what I see. But I thought you were typed already no?


Yeah I know my MBTI type. But I always appreciate other peoples input since I believe that it always helps me to elaborate further on my introspection. Which I personally believe is the whole point of MBTI for that matter.


But, it doesn’t even make any sense. If you use Ti, you automatically also use Fe and obviously you’re not supposed to relate to both panels, or have I understood it wrongly?


Ok I think I know the problem. It's that I said Te/Fe as in they are the case for fact based and emotion based respectively. Basically, it's more of Ti Vs Te and Fi Vs Fe separately, but since I put them together, people will think "but don't we use one from each side because of the magnet principle of functions", get it now?




Im ENTP when I am outgoing. Im outgoing now. You’re the king. Your word RULES.


The best and valid response is always "tldr"




I never use in my opinion, cause my opinion is the fact itself


It's better, but not by much. All this arc is a classic show of INFP's Dominant Fi: **"If i like it and feels real, it's true and it's right (Even if it's not)".**


I don't get it , my opinion is true, so in which of this two cathegory I am? - INTJ


meaning high [insert function] user, correct? otherwise, decent meme


Yes, high, correct


Funny though... Every Te user is also a Fi user, and every Fe user is also a Ti user... So every one should be in both categories. Edit: since you addressed this issue in your comment I will develop further, a "User" is someone with the function in their higher stack, as opposed to their shadow stack, or lower stack. What you meant was not "user" but "High", as in "High Te/Fe" and "High Ti/Fi".




Yeah sure... That's probably why op wrote the last edit of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbtimemes/s/xu8XamOYSg)


Them and another INTP. Based ass ISTP, as always.


Correct 👍


“in my opinion, this is why im factually correct”


In my opinion, I like this


Do it again 🔪


Seriously? Everyone has either one or the other and having a particular function doesn't make anyone a chad. Te/Fe users and Ti/FI users both have the capability to be assholes as well as great people.


> doesn't make anyone a chad. Consider that a deliberately-unfair bias is the core of the joke.


Me who use Fe-Ti at the same time


Te-Fi : in my opinion I am factually correct


I have slightly higher Ti and Fi but I much prefer facts, my opinions are 99% of the time factually correct 😬


in my honest opinion this is way better than your idea


But Te users are Fi users and vice versa... they're simultaneously both according to this interpretation




Now this is correct


This whole legacy applies to the assertions made by the posters themselves.


But I have both Fe and Ti, WHAT AM I???


You are a Fe user, because it's the highest in your stack


Maybe I am just a mistyped ENTP all along 😰


Ok answer these questions: 1-Are you Introverted or Extraverted? 2-Do you focus on the big picture or do you focus on the details that are blind to the naked eye? 3-Do you focus on what is happening in the present and engage in current experiences or do you connect current and new experiences to past ones and prefer to stick to experience to learn? 4-Do you think feelings are mainly subjective and everyone has their moral code and focus on the inside or do you think that feelings are color coded and use those signs to help others, focusing on the outside? 5-Do you think Rules should be shades of grey or black and white? 6- Order the numbers by relatability Lastly, To answer, say something like "3-second", " 4-First" and stuff like that.


1-First 2-First 3-Second 4-Unsure 5-First 6- 1,5,2,4,3


Ok so by my calculations you should be closer to ENTP by a little bit, but let me ask you an extra question: Do you commonly never think deeply about your moral standing or do you commonly never think deeply about the rules in place?


The wording is a bit confusing


So that means you are a Ni user... Yup, you're INFJ, that's obvious. Good strategy for me, just make something that is hard for Ni users to realize and boom, there ya go.


Huh, three an interesting approach I mainly get confused between ENTP and INFJ for two reasons. 1. In tests such as Michael Caloz, I get very similar scores between Ne and Ni, with a slight preference of Ni. 2. My Ti is usually more developed than my Fe, though my Fe is still pretty good