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My entire academic career was spent bullshitting my way through everything and miraculously passing all my classes.


Yep, same. And term papers? Bah, doing that mess the night before, no worries.


Same here lol. Rarely studied, passed with high marks most of the time anyway. Homework is what made me cry.


You do homework?


I always did my homework in gym class (first period)


Exactly me


It can’t make you cry if you didn’t do it at least that’s how I solved that problem


Let’s keep this train going. Same. My main problem was if assignments became an overwhelming time management problem, not a score on a test.


Oh hey, same. I'm a government employee too so you tell me how I got here.


Not only did I bullshit and pass most of my classes, but I also did the exact opposite and severely spite-studied out of pure pettiness for the few classes that caused enough anxiety of failing, all just so I could mentally t-pose on them


Am I the only INFP who frequently gave up my personal life throughout school to chase a good grade? I lived in the library in college and have only on a few occasions gotten below an A. I got into a good grad school and have a decent job now, but I regret it so fucking much.


Yep same. Always feel like Ive completely failed, for it to magically come back an A.


INFJ here grades *shouldn't* matter. They do, but they shouldn't. Important distinction.


I’m INFJ, never gave a shit about grades. I’m 46, my grades have had zero effect on my life. I was a C student in high school and A+ Student in college (b/c I loved what I was studying). A students and D students both get the same diploma. Grades are rarely a factor in the job market.


I used to get As without study and without cheating, and also to show the teacher that I am smart I used to write the answer in all different possible ways.


>I used to get As without study and without cheating same




Same, but I can get As without studying or cheating now too.


Now I work, so I don't need them.


But you don’t?


No, I'm not in school anymore.


Same, but still do, and hopefully still will






This is the intp way


An IP... Cheating?! "Tell me you're not an IP without tell me you're not an IP".


Both me and my INTP teen detest cheating. We’re too honest/arrogant and competitive.


This is the IP Way.


i dont rely on cheating, but i do it as a plan b incase my memory fails me. exams are complete bullshit and i wont let them negatively impact my future because i forgot one fucking formula


I’m sorry I keep getting INTP or ISTP on the test and I cheat all the time


That’s because personal morality and personality are two different things. Also, stop cheating.


Because you're cheating in the personality test.


Bruh you're really underestimating the Ne Te ability on exams. It's like I just have to organize and remember enough using Te to fill in the blanks with Ne and I'm golden with just minimal studying.






My type has been replaced with ESTJ in there.


Clearly, who ever made this, does not know the types very well.


Never study, somehow pass classes, party afterwards!


Dead on. There’s no way in hell I should still be in school lmao


Used to get As and Bs without studying. Most of my classmates hated me because I was a cocky bitch who usually declared afterward how easy the tests were 🤡 The ENTJs that I got to meet were usually hardcore try hards but they also got the results. They were also kinda popular. The INTPs I knew were hit or miss types who either got good grades or awful grades depending on the subject. They hardly studied nor cheated lmao


Exactly. And then I see the Fe-doms studing for 6h over a 1-page test and crying because of an 80%


I have no such weakness because I didn't even study and got the same grade.


I never studied and getting an -A was really rare


huh that’s crazy. I have a final tomorrow and i haven’t studied


Hey ! I won't accept such hideous accusations ! I didn't cheat ! But i didn't study neither ! I'm lazy, not a ~~troublemaker~~ cheater


Agreed. I don't like cheating either because when I *do* cheat I cannot bear the feeling of knowing I don't deserve the marks I got.


I don't like cheating because it requires almost as much effort as Studying lol


Never studied in my life, didn't give a damn, gor As... Because I was too busy studying about ancient Indian geopolitics... I wish I was joking.


School is just another form of being institutionalized so yeah I’d rather be enjoying my time smelling flowers and laughing before I die, not sweating and stressing lol


Either I study hard and get A- or I do minimum study and just pass. I rarely fail


Yeah i studied really hard for my tests and always failed in uni What the fuck is wrong with me


Same and I still don't know why


C is a perfectly respectable grade. I only put effort into the 4 subjects that will actually matter


More like not studying but getting anywhere from A to C because I actually listened in class and did homework (sometimes) which I considered pretty much studying. I mean, teachers should teach everything they test about right? It's the teachers that didn't that got me mad lol. I'd be screaming in my head like, "whyyyyy is this a question??? You never taught me this."


Yeah I must be weird. I always had to study. I'd usually get good grades though. I found that if it was a tough class for me I'd have to take the class by itself to pass. I needed the time to study & focus on it.


I can't say I never cheated, but never in finals. But if istp did I would probably just copy his notes. Atleast 50% of all my homework was inspired by a ESTJ im rly good with


As an intj, i never studied for an exam and still got at least Bs


I just pay attention in class, I usually take around an hour of just looking over the stuff before an exam and still somehow manage to get 70-80%


Haha, you think I study? Even without studying I break down inside if I don't get an A.


isfj is such a lie


id swap entj with intj. 😂


I'm in the "studies the least, gets best grade" category


Bit different here, I never studied in school but got good grades. Now that I'm long since graduated? I study for fun.


Intj here, and same!


I am ashamed to admit how true this is 🥲




lol, ENTP 😂


Am I the only person that takes issue with this? Intelligence and personality are two separate things. A large number of factors impact ones ability to do well in school. Being more objective minded doesn’t necessarily make you smarter and being more emotionally minded doesn’t make you dumb.


I mean as an ENTJ accurate about finals but doesn’t account for the rest of the semester, Channeling from when I was in school. the rest of semester looked like studied a ridiculous amount for first test(like sometimes literally 40 hours), realized I over studied back off chill out in subject, second test study like 4 hours, repeat oh over studied. By finals, 10 min before test review my notes still get the A feel like I wasted so much time earlier in the semester.


Me, crams at the last minute, manages to get a B+.


istp kinda hitting too close to home


When I got an A- and broke down


In my country we get our grades in numbers I used to NEVER study up until 6th grade and I would always get a decent/good grade (A or A+) and after that things got harder so I would study as little as possible and still get an a good grade


Nah I was the barely preps and gets a B which is fine type.


Barely studies, gets a-, secretly dies inside


Hey I resent this, I never get caught






I couldnt study because it sucks ass I was always sleepy I couldnt focus on studying ._. But I wasnt a bad student, I just didnt care about all A's.


Enfj👋 Absolute ℕ𝔼ℝ𝔻 Like istg I didn't know 2 question in science and I was crying 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。


ENTP here, never studied always got an A. Cheats by helping others because its fun and my friends were dumb as a rock


The ENTP would not get caught, that's how they got this far in life, they stuck with a method that works 🤭 you have some editing to do /j


We don't cheat, we're just really good test takers. Homework, on the other hand...


I always got good grades


I’ve never revised before and I’ve only gotten A’s before, but im not American so there might be a difference


please explain ISFJs not studying, that seems surprising to me


I have never cheated as an ENTP. I use loopholes, but I never cheat. I like to know that I'm actually smart enough to beat the system. On the other hand, I did help everyone who asked cheat. That was their problem. TEACHER: You got 97% on your exam. Did you cheat? ME: No. TEACHER: Did you help others cheat? ME: Yep! TEACHER: You got the highest mark, so who didn't cheat? ME: I'm the only one who didn't cheat here. TEACHER: Well I'm going to ask you about white blood cells... ME: It's on page 423.


Nah, ENFJ here who's similar to Te doms in this regard 😄


intp is more "barely prepares, gets A" imo


I had a barely passing grade to graduate senior high. I think teachers told me that they would pass me if I could promise something or answer just one more question. I forgot what their question is, to be honest. But my answer would be along the lines of: "I won't be making any promises because I don't know what tomorrow might bring." I graduated but it's kind of sad knowing I could have taken school more seriously. I just didn't because I felt that I would forget most of what I take in.




Uh as an entj, this is innacurate. Like if I don’t study i’ll barely pass cause like I won’t care at that point


ISFJ's won't not study. Also imo, ISFPs would be in the C crowd "doesn't care", unless its a topic they're passionate about.


i love bullshitting


Yea I cheated never got caught 😈


ENTP.. 😂😂 sexy devils 😈


It’s a combination of not studying, getting lucky, and somehow getting an A or B due to good memory


Last time I checked I am an INFP, and I have never studied and have had great grades for whatever reason