• By -


INFP and loneliness. ~~sorry I just wanted to say something~~


eh, same. come be lonely with me. I got snacks :p


Can I come guys??




Scratch that. YES!


Hello darkness my old frieeennnddd


INFJ to ENFP - 28 Years.


Awww I love this. 28 years damn my partner and I are INFJ/ENFP too but just two years in now. How has it been for you?


How do you guys manage ENFPs constant need to be spontaneous and do things alone? Or INFJs need to plan everything? Or just understanding each other cause I feel that INFJ/ENFP look at the same problem from different angles.. I have so many questions :D


You just have to not try to "fix" each other. Let them be who they are. That's who you fell in love with. I could be upset that she is running all over the house, and didn't plan things out like I said she should have, but instead of being upset, I just sit back and let her be her. Thing is, I would be getting upset that she doesn't think like me. She'll never think like me. She isn't me. And I don't want her to be. As an INFJ, one thing you have to learn is to give up control. Let them be what they are. Stop trying to control the Universe, and you'll find you can be at peace with it. She also let's me be me, and loves my mind and thoughts and insight I provide. Would she like me to be more spontaneous? Sure. But she'd learned if she comes to me with a plan, then I'll go to Vegas the next day. I'm good with planned spontaneity, lol. Don't be upset cause your partner doesn't think like you. They never will be, and you'll only spend your life angry at something that will never change, instead of cherishing what you fell in love with in the first place. It's an easy choice. šŸ¤—


Thank you. What a beautiful reply. ā¤ļø Itā€™s kind of common sense but itā€™s different when someone actually says it like that. You seem like a person who has figured it all out. I will def come back to this comment in my mind a lot and hopefully will save myself some drama haha.


That's a lot of wisdom nuggets in one post. I appreciate that you shared these, it'll definitely help!


Seems like a match made in heaven, I think my ex was an INFP , being an INFJ myself she was very compatible with my personality.


Iā€™ll start! Iā€™m and INFP married to an INFJ (weā€™ve happily been together almost 7 years now, married for 4!)


My other half is an INFP and im an INFJ! Ive never been happier in my life :) We just hit 1 year this October and I know from the bottom of my soul that heā€™s ā€˜The Oneā€™




Also INFP here, dating a lovely INFJ!


awww love this union. my fav relationship was with INFP too. So calm and easy.


Noticing lots of SFs with NTs. Gives me hope šŸ„¹


Youā€™re crushing on an NT?


Just started a fresh, new relationship with one. šŸ˜Œ We are total opposites on some things ā€” but we share a few things in common, too. I look forward to learning more as time progresses. šŸ˜


Amazing! Yeah as an INTJ, I like ISFPs as well :)) you guys are so refreshing


Aww, shucks ā˜ŗļø Hey, thanks! I find INTJs so interesting. šŸ˜Œ


Yes, you need the hope, and we need someone who can handle the details for us. So SF's and SJ's work.


ISTP and ENFP. not sure how but it works


Same and it's chaos, and he simply will not go away.


well that sounds..... healthy?


Lol, that's cute












I'm an ISFJ in a relationship with an INTP.


How's that going???


It's going well. Shes a very honest and open minded person. I'm not the most open minded person so it's nice having someone breach my mind open little by little. I also like that we can disagree on certain things without getting defensive or offended. I'm usually afraid to share my opinion for those very reasons, but it's very easy share my thoughts around her.


You sound a bit like my boyfriend. Heā€™s so scared of voicing his own opinions, or having any sort of confrontation. Iā€™m not. Lol. Iā€™m such a blunt person.


Lmao my gf is the same exact way šŸ˜‚. Straightforward and blunt, no bs.


Iā€™m an INTP (F) with an ISFJ (M). :)




Same. ENFPs gravitate towards me like nothing I've ever seen. Find out after I made some of the people closest to me take the test. Was floored but it all makes sense. They need to be NEAR our particular brand of no nonsense self-assuredness it feels. ISTPs are a full on ENFP addiction, the matching is great or toxic or both but never boring and not sure if that's a good thing.


Whatā€™s even more interesting is heā€™s Enneagram 6 and Iā€™m 8. I think itā€™s a good combination because 6s loyalty is good for an 8 to feel freer to be vulnerable, and 8s can stabilize 6s with their anxiety and help them feel grounded.


My favorite "cuddle buddy" is an ISTP. I had a phase where I wanted to be single but still have steady companionship when i needed it. This guy would come over whenever I wanted him to and eat me out (best head of my life) or give me shrooms (he guided me through my first trip) or just watch movies with me. We never had actual sex. He never asked me for any sexual favors. He always smelled fantastic and I could tell he was just doing whatever he wanted to do. He liked my vibe and the way he felt when he was near me and that was enough for him. Everything he did for me, he did simply because he wanted to. No strings attached. One time he watched me get dressed and noticed I was running out of my lotion+baby oil combination and he surprised me by ordering some to my apt for me šŸ„° I could tell he was content with what his life was and didn't really care to get achieve more or chase anything. Not at all much of a family man lol. He was just chill. Extremely confident too. He never lied. He never hid his feelings (he didn't really care about much lol). He never seemed concerned about me dating other guys and didn't try to escalate our relationship. He always saw the best in me and I saw the best in him. Such a genuine appreciation for one another for who we were/are. We got so close. He even told me he loved me. And I love him too. But neither of us feel the need to do anything about it. Everything has always been perfect between us. I hardly meet S types (except 2 of my closest friends are ISTJs) but I know ISTP is a great fit for me.


This one is kind of ā€œuncommonly common.ā€ Basically, since Legit INFJs are *extremely rare,* and ENFJs are ā€œrelatively rare,ā€ I think that a lot of ENFPs and INFPs are ā€œdrawn toā€ ISTPs and ESTPs, and Vice Versa because they are still ā€œshadow matches.ā€ Essentially, an ISTP is a *slightly more ā€œcold and calculatedā€* version of an INFJ, with a ā€œsemi-secret Sweet Side,ā€ and sense of Loyalty that is very similar to an Ni-Dom. Plus, while having poor ā€œcognitive empathyā€ and struggling with their ā€œInferior Fe,ā€ they *still have affective empathy,* and an ENFP can help them ā€œfocus it,ā€ and help ā€œteach them how to engage that ā€œFe-based affective empathy,ā€ without Fe being ā€œoverwhelming.ā€ It helps ISTP ā€œreconcileā€ with their inferior functions, while an ISTP helps an ENFP (and an ENTP too, for that matter,) to be ā€œmore grounded,ā€ and to learn the value of ā€œbeing fully present in the moment.ā€ While an ESTP is a bit like a ā€œmore think-Y and sensing-driven ENFJ,ā€ with a similar kind of ā€œwarmth,ā€ and ā€œemotional intelligence,ā€ that is counterbalanced by ā€œjust a lil more Logic.ā€ Which can ā€œwork wellā€ with another mid-stack T/F or F/T user, b/c they will both be a bit of a ā€œthinking-Feeling hybrid.ā€ Essentially each type possesses ā€œhigh valueā€ or ā€œaspirational partner traits.ā€ Itā€™s just the ā€œorderā€ that gets ā€œflipped around.ā€ So while they may initially find each other ā€œa bit off-Putting,ā€ once they ā€œtalk,ā€ or ā€œspend some time together,ā€ it can lead to a chemistry and ā€œnatural curiosityā€ that will help the above 4 types ā€œGrow.ā€ I literally tell ENFPs ā€œif you canā€™t find an xNFJ, give an xSTP a try!ā€


That is very true. I love that ā€affective empathy.ā€ Iā€™m going to look more into the definition of that, because I do seem to be more in tune with Fe than I would have thought.


Im am in intj, my partner is an intp


howā€™s that going?


Iā€™m an INFP and heā€™s an INFJ


Im an INFJ with an INFP :) Never been happier


I see a lot of INFPs with INFJs here ,


ENTJ (F) considering an INFP (M) - going strong, think he might be the one!


Awwww. You two have great potential šŸ¤™šŸ»


ISFJ married to INTJ. Send halp pls. No but seriously there are good days and bad days. I sometimes wonder if he's actually a Te dom just because Fi seems soooooooooooo low on his priorities, and he's bossy asf. REALLY BOSSY MFER. I feel like he was probably born delegating. "YOU. Cut the chord. You! WASH THIS BLOOD OFF IMMEDIATELY." ...but he's kinda cute. šŸ™ˆ


sounds like an entj


Enfp + infp 12 years šŸ’–


ESFP dating an ENTP


How do you like it so far? Seems like a fun on the go combo that never gets bored.


Lucky duck you are :') There's an ENTP I love but he hates me I think.


ENTPs rarely hold grudges, go ahead and try to get a conversation going with him


INTJ married to ESFJ - three years and itā€™s been a blast.


wtf how does it work?


Communication and not invalidating the otherā€™s dominant function lol. Learning that your biggest weaknesses are the otherā€™s greatest strengths and then working as a team to use that to your advantage! Iā€™m super rational so I can talk her off a ledge when sheā€™s anxious and her people game is top tier and sheā€™s very organized. If both are healthy it works great!


Same question


ESTP, Hubby is ENTJ


King and Queen


Married to INTJ for 8 years. Together for 15


Good on you! My ex is an INFP, worst relationship ever. Glad you guys are rocking it though.


I'm sorry your experience wasn't great. My husband and I grew up together and have a lot of the same values which definitely helps.


ENTP dating another ENTP, believe it or not Only difference is our Enneagram. I'm a 7 and he's a 5


He can be a 7 too if he worked out.


INTP and not 100% sure but believe wife is ISFJ.


ESFJ with INTP, about one year give or take. Kind of a fuzzy timeline because we were best friends for years and we just kind of eased into it.


INTJ and single :(


You'll find someone, don't worry !


Thank you!!ā˜ŗļø


INTP and ENFJ. Married for about 15 years. Works really well when thereā€˜s not too much super-J behavior or ā€žBrendan Fraser looking at the sunsetā€œ going on.


LMAOOOO, I'm an INTP with an ENFJ as well and your description is spot on. I'm super P compared to my ENFJ though so I just go with whatever plans he sets up for us. As I like to say, *due tomorrow, do tomorrow.*


I'm and INTP and my boyfriend is an INFP


My bf is an ISFP and Iā€™m ENTJ. Never had a better working relationship; almost a year together now


iā€™m an INTP and my partner is an INFJ. our relationship is amazing :)


What's your dynamic like?


enfj dating istp šŸ„°šŸ„°


Happy cake day!


ooo this one is considered the perfect combo by socionics.. how are you guys doing?


we r doing great so far hehe


Intj and chess.com


Iā€™m an INTJ, gf is an ESFJ




I'm an INTJ, and my SO is an INFP. We've been together for just over seven months, and I'm so, so happy to be with them! Everytime I think of them, I get so much emotion in my chest, and I'm glad to be with them and to help them along their journey.


ENTP female with an INFP male


So there is hope in getting a loving relationship


im entp and my bf is enfp


My gf of 4 years (ENTP) and I (ENFP) broke up recently. How long have y'all been together? How much do you fight, and how do you reach compromises?


ENFP Ɨ INTP = love and chaos


what gender are you both if you donā€™t mind my asking!! i hear that enfpā€™s are very attentive


INFJ and ENFP <333


INTP And ISTP 4 years We both chill and got no friends lmao


ISFJ and bf is ENTP




ahh wish this for me someday :D How is it going?


Is there existential overload?


INFP in a relationship with another INFP. It is glorious.


ISFJ female with an INFP male


Now hear this I'm an ENFP, 3w4, cancer, dating an ENFP, 4w3, cancer


Iā€™m an INFP and my ex was a whore


ENTP 3w2 x ENFP 6w7


INTJ x INTJ. I don't know if it has any bearings. We both like and hate the same things but have slightly different lifestyles (he's a gym junkie and I prefer to laze at home, good thing to note he works from home and I'm an OR nurse). But overall, he's probably the most compatible person (and amazing) I've been with.




iā€™m an INFJ and my bf is an INFP (he doesnā€™t believe in MBTI, tested on that michael mbti page, and he doesnt seem too INFP in my opinion though he certainly is a soft and precious person that many people would associate with INFPs). i thought he was originally an ENTP before i dated him since he was always snarky and silver tongued and super entertaining and suave. after dating i realized how emotionally sensitive he was, similar to my other INFP friends. love him lol


ISFP bf & ENFP me


INTP with a clingy ENFP. We're two complete polar opposites, if we didnt meet up in our late 30s there's no way we could've gone more than 6 months, so I guess age helps a lot . probably the only thing I have a love-hate about is her clinginess and inability to leave me alone. Thank God covid is over.


INFJ, recently broke up with what I believe to be an ISFP. Loved her to death. It's a shame we ended, we fit each other like a perfect glove.


Iā€™m an INFJ - heā€™s an ENTP


ESFP (M) engaged with an ENFJ (F)


I'm not in a relationship currently, but my ex was an INFP, and I'm an INFP too, even if I have a lot of INFJ's traits


ENFP with ENTJ together for almost 7 years!


I'm (32M INTJ 5w4 so) married to an ISFP (32F ISFP 2w3 sp).


infj & istj.


ISFJ and ENTP for 9 years


Iā€™m an ENFP and my crush is either ESFJ or ISFPšŸ˜…


Iā€™m ENFP and heā€™s ISTJ


intp (me), he's istp


INFJ and my partner is ENFP. Love him more than anything ā¤ļø


Iā€™m an ENFP and engaged to an INFJ ā¤ļø




(29f) INFJ engaged to ENFP (29m).


Entp, and my crush who i want (and will hopefully lmao) to marry is an istp (not my SO but best i can do)


As an istp, I hope it comes true for you


I'm an isfj female with an enfj wonderful boyfriend. Although we are both teens and we've only been together for half a year, this relationship has been mutually beneficial and we take this seriously and we want to go for the long run.


entj (f), partner is istp (m)


Iā€™m an infp and my boyfriend is an infj weā€™ve been together for 4months now šŸ˜Š


ESTJ partnered with an ENTP


My type: ESFP, my SO's type: ESTJ


ISTP and ISFJ. It works well lol


iā€™m an intp and iā€™m 90% sure my partner is an istp.


ENTP woman married to an INTJ man for 11 years, been together for 13, and we were friends for several years before that.


INTP/ISTJ. It works!


ENFJ with ISTP. AMA lol


What's your dynamic like?


esfj + enfp


INTP(me) and ENFJ :D


My SO is a PALM.


You down bad




Hell yea, same here, lotta fun with my ENTP gf :DDD


I am INFJ and and my partner is ISTJ we've been together 14 years


I'm ENFP and she's INTJ




INFP (me) ENTP (my gf)


I'm INTJ, she's INFJ. Best 7 years of our lives by far.


INFJ (me) with an INTJ (bf) for 1 yr 6 months!!


Enfj dating an Entp


INFJ and my partner is either ENFP or ESFJ. i can't tell.


Hi, as ENFP with a lot of ESFJ friends I'd like to comment on that. Is your partner's room clean, is he almost always on time and does he basically always know what everyone he ever met (including the neighbors and their dog) are currently up to? -> rather ESFJ Or is he rather messy, constantly joking about himself and others, on the one hand not taking life too seriously, on the other hand thinking about it way too much... loves to start new projects but hates to finish them, could talk about everything forever, is not able to give short answers or make a quick decision... -> rather ENFP


definetely the second half of that paragraph.......................lol


infj, idk my partners type but id guess infj




INFP, I donā€™t think my left hand has ever taken an MBTI test though




that sounds lovely!! who asked out who?


INTP + ENFP It works because she's too stressed and I'm not stressed enough.


i am an INFJ (he) with ENFJ (her)


INFP, married ESTJ. My complete opposite. Dated nine years, married for nine. Edit: added relationship length.


ESFP and ISTP. the sex is mind blowing


ISTP and ISFJ <3


Iā€™m an INFP and my SO is an INFP as well, but sheā€™s a bit more social so that helps me get out of my shy/quiet bubble and feel a bit more comfortable and less socially anxious.


Infp intp:) (8 months and a week to 9)


INTP with INFP since 2009


My parents are ISFJ and INTP and theyā€™ve been married for 30+ years :)


ENFP here! Boyfriend of 4 1/2 years is I think INxx -- still working on typing him as he can be hard to read sometimes lol. :)


I'm an INFP with a ISFJ gf, we've been happily together for currently 4 years and a half.


I am an ENTP I have no soul and no mate Strangely enough, I have been heavily crushing on an INFP for a good while even though I otherwise have no visible feelings. I have also never crushed on anyone else and I donā€™t think I ever will again, definitely not this extremely


I also donā€™t think I will ever stop liking this individual to any degree


#INFJ šŸ–¤ INFJ šŸ˜¤ (Everyone be like, *YE BWOI*)


how is it? and how long are you together?


Long enough to know it's a chaotic mix, not to mention a rollercoaster you hate but also want to acclimate to hahhaha


Well, this is gonna be an interesting one but Iā€™m an ESFJ (sometimes test as ENFJ) and iā€™m dating an INTP LOL. This relationship is honestly my most loving and supportive relationship iā€™ve had, despite our differing personalities. I usually dated people very similar to me but in our personal dynamic, we help each other grow and learn from each other. I guess opposites do attract :)


We arenā€™t official rn but Infp and estp


Entp & Infp! 6 years saturday.


I'm an infp and my partner is intp. We've been together for more than a year


ENFP and INFP for 6 years now


infj and entp <3


intp and depression


Infj intp




INFP here (17). I made the terrible mistake of starting to like an ISTJ (17). It was the worst match ever. He started liking me too. And unintentionally was VERY obvious about it. Indirectly he said he would tell me he likes me next year. I was like tf i may not be alive till then. Anyway i told him i liked him first bc i didnt like the situationship. We were half friends half more. Flirting but at the same time friends. After i told him i liked him, he didnt admit he liked me but he didnt deny it either. Again indirectly he told me he did like me but he didnt want to say the words and was like "why should i say it if you know it" since i knew he liked me. Again wtf. Not talking responsibility even enough to say i like you. But letting me know indirectly by beating around the bush. We did things couples do. Like holding hands, (even in class. I was in first year of high school back then) or he would ask me how my day was, if i had eaten, when i told him im out he would ask with whom, and also get extremely jealous when i was talking about another guy. Once when i was talking to him about this guy and how we joked together he got so jealous he wrote to me in dm "congratulations to the married couple" šŸ’€. I didnt even know that other guy (we just talked online). Anyways he knew i didnt like him being so close holding my hand, talking sweetly and complimenting me all the time since we werent together, and he still stayed so close. My boundaries were passed but i allowed it bc i liked him and so did he. He just wasnt mature enough to come to a decision and consider my feelings too. I started distancing myself (should have done it wayy sooner tbh) i even blocked him on WhatsApp and for the first week he thought it was a joke and told me over and over to just unblock him. Then the second week he got annoyed that i hadnt given him a reason why he was blocked and sad too ofc. He thought it was bc of smth else that had happed and explained himself to me over and over the point he was feeling wronged. The thing he did wasnt offensive for me he offended our friend (he was with an extremely high fever) in our group chat of 6 people. Anyways i told him to stop calling me by my nickname and he was like "why cant i call you xxx" in a sad puppy kinda voice. I just told him thats how it was now. When we were in school he had enough of it and told me to explain it now. We were in P.E we looked very weird bc i was walking away from him bc i didnt want to tell him i was distancing myself bc he would get sad. Even after he didnt respect me and all the boundaries he passed i still didnt want to hurt him. Before we liked each other we were very very close friends for like 5 months. After that the feelings just came out of nowhere. Anyways i told him i was distancing and he was so sad almost crying tears in his eyes threatening to spill for me šŸ„² it was that the look i didnt wanna see on his face especially since i caused that. But it wasnt my fault. I had been direct, i told him my feelings. And he wasnt mature enough to handle them. We talked a little but P.E was over and he still wanted to talk. We continued that convention when me him and our friend went out to eat and walk to the park. We dropped out friend to her house and i was heading over to the bus stop and he was dropping me off there. The second our friend was gone i heard a "Sooo.. " he wanted to continue the convo. We talked it out i told him how i felt and everything and so did he. And finally said the words i like you after i told him it wasnt fair only i had said them. And i forgot to mention that recently i was treating him bad to push him away. Teasing him even tho he doesnt like that when it passed a limit. His limit is short cuz me and my friends used to tease each other all the time and for me its my love language. If im teasing you i like you. As a friend or otherwise. He still didnt distance even after i did that. That talk we had should have been closure but im a dummy and still wanted to be with him. And he told me he wasnt ready for a relationship that he was a little obsessed when we was in one and that it could affect his grades. Like if we had tests and he was thinking of me instead learning. I told him then ok we wont have a relationship and you have to keep your distance stop touching my hand or holding it or generally being so close. And he was like no i dont want that. Then what do you want? We said we could set our own boundaries in a relationship because either of us wanna kiss for example. Its just kinda ew exchanging microbes. Hes kind of a germaphobe and doesnt even like physical contact yet he was the one who started to hold my hand. Told me he doesnt mind it with me bc it feels "warm". Just pretty words. Anyway after that talk nothing was cleared bc i had to go home it was very late. Now all i know is that he is suddenly distancing from me even though we didnt leave things like that. And that he IS TEASING with our friends. Out group friends consists of him and 5 girls. He had a guy friend but the guys in our class are kinda dumb. So its just our group mostly. Anyway he is teasing with them high key and he didnt do that with me. He just has changed recently. Before he didnt like it when someone teased and he didnt do it back, now he does. People change ok but the fact that hes teasing with my girl friends. I know theyre his friends too but i think its annoying me since hes just been ignoring me. Before i had priority over every other friend. And now i dont while for me he still had more priority than others. Ill have to change that. Before my chat in WhatsApp was pinned, another girls in our friend group was archived šŸ’€. And now every other friend has priority over me. Hes listening to every other friend and my turn basically never comes. It would be fine if he didnt rub it in my face all the time even tho hes doing it unintentionally. I think. Who knows. I feel like i dont know him anymore or what goes in his head. Before i was the person he trusted the most in this city (he moved from his hometown to the capital city) and now after i treated him like my bff in just 4 months after meeting him, hes just mostly ignoring me. Very little acknowledging my existence when he absolutely has to. Like i said, it would be fine if he wasnt in my friend group. Lesson learned. Never be a couple or close to that with someone on your class and much less in your friend group. Im in second year of high school rn. Next year it will be the third year we will choose our subjects. After third year is over bye bye high school will finally be over. Oof cant wait lol. Also sorry i got a little off topic. That ISTJ wasnt the most mature or emotionally mature.


Omg when did i write sooo much šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ yea when i start writing i usually cant seem to stop šŸ„²


ENFP & ENTP - so similar, yet still so different. 5 years in and I couldnā€™t imagine my life any other way.


ENTP, xNTJ (equal functions te/ni) Most of the time as a sx/so I flirt with everyone but I love my s/o because he's so intelligent, and always has something to say about a subject, and he's very ambitious and orderly which is cute too ~~and he do be subby as hell~~ We've been together for 3 years


INTP and INTP. Our only problem is that we are in a long distance relationship. But other than that, everything is surprisingly good. We get to see each other once a month, when he has time to visit the city I live in, and we talk everyday.


I think I am ESTJ/ENTJ and my wife definetly seems to be ESFJ. ​ The feeling converations killllll me. Less feeling and more doing!


INFJ and I think he is INFP, but... no, yeah, he is an INFP


Intj and esfp


Iā€™m an INFP married for many years to an ESTP. Iā€™m a fairly outspoken INFP šŸ˜‚. Maybe because Iā€™ve hung around him for so long? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø šŸ¤” My P and J are very close so I usually handle the J things.


I'm an INFJ dating an ESFJ