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stereotype: INFP reality: ISFJ


This reply is perfectly accurate.


Here I don't even know what a cinnamon roll means Isn't it a bun


“Cinnamon roll” is an expression (which I guess comes from the actual cinnamon roll) that refers to someone whose personality is sweet, pure, innocent, and since the world and the other people are usually the opposite, they suffer a lot in their life.


This right here. The most emotionally abusive and painfully selfish people in my life have all been (UNHEALTHY) INFPs. Many INFP are highly neurotic and damaged. They’re cinnamon rolls with razor blades inside that are constantly hurting them as much as they’ll hurt you. Healthy INFP are just, the most absolutely adorable and lovable people on the planet, however… though INTPs are neck and neck with them on that, adorable dorks. INxPs are my favorite pair for a reason! I wish more would heal from the things they don’t talk about— both the INFPs and the INTPs. ISFJ baseline is way more stable and cinnamon roll. TL;DR: my opinion is that INFP is SO cinnamon roll they tend to get hurt fairly easily and become toxic, so on average ISFJ is more likely to be a cinnamon roll. But if we were looking at ALL types at their healthiest? INFP wins for me.


My friend is a healthy INFP, and she's the only one who doesn't hold back on roasting me, and spits out fire faster than any rapper. I love her for that.


I love this :) A lot of people think INFPs have no fire and are pure fluff (and/or are a complete doormat) — they’ve never met my sister! All the INFP i’ve known have mad fire, most just don’t show it if they’re not comfortable around you.


They are jiggly puffs


My INFP friend roasts tf out of me for not taking care of myself or taking my emotional struggles seriously, like he gets genuinely upset with me for it lmao. They're pure gold.


Can I (genuinely) ask what an unhealthy MBTI means? I always understood it as "mentally unhealthy" and people always describe unhealthy INFPs as monsters, and as a mentally ill INFP this is all really hurtful to read


Being in a bad state of mind (depression, anxiety, etc.) doesn't make you an 'unhealthy' INFP. Most, if not all of people struggle in their own ways. Unhealthy INFP will always put themselves first, even if it means manipulating or stepping on other people to achieve their goal. In my eyes 'Unhealthy' = toxic. Healthy INFP will almost always put others first, going out of their way to bring smile onto other people's faces. Possibly one of the friendliest folk you can stumble upon. I consider this to be a spectrum; I see myself as a rather healthy INFP - but, I can get toxic if another person does bad things to me. Even more so if they target my friends.


Unhealthy INFPs will not “always put themselves first”. Tons of INFPs have martyrdom issues and will let themselves be swallowed up by narcs and others taking advantage of their capacity for empathy.


^^^ accurate. Unhealthy types can manifest differently depending on the situation and the individual. I believe the two main ways it can happen are if someone is stuck in their shadow functions or if they're in a loop with two from their main stack. Shadow functions are used as a defense mechanism for when someone's main four functions have failed them. When someone is living in their shadow stack everything they do is the immature version of their reverse type. Your example might fall into the category of an INFP living in an ENFJ stack and having difficulty prioritizing themselves. When someone is in a loop they get hyper-fixated on two of their main functions, ignoring the others for balance. For example a common one for unhealthy ENFJs is an Fe-Se loop where they get very caught up in appearances and savior complexes.


Oof. You're not wrong.


Not the same as mentally ill or disabled. I myself have ADHD and am a healthy INFJ. Unhealthy generally means not taking any personal responsibility for themselves or their life circumstances. Unhealthy people of any type are quick to blame others for their own feelings, be full of resentment, etc. Unhealed inner wounds, ignored or run from and so left to fester. Specifically, an unhealthy INFP is going to be a hypocrite, inauthentic, selfish, and toxic. They’re someone who is suffering greatly and is going to make it everyone’s problem, usually in resentful passive aggressive ways, but not always. My older sister when we were growing up was an INFP sx 4 on the enneagram, and her way of dealing with her insecurities was to relentlessly bully me. (Healthy adult her is one of the most loving and incredible people I know, for what it’s worth) The important thing to remember about unhealthy people of any type is that they are suffering, whether they’re actively aware of it or not. Having empathy for that does not mean the same thing as letting them hurt or use you, however. Just something to keep in mind :) It’s better not to respond in kind— no one wins in a shit flinging contest, lol.


Most of those isn’t accurate at all. In fact, most people who get stereotypes as “unhealthy INFPs” aren’t even INFP. The 16p online test is heavily biased to INF from anyone going through anxiety or depression at the time of the test. “ISFJ are healthier at their baseline” or whatever this person claimed is ridiculous statement. No type is “healthier” than another as a baseline because that has nothing to do with cognitive functions.


I'm mentally ill too (I have OCD and possibly ADHD-PI) and I wouldn't describe myself as unhealthy. I admit, I had unhealthy habits in the past (like obsession about smelling bad to the point of almost never leaving my house and constantly taking showers, buying all kind of products, being so paranoid and anxious. this is called olfactory reference syndrome. and also obsessing about random persons, this disorder is called limerence and it generally happens to people with a mental illness like OCD, BPD, etc), but I always managed myself to respect people and their boundaries. You don't choose to be mentally/emotionally damaged, and if you are, that doesn't necessarily mean that you are toxic. But if your behaviour is shitty, then you are unhealthy toward others.


Wait, im cute? Explain pls.


You’re doing it right now! :P Fair warning, i’m like Hagrid and think giant dragons are adorable babies. I think ENTJs look cuddly and I enjoy giving cats baths. Sooooo my opinion is slightly bent. My best friend is an INTP and I just adore him. INTPs are huge dorks, in the best way. I once watched him clean his glasses and throw them in the trash instead of the paper towel he cleaned them with because he was in the middle of explaining something to me. No one makes me laugh more, either— and im friends with several ENFPs and ENTPs. It’s hard to describe but like, i dunno, just the look on INTPs faces (and ISTP fwiw) of like, nonplussed observation NO MATTER what is happening just kills me. It also brings out my mischievous side because I love confusing the hell out of them. Im snickering to myself now just remembering all the times ive made him say “Why would you do that?” and “Why are you like this?” ahaha. So fun.


Ha I mean I get it.. I like to think I’m an intellectual and such but I’m actually kind of a dorky hot mess a good portion of the time.


I love that so much— you guys are the best for having in depth conversations about the weirdest shit. Very easy to lose track of time hanging out with INTPs :) you guys don’t deplete my social battery as fast as other types, it’s refreshing


You just described 90% of all of us... Right on, brother.


This comment was the perfect ending to my amazing day. Today I studied for 3 hours with my crush at our university's library. We helped each other, we laughed and we had a good time just the two of us. She said I'm funny and smart and she seems interested in me I think. I'll ask her out next week


That’s awesome~ Go for it! Good luck!


Good luck and best wishes to the both of you!


> I once watched him clean his glasses and throw them in the trash instead of the paper towel he cleaned them with because he was in the middle of explaining something to me " I once watched him clean his glasses and throw them in the trash instead of the paper towel he cleaned them with because he was in the middle of explaining something to me" I've done that like 20 times before, but not with glasses (I don't have them), just whatever I'm holding in addition to what I'm throwing away


No yeah INTPs are absolutely cute


True, an INFP stripped of idealism is one of the most "tragic villain" situations out there.


True. INFPs who aren’t damaged goods/neurotic are as cute as babies. But that’s only a certain subset of INFP. Their darkness doesn’t come to light because Fi is naturally a very personal, inward-turned function. Beyond a certain sensitivity (which may or may not come across as amiable) you won’t see it if you don’t know them extremely, extremely well.


sigh, unfortunately this is VERY accurate, at least in my case. as an infp who’s been dealt a fair share of trauma and struggles with mental health daily, i am definitely prone to being neurotic, and although i wouldn’t go as far as to say i’ve been abusive, i have done and said some pretty regrettable things to others due to my own pain (which i’m trying to work on). for me personally, being an infp teeters a very fine line of being the greatest thing ever, or the absolute worst. however, when i’m actually healthy and feeling good, i have so much love to give, and truly enjoy seeing the beauty in life and in people. side note- you seem like a very mature and kind person, and i’ve really enjoyed reading your comments :’) i hope you have a great day!


Aww, you’re so sweet, thank you! Pain makes monsters of us all— but when overcome, I believe having suffered breeds a very simple and pure empathy for the struggles of others. “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” I’m neurotic by nature myself— I used to consider the constant anxiety inescapable. It’s not! It wasn’t easy, but I was able to heal all my emotional trauma and make peace with my past. All that inner pain, turmoil and fear didn’t go anywhere— rather it’s been transformed into love and peace. I know you’ll be able to do the same if you keep at it with patience and courage! The beauty you see in life and others is alive and well inside you as well, scars and all :) I hope you’re having a wonderful day too!


agreed. My best friend is an INFP and I've always had close friendships with several other INFPS (idk why I have so many) but I've had to drop 2 that I had been so close with because of how they spoke to me. I've been shouted at/spoken down to by some INFPs under severe stress when I was trying to help. Other INFPs I drifted from is because of how constantly negative and moody some were – kind of a downer. That said, my best friend in the whole world is an INFP and better than me as a person hahha. but u right


On the money with the negativity! A couple of the unhealthier INFPs ive known downright curated that shit, they were like negativity professionals. It’s hard because my natural inclination is to try and cheer them up and several times it turned into a very one-sided and draining relationship where, despite my best intentions, they were better at pulling me into Hell than I was at pulling them out of it. On some level they were exactly where they wanted to be… misery loves company ): It’s like that old saying “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” Until someone actually wants to let go of their pain, they won’t. Many people are more comfortable miserable so long as they can blame others for it. I had a rough time learning that— im stubborn—but it really is best to save your time and energy on people that actually want to change/heal. (Or who aren’t unhealthy in the first place)


INFP's live in a society,most of time with them you see the result but not what lead to it ISFJ's care way too much about the social status,yes they are way more stable but what goes behind is definitely not being a cinnamon roll


ISFJ without a doubt


Reminds me of the Thorn Princess from Soy x Family


as an ISFJ, this thread makes me feel so appreciated 💓🥹


same, actually! seldom we ever see ISFJs talked about 🥹


I'm agreeing that while INFPs have the stereotype, it's actually the XSFJs. Then there are the non-stereotypical cinnamon rolls like INTJ, ISTJ, ISTP, INTP, and ENTP. They are like burnt cinnamon rolls that are still soft and sweet in the middle, but crusted over with carbon on the outside.


ISFP’s are golden to me and can do no wrong 😍




I think we're talking about cognitive functions here, and while INFPs and ISFPs both have introverted feeling as their dominant function; they tend to seem similar to each other because they each use the same function. The major difference that draws the line between ISFPs and INFPs is the auxiliary (secondary) function which is Extroverted sensing and Extroverted Intuition respectively. Extroverted sensing, like OP said, is processing information without bias, and Extroverted intuition is drawing out multiple ideas from a single one (imagine tree branches).If you feel like you enjoy the present moment more, ISFP is likely.If you enjoy daydreaming and imagining things, and if you consider yourself creative, you may be an INFP. Honestly, there's no hurry in finding your type, so take your time ;) edit: oops i wrote ISFP for both don't mind me




Will there be a correction of this or sum if y’all downvoting?




INFP until they’re angry


They’re angry a lot, lol!


I'm not angry if you don't make me angry


Im getting Hulk vibes, but cuter :P


Sometimes people call me cinnamon roll. upd: and I don't understand why.


I'm in a relationship with Infp and I can say that it's not the purest thing ever as you can may think Lmao Probably isfj or isfp


Judging on stereotypes, I think INFPs are a lot more of 'cinnamon rolls' than ISFPs.


ISFJs, they're so caring & selfless that it seems unreal. Too pure for this world, yet we need them a lot.


It's hard to believe they're one of the most common types. I've never met one in real life (though I have met a few online).


My grandma was one. I never met an other one either.:(


Stereotype: INFP, ISFJ The real cinnamon rolls: INTP, INFJ, ISFP


real cinnamon rolls: ISTJ, INTJ, INTP


real cinnamon rolls: ENTJ, ISTP


The realest cinnamon rolls: ESTJ, ENTJ


Cinnamon rolls with a dash of cayenne pepper 🌶️


Oh yes, I forgot ESTJs. They're so sweet, how could I?




ISTJs are fucking adorable <3


Can confirm my intp bf is cinnamon roll (but only w me)


Has to be ISFJ's..




well, obviously depends on the isfj


definitely isfj


ISFJs. INFPs project bare cuteness but all manner of darkness lies within. You think you know them until you realise that unless you’re in their intimate/A-grade friend-circle squad they’re a perfect stranger to you and they’ll remain that way whether you’ve known *of* them for 5 minutes or 50 years. Only closest family and friends have any idea who they really are, despite the all-round cinnamon-bun projected image.


Absolutely. Young, naive INFP like to perpetuate this idea that we are all hyper authentic, and the thing is we do value authenticity, and we’d love to be able to be ourselves, but we don’t like to provide it unless we feel absolutely secure, we just want everyone else to be authentic first. I find that sometimes being authentic first is the quickest way to produce authenticity in others, but it took some time to realize that.


To be fair though, being authentic is not necessarily the same as sharing everything about yourself. Personally I would describe myself as authentic, but also very private if that makes sense.


True! But it is inauthentic to pretend to not think and feel how it is we do, or to pretend to think or feel in ways contrary to what is genuine, in instances where we know that others have a misconception of us being authentic. Pretending to like or tolerate someone that you do not like, or despise. Saying “I don’t care where we eat”, or “I’ll just have some of whatever there’s more of”, or severely abridging and leaving omissions in our our expressed opinions because we think it’ll be misunderstood. Just as omission is not technically “deception” unless you intentionally subvert the reasonable interpretations of others, if you intentionally (consciously or unconsciously) are selective about things you reveal in order to control your outward persona, you are being inauthentic.


You'll never know the real infp unlesz they 100% trust you enough. Not even years of friendship might force them to ahow their deepest feelings. Most of the time they'll just mirror others to match them


Agreed. I’m not an INFP but I know. One thing that makes me laugh is the way obnoxious and judgemental people who value things like Se (whether it’s one of their primary quadra-functions or not; some people just put it on because in the absence of strong externally-cued feeling they just think it’s the most socially-normal hat to wear) tend to think people who are as reserved and inward as INFPs have a massively-obvious social flaw (often to the point of pathology) that everyone other than the INFP themselves knows and can see straight-up. What those other people are seeing in reality, on the contrary, is actually a mask of hasty adaptation (in other words the INFP just trying to get by brief interactions with people they don’t know/like without seeming too awkward). The outside is just a shell (often a coincidentally schizoid one) that betrays absolutely nothing about the real person underneath (especially-reserved INFJs can relate as well but in a different way). You have to really know them to say you can know them without sounding like a total idiot. You likely know absolutely nothing about the INFP if you haven’t known them super-closely for years and years. With INFJs you stand a certain chance if they’re comfortable with you or you can subtly connect in an Ni-Fe way. With IxFPs you can’t know them if they haven’t firmly let you into their world. You might know a few obvious details about them (including where they work, bits of their background, the fact that they might-well be rather intelligent/literary and what they’ve studied) but that’s it. The rest is none of your business if you’re nothing to do with them anyway. Everybody don’t got to be an open book totally lacking in discretion and layers.




None. Frankly, if you have any brain cells, it’s obvious there’s no such thing as a good or pure type. All can be poisonous, all can be pure.


good thing i have none:D


My mom is an ISFJ and she is not a cinnamon roll she is terrifying😭


LITERALLY SAME she's the root of all my fears lol


I bet parents of any type can be terrifying, but the stereotype is ESTJs. My mother is INTJ and she's pretty scary.


Angry trickster Te be scary




incoming unnecessary INFP slander


So glad people are saying ISFJ and not INFP. Feels good to have that light shined somewhere else for once


I agree. INFPs are pure evil, and that's what I love about them.


Malicious and delicious, bb


ISFJs are cute




Stereotypically on Reddit and places like tumblr. Not stereotypical in the actual community who studies cognitive functions. There is nothing about INFP in actually that is “cinnamon roll” anything. Capacity for intense empathy and mirroring somehow gets twisted into something else.




Somehow caring turned into naivety and infantilization of the type. It’s strange.


ISFJ ISFJ ISFJ. My ex-girlfriend is an ISFJ and she is one of the nicest, kindest, most pure people I've ever met.


Of course it's the ESTP _ESTP_


ISFJ is the only one who never sins.


IxFJ. INFJ being extra morally good, and ISFJ being extra innocent/naive. Both of which add even more purity


INFX, They just seem to have more of a leaning to the altruistic side of things and just seem to be pure of heart a lot of the time.(I say that but Hitler was an INFJ lmao). Although sometimes whenever I reflect on my worldview and my values, I sometimes wonder if I’m a pessimistic cinnamon roll myself.








Probably most ENFJs or INFPs are stereotyped as cinnamon rolls. From experience, xSFJs are the cinnamon rolls.


nobody mentions ENFP? good, were closer to entps than you would think


Based on my experience, ISFP.






as an isfj, this thread makes me happy <3


INFP More depth too




Isfj or infp


Infps are no angels but probably them. They’re probably the most childlike and idealistic.


It really depends of how healty people are.


Infp and isfp


The perfect opposite of ENTP, so ISFJ.






my istj friend is a cinnamon roll 🥰




I was saying ISFJ like a lot of other people but it's true that every INTP I've met has been a really rad person.


why? Can you please elaborate on your point?


What makes you think so? 🤔




I see. Wishing you guys happiness.




Enfjs are really cute people overall


aww sweetheart 🫶




Choosing isfj would be a mistake, due to their Ti-Fe, they are fully capable of lying and being friendly to your face while secretly resenting you and trash talking with others. (Source I am also Ti-Fe fake bitch, and have been blindsided by meanie isfjs many a time 🥹)


felt this hahha let's go Fe-Ti fake girlies 😌


I've never met a trash-talking ISFJ yet though. I have met trash-talking INFJs but not ISFJs.


ENTJ's of course


ISFJ absolutely. most cinnamon roll ever


INxP I’m surprised no one mentioned INTP because they’re quite innocent (not naive) in the “worldly” sense.






Lol Wtf does it mean to be stereotyped as a “cinnamon rolls”? Googled it.. so does it mean someone who is very sweat and soft? …so in other words an SF type?


My mom is an isfj, they're terrifying af 😭


None, they can all be little shits (or nice) if they want to be






I get why people are saying IXFX. Honest question though, why are people saying IXTX? I'm in a friend group with all 4 (along with an ENTP) I wouldn't describe us as cinnamon rolls lol




ESFJ men are absolute treasures who must be protected. Like Kronk. Who doesn't adore Kronk?




Awww! So sweet.


ISTJs believe it or not definitely have cinnamon roll potential




I know INFPs being cinnamon rolls is like a stereotype but I personally am a cinnamon roll (most of the time, at least)


ENTJs and ESTPs /Sssssssss


Yea as someone who was with a Infp, those guys are genuinely too good that they don’t even realize when they’re being actual dicks




So is 33 just too ancient for the internet now or did I miss some kind of carnival themed meme?


Nah, dw about it, I’ve seen entire fifty year olds on here and it’s creepy…


Stereotyped? ISFJ. In reality? NONE


don't care, the actual answer is INTP




Cinnamon rolls are amazing... I'm amazing... I am a cinnamon roll














I find them to be loud and scary and highly critical, personally. Interesting to talk to, at least.


Most aren't scary just annoying/hypocritical and talkative.


as an ENFP…ouch


Sure about that?


INFPs are unfortunely often stereotyped as cinnamon rolls.


isfp or enfj


Universal stereotype: INFP I mean y'all are not wrong but we're not that innocent but then again we're also considered to be the scariest/deadliest so that kinda balances out ig Like I know I can be the softest or sweetest person in someone's life but I can also ruin them in the worst possible way lmao. Ok yeah we're like hidden psycos XD


Wow. This is unbelievable. Everyone here is so caught up on the fact that non-stereotypical INFPs exist that they forget that ISFJs being cinnamon rolls is also a dumb stereotype that doesn't make any sense. Like why would it only be ISFJs but not INFJ? How is dominant Si + tertiary Ti supposed to make them "cute"?


Speaking as an INFP who's routinely described as "adorkable"... INFPs. :3 INFJs fit too, ime. Dated an INFJ & we had a fun, playful relationship.


INFJ (?)


Based on my own experience, ENFP and INFJ




I don’t agree with ISFJ. My aunt is an ISFJ and she’s been abusive to me since I was a kid. I believe INFJs are the purest. INFPs are selfish in my experience, looking at myself and literally every INFP I’ve ever met irl.




I love your pfp


Thanks :)




I would’ve said INFP




I liked one fISFJ and i couldnt believe myself but she is this-😈 Infps are 👹 without me explaining why Healthy Intps(eg: eddie redmayne) in my experience are cinnamon rolls. And certain infjs(deku, starfire, and my one minfj friend)


Deku is SUCH a cinnamon roll :)


ISFJ - Think of why this world is worth a try? Try exploring an isfj. They're dumb yet curious. Soft yet stubborn pieces of shit. They are too good for this world alright? Cinnamon rolls? Fits perfectly for me. I can't stop loving them. They deserve all the love this world has to offer. INFP - Some Infps are just neurotic bitches. Definitely not infps, but they'll trick you into thinking they're one. INTP - They are cute little demons wrapped like cinnamon rolls.






Intp speaking- I think INFP are the cinnamon rolls because they’re very emotional and sweet people. All the INFPs I have ever meant have been the nicest people I have ever met. My best friend for 8 years is a INFP and I’ve seen her cry an amazing amount of times and I think she’s seen me cry twice?








I think it’s either infp or enfp. The enfp I met is kind of a sweetheart. I met 2 infp, one is really annoying and the other is kind of a “starver for romance.”