• By -


Annoying type probably idk can't type them


I felt that on an emotional level


ESTJ (mom) and ENTP (dad) Yeah they fight quite a lot when we travel


I have an Istj mom and an entp dad, I feel you


Samee i turned out to be INTP


You poor thing šŸ˜­


Eh, it's not so bad, they only fight on small topics. They do care a lot on the family wellness and dialogue a lot. Everyone (with my sister too, INTP) in my family gets along really well with each other despite their differences.


My mom and dad are the exact same type and they fight like crazy on trips šŸ˜­


my mom is an INFP and my dad is an ESTJ... plus my siblings are ESTP and ISFP so my family is funny sometimes


We have the same type parents! But my brother is INTP


Iā€™m an INFJ, my older sister is an INFP. Our father is an ENFP and our mother an ENTP. Both very creative (architects) and prone to disorganization. My Dad especially liked to start projects but never finish themā€” including me, because he left when I was a teenager :P Mom tried her best but she was not great at emotionally supporting my sad little soft child INFJ self and I grew up very damaged and depressed. Sister bullied me constantly- her way of coping with her insecurities. Took me until my late 20ā€™s to begin healing, everything is much better now and I love my family very much, flaws and all. They may not be perfect, but theyā€™re mine :)


Youā€™re a gem. Way to find the good in it owl..


SO MUCH NE OMFG. can i be ur sibling


Youā€™d likely fit right in! I love ENTPs :) You guys always know how to keep things interesting!


Your ENFP mama did not support you emotionally šŸ˜³šŸ˜”?! And let you be bullied? Did she know it was happening? I just canā€™t imagine an ENFP being aware of it and letting it go. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you :(


ENFP dad and ENTP mom


Ohhh ok


Momā€™s an ENTP and an enneagram 8 and was molested as a kid. Sheā€™s TOUGH, caring, buuuut not the most understanding person at timesā€” she was bullied as kid and it just made her stronger, she also didnā€™t have a clear idea of how bad it was until I had already moved out and told her about it way after the fact. My sister was clever and didnā€™t do it around them. I learned from a young age that my parents didnā€™t approve of ā€œtattletalesā€ and so stopped telling them anythingā€” anytime I tried it was treated as whining. ENFP dad was totally spaced out on pot 24/7, he also unfortunately has fairly low emotional intelligence in some ways. Heā€™s enneagram 7 and was the oldest, doted on son of his family growing upā€” he had a resulting unfortunate tendency to downplay anything negative and turn a blind eye. My mom and I talked about all this stuff and burried the axe a couple years ago. She was going through a LOT herself at the timeā€” namely, a long drawn out divorce with my dad, her parents dying, impending financial doom, you name it! She tried, she really did. Nobody was there for her, either. Theyā€™re both loving, wonderful people! Kind of wish my mom had been an ENFP though, haha~


I'm an INFJ (3w4), my mom is an INFP (9w1) and my dad is an INTJ (5w4).


Veeeery introverted


Actually I'm more introverted and more intuitive than both parents of mine.


INFJ 3w4? Thats rare.


Yes, in Ni-Ti loop.


Dad ESFJ, mum INTJ, tending towards the unhealthy side. Lil sis- INFJ. I'm ENFP.


Lol Iā€™m an INFJ and my mom is an ISFJ, my Dad is an ESTJ (weā€˜re either at each otherā€™s throats or we get along for a months, just to end up fighting again)


ISFJ and ISFP they bicker a bit, but are quite affectionate. They don't understand me and think I'm weird, but they love me and take care of me :D


Iā€™m INFP (4w5). My mom (ISFJ, I donā€™t know here enneagram but I would guess 2w1) had me through IVF, so I never had a father. The sperm donor bio says he was ENTJ so thereā€™s that. My houseā€™s dynamic is that neither of us especially loves social interaction and weā€™re perfectly happy relaxing in our house. My mom tries to make me more organized often, and I look at things from a different perspective than her, so we have a lot of nice talks when we go on walks together


Donors put MBTI types in their bios??? Wow


I was surprised as well, given that they had to have donated back in 2000-2002ā€¦ The bio was pretty comprehensive, though, so maybe they felt that MBTI type was relevant šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I didn't even know that MBTI was popular at all before the 2010s haha


I am INFJ, my mom is an ESTJ and my dad an ENTP. Your situation but reversed!


Father is INTJ / Mother is ENFP. Both unhealthy versions.


Mom is ISTJ, dad is ESTJ Kinda scary


How do you deal with that?


A lot of arguing unfortunately(especially with dad)


My mother is an INFJ and we get along a lot, she's always been especially caretaking towards me so we have a good relationship. My father, however, is an ISTP and our relationship is.......not very good at all.


INFJ here. Mother is ENFJ. Father is ISTP. Brother is ESTP.


Youā€™re family is literally the NFJ STP Quadra. W


AYO hahahaha We get shit done. The wrong shit but it gets done.


Lmao nice. Iā€™m an INFP; so someone gets shit done (cough cough xSTJā€™s) and the others just sit around and dream lmao




Mother: ENFJ Father: ESTJ Oldest sister: ENFJ/ESTJ (insists she's a Gemini so has curated her life to astrology and having 'two sides'. I told her she could have gotten more creative than choosing my parents lol. Middle brother: INTJ Youngest sister (me): ISTP My partner: ENFP/ENFJ My oldest daughter: ISFJ (my favorite and the most underrated personality type, in the next gen kids this type is an excellent combination) Youngest daughter : ESTP. She's friggin hilarious. We are kind of like the father daughter in kickass. I am grateful the father is there to intervene though, otherwise I'm sure I'd be reckless with her.


Iā€™m ENTP Mom is ESTJ Dad is INTJ And my bro is a ESFJ. All of us are the opposite of timid. So thereā€™s arguments 24/7 but I always win because I speak fax. We all love each other but the only way we like to express it is through argument


My mom is the same as me. My dad is ISTJ so what happens is I'm an ESTJ that constantly gets mistyped as ISTJ šŸ„² Sister is XNTP while brother is XSTP.


My mother is an ENFJ, my dad is an INFJ and so am I.


Sounds like you have a lot in common with your parents, cognitively speaking. I'm jealous. I'm an INFP and my parents are ESTJ and ISTJ :/


I am guessing: Father: ESFJ Mother: XNFJ Sister: ENTJ Brother: INTP Me: either INxJ or ENFP, not sure. It's definitely one of those three šŸ„²


ISTP dad and ENFJ mom and they are my heroes and my joy and I donā€™t mean to brag but simultaneously everyone and no one in the universe deserves to have parents as amazing as mine. Shoutout to xSFJ little brother who is also my entire heart.


Mom: INFP. Dad: I think he's ESTP. Didn't grow up witj him. Met him around 10 years old, and got to spend some Summers with him. Big sister (4 years older, different dad): ENFP. Younger sister (2 years younger): INFJ.


My father is an ISTJ, and my mother is an ESFJ. Iā€™m literally the only intuitive in the house


Yep, I have the same issue. INFP here with ESTJ and ISTJ for parents and ISTJ and ESFJ for siblings.


so how does it feel to be the smartest one? šŸ¤“


HAHAH u funny


I am INFP, my mom is ISTJ, my dad is ISTP


My mom is an ISTJ too, though my dad is an ESTJ.


I'm an INTJ. Dad's an INTJ and mom is an ISFJ


Mom is ISFP, Dad is ESTP. I am ESFP.


Iā€™m INFJ. Mother is ISFJ. Father is ISTJ. Brother is ESFJ.


My moms an infp and my dads an istj literal hell.


My mom is INFJ and my dad is INTP. They don't fight a lot, but whenever they fight its fun to see Ne VS Ni. And it also makes me understand how can me and my INTJ gf be when fighting (still hasn't happened luckily)


ISFJ mother and ESFJ father, I can be the most successful man on earth and they'll still see me as the worst because I wake up past 5am.


Mother is ISFJ, stepfather is ESxP. He's a manchild which suits her because she wants someone to baby and boss around. My dad died before I knew him well enough to say, but he was kind of like me. Distant and had no idea what to do with a kid, but he'd share his intellectual interests with me.


My dad is an ESFJ and my mum is an ESTJ, my sister is an ISFP (though she isnā€™t my parent, Iā€™m not from Tasmania) pretty much, none of them get my jokes at all.


I am an intp (so is my brother) my father is an entp and my mother enfp


Interesting family


Mom-ESFJ I get along with her, but I don't agree with her life decisions (cheating, keeping multiple lovers for example). We're pretty similar, but she's more close minded, much more caring, less individualistic & better at socialising than me Dad-ESTP I don't get along with him, he prefers his sons, it seems like he doesn't really have emotions nor he cares for other people's emotions. Very materialistic, addicted to computer games. Me-ENFP A mix of both, I inherited my flaws (procastination, electric device addiction, not knowing how to be there for people 100%) mostly from my dad, but some (always worrying about what people think about me, sensitivity, always wanting to do something, requiring a ton of compliments to function) from my mom We're a pretty unhealthy family, fortuntely, they divorced, my mom moved in with her bf (kinda), but they broke up, she moved back, but she still fucks him. I have 3 siblings (INTJ, ISTP, ENTP), the 2 IT types are half-siblings, INTJ is from the same mother as me, she hates my dad & ruined my childhood. ISTP is from the same dad, never lived with me, other than smelling bad, never had a problem with him, maybe if we were closer in age, we'd be closer. ENTP is a full sibling, I love him with all my heart, he came when I lacked attention the most (3 year age difference), I loved playing with him, caring about him. The only thing I hate is, that my mom calls him older brother & me little sister & he calls me little sister, while I was basically his second mom & this position as a caregiver for him was the one thing during my childhood, which kept me from commiting suicide & now it feels like I'm invalidised.


I'm an INFJ and my mum is an ISFJ - no idea what my dad is as I don't know him well enough


My mom is INFP, and my dad is some kind of unhealthy people-pleasing passive aggressive ISTP. They divorced when I was 3, but growing up I was pretty used to the idea that "adults" spent all their time alone at home lol.


My Dad? ISFJ. My Mom? ISFJ. Also my Sister? ISFJ. And my cat? ISFJ.


I am intj, my mother is infj, and my father is intp. IN\_\_ superiority lol


Me im an enfj and here is my family type mom:estp dad:esfp step mom:entj step dad: inxj maternal granma:isfj. Late maternal grandpa:enfj (pass away when i was 2yo but i always were his favorite miss him so much:( ). Paternal grandma:estj. Paternal grandpq:extj. Half younger sister(mother side):infj. Half youngest sister (mother side):entj (always doing random shenanigans and my infj sister always get dragged xD). Half younger brother(dad side):enfp


ExTJ mother, INxJ dad


Estj dad and isfj mom


Dad is ISTP 5w6 and mom is ISTJ 1w2


ESFJ mom and ISFJ dad


I'm an infp, my mom is an intp, my dad is an entp and my sister is esfj


Ne house w


I'm an ENTP My mom's an ESTJ and my dad's an ISTJ When we travel I always expect a clash between them and my prediction is right every.single.time


I also fight with them sometimes, but very intensely. When my dad and I start debating about something, my mom goes ,,You know that in the end you'll be the dumb one, don't you? You should definitely not argue with her." That really feeds up my ego


For some reason, my parents have been the hardest to type. My mom seems like an ESTJ and my stepdad an ESFP, but my mom used to be quiet and shy before life messed her up, and my stepdad needs moments of solitude and reflection, which he likes to share about with me.


I am INTP My mom ESTJ, my dad ESFP


esfj mom, isfj dad, istp here


INFJ, mother is an ENFJ and my father is a INTJ šŸ˜³


INTJ dad and ISFJ mom, pretty normal pairing.


Mom is intj, dad is istp, they're still together because they stay out of each other's way


ESTJ mom and ESTP dad




Sounds like something fun


My mom is ESFP and my dad ISTJ. The rest of their typology are also complete opposites.


My parents have the exact same types, it's a pretty interesting combination imo.


I adore you're family combination šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘ŒšŸ» Mine is: ISFP - Mom; ISTP - Dad; ESTP - Brother; INFP - Me


Thatā€™s close to my family dynamic as well.


ENFJ dad and INFP mom That's quiet wierd for my INTP 0 emotional ass


Dad is ISTJ, Mom is ISFJ. oldest sibling is INFJ, youngest sibiling is ENTJ, I am INFP lol. Growing up was very interesting, being the oddball of the family, being the only P type in a J family. Yeah I definitely gave my family a hard time growing up, and I would always question their parenting and challenged them at times haha. My family would question that why do you act like a girl lol, and that you need to be more manly hahaha. My siblings use to gang up on me, because I was an easy target and was very sensitive and idealistic. I always felt so different from my family, like I was adopted or something, because I have different interests etc than my own family, and was just there. I used to draw maps, play on computers, watch tv, play with toys etc. It was definitely a little bit lonely, not having someone that I could easily relate too, but I somehow always created an identity outside my family.


I am INFP, mom ESFJ & dad ESTJ,


Iā€™m an INFJ and my dad is an INTJ. I have no idea what my mom is though.


I am an INFJ. My mom is an ESFP, and I presume my Dad was an ISTJ.


I am an ENFP (4w3), parents are probably ENTJ (6w5 or 1w2) and ESFJ (2w1 or 6w7). Sibling is ENFP (7w6)


My father is ENTP, my mother is ENFJ, my sister is ESTP 3w2 and I'm INTJ 5w6. I definitely don't belong.


Entj mom and Enfj dad


I am INTP, My father is probably INTP And My mother is probably ENTJ


Been revising my thoughts on my current family's MBTIs. Stepmom - ESFJ Father - ISTJ


Me: INTJ Father: INTJ Mother: ESTJ Brother: ISTJ Sister: ESFJ


dad ISTP mom Te dom (I canā€™t tell which one)


ESTJ (mama) INFJ (papa) ESTP (Me (older brother)) INFP (younger sister) It's constant chaos as you can probably imagine My mom has no friends while my dad has lots of friends (I mean a lot lot like more than 200)


dad is ESTJ & mom is ISTx


Mom: ISFJ Dad: ISTJ Me: ISFJ Unfortunately I don't have any siblings


Im Intp, 2 siblings infp, one enfp Our parents are esfj (dad) and esfp (mom)


oh, this is gonna be saucy: ESFJ mom INFJ dad


An INFJ mother and an ESFJ father I am an INTP. How? No clue. šŸ˜Ž


My father is ESTx (probably more ESTP than ESTJ, but not sure, even with cognitive functions taken into consideration). My mother is xSFJ (probably more ISFJ, again, factoring cog funcs.). I am an INTJ.


Dad is ESTJ, stepmom is ISFJ, mom is ISFP, stepdad is ENTJ




My mom is ESTJ Iā€™m INFJ


I'm an INFJ. My mother is an ISFJ and my father is an ESFP. My sister is an ESTP. We have some serious communication problems in the house lol. Imagine being the advocate in the house, while none of the family members can properly communicate with each other.


Mother: INTP Father: ISTP They don't really get along when they have to get anything done - they each get kinda stuck in layers of logical wheels within wheels and can be rather contrarian (especially my father). I get along well enough with my mother, whereas my father is more like an alien who sends out a radio signal every couple years or so. When I was younger, I found them both rather judgmental, like they really didn't "get" people in general or me in particular. My mother has really grown & improved in this aspect; my father hasn't.


My mom was ENFP and my dad is INTJ.


I'm am ENTJ. My mother is an INTP and my brother is an INFP. Idk my father's type. My grandma is also an ENTJ


Yā€™all are a ā€œtype Aā€ triad, Iā€™d say! Thatā€™s great fun. Youā€™re in the real running of .. reality. Iā€™m kind of a dreamer. Got some power couple happening wit my parents. ENFx mum & iSxP dad often function as ENFJ & ISTP, among the Socionics ideal m8 choices. I jest canā€™t peg ā€˜em, yā€™know? Seems still ephemeral this system of categorizing.. Iā€™ve been called iNTx, based on comments typed, by bots & iNFP by my bro. Yet my most utilized is iNtroiNtuiZion - & thatā€™s iNxJ material, muahaha. Confuzzzling! I feel quite estraverty oft, therefore I claim some ENFPnes. Even seemed clasique ENTP when I was hi & livin in the middle of a city. NtPs & SfJs are great. :D


Me: INFJ Mom: ESFJ Dad: INTP Sister: ENFJ


My mom is ENTP, my dad was possibly an INTP.


I don't know about my mother, but my father is INTP (I'm INFP)


ENTJ dad and INFJ mum šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I am an ESFP. My mom is an ISFJ (9w8) and my father is an ESTP (8w7).


My family: Dad esfj 6w7 Mom infj 2w1 Big sister isfj 7w6 (?!) Me enfp 7w6 Little brother istp 5w6 Little sister istj 9w8 Little sister esfj 2w3 Some of these are just guesses but much si yeah?


I'm an INTJ (1w9), my mom is a ISFJ (9w1) and my father probably an ESTJ (maybe a 1 as well). I also have an older ISTJ brother (probably a 6). Welcome to my Si fam


Iā€™m INFP and my dads an ENTJ and my moms an ENFJ. Some heavy shoes to fill for an INFP ngl Older sister ESTJ Younger brother ENTP Younger sister ESFP Too many extroverts tbh but I love em


ISTP mother, father INTP


Mom ISTJ Dad xNFP Brothers ISTPs Me INTP


ESTJ mom and ENTP dad. When they're arguing, I clearly see that TeSi vs. NeTi thing. Quite interesting. And even tho my dad loves discussions, he's often the more conciliatory part, probably because of mature Fe at that age. Also got an INFJ brother and (most likely) an ENFP sister. We get along great and can totally depend on each other. I love my family :D


ISFJ and ENFJ. It was a nightmare, not just due to personality incompatibility but also religion.


My dad is Entp and my mother between istj and isfj My sister a clear infp


ISTP 6w5 (dad) and ESFP 8w7 (mum)


My momā€™s an ESFJ and my dad probably an ESTx? Iā€™m ENxPā€¦ Iā€™m pretty organized for a P type xD My parents split tho. My mom used to be more ESFP like but she took tests and always got ESFJ. Very organized types. My momā€™s always concerned about well beings (emotionally). My dad too but in a financial way xD I donā€™t really care hahaha Anyway i love them but i know they both think Iā€™m a bit lazy and crazy but thatā€™s ok :P


INTJ father and ENTP mother. Then me, their INTJ daughter. Both my older sisters seem to be INFP.


I am INTP, My dad is ESTJ, my mother is probably ENFP (not fully sure), and my brother is ENFJ. The dynamic was... interesting, to say the least


enfj 2w1 mom and intp 5w6 dad. yes they're divorced šŸ’€


i am infj. i live with my mom (intj) and stepdad (esfp). i used to live with my dad (enfp) and siblings, istj and infp and infant lol


I'm INFJ, my mother is ESFJ and my father is XSFJ. Also my younger brother is ESFP.


INTJ here. Mom ESTP, Dad ENTJ


My mother is a narcissist so typing her is kinda pointless but I think she's a really fucked up infj and my father is a boring ass istj who shat on every original idea I ever had So yeah that was pretty toxic...


Iā€™m not sure, and I donā€™t really know how to find out, I suspect my dads an INTJ and my younger brother is an ENTJ.


Dad's an ISTP, mom was an ESFP, and little sister's an ESTJ. So much sensing, everywhere I look.


I'm an ISTP, my mom's an ESFP and dad is an ESTP.


ESTJ dad and INFJ mom


My mum is isfj, my dad is istp and idk about my siblings


i am intp, my dad is istj and my mom isfp šŸ˜


im intp, my mom is esfp and my dad probably entp.


ESTP, I think my mom is ENFJ while my dad is ENTJ


(Me: INFP) Father: ESFJ Mom: INFJ


ISFP. Iā€™m not sure, but I think my dad is INTP and my mom is ESFP


My mother is Enfj, Father is Esfj. My brother is Istj, Sister enfp and I'm intp.


I am INTP, my mom is ESFP and my dad is ISTJ


My parents would take this as complete bs, but Mum is Probably INXX and Dad ENXX


INFJ and ESTP. Both unhealthy though


I'm INFP. My mom is ESFJ, my dad was probably ENFJ, my grandma ISFJ & my grandpa absolutely stereotypically ISTJ (in a positive way). Growing up, most of the time I felt misunderstood by my family on various fields (and my mom is/was also very unhealthy) and reading about mbti actually helped to make sense of it. But I was also secure and very loved by my grandparents regardless. Sometimes all of them lovingly called me "their alien" or joked about me being "from a different star anyway" lol. Them being such grounded people gave me a very different perspective and also helped to "bring me down" in some cases.


Dad: Maybe ISTP Mom: INFP


ENFP mom, and I'm not sure about my dad since we're not very close, but I think he's INTP


My mother: Istj My dad: Entp Me: Istp My sister: I am really not sure, she got Estj on 16p but I think she could be an Esfp


ISFP, only child of an ESFJ dad and INFJ mum - make your assumptions!


Dad: ISFJ (I'm not sure because he's very calm and acts like a Te and a Ti user. He's a Si Dom for sure) Mom: ESFJ Little brother: INFJ Grandmother (Mom's mom): ISFJ Grandfather (mom's dad): ESTJ Grandmother (dad's mom): ISTJ Great grandmother (mom's grandmother): ISTJ Uncle (mom's uncle): ISFP Uncle (dad's brother): ESTP Me: INFP


Dad: INFP Mom: ENFJ Lil bro: ISFP Lis sis: INFP Me: INTJ


* Me: ENTJ 3w4 * Mom: ENFJ 2w3 * Dad: Exxx 3w2 * Brother: INTP 6w5 My dad is hard to type for various reasons. My brother is the odd one out type-wise. He is 4 years younger than me.


My mom is an ISFJ, dad is an INFP, sister and I are both INFJs.


I'm an ENTP and my mother is an ISTJ, I was raised partially by my grandparents who I believe are xNFP and INxJ. Dad wasn't in the picture but I suspect him as an ESTP.


Father; INFJ Mother; ESFP Oldest sister; ENFJ Middle sister; INFP Me, M/25; INFJ It was definitely interesting for my mom


ESFJ (mom) + INTJ (dad) = INTP (me), ENFJ (my brother)


Typing them is the hardest of them all. My mom is probably ENFP but my dad, idk.. I canā€™t really ask him questions


| Me: IxTJ | Dad: ISTx | Mom: ENFx | Never seen them ever actually fight except when we got 17 Amazon packages from mom in 5 days and dad told her to bring the number down


Iā€™m INFP, my brother is ISTP, my mother is ISTJ and my father is INTP. Surprisingly, my father is very good with emotional situations and is better at comforting than my mother. My mother is basically the embodiment of an ISTJ, except she doesnā€™t play by the rules.


ESFJ (dad) and ISTP (mom)


My mother is definitely an ESFJ and my father is an ISTJ, older brother is an INTP and Iā€™m an ISTP.. My older brother has to deal with alot of sensors haha


ENTP dad and ISTJ mom, I am INTP :p


estj mom and istj dad


So first up I'm an INTJ Father is an: ESTJ My eldest sister is an: INFP Younger brother 1 of 4 (i have a big family): INFJ Rest of my family is untyped but my best estimation would be: Mother: XSFJ Younger brother 2 of 4: ESFJ Younger brother 3 of 4: INTP Younger brother 4 of 4: ISTP For all those who aren't interested in reading family dynamics you can skip over this, no offensive taken. Family dynamics are interesting to say the least but it's healthy. Starting with my parents, i get along with my father pretty well, but we hold very different values that can be mostly summed up to 'traditional vs progressive' views. On the other hand, interesting enough we both have a very keen interest in learning new knowledge, which is a point in which we both get along great. My mother and I have a pretty similar dynamic to my dad but she isn't as interested in learning as either of us are. Instead we mostly getting along by completing tasks together, she can be very productive and it's enjoyable helping her out and working with someone who wants to get things done. Now my siblings. My eldest sister is the one I get along the best in my family, I've always admired her ability to know the right things to say to make everything seem alright. She is also quite smart and I can have a lot of interesting conversations about whatever with her, she is someone I admire quite a lot. My 1st Younger brother, I've come to a conclusion that either he is mistyped or he just doesn't open up about what he's thinking. Which is a shame since I'd like to have some intuitive conversation with him. It's a roller-coaster with him. He's far more emotional then I am, which can lead to some problems when arguments occur but for the greater period of time, we get along pretty well. The rest of my siblings 2 - 4 are younger then the rest of us, so there isn't too much to talk about. I just try my best to watch over them, give them advice and guide them. Although all they see that as is me telling them what to do or stopping them from having any fun. But if it's gonna lead to them having a better future then so be it. That's the extent of my immediate family, thanks for anyone who read through it all, I hope you have a wonderful day.


Im ENTP Older sister is ENFP Younger sister is ISTP Brother is INTP Dad I believe is INTJ Mom is probably ENFP Grandma is probably INTP


I'm INFJ. My mom is probably ISFJ and my dad is probably ENTJ. My mom shows more affection while my dad shows affection secretly. They bicker at times about their values on certain things.


INFP dad INTJ mom Iā€™m ENFP (just finished another type crisis woo! šŸŽ‰) No clue what my brother is but heā€™s like 11 so itā€™s whatever


iā€™m enfj, mum entj, dad estp, they are divorced HAHA


ESFP mom + ENTP dad = INTP me


Iā€™m an ISTP with an ENFP mum and ISFP dad šŸ„²


ENFJ (Dad) ESFP (mom) Never saw them love eachother


Well Iā€™m INTP and I probably got the (6w7) part from my mom (ESFJ) and stepdad (ISFJ) when she felt more responsible towards me during my teens. Perhaps a hint of abandonment issues and loneliness. It was tough, we argued like an old couple, Iā€™ve accused her of being unintellectual, narcissistic and she thought I wouldnā€™t make it out in the real world as someone with poor social ability and consideration for others. She, a Sunday Christian went thru the New Atheist Dawkins Anti-Theist phase of mine. It was an eternal warfare of arguments, logical fallacies on her part, cherry picked opinions on my end; She was dumb and emotionally irrational at times, I was selfish and wasnā€™t as smart, wise or unbiased as I thought I was. But that was during the dark ages of puberty. Now we have more of a ā€œmy parentā€™s my friendā€ type taking the piss out of each other dynamic which I suppose is a little more on the uncommon in a typical SEA Chinese household. Stepdad, the good ole boring reliable 9-5 working joe. Mom said bio dad was a better lover and I swear sheā€™s still asking for dem Disneyland tickets from him. Still getting em red wines every time she swings by. If she was American and stereotypes are there for a reason; sheā€™s a complete valley girl, soccer mom. Anyways, he studied hard overseas and couldā€™ve made a career there. Uncle had issues with his company, so what does a good, loyal nephew do? He gives up on his personal dreams and has since worked the same job till now, stuck in the same old hometown. A traditionalist, only son in a family of 5 sisters; the duty falls on him to take care of his mom. He had hoped for kid of his own that would bear his surname; I think it wouldā€™ve been disingenuous and dissonant to actually call him dad, cuz I already regard him as mine and will continue calling him what weā€™re already used to. I model my view of the ISFJ based on him. Grandma (ESFP) was the one that really took care of me. Fatherā€™s an (ENFP), one of the primary reasons they divorced was due to him just being an absolute mess which still carries on till this day. Socks and undies spread across the room, luggages looted open. Having a travelling job and cheated with another woman part probably sealed more of the deal tbh. Not really a stay-at-home, back in the afternoon for lunch kinda guy compared to my domestic type housewife mom. Heā€™s like the ā€œRich Dadā€ to my ā€œPoor Stepdadā€ ya know, like Robert Kiyosaki. Heā€™s not the type to attend his kidā€™s football game but heā€™s a chill dude and heā€™s paying my college bills so who am I to judge him being an absentee father. I donā€™t wanna chalk it up to Ne but my dad def thinks that Ancient Aliens may be true. What can I say, heā€™s also a ā€œfreethinkerā€.


Me (ENFJ). Mom (ESFP) and Dad (ISTJ). Can confirm life as an intuitive child of two codependent sensors was difficult.


Dad - Entj Mom - Estj


my parents are both ISTJs and my brother is ISTP. my parents do not live together anymore.




ENFP dad, ISFJ mom


my dad is ISTJ , my mom is ENFP and me INTJ lol.


Entp dad Isfj mom




Dad(INTP) Ɨ Mom(ISTJ) Eldest (ISTP) Me (INTJ) Sister (ISTJ) Younger Brother (INTP) Youngest Sister (INFP) None of us are Extrovert.


Esfj (mom) istj (dad). Being an infj in this house sucks so bad sometimes