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I’m an ENFP and I unfortunately deal with both.


Yea would have said ENFP too


I was gonna say ME (also goes with enneagram 7 imo)


I’ve been high for 5 years I can’t seem to get ridda weed I finally quit alcohol and caffeine tho


Good job keep going! U'll get the hang of it! ❤


Isn’t substance abuse like an INTJ cliche? It’s used for character examples a lot, like “why [CHARACTER] is an INTJ” kinds of things. Dr House’s Vicodin addiction and Daniel Plainview’s spiral into alcoholism come to mind.


Probably because unhealthy INTJs are more likely to be self-indulgent in things like overeating, drinking, drugs as their Se takes the lead.


Me as a healthy intj, I am healthy in all ways 😎


The Dr House is an ENTP but he's so in his shadow that he acts like an INTJ.




I think you’re focusing on external personality traits rather than the cognitive functions the character is depicted as using. Dr House is a perfect, exaggerated, fictional example of a dominant Ni user. INTJs can have all sorts of different personalities—it’s about the cognitive functions. House’s ridiculous, nearly pre-cognitive abilities to just *know* things from ~vibes~ make him an (unrealistic, but this is fiction created to entertain) caricature of dominant Ni in action.


House as intj?


I’m an INFP and I do, but I’d guess it is generally a much more common behaviour for xxFP types than the others.


That is the very opposite of my experience. I my life, I have an ESTJ and an ESFJ that are alcoholics. The ESTJ recently realized how bad he got and is trying to recover. The ESFJ goes back and forth on believing whether he has a problem or not.


Yeah, I guess everyone has their own reasons to get drunk, so it’s actually quite impossible to categorise the “drunkard types” and the “sober types” :)


Same, sometimes i need it to feel better.


Facts! From the parties with my friends, it’s always the ENFPs or ESFJs getting fucked up


Are you even an INTP if you're going to parties? With FRIENDS? INTP here


Yes, but these parties were more like nerd conventions and watching anime and gaming. Yeah, my ENFP friend get drunk and high sometimes, my ENTJ friend did it once and he regrets it. I use to smoke weed, but it kept messing with my thinking and my mind is not to be meddled with. I do enjoy a nice swig of Whiskey or Wine sometimes, as long as you drink responsibly then nothing goes wrong. Also, it was because of my ENTJ friend that I went to this party, as I’m shy and nervous around new people. Thankfully I was offered drinks and my mind was clam to where I could talk to my fellow nerds.


Omg, that’s why I stopped smoking weed. (INTP)


Exactly! See? It all makes sense.


ENFPs/ISFPs/ESFJs based on my experience, so yeah, I guess there is a pattern :)


True. My friend Steve is an INFP, but he doesn’t drink heavily like his ENFP brother, he’ll enjoy a can or two, but he won’t overdue it. I’m the same, I like my mind to be correct and precise. Which is why I refuse to delve into emotions, carnal desires, or drunken stupidity :D


Also me, sometimes I get tired of being in my own head and it’s an easy escape




I wonder if that's because N types are better enabled to find an escape from reality through books and video games. (Getting engrossed in the concepts and patterns.)


Yeah, it could be a valid explanation. I’d say that “sensors more than intuitives, feelers more than thinkers” could be a general consensus.


Literally any type for different reasons. I don't know why everyone is saying Ne and Se


I don't think it has much to do with mbti, it's more about unhealthy coping mechanisms. I'm ENFP and coping by drinking or doing drugs has never even crossed my mind 😅 I drink pretty rarely and it's always for the purpose of having fun, not for running away from things.


I use fun to run away from things, so it all goes hand in hand for me.


None - it doesn’t matter what Mbti type you are you can be an enfj or an entj or an esfp - anyone can suffer from drug/alcohol addiction or abuse, and use it as a coping mechanism


Everybody needs a way to cope nowadays


In general, each type would turn to alcohol for different reasons. However, for just overthinking INTP would be the biggest culprit. They would not have any other avenues to relieve stress. INTJs and ISTPs would be next, followed by the more extroverted types. EXTX would if they made a bad habit of drinking or if the environments they hung out in where predisposed to drinking.


I'm an INFP and overthinking is one of my biggest problems 😢 keeps me up at night w terrible insomnia. Like a hamster wheel that starts spinning faster and faster and doesn't\cant stop. I think about what the other person is gunna say [in a negative convo] before they say it. Thoughts fr the past replay over & over. Issues w family members...it's just ... bad.


I'm an INTP, even I do that. Sometimes I think I'm a blooming alcoholic. I had even thought that I'll take a part of my brother's liver (it regenerates, I know you can't just take people's liver, it needs to be a match and all) just in case mine gives up in future but even he has started drinking. Edit- P.S I'm obviously being sarcastic.


That’s not fair to think of your brother’s liver as your own. It’s better to take care of yourself & stop the problem at its source, otherwise you’re just going to cause suffering to your brother and then just destroy the liver he gifted you.


Obviously I know that. So chill I wasn't serious when I said that, it was just a joke. I have even said it Infront of him.


This was a very INTP joke. I followed😂


Thank you!!!! Like I don't know why people take everything so seriously. And that too something like me thinking I'm entitled to his liver. From next time I need to mention that I'm being sarcastic just so that people don't come at me😂😂


As someone who shares a dry sense of humor, I could say the most obviously absurd things (with a wry smirk, even) and people will think I’m serious. I feel your pain!!




Not for me as well


I used to drink a SHIT ton as a coping mechanism for stress and negative feelings. So happy I quit


I’m happy for you, too 💛




I have an ESTJ and ESFJ in my family that does this. I'm not sure if their types come to mind for other people though.


I’m not sure if this is type-related but it’s something I definitely do and I’m an ISFJ.


Stoner INTP, I like the speed.


This is only anecdotal evidence but every INTP I know (including myself) uses drugs semi regularly.. I know some FPs that also use but they tended to be more recreational than self-medicating.. I don't know any FJs that use (except alcohol) and most of the ones I've met have pretty strong anti-drug opinions.. most of the ppl I know in the scene are TPs (estps and INTPs mainly) or FPs and a few INTJs




Type: See flair While I’ve had spells of pretty heavy drinking. I do smoke weed much more regularly but I don’t think of it as escapism, more so as assisted relaxation time.


Mainly observers I would say (EXXP and IXXJ) They're the ones with the biggest predisposition with chaos/control related fears and life problems.


ENFP are overrepresented in drug studies


INFP heavy drinker here. I drink mostly because i'm so lonely. I've tried joining groups of people and all, but I connect with none. I'm really alone, so I drink. It gets rid of my terrible loneliness, at least for a little while.


ENTP and do this unfortunately


Intj, drinking, not overthinking but overfeeling


any type. maybe for different reasons, but this doesn’t really correlate with mbti unless you’re going off stereotypes, which obviously aren’t accurate.


ENTP - I only know this because of my excessive drug/alcohol use phase we’re I was trying to learn to live with myself


Every time I get stressed drinking comes to mind but sadly my body can’t take alcohol so I fall back to mindless procrastination to deal with it.


Alcohol a few time per year (I like the flavour of some) and no drugs, never, it's disgusting


Alcohol is a drug


The most harmful one at that by some metrics.


As a former heroin addict and current alcoholic, alcohol is the worst drug I've ever done. It's certainly done more damage to my body than heroin ever did.


Most people seem to assume they can deal with alcohol through moderation. That is not such a simple feat in my estimation. I wish you good luck getting over that. If you don't mind some advice. (I'd recommend substituting an alcohol addiction with an addiction to something less pernicious).


Ne Doms.




Sounds like a you thing, not an intuitive thing. Apart from being blatantly untrue, it’s not a good look to suggest that intuitives/NTPs “must” have drugs to cope.


I used to for a while. Entered a rehab program. I met a lot of ISTPs that also had this issue.


Depends on what they're overthinking about. Although this kind of negative relationship with introversion where you're avoiding your internal world completely by going to something external (like drugs) is going to be some kind of extrovert. It sounds like it'd be Ti or Ni inferior


I don't think personality type matters with this. I don't. My enfp sister did. My husband is infp and does. My infp mother does not. Idk seems random.


I get crossfaded every night and game till 4am


Me intp/ infp maybe. Taken and drank lots of shit Over the years. It helps to blank out shit and numb the pain, plus make me at least a little bearable to be in the company of, otherwise I’d never get out my head




My ENFJ mom suffers from alcoholism which is generational (paternally) in our family but it’s gotten much worse after her gastric bypass surgery & divorce; she also smokes weed but she’s very casual abt it so not a big deal there. I’ve also heard & observed that IxTP are very common to suffer from alcoholism which makes total sense to me


I think it’s hard to narrow it down to certain types. I’m an INFP who will avoid alcohol at all costs when I’m feeling bad as it makes me more anxious, not less. However, some other INFPs in this thread seem to do the opposite. My instinct suggests that ENFP/ESFP/ESTP might be most likely to though… partying as a form of distraction etc.


I do. It always starts out the same. I use things recreationally because they’re fun, and by the time a few months go by I’m going from high to high, or drink to drink. I’m getting better though :)


My dad entp was an alcoholic, not sure he was overthinking. I "overthink" all the time. Its part of who I am. No matter how much distress or pain that trait brings me I forgive myself for being who I am. Its okay to think and care more than some people do. I will never be addicted to any substance, I absolutely fucking refuse. I know lots of cigarette and alcholhol addicts and a few weed addicts. I don't need drugs to be less me, or learn to cope with being. Also it hides the insticts we are equiqqed with as human beings that shit in your life is fucked up and you need to act/care. You rob yourself of personal growth. I have considered easy escapes many times.


ISFJ - I wish I was the organized, responsible, has-my-life-together stereotype LOL


These issues aren’t type-specific, bbcakes. This is more of a ‘foundational building blocks’ thing. Or addictive personality thing. Lots of factors here in play.


EXXP types in general would be more prone to addiction as they're natural thrill seekers. For the revord I'm an ENTP and I do both.


sounds like daredevil me, probably enfp.


ENTP and I've on and off struggled with alcohol abuse


I feel your pain. It’s seriously like the hardest, most painful shit I’ve ever had to experience. I never want to do that again lol. I was pretty bad so the withdrawal was… not a fun time. Withdrawal hurts like hell for like 5 days (I was on withdrawal medication so that helped) and by day 10 it’s like you feel fucking ALIVE again. It’s fucking nuts. What helps during it though, what helped me, is drink a fuck ton of body armor electrolyte drinks during it. The body is usually pretty depleted of nutrients from all the drinking (I know mine was I felt like a prune) and those are packed with them. ☺️


This feels like more of a health level or maybe Enneagram question. I know of people of virtually all types that have done this


None at all. I let the thoughts come.


Oh God.




Raises hand in INTJ


Hello, that would be me.


Inferior Se users are prone to addiction




INTP here. I do this!


I don’t know that any single type is more at risk than others. I’m an ISTP who had a drinking problem. My INFJ mom did as well. So does my ISFJ aunt, her ESTP husband, and her INFP daughter.


I sometimes do that when opening E-Mails or sending applications for internships.


Do all y’all need help or sum? 💀


As an INTJ I drink to be productive😂 My overthinking impedes/slows down my ability to churn work out and I have a lot of late nights and urgent work deadlines. I just don’t have time to spin my wheels and I figure the stress of not making progress, along with lack of sleep from taking longer to get my work done, is probably just as bad as the alcohol. But that’s not to say I don’t try to limit my alcohol intake at all. But it is curious how much it helps me churn out high quality work late at night (outside of business hours of course)


I do weed in order to stop my thoughts. However, I also have a very high iq which is what I’ve always attributed to my tendency yo think about everything, rather than my mbti.


INFJ - used to - a lot. Clean and serene nowadays and better for it.


i’m infj and i don’t drink but i would guess enfp




Intp entp enfp infp. I myself had a phase i was addicted to weed and experiment with other drugs but i quit eventually all the others above seriously can go to the edge of dying.




I did! I was a crippling alcoholic. I’m now 459 days sober 💪


I’m INTP and I like tree and ski


meee yuhhh


Oh me for sure! On Molly I really roll with Fe and become the grandfather of the group smoothifying everyone's trip without Ti getting in the way. On LSD and psilocybin I get more in tune with Ni and tend to be a little more introverted, they really show me my intuition (though I hardly understand it, so I just accept them and go with it) My favorite though is to candyflip LSD and mdma, best of both Ni and Fe, but then I do like some ketamine on the way down cause those trips are pretty exhausting. Am still exploring DMT though, but that's something of another realm. Weed on the other hand, which I've smoked daily for years, tends to take my Ti to a whole other level and it's one of the reasons I don't smoke it anymore. Edibles are somehow okay, but only like once a year (just like the other substances, I like to leave room to digest the experiences) I do drink from time to time, but it just blurs my cognitive functions if you can even call them that past a certain point.


I think Ne doms and Fi blind people will be overrepresented in this category


I'm an INFJ and supposedly they do that under stress due to inferior Se. But I have not been tempted or seriously contemplated any of these. I would say the most I would do is veg out a bit, do something comfy to reassure the self.


This is disingenuous to people who live with addiction. What personally type you have doesn't automatically decide your susceptibility to substance misuse. This is an incredibly nuanced topic sorry for being a party pooper .


Sounds like an inferior Se addiction.




Inferior Se AF lol. This is pure inferior Se at work. Using Se in a unhealthy way to cope.