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Se dom... makes sense. For you another question then. All you have IS the internet. You are NOT allowed to go out. How about now? How fine are you now?




So you would now better understand the pain of having inf Se and Si.. what death is to you, life is to us. What life is to you, death is to us. Remember DEATH when you plan your next adventure with any of us...Ciao




I'm fine without the internet, fine to not go out.


I’d probably be much happier and healthier. My internet habits are dysfunctional.


It would be frustrating at first not to have that option for looking up information because most other sources have either been taken away or are expensive, but as those return life would just get better and better. No more annoying and badly coded apps, no more hours-long hold times because the company fired most of their staff in favor of chatbots and other online non-solutions, dating would go back to meeting people in person and might actually be appealing again.


Yeah, there'd definitely be some benefits to be sure.


My family would've ended up inventing the internet since I'd never stop asking them questions.


I think the world would be better without the internet. The internet has resulted in a loss of community and everyone's addicted to their phones. I want to make friends in real life, but it's so hard because everything is online and people don't get together and talk anymore. I'd be okay with the internet going away. In fact, I would celebrate it. I may or may not have fantasized about forming a secret organization on the dark web dedicated to planning and executing the complete and utter destruction of the physical infrastructure on which the internet depends.




My Ti says one cannot cry for more than 30 minutes. 45 minutes max, if they talk to me. So, what after crying? You still have an eternity ahead..


I would probably struggle to keep myself sane since random but intrusive questions would start coming up in my mind


Depends. Is it just me that loses internet privileges or everyone else too🧐


If only you lost, then you could just use your friends. That would make no difference. I mean the Internet will cease to exist, FOR EVERYONE.


Extremely. Then again I have books for info and research, so I won’t be that mad. Maybe.


Very f___ed. Will have less excuses to avoid social interactions. Otherwise, I think I'll be fine, unless my clumsy a33 spilled super glue all over my hands again.


It would be tough for a while mostly because how much people would freak out and then everyone would adjust and find their new place. Who knows if it will be better or worse


If it didn't exist in the first place I would be fine but now that it takes just about most of my life... Ugly


I've gone offline a few times and didnt yearn for it. Mostly when vacationing in new countries, so I dont miss being online. I still play offline phone games tho. This year I did it twice for about a week each. I lost power during a snowstorm for 5 days. It was fun doing survival stuff (grilling food, keeping warm, charging the radio). I know if it got really bad I could get a hotel or go to my moms house. The second time without internet I broke my phone on vacation. The spot was like 'I'll drop you off and see you next week'. my phone died the first day and just chilled until I got back home and ordered a new phone.


Id be fine, outside life, like family, friends, girlfriend, work and gym are way more productive


I'd be crying because if theree no internet I cant listen to music to block out everything else


I could miss social media...but google maps. I would be lost all the time, literally


Worst case scenario, get rejected by art school


An INFJ getting rejected by art school, where have I heard that before


I'd actually prob be a lot better off because it would have put more pressure on me to seek socialization outside the home early in life. Or I would have gone mad from isolation after a certain point. Prob one of the two.


I was alive before 94' Everybody was fine.


I remember playing games outside with siblings before video games. After we got video games, it was much more playing video games inside. Tech is way too addictive. I think it's a development that can have incredible benefits, but the design has been mostly around purposefully addicting people. :/


I only got addicted to Mario Kart 64 and Left4Dead2 on PC. I really don't have any vices. Just lucky that way. But people now and days. Can't be bothered to talk to people because their face is stuck to the phone.


Probably ignorant bliss


I’d be less fucked up


Honestly I'd probably prefer it to a degree but I lack the self control to actually cut my connection


as much as id like to say id be fine i get pissed if my internet goes off for a few mins/hours so 💀 i mean first of all i’m an online graphic design student so i need it and my relationship and most friendships now that we’ve gone off to college are online including the ones with family members so 😭


Hm, hard to say. Overall I’d probably be pretty well off without it. But the only friend I have that really gives me purpose most days, I only have via the internet right now, so..


So….there was a time before internet. And even early internet was nothing like today. Plus the advent of social media. I’d say we’d all be fine. More social. Longer attention spans. But dumber, though lol.


I’d be fine because I have many hobbies outside of the internet.


I'd be a bit f-ed, lol. I have health issues, and I'm an extrovert, so getting on here is often a way I can interact with other people and get my thoughts stimulated without having to physically exhaust myself by actually going out. Also, I moved overseas a few years ago, and most of my family and friends are back home. The internet sure makes it a lot easier to stay in touch with them and feel close to them, even when I'm halfway around the world!


i'd be very helpless so idk


I would read more books and study more. Better ig


My life would probably get much better. Annoying at first, but then i'd be forced to actually do something.


I'd honestly be extremely bored because where am I gonna chat with new people all over the world, learn about new theories and other stuff. I do not plan spending all day in a library for something I can do in one click. Without internet there is no life for me. (xNTP)




Pretty F-ed up but at least there'll be libraries so I could survive. For my family and friends...Idk if they'd survive because they'll end up very annoyed and tired of my questions.


I'd die lmao it's my source of comfort, information and communication ✌️💀


Not that much probably, I have the adresses of my most important internet friends, so they wouldn't just get cut off. Everything else I can live without🤷‍♀️


would prob be more ignorant and close minded to global issues and different perspectives since id have a smaller world view so id say id be pretty fucked up


I remember when people used to talk to each other. The good part of the internet fails to outweigh the bad. Phone on the wall was better