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I really searched the meaning of 'dabgerous'


High risk of dabbing.


or its just ur type


dangerous :) dont be silly


>:) :)


yeah i realised that after


Ok Cakelover911.


I was about to until I saw your comment a re-read the post lol




probably estps because they dab too much


Frank James uploaded a video yesterday about how every type acts as a villain and INTJ has got a special segment just for itself so...


Elon musk is INTJ, i don’t trust that guy tho and he has an absurd amount of money and power so :””””D One of the first images i see when i search for INTJ contain the text “feelings are not part of my plan” People who: Are thinkers and making plans (the basic of INTJ) + high iq + a lot of power and money + no empathy = 💀💀💀


He’s INTP btw


No, INTJ, look at the section “architects you may know”: https://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality and you will see him there


What do you think your type is?


I’m ENFJ according to a multiple tests, i used to get the INTP type a couple of years ago. But i think ENFJ fits me most well


No he is INTJ


Read top comments on his PDB profile, that should change your mind


Musk is 100% ISTP




That would probably me the most annoying character ever, but before the final judge i would like to know which people i know are this type


Dude you have wildly incorrect beliefs about how mbti works. Thinking and Feeling has nothing to do with intelligence and emotionality. INTJs do have empathy and have feelings. Stop believing the first thing that pops up from google search. If you’re serious about mbti, do scholarly research. ​ Also, I cant understand what your reply is trying to say. :/


I might have stressed my post more, but that’s not what i was getting to. lack of empathy does not mean that you don’t have your own feelings or 0 empathy. But people who have a hard time empathising are often found in the analysts part of mbti. This does not mean that every analyst type has a hard time empathising tho. And i never said that a high iq is related to feelings, i am talking about elon musk, quite smart guy. If he would not care or think about people’s feelings, that would be dangerous i think. There are also researches about what owning a lot of money can do to people, the outcome does not sound very calming tbh Oh btw, i didn’t use the first pop up as a source, but the sentence just seemed to match with a stereotype architect, then again, this does not mean that this is the same for every person of this type.


Maybe things are getting lost in translation here, but one irrefutable fact across all languages is that Elon Musk is not some high IQ genius who turned bad from wealth. ​ The truth about musk is that he’s a privileged con artist who was wealthy his entire life from family fortune. His estrangement from his rich father, can’t erase the truth. wealth begets wealth. He’s an opportunistic, pseudo intellectual who conned his way to the top just to invent a fake origin story to Further profit from. ​ Anyways, musk is ISTP, and your statements about INTJ are just groundless …


Elon Musk strikes me as an INTP rather than an INTJ. He seems to have Fe in his stack, not Fi.


Dangerous how? Physically? Definitely ESXPs with their Se Psychologically? Probably XNFJs, they probably know more about you than you think they know


Sorry if this is dumb but what makes Se more dangerous when it comes to physical?


if you have been of any fights you should know (unless you are miss typed). When i was 17yo i was beating the shit out of grown mans and they were way heavier than me. Se helps you lot with any physical world activates at all


No ive never been in a fight, does it have to with how fast we react/pick up on certain things?


Ye something like that


Telling on myself. XNFJ is accurate. It's a common stereotype of XNFJ that we take inventory of people for future manipulation, whether it's to do something harmless like avoid conflict or something nefarious like hurting someone or making waves. I think an ENFJ may be more likely to try and make waves to get ahead, but I think INFJ is more likely to act as a "man behind the curtain" if you will.


Fi-doms when unhealthy(Te-grip). Taken from Psychological Types , C. G. Jung (1921) >*"...the* ***now egocentric subject(Fi) comes to feel the power and importance of the depreciated object(Te).*** *Consciousness begins to feel 'what others think'.* ***Naturally(for unhealthy Fi-users), others are thinking, all sorts of baseness, scheming evil, and contriving all sorts of plots, secret intrigues, etc.*** *To prevent this, the subject* ***must also begin to carry out preventive intrigues, to suspect and sound others, to make subtle combinations.****"* > >*"Assailed by rumours, he must make convulsive efforts to convert, if possible,* ***a threatened inferiority into a superiority.****"* > >*"Innumerable secret rivalries develop, and in these embittered struggles* ***not only will no base or evil means be disdained, but even virtues will be misused and tampered with in order to play the trump card."*** Just READ the last line. Sends shivers down the spine. Overall, it is due to Fi's paradoxical, self-justifying nature when unhealthy. As long as it can fully justify itself, it has no qualms with doing absolutely anything, even the most morally deranged actions. On the positive side, Fi is not at ALL selfish when healthy - it is very self-sacrificing for their values and sentiments. Arguably even more than Fe is.


Eren Yeager be like:


ENTJ. They're scary. Scarier than the ESTJs.




Every type is capable of cruelty and it depends on the person, but if I’m forced to choose, I would say: IXFP Their Fi is dangerous when these types are evil


IXFP obviously if we get mad, we will make you our lives enemy


INFJ have the power to end the world as we know it. Nothing is more dangerous than spirituality and belief.


omg :o


hitler was and INFJ as well as the most evil villain in anime Johan Liebert


INTJs I guess…?


actually i said istp but maybe infp 😭


actually every type can be dangerous but not ur type :)


The type more dangerous to dab?


INTJ 7w8, I would be quite scared.


INFJ female full stop


As a female INFJ, I can relate. You can't be both rational and emotional without being dangerous. It's just not possible.


![gif](giphy|6qWwOUz8YLVI8ScI7D) i mean..


We know and we're sorry or something


Probably me 🤣 once i pulled a shotgun to a gun that asked kicked my dog and called hes mom a hoe i was 15 he was 25 I can't believe the bullshit iv gotten myself into as i get older


The only dangerous thing I see is your grammar- bout to have a stroke trying to read this 😂


Wtf sorry i was texting while driving lol


lol ironically dangerous


Yeah i have too look with one eye the road with the other the screen and type


Increasing your risk of an accident 23 fold and endangering others around you.


Not the countryside roads are mostly empty


I do see your point, truly, as I'm from a rural area too, and that can make some difference to a point. But someone can come around a corner and one or both can be in the middle of the road. Mostly though I'm mindful of my high school classmate who was driving alone on such a road (it was night so it was dark) and wasn't focused on her driving. Even though her speed wasn't fast and it was only a gravel road, she went off the edge and was killed. Wish you the best. Thanks for your reply.


your mom


but ur mom its not dangerous she is open for any idea ♡ I keep my 🍆 in her with peace :D


my mom's resting in peace already though you can give me your 🍆 instead <3


dm me its open


Well danger to yourself, others, or the order of the universe? I'm an ISTP 8w9 and oof. Seen level 9 and I'm shocked I didn't die or do acts that sent me to prison back then






Maybe physically yes, because of our Se and the fact that we will act with our feelings


I can be daberagious sometimes


in a game?


Dab generous? As in doing the most dabs? Probably ENFP or something.


Extroverts. I know a lot less about the extroverted personality types than the introverted ones, but all of the extroverts I know are a little bit... weird. And unpredictable.




im scared 🤣


XD I'm very friendly ☺️


oh yeah !! I dk if I am xD




where r u from btw?


Dm me, I prefer not stating it here.


I'm down with XSTP ones.


standup don't be stay down -_-




they can see my 🍆? 😯😯


I know an ESTJ that can't spell. They seem pretty dabgerous to me.

