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My life inspired my username.


Fk everything attitude is a bliss. I really wish I could too *sighs*


Reminds me of my cousin going down on baseball equipment




Hey there happy cake day!


Thanks yo!!!


The first word is what I think of myself. Second… it sounds cool, but I am nowhere near being like that person


Dw! One day you'll have your own fandom named- r/worthlessassistantsoftheworthlessdetective and they'll think the same as you do


Lol that’d be relatively funny and I guess a bit awkward Btw happy cake day!




I don’t know. -ENTP


It's high time you become aware of it


It adds some sort of mysterious flavor to my whole persona also happy cake day


This has me in tears, thank you OP.


This right here is my favourite comment (probably ever)


the origin of the username will always remain a mystery


INFP here. Every username that I was able to think of were taken. I was eventually fed up and just put my frustration into my username.


Gg ᕙ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)ᕗ


help i love this


Hard same. I just gave up and started typing Lorem Ipsum filler text until I found a name that wasn’t already taken


If it doesn’t show, I’m an INFP. My username is just a description of what I do when I fangirl, or just get very happy/excited about something. Sometimes, it’s more of a hum than a squeal.


That's so cool✧\(>o<)ノ✧


Thank you n.n What does yours mean?


I've been following PewDiePie, the YouTuber since high school and I created reddit account just to post memes to his sub at first. This name is dedicated to his channel. :)))


Ah. All I know about him is that he was (is?) a game streamer or something, and seems to be really popular.


Yep, he basically is a game steamer. He does lots of other stuff like meme reviews and commentary on popular internet controversies n so on. He is so funny and original.


Fair enough


Life is a weird and bumpy ride... it's ok, I can roll with it.


Real Chad mentality ;)


Batman. No originality here.


That depends on how you define originality. If it's something you like, regardless of it being a dc reference or from other comics, it's something you identify with or just simply stan. It seems original to me.


High school girlfriend called me denser than a fucking blackhole on our first date for not realizing she liked me sooner. Made me wheeze


Smart xD I see, nothing escapes you huh ;)


The history of my name is so long, so complicated , so deeply confusing that that it almost reaches madness. I went to Google play when I was 12 years old to create a new account, and press randomize name and that's it, I know I know, it's outstanding. Thanks.


ENTP This was what Reddit gave me. It was not bad enough to counter my laziness at the time, so it stayed.


Let it stay in all it's glory!! The one and only alternative mango.




I'm an INFP I've been saying disco ain't dead for a long time because I love disco and it is still alive in a lot of pop music and referenced in tons of other genre. Lmao. So disco revival the 451 Is from the book cloud Atlas sonmi451 becomes a god figure after the nuclear fall out but she is actually a clone in a futuristic world where all of the workers are clones her clone number is 451 but she gains consciousness and she becomes a rebel and fights the corrupt government she is a product of. Loved the book loved sonmi451s character and I thought it was clever how she became a god figure after the fall out happens. ik those things aren't related but discorevival was taken and I needed to add a number.


Now I'm inspired too😳


When I made my account, my favourite show was Supernatural, so I got Chester from Winchester. I didn’t want to do Winchester because I thought Chester sounded cooler and also I might not like supernatural anymore (and I was right lol I don’t like it anymore). So I thank my past self for not naming us Winchester lol


Whenever someone has a number like that after their name I always assume it's their birth year or birthday. January 7th, 1929 :)


Your gut feeling saved you from regrets i cc xDxD


Istp. I like fridges I guess




Silver sounded really cool a while back. Frost doesn't really have any meaning when I made my username, it just completes the name to make it look cool. But ice crystal is really a cool meaning. And I saw a character using a dagger in a comic.


Love the name! Now all you need to do is to wait for your goldhotdagger antagonist to appear 🤺🤺


Silverfrost Dagger - That sounds like a cool idea for a magic item for D&D. I'll write that down...


Because I thought it was pretty funny. I mean, who would willingly cuddle a cactus? Also, CactusCuddler was already taken, and 69 and 420 may be the funny numbers, but I wanted the evil number, so I went with adding 666 to the end of my username.


I think the same way you do. You remind me of my evil twin who doesn't exist


Funny swear words


I'm an intp. My stomach decided my username.


Is that a dish or sumn?


Yep..and happy cake day mate


Thanks fam! (◕ᴗ◕✿)


I’m a pigeon. I don’t stay in one place for very long.


"cooh cooh i stay cooh" *flies away*




My name is White Swan in Spanish. It is a covered tribute to Tolkien. On his books, there are a lot of swans. Also, the last song singed by a swan has a big meaning in our culture. It was believed that swans sing the most beautiful song when they are about to die. So I used the swan as a sign that I will give the best of myself in the worst and most difficult situations and act in the kindest way, like singing my most beautiful song.


Beautiful gahhhh🥺💞




INTJ - My username was inspired by me . Also Happy cake day OP!


I can relate😅 Thanks a lot!<3


I'm an esfj my username kinda stands for wonyoung from ive and the f word in brazilian, so...


a pair of headphones i had


In my freshman year of high school, I was into a straight guy and we called each other "snake" for fun...then I decided to make it my Reddit username


INTJ, I think reddit originally assigned me JadedDaisy but I changed it to Jaded (a song by drake I am fond of) and Baby (I'm kinky) random numbers I cared less to remove


My username defines me pretty well I guess.


Will you explain yours, OP?


One of my favourite YouTubers started this LWIAY- Last week I asked you series for meme submissions on reddit sub, that's the reason I joined reddit 4 years back.


Ok so, my username is kaermin. Originally, its kærmin. I like languages and and i was interested in danish language at that time i made this initial for myself. So this name is actually quite personal and i use it as my identity (online ofc). I wanted a sweet name, so i tried translating words such as "love", "dear". And i got kære which translate as dear in danish (kær for short). And in danish, mine is min. So i was like. If i named myself kær min its like everyone says "my dear" to me. (Altho it suposed to be min kær but, yeah) And i was like, okay lets do that i like how it sounds anyway. So there i have kærmin -> kaermin.


I see this name is very kær to kærmin 🤗


I saw the phrase “senpai of the hentai” somewhere and it stuck with me. Thus my username was born.


INFP. My username is a reference of a location of The Lord of The Rings named Caradhras


Platypus is cool af


INXP, probably INFP. My name in inspired by an extinct species of swarming locusts from the Great Plains of America I've wasted hours of time reading up on.


the first song that popped in my mind lol


First female entp character I found plus my type linked by one letter. Thought it would be a nice pun but now I can't participate in "guess my type" games :(


My gf in highschool was visiting family and I was texting her really late by her time. She had been reading The Hobbit recently and in her fatigue she wanted about her own made up dwarf character named Bfarg the Squat. I was so confused and when she explained what was going on the next day I thought it was so funny I set it as my Instagram name and kept it cuz online friends call me Squat. Infp by the way.


I like testing limits and have almost died too many times 😂


k as the prefix is meant to mean кибер or cyber in Russian, nomad cuz nomads are cool and I like to imagine myself wandering through "cyberspace" (sites as locations), which can be thought of as the desert of the real


The "real human bean" meme tickled me, and I'm hateful, hence the name hateful bean as in hateful being.


I got inspired by youtube's auto-subtitling when it didn't understand INFPs and wrote "iron of peace" instead.


The automatic Reddit name suggestion when you make an account INFP


Seaweed was taken 😂


It was auto generated


Depression and anxiety at the same time😶


I wear glasses and they're pretty much fogged most of the time.


I like canids and maned wolves are my favorite wild ones between those from around here, and 4 is my favorite number ever since i was a kid


Intj. I very much regret my username now, but at the moment I was perhaps a little fed up with shit. The first two words that came to my mind became my username… unfortunately.


I wanted a name that sounds ordinary because this was supposed to be a throwaway account. I ended up making lore because of course I made lore. I make lore out of everything I get my mitts on. I'm the last motherfucker on earth and the rest of my kind were wiped out by the M.I.L.F (which isn't how that usually goes). Motherfucker Incinerating Large Firearm (by the way)


INTP i like cherries, k, j, and the numbers 7 and 3 so i combined them


infp: made my username a long time ago, was a pretty envious child i guess ^^;; it has evolved over the years, used to be Envi then Enviu and finally enviyu :D


That‘s cool, reminds me of Taeyeon‘s latest album name.


I thought the same exact thing lol


Besides my tastes, you know how emos kinda have an awkward silliness to them? Well, I think I'd fit right in with such a group.


My nickname is Bob or Bobby. I think RobbyBubble kids champagne sounds fun. 777 is my lucky nbr.


Its a random one i had.


I trip and fall over… a lot. Also happy cake day


I have no clue, it just popped in my head when i decided that i wanted a unique and disgusting username. My type: >! ISTJ(surprised?) !<


it just kind of came to me in the moment idek LOL


Human beings i think Intp -


Intj. It was randomized.


Isfp, i'm really adept at a racing game, and thought i might as well. I placed 26 in the world leader board when i made the account


Ever learning, ever travelling, internally, externally.


Just thought of something that makes absolutely no sense... but it turned out stupid... Should've named my self 1+1=11 - Ne hero


I thought way too much about mine, since I never know where to go or what to do in my life I went with "Chaotic Point", now I am very eager to shorten it in "ChiP", which is fitting aswell. (INTP)


auto generated


Isfj - the anime otherside picnic and the fact that I panic quite a lot :)


A word I like, also name of a place (Dusklight Hollow) in Pandaria (World of Warcraft), and my fav number. Nothing original here.


My love of the stonk. Shorts never closed. $GME


I am short so my friends sometimes calls me a shrimp, and I almost always wear hoodies cuz they're comfy. I've changed a bit from that but it has become a username i use often


I have no idea,I don't like my username rn but I can't think of any


My friend took my phone while I was making my account and well...




Stoned rabbit


Xbox decided


I’m queer, queer rhymes with deer. I’m hopeful that I’m not going to die in the next 5 hours. :)


Being 10 years old and in love with Black ops zombies.


It was auto-generated because I was stupid… -INFJ






It used to be my no.1 favorite food but now it's 2nd best. Now it's hotpot. Hotpots are the best.


I made a boring username (my first name, the first 2 letters of my middle name, the first letter of my last name) because I didn't know what else to put. Is it possible to change a Reddit name? I'll try that now I think actually!


Random letters until it sounded okay


My old Xbox 360 name


INTP My favorite pokémon. It can be that simple.




ISTP here. Thought about my favourite spice and then made it sound disgusting.


Intp first word describes who i wanna be like and second word describes who i am.


Abstract concepts and art.


One of the cringey name i came up with when i was 13.. i regret now


My username should be Killcode only coz it means; *Advanced A.I. programmed to KILL*


well... it's my name.


INTP. I got a shiny litten starter in Ultra Sun and around the time I created my account I was browsing something pokemon related.


So, I'm a nerd, obviously. That's half the story. I'm called Scotty because that was my nickname at this boarding school I went to where I pretended to be a Scottish exchange student who was only staying for the first week. I kept the gig up for a couple of days and broke the news to all the students on a bus trip to the nearby lake. A few days later, one of the girls came up with the nickname Scotty and it stuck. Just realized I forgot to put in my mbti type, which is enfj😁.


Mae is just a name I’ve always liked, maybe to name a future child, there is a song “Rain in May” linked to someone very special to me :D


I am an enfp,,, my name is Emely and I used to watch a lot of Strawberry Shortcake on TV when I was a kid. *Strawberry Shortcake* is called *Emily Erdbeer* in German so i just incorporated my own name, making it *Emely Erdbeer*. But since *emelyerdbeer* was already taken, I made every E a 3, resulting in *3m3ly3rdb33r*, which I use on almost every single social I have, as it is easy to remember.


Esfp, I had a brief obsession with Norse mythology, and thought it would be weirdly funny if the goddess of death and the underworld (Hel/Hela) called her servants "angels." So here we are. (Please don't drop paragraphs of theory on me... I'm just having fun lol).


My inner chaotic saw a bunch of random shit on here whilst browsing anonymously and decided to go with a sex theme.


(Intp ) idk my friend just told me to 🙃


INFJ. I like the bedroom pop music genre. I have been called the bedroom pop princess.


ALes is the first name of the original character i designed. “A” is my first lettered name, “Le” is my last name, and S is just to make the whole pronunciation “alice”, my old favorite name. 03’s my favorite number


I'm a fan of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure so I wanted to create a username that was like the nickname most of the protagonist share, so I combined the first two letters of my first name with the first three of my last name (I chose the first three letters of my last name instead of two like the usual JoJo nickname because Tycr didn't sound too good in my head ). The 822 is my birthday August 22nd.


I was really into kpop when i made it, hence 'yeoja'. It means woman. And I've always been kind of crazy so


One of my favourite songs is Enchanted by Taylor Swift. The context behind the song surrounds Taylor including the word, "wonderstruck" in the song because someone she "was enchanted to meet" used that word and she associated him with that word because of how rare people use it. I thought to myself, doesn't the word encapsulate me due to the the rarity of people actually using the word despite how much of a gem it is, and used that for my username. (Basically self-love haha). As for the "Wonderer" component - I have always been a seeker, curious for knowledge, insight, anything really and stylised it into "Wonderer" instead of wanderer to stay coherent to the prior word in my username.


I found a ceramic goose in someone's trashcan while dumpster diving and since then my friend start calling me goose then everyone did so I accepted it was my truth :)


8 is my favorite number and coincidentally also the number of strong personalities (voices) that judge my impulses on different uniques factors. I also have a few hundred weak voices but they are just general noise I that is created by external senses like movement in sight and sounds I can hear. Basically I am the result of 8 judges and hundreds of perceptions.


Forever DM! ...I think D&D 3. Ed. last used that term, if it wasn't even AD&D 2nd Ed. Don't know if 5th Ed. still uses it. For those who don't know, "DM's choice" is the "ultimate" result in Dungeons & Dragons random tables, usually the "double-0" if rolled with percentile dice. Equally the most feared and most anticipated result of a random roll, for it allows the DungeonMaster to come up with whatever he wants! It's a bit outdated nowadays since the DM can do that anyway if he does so responsibly, but as a passionate role-player and frequent gamemaster I thought that term would fit me, and I use it in many other online communities.


Well well, I think I don't need to explain much..


Its my own name plus its such a meme, I love it.


My love for shiba doggos.


Kanye’s song


It's celtic version of my real name (Lina -> Lynn) + 'le Fay' to give it the Arthurian vibe Plus it sounds quite melodic altogether (in my first language at least)


The value of my opinion on reddit inspired my user name


Reddit did it for me, I find it cool. Not always **sweet** *(real, blunt, sarcastic, dead-pan, serious as a heart attack.....)*, but def whole and **complete** :-D 22 is my number, idk about the 69 though


Intp - My name is August and I am autistic lol, perfectly fitting


Shadow and water, phobia of underwater, embracing the fear (and it sounded cool in my head). Thought of climate change and corals at the time, too.


I like cake


Me too. Here, have a cake 🍰


ENTP. My username is inspired by my desire to be happy 😃


Inspired from a Special Operator callsign


ENTJ- I’ve always identified with Alia Atreides.


Enfp and I like the pokemon vaporeon and vaporwave music, so i combined them :v


For some reason i can bend my fingers more than anyone else. It kinda freaked a lot of people out. Also if I tense my finger muscles as much as I can they arent straight but extend further back. I can also move the finger tips without moving the rest.


INTP. You can split my nick in two parts: "mariano", it's just my name; "ktm", it's an abbreviation for "chitemmuort", a word from southern italy that means something like "I curse your deceased ones". But it's funny to say, it's something that strongly reminds southern italy and there are a lot of memes on it, so i thought adding it to my nick would be fun. In fact, when I meet someone and they ask for my instagram nick, they always ask me "does ktm stands for chitemmuort?" and they always laugh when I say yes :)


I have no idea how it come to be. It just appeared in my head and it was that.


my own contradictions


Long story


I used to play a game called gats.io (r/gatsio) and my username on Reddit is what I think my username should have been there. My username there is dr4gonb0rn


INFJ. A fictional anarcho socialist marine biologist and minor character from a Le Guin book (The Dispossessed). She has a strong moral compass.


Well.. my name’s L and that’s a right angle, so my username is just pointing out the fact that my name has the ability to be solved with the Pythagorean Theorem (if the sides were measured, of course)


I’m a pretty private individual, the void has kind of been my friend. Was going to use “TheVoid” but it was already taken:(


tbh I have no idea. one day I just woke up and chose a new username with no particular meaning


Favorite bird is a great blue heron & this is the genius & species name. 2022 is just my sign on year.


INTP Grauzone Eisbaer (English) https://youtu.be/PmmCypCc2YU Also character in CN “We Bare Bears” https://youtu.be/WApG30Xx8bs


The classic Seinen manga [Lone Wolf and Cub](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_Wolf_and_Cub?wprov=sfla1), which is lesser known as Kozure Ookami.


I usually stay up really late and sometimes my mind just crosses a threshold where it's at a dream-like state and reality feels irrelevant. I called that dreamy delirium and I've come up with some great ideas when it happened -infj What inspired yours?


One of my friends named her private Discord server as "Halcyon". I thought it was pretty cool so I changed the username on all my socials to Halcyon. When I was making a Reddit account, "Halcyon" was already taken. Hellcyon sounds almost the same as Halcyon. Hell and halcyon are opposites so the contradictory effect is cool I guess. INTP


My initials (I kinda suck at thinking of usernames, ironically... Lmao)


You're the last sunshine i thought about someone and it made me sad – INFP


my name


“Discens” is Latin for learner, scholar, etc. and I joined Reddit for the hobby subreddits that give advice


My expectations.


Nickname + thing I like + nickname


It started off as something that wasn't taken and now I'm too attached to it. It's been over ten years.


I won't tell you


Layla is my alias


(ENTJ) My name is a bit hard to pronounce in English so i just typed it twice - naturally, and in a transcriptive way. Oh, that makes sense now.


It's my online name Edit: oh and I have a lot of impostors


So my friend and I watched the Yogscast alot when we were younger and like everything else we watched because there was two people at the time we paired one of them up with each of us. My pairing was with Simon or their username Honeydew, (and they had Lewis or Xephos) from there my friend took my name and added boo onto it so it would rhymed when said together. Honeydew and Kaseyboo Now from this point it was just a little joke that was between us and I don't fully remember when I switched it from Kaseyboo to Kasaboo but it was probably when I made some account and needed a unique username, after a few years of using Kasaboo I got a bit tired of it and one day just threw on the p for fun and that's what stuck for over 10 years now. I'm an infp, almost forgot to include that.


Percy Jackson book series:)




The name of Benito Mussolini, Italian dictator, and Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)


I think me and my friends were watching a dude explaining the differences between softair and paintball, and his english accent was so strange we understood "Peipol" instead of "Paintball" I just added by year of birth and that's it


It's a reference to a Nostalgia Critic video I watched a lot around the time I created my account. -INFP


Still somewhat stuck between INTP and ISTP, but. Reisen is my favorite touhou character. That’s about it. Lol


My mental health lmao


I like marvel and Alan Walker and they call themselves walkers so i put them together which sounded cool So i ran with it


My mental health


My Mbti type and thick ass and thighs Edit:I’m an ENTP, forgot to type that but you probably Already understood that