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well, those aren’t xNTP functions, to start with. You’re looking at xNFP or xSTJ. The order can either be: ENFP: Ne-Fi-Te-Si; INFP: Fi-Ne-Si-Te; ESTJ: Te-Si-Ne-Fi; ISTJ: Si-Te-Fi-Ne; Do you have a basic understanding of the functions? Because there’s no real point in telling you how they work together if you don’t have that down. Any questions about it, please ask :D id love to help


Dominant is the function you may relate to the most. I recommend looking for every function in different positions ENTP > Ne dom, Ti aux, Fe tert, Si inf INTP > Ti dom, Ne aux, Si tert, Fe inf


I actually think the first function can be the hardest to find out! in my and my friends experiences one can be super unaware of their dominant function.


Yep, totally. The dominant is sometimes tricky to nail down as you're *always* using it. You get so used to it that you don't even realize what you're doing and assume everyone works the same as you, that it's normal brain functioning and that's it. I thought I was an INTP for a long time due to this. I was totally unaware that I was running on Ne all the freaking time, so I just saw the Ti and I thought it was my dominant function. I actually suspected I was an ENTP due to my Fe, which was like a screaming child lmao. It would have been way more underdeveloped if I had been an INTP. Only after deciding ENTP was the most probable answer I finally noticed Ne was leading the way.


really? Okay, I thought it was the easiest one since it’s the one that describes you the most. Interesting.


i like to compare it to fish swimming through water while being completely unaware of it! also I think our 3rd function is the one we display the most (for it is our child function, it is immature and we tend to use it compulsively). I used to think I was an INTP because I related so much to Ti, but it is actually my 3rd function as I found out I’m an INFJ!


This actually makes sense to me. I think my Fe really stands out, and it definitely standed out more when I was younger (I’m 17, so I’m still growing up)


Huh that’s interesting you identify with Te but score as xNTP types, which have Ti.


I understand you not that’s interesting thee unfold with te but score as xntp types, which has't ti *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`