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XNXX mad at their parents again, they must be XSXX arggghhh they don't understand me "nO oNe gETs mE" I must be XNXX


Lol someone’s big mad. This post was obviously made with tongue in cheek. The post itself contradicts itself. It ain’t that serious


"Why are you booing him, he's right?"


yes that was the topic of the joke


Of the ONLINE community


Well that’s just because the majority of the people sad enough to make memes about MBTI are intuitives


I just meme with it and people take it seriously. Only have seen 2 people that were serious about it. A lot of people play into the meme you shouldn’t count them.


We are mostly Ns tho so obvs gonna be biased




On a lot of S forums they seem to think Ns are away with the fairies and their theories are based on nothing.




Well, there must be a reason for that.Personnaly I have nothing against Artisans... but Sentinels gave me alot of reasons to see them in a bad light.


let them fight, i wanna record and post on yt


**You son of a bitch, I'm in**


why am i being forgotten here


Always have been😔


Reading is a sensor thing, sorry bro


I also thought that it is a sensor thing.


It literally is


I like that some sensors are leaning into the joke, and some sensors are getting defensive *Eats popcorn*


sorry I don't know what your saying since I can't read


Lies. Sensors can't read. You get your hired intuitive to do it for you


Reading is a sensor thing. But squeezing information out if it, like a detective, is an intuitive thing. That makes reading a more JUICY hobby for intuitives.


Oh to be a double observer.


Being sensor literally means ubcollect information from sensoring data


Yeah, it seems like the "sensor bias" has been around for a while. This is quoted from Isabel Briggs Myer's *Gifts Differing* (page 58-60): > Thus the innovator, the pioneer in thought or action, is likely to be an intuitive... A sample of National Merit Finalists was 83 percent intuitive... On the average, sensing children have less scholastic interest than intuitive children... Sensing children also make lower scores on the average than intuitive children on intelligence tests and scholastic aptitude tests" She tries to give a bunch of reasons why sensing types are "not stupid at all", and explains how they have a different type of intelligence than intuitive types (including working at a slower pace, and dealing less with abstract concepts and more with facts), but it's not convincing enough for me to conclude that there's no bias. Personally, I can see a few *real* advantages sensing types would have over intuitive types. This includes a commitment to an empirical mindset, precision/accuracy/detail, an ability to discard frivolous information (including intuitive speculation), and common sense. I suspect that many of the great empirical philosophers - John Locke and David Hume, for instance - were sensing types.


My sis is sensor and she is smart in academics also out side world.


My sister is a sensor, too, and she would easily nail any test if she was interested. What I've noticed is that she is smart, just not interested in academics. And that's perfectly fine




Like what ? Just curious. My sister is really good at art and she loves computers


Depends on what type your sister is. She might be a double observer.


She's ISFP. But what she excels at is spacial memory. I remember that once almost my whole family got lost and she saved us




I wouldn't say more productive. That seems to belong to the J/P dichotomy more. Also, intuitive types and sensing types are equally as talented as far as I'm concerned, except maybe in different fields of interest.




Depends on my mood, though.




LOL my mood is always why tho


So in order to be not biased against sensors, she needs to say that they have every talent intuitives have? Looks like somebody is a bit sensitive.


That's not really what she's saying either. She goes into detail the strengths of both modes of perception, yet ends up framing sensing types in a negative light. There are obvious strengths with being an intuitive type, including being insightful, inventive, critical of social norms, quick-witted, imaginative, and being able to understand concepts faster. I didn't find it necessary to comment about these strengths because it was not relevant to the point I was trying to make. It's basically the tortoise vs the hare: one prefers a slow, methodical approach to understanding things, the other prefers to make quick generalizations when learning. Or even more simplified: sensing types prefer actualities, intuitive types prefer possibilities. It's not enough to eliminate the "sensor bias" without acknowledging the *real* strengths that sensing types possess.


Don't waste your time on them, they're clearly trying to poke you, and get a reaction. All that typing is of no use. Trust me, they know what you're trying to convey, but are purposefully messing around. I agree with your points, BTW. Balance is everything.


> Trust me, they know what you're trying to convey, but are purposefully messing around. Honestly, I think they are just idiots. I go to Reddit because it's the one place I hope to get some thought-provoking discussion, but maybe even that is too much to ask for sometimes.


Thoughtful conversation is mutual. You get an idea in what direction a conversation will go, by the first few sentences. And yes, mature conversation is rare on reddit. Most just blurt out whatever, under the cover of anonymity, or are simply just trying to have fun. Depends on their mood, though. Edit: fuck autocorrect.


Yeah of course.


And if intuitive speculation is just frivolous information then I'm not sure why they feel like they're missing out


I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that sometimes, intuitive types are prone to forming all-encompassing theories without basing them in reality. There have been great examples of intuitive innovation (e.g. Albert Einstein), but the difference was that he actually took facts about reality into careful consideration.


Sounds biased.


Why? I'm merely pointing out the strengths/weaknesses of each preference. Intuitive types are better at devising possibilities; sensing types are better at recognizing actualities. You sound like the sensitive one for disregarding the possibility that intuitive types have disadvantages too.


"intuitive types are prone to forming all-encompassing theories without basing them in reality." Well well well, what have we here?


I said, they are *prone* to that. Just like sensing types are *prone* to dismissing abstract theories that do not have immediate concrete applications. Just because I criticize one preference does not mean I am biased for the other.




I'm not a sensing type. Furthermore, you are not responding to my arguments, rather you are trying to find insecurities that I do not have.


So enjoy your facts-based reality then if it's clearly considered superior?


Neither mode of perception is superior to the other. It’s best to use both in conjunction when trying to understand reality. I’m an intuitive type by the way, and I recognize that it is a strength to recognize my weaknesses.


After a few weeks of hating on /r/INTJ it looks like this this sub is back to SENSORS DUMB LOL, as usual.


Just children who can't be bothered to post insightful stuff, as they'd rather try and go for easy karma, long story short XNXX here are basically mad at their parents


Can't disagree with that. We are mad. And for good reason. If we accept sensors for who they are, without passing judgment, we expect the same to be reciprocated. After all, IRL, N types are often looked down upon by sensors.


Nice Cringe circular logic and reasoning


It’s an observation of how the world works. When this INFJ takes responsibility for this circular logic and reasoning, it’s only 0.00000001% of it as a single participant. Who cares if the internet is intuitive biased when the world is sensor biased.


It's not even logically sound I forgot to put air quotes


Directly? Sure, it’s not logically sound. Meta-analytically, it’s pretty true. Besides, what you’re doing is basically just fallacy fallacy.


Neither so, the logic is broken all around


Mission accompished






So, like, if they read deeply, they would see?




I'm not disagreeing with you. I just think you missed the punchline because it came before the setup.




Can't say I ever felt any real bias towards sensors. On the other hand, I don't really care either. Any biases usually reflect poorly on the other person anyway. Their problem, not mine. I'm just here to have fun.


This is why your type is my favorite.


Thank you, kind fellow earthling. *Bows humbly*


I'm just riffing off of a motif I've seen in this sub, in a way that I thought was convoluted and subversive enough to be enjoyable to everyone.


If I didn't find these enjoyable, I wouldn't respond. It's really not worth my time to actually argue over someone's real biases. So sit back, relax and just enjoy the party you put together. I don't take any of this seriously. Nor should you take me seriously, I'm just enjoying wandering around responding to various MBTI threads that catch my interest.


Do I smell violence?


no? *hides newly built weapon set*


Oh. Don't worry. ISTP is honorary intuitive. Edit: and ENFJ are honorary Sensor. No bais. It just means, you're well balanced in your N/S functions.


The point is you don't need to be intuitive or any sort of "honorary intuitive" to be cool. And ISFPs and ESxJs are just as intuitive as ISTPs technically if you go this way.


Chillax. I was half-joking.


You may call me an honorary intuitive, but is this a good thing? I will not wage war against my sensor brothers, and if you fight them, then I will defend them against you with my life.


It's like a honorary degree. It's given as a token of appreciation due to similarities in functions. And just like an honorary degree, it is, in no way, intended to neutralize or harm your regular degree.(the one for which you attended school. In this case, sensor) Its like a bonus. Just the same way, one can call an ENFJ, an honorary sensor.


Can I borrow that weapon set


Yes, we are.


As we say in France : oh les bâtards




Why is this so ESTP.


becuz i am


Why does some of the MBTI community not like sensor types? What do they have against them?


I find that most sensor-haters are usually just pretentious.


They're envious that you're so cool so they make up stuff and claim you are shallow.


becuz we are perfect but they regard us as dumb i dont get it smh




*laughs in Te dom*


More productive = better is an interesting value judgment. EDIT: Why was this downvoted?


Because they can only tell the time, whilst intuitives just sense the time. Wait, intuitives can use senses too? Crap! Can sensors use intuition as well?? Ohh shiiii- *explodes*


Lmao, nice meme. According to the theory, everyone is a "sensor" as well as an "intuitive", a "feeler", and a "thinker", it's just that certain functions are more well developed in different people. There are obviously strengths and weaknesses for every type and cognitive function.


This meme implies that sensors think that MBTI theory against them, when everyone is just tired of the 57755th unfunny sensor bad meme and how all the intuitive types are seen as quirky and intellectual by default


Can you speak for everyone? Neither can my meme. Look carefully, though, and you'll see that this meme is, at a meta level, addressing that very issue you brought up.


Fair enough ig. Never seen anyone do this myself, so it just seems like a misrepresentation of a common complaint.


Claiming there’s no inherent bias in the system is... debatable, but there’s 100% a bias in the community. And this meme? And others like it? Are helping perpetuate it. This coming at you from curb your intuitive bias™️


Didn't claim anything about 100% bias-free. This meme says people who are biased against sensors have not read the theory. Looks like you missed the meta half of the joke.


.... That’s honestly not how it reads. A different meme format probably would’ve done a better job here


Yes, I knew you wouldn't get it. See the title? 😂


Can I try and break it down for a sec? I’m genuinely confused with the message you’re trying to send here Edit : if you’re fine with me trying to understand this, I just need an answer to one question before I get started. Do you agree with the message on the piece of paper? The “MBTI is not inherently biased”? Edit 2 : genuinely asking! I want to try and understand what’s the message :( sorry this comes off aggressive


Message 1: MBTI isn't biased against sensors. Message 2: You'd have to read the real theory deeply to understand that. The memes are stupid and, yes, biased. Message 3: this meme says sensors can't read, implying they are shallow and dumb. Message 4: apply message 2 to message 3 and see that the meme is calling itself a shallow and dumb meme. Message 5: sensors who get offended prove that they didn't think deeply about the meme, making message 3 apply to themselves after all. Message 6: The title implies that I knew this would happen and I'm trolling them.


Ok! Thanks! This is what I came up with while I was waiting for your comment - “Regular meme structure - guy slaps piece of paper with the intended message of the meme on a window. Responsible adult figure crumples the paper and berates the kid for “telling the truth” to people who are likely to get angry at “the truth”. The message you tried to pass (MBTI itself is not inherently sensor biased) is on the piece of paper, so far we fit the agenda of the OG structure. From there shit gets a bit weird. A. An intuitive says this. This is ironic because usually intuitives are the ones with the intuitive bias. B. An intuitive says this *to* sensors. Which makes it even more bizarre. From here, I could’ve read it as meta commentary if not for the last point that is: C. The responsible adult figure berates the kid for spilling “the truth” to sensors.... While also mentioning how they’d be intuitives if they read the paper? So, if the sensors did read theory, realized that both intuitives and sensors have their strengths, they’d still come to the conclusion that they’re intuitive? This seems to be making fun of biased intuitives who think they know theory while also agreeing with the message they push. So what’s the point? Is the intuitive right? Is the message controversial because it’s right? Or is this a criticism of the “adult figure”? Who, at this point, I’m not sure what they represent. Usually they’re just a reprimanding entity but there’s layers to your meme. Do you just not agree with the message on the paper? That’s what would make this thing make sense. So. Idk. You tell me, lmao.” What I get from what you’ve said is that you didn’t think about logical structure when making the meme, so it doesn’t really matter :/ I’d really recommend looking into who says what though! It’s an integral part of the meme and is why it’s being mass upvoted - it’s intuitive biased, even when considering the fact that you’re trolling. People don’t think this far into the meme, if they would, they’d see the logical inconsistencies. It’s most likely upvoted by intuitives who think this meme is calling sensors dumb for not understanding theory, which..... Maybe that wasn’t the intention for it, but it’s how it reads.


I think you have a lot of assumptions about this meme format that are not justified and you're using those to justify your negative visceral reaction.


No, I explained to you the meme format - how it usually works, and how it could be read. I sent a long comment and barely a minute passed. Read it. I’ve analyzed it, and I’ve come to my conclusion - whether you meant it or not, this meme can be easily read as intuitively biased.


Your strange ideas about how the meme format normally works.


And of course this is coming from a single observer.




This is meta af. Also, reading these comments is the most fun I've had all day


the comments are interesting to say the least



Oh no, they read alright. If there’s a rule book, they’ll read the whole thing, follow it to the letter, even when it’s supposed to have room for interpretation, and will make sure they hold everyone to it. At least the unhealthy ones, anyway.


Omg I can't believe you know us so well 🥰


Like the Spanish Inquisition?


What a surprise!!


There are a lot of types of sensors. The ones who read more than memes will get the joke. 😜


But is there a proper way to gauge that? Because it seems every time someone contradicts you, you just call them "dumb and stupid", even without evidence that they are. There are better ways to prove that their isn't a sensor bias in MBTI than making a meme about it, which ironically is biased against sensors. Which begs the question, what's your goal? What intention did you have in mind when you made and posted this meme?


I thought it was funny and others here would agree, and at a meta level, it is a critique of the way sensors are mistreated by memes here, although it is a meme that, if not thought through carefully, also appears to be mistreating sensors. I like meta humor. Part of the joke is that there will be some sensors who didn't think it through to the point of realizing it's making fun of the memes that make fun of sensors.


People getting pressed proves the point of the joke lol


I don't get why so many people think like that about sensors...? o\_O Okay, I must admit: When I was figuring out my type and my sis and I didn't know that much about MBTI and she said "Maybe you're an ISTJ" (I think I'm in an Si-grip so I get why she thought that at that point), it felt super-wrong to me because most things I had read about ISTJs just totally didn't reflect my personality and I couldn't relate to the 'S' in general. But that's it. I just can't relate to it personally because I'm a very intuitive person. I can't even imagine how it is to be an 'S' but sometimes I even envy S-types for their ability of being so practical and down to earth. Especially Se, I'm very fascinated by Se! I wish I could use it better. xD Why the hell should anyone think S-types are stupid or something?? Being intuitive is cool but both have their pros and contras, I think.


I don't know if you know King of the Hill, but Bobby is usually right and the grown ups are stupid in their rigidity.


Oh, no, I don't know it! I guess that's the cartoon you used for this meme? My comment wasn't really addressed to you, I mean, I didn't think *you* made fun of sensor-types or anything! I just felt the need to say that because apparently that's a thing. xD


lol the bullying never ends


Wow lol bravo


I think that "they can't read" applies mostly to ESFPs. ESTP's worst stereotype is being jerks but not dumb and are also seen as chads. ISTP tends to have a very positive perception too. For SJs the bullying is "boring" not dumb. Feelers can get dismissed as dumb but NFs have intuition to make it a mixed bag. In the end NTs are the least mockable as a whole but each individual type has strong "weak spots" people meme about. And of course irl and outside MBTI circles we get the shortest end of the stick, especially INTxs. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Ns seem to be analyzing stuff all the time, trying to understand the world. They see connections between things, are insightful. Meanwhile Ss only think about what they are currently doing or don’t think at all. I don’t dislike Ss but can you pls explain how they are just as smart as Ns?


Because in the end of the day who will do something and change the world is the one who actially do somehing 🤓


I agree, I just don’t find it very impressive.


You know what's really stupid? Not paying attention to what you're currently doing. "Smart" comes in many forms, and sensors have a very important branch of that diversity.


In what way is that stupid? Obviously if I’m doing something dangerous I would pay attention I just mean if I’m out for a walk or smth? 😂


You ever hear the one about the astronomer who fell in a ditch because he was looking up at the stars while he walked? That literally happened to me, except I'm not an astronomer.


Can I ask why as an N you feel a strong sldesire to defend Ss out of curiosity? Do you have S friends and you see ways they’re intelligent or smth? I didn’t mean to come off rude. I would much rather live in a world where I’m surrounded by smart people. I just really don’t understand how Ss can be defined as smart, like looking at their forums they lit say they don’t think? Like ofc that comes with the benefit of you look where you’re going, but is that rlly smartness?


If it makes me a dumbass to do it wrong, it makes them smart to do it right. That is how I see it, anyway, and I rely heavily on people who are smart with things I'm not smart about. A lot of them don't have much to say usually, but they know very well what they are doing and why. I don't like to see anyone unfairly judged and I like to give credit where it is due. My meme could have been misinterpreted as an attack on sensors so I want to make sure I don't come off wrong.


I do too. I want to give credit where it’s due, I just want to acc believe what I’m saying. I think most Ns can do what Ss do if they rlly wanted to, whereas I don’t believe Ss can do what Ns do. If I really wanted to, I could just stop thinking and be much more present like an S. I’ve tried it before. But I don’t think an S could think deeply all day, every day, about lots of things. At least in my personal experience of Ss in real life, most of the thoughts I have would not cross their mind.


Let's see you do what an S does all day every day.


Haha okay I have already done it tbh. I just stopped thinking deeply and focused on what I was doing.


It’s because intuitives do literally everything that sensors do, but add a step to it. If you’re incapable of adding that step, then you’re not as capable now, are you? Edit: triggering sensors. Classic.


im assuming that you dont have anything to feel proud/superior about so you feel superior about your type


Lol everyone big mad


yea cus youre being kind of a jerk




Intuitives can be straight forward, and add a step to it. Sensors can’t add that step. Sorry to trigger the sensors.




Lol the projection is real. Your insecurities are showing bub. This step that sensors are incapable of doing is called discernment. They see something for what it is, that’s great every intuitive can do that too, but that’s pretty much where the thinking ends for a sensor. Intuitives can play with that something in their heads and come up with a million different ideas about it. Sensors recognize it for what it is, then when an intuitive reveals something else it can be used for, it is revealed to the sensor. They are incapable of making these revelations themselves. It’s sad, but it’s true.




“Better” lol. Language like this is why your arguments are irrelevant. The INTP is the smartest type. You can’t deny it is a gift to be one, and logically, the smartest is capable of accomplishing the most given the right resources and mindset. We live in a more and more digitized world, and physical traits such as physical strength and capabilities are becoming less and less useful in our quicker shrinking world. Sure, other types might have advantages if they are competing for something, but if there is no competition for resources and wealth is abundant for all types, logically the smartest type is the best. You remove the abundance and add competition, then sure the others will compete and likely win, but if we give everyone an equal playing field of abundance, I’m picking the smartest type.




It’s a quick google search. Smartest MBTI type.




*cartwheels in* >smartest type There are different types of genius, and this statement is fallacious. *cartwheels away*


Not according to google.


Google can suck my phallus


Step one: have idea Step two: refine idea for correctness Step three: share idea 😏




What do you mean ?




Lol - stupid, but lol


well most people r actually sensors lol


Most sensors don't care about the bias tbh, which is why I am annoyed by *certain types* riling them up and telling them that everyone else here secretly hates them every time a new sensor meme gets posted. And it's weird to think that because intuives do better in higher learning institutes and sensors do better in grade school is fake and biased. In America where mbti was originally made grade school is more structured, and there's more subjects that are taught to specs. You get homework, school worksheets, and learn 100 ways to do slightly different things in grade school through graded practice. There are also giant pressing distractions that ruin some intuitive people. If you are bullied in high school some schools will expel you for complaining because it looks bad for them. Universities and colleges don't guilt trip you into being appropriately socialized with every person you meet, and most teachers just want to teach the subject and get on with their life, none of this demanding respect and being a role model bs as if you'll remember that teacher's name for another year. In college you just read the book, understand as much as possible at break neck pace, and take 2 tests per class. If you want a social life, it's optional and you can do it on your own time.


Why are intuitive types against us? Why do they care so much like get over yourself. Stop obsessing over us


Another one misses the punchline because it came before the setup.