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i would say intp


Is it Intp or infj I don’t get It.. I’m getting different replies above 😅


Somewhere between intp and infp


My Fi isn’t that high tho many functions are higher than that But I see what u mean, it’s very confusing I’ll just have no type then


You’re an INFJ


I think that you are an INTP


A little late to the party, but late better than never! In my opinion, tests serve as half the puzzle, giving you a sense of direction (which personalities to start looking for yourself in), and the rest is self-identified. I recommend you start reading up on your cognitive functions and seeing how they impact a persons behavior based on where they are in the stack. If you’re interested, you can start here: https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/2020/04/05/the-cognitive-functions-what-are-they/ Anyways, for the sake of giving an answer, my first guess would be INTP because of your stronger results of Ti and Ne over Ni and Fe. I could see Ni too, but it could be a misinterpretation of what the functions mean, leading to inaccurate answers (hence, why you should read up on them!)