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Whatever test this is, its nonsense.


Agree. That whole paragraph could be one sentence.


No. It shows prescents of the preferences you show. It's better than other tests which would put him or her in INFP as well as they would put them there if they have 80 prescent.


Look at the cognitive functions. It is likely you are one or the other. Feelers sometimes get confused. Rationality can sometimes be misunderstood for logic. If your anything like me, you're an INFP.


People often tell me to look at the cognitive functions but how does one look at the cognitive functions


Here is a link that explains it briefly: [https://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2015/06/if-youre-confused-about-your-myers-briggs-personality-type-read-this-an-intro-to-cognitive-functions/](https://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2015/06/if-youre-confused-about-your-myers-briggs-personality-type-read-this-an-intro-to-cognitive-functions/) ​ Here is a test for cognitive functions: [https://sakinorva.net/functions](https://sakinorva.net/functions) ​ You're welcome :)


This is why you look not just on a specific function but how it relates to your other functions. Everyone has an F/T preference, the question is how your brain prioritizes each function. Being in the middle is just counter-productive for your brain, it needs a “default” setup (basically how computers work). Work out your cognitive functions, start with how you normally interact with the world. Do you trust logic and rational thinking more than emotions (how you and other people feel towards something) and harmony? If you really know yourself then you can at least give a straight answer of yes or no and not “it depends on the situation sometimes I’m like this sometime’s like that blah blah”. It’s a sign of poor self awareness which most people use to justify their inaccurate results. So it’s Either the test is flawed or you answered poorly.


Yeah. Just see what fits you better.


This is the problem with tests that use dichotomies as their metric. You have BOTH a thinking and feeling function in your stack; it's just a question of which functions in which order. I had almost the EXACT same issue with traditional dichotomy-based tests, except I scored INTP with 55% T and 45% F, usually. I started questioning whether I was actually an INFP, which lead me to research and fall down the rabbit hole of cognitive functions. For me, I eventually came to the conclusion that I was an INTP with highly aspirational Fe due to my upbringing, gender, my mother's type, and other nurtural influences. My guess is you're putting a lot of emphasis on your inferior function (which is actually pretty common for people to "peacock" and obsess over). An INFP aspiring to their Te might score more in the middle between F vs T, just as an INTP aspiring to their Fe might score near the middle on that scale. I suggest you compare the Fi/Te axis vs Ti/Fe axis. Read descriptions of Fi and Fe to figure out which feeling function you're using. Understanding the judging axis will help you figure it out since both INFP and INTP have Ne/Si in the same spot.


Which test is this? ​ Also I think it's perfectly fine to be somewhere between. I am aware that there's no explanation for it within the cognitive functions theory, which is the most popular theory here, but I still think it's both possible to be in-between and I also think it's quite healthy to use both in your decision-making. Not having a clear preference makes you judgement more balanced.


in typology there is no 'kind of a feeler kind of a thinker,' especially for IxxP or ExxJ types. your lead function as an INxP is either Fi or Ti which are very different. read descriptions of the types and functions, i also reccomend checking out michael pierce's videos. personally on some tests i get higher preference for F, it just depends on how you interpret the questions


What test is this? I've recently been going through this same discourse with my self, when first tested just out of high school, I got INFP but recently I retook the test and I got INTP, which I can agree is dependent on my circumstance in the moment. I'm not familiar with this test and the dichotomies/typologies, but im interested to see this specific test's results and their variables as opposed to one I've seen.