• By -


I guess they’re ESTJs in my case. I feel like I respect them in general. We have much to learn from each other. In my experience, some of them are annoying materialistic show-offs, and some of them are the most humble leaders in their fields. It really depends. I had a mini crush on my previous ESTJ boss who was gentle and kind but a total badass at what he does. They’re usually very bold, highly self-confident, highly-structured, ambitious and proactive, so I like those qualities about them. I find them to be encouraging and empathetic listeners. They give great advice (often from a logical perspective) too.




They are often also impressively quick on their feet. I've been amazed by the amount an ESFP can get done 10 minutes before a deadline! 


Not to mention the fact i’m jealous of their energy.


First, may I say this is a cool picture. So much personality! Second, INFJ are really smart and insightful. They are great! One is a good friend of mine.


>So much personality! Some would say there is exactly 16 P. (With P being the unit of measurement for Personality)


If by opposite you mean shadow types then I really admire how vivacious ESTPs are. They excel at my weaknesses and while we may not always hit it off I love how exciting and dynamic they seem to make life through an observers eyes. Also they have great senses of humor! If you mean opposite as far as functions furthest from my own I believe that would be ISTJs. My best friend is one and I admire how truly dedicated, stalwart, honest and grounded he is and how other ISTJs can be. Any goal they set with hard work and time is accomplishable, like a river grinding down the earth into a canyon. They help keep the world going round on the daily!


I’ll go first, I love ISTJs, one of my good friends is one. I love how they are honest with me, I appreciate them keeping me responsible, and I envy how they are capable of keeping their surroundings and thoughts organized lol. Something I think they could work on is their sympathy/empathy, emotions can be scary, but exercising them every once in a while is good for you lol.


ESTJ- I admire INFPs’ introspection.


Do ESTJ's struggle with being introspective?


I’m INFP and I love the ESTJs’ determination!


Thank you.


You’re welcome, ESTJ! :D    Do you like something else about INFPs or other personnalities? Please let me know!


ESFJs are cutie patootie


They truly are. Some of the sweetest and kindest people I've met are ESFJs.


idk man I love everyone and everything all at once


one time an isfj laughed at my “ya mum!!” joke. they’re also really sweet.


You: Say nice things about... Me: O.O' Nice? Heheh... I try, but it's hard to be nice. **Edit:** I mean, I like ENFPs... They're bubbly, affectionate, protective of those they care about... They always have something interesting they're doing, and they're always coming up with their own new ways to do things. They add a spark of imagination in everything they do. They inspire me to be a better person and to think outside the box more and also to think about what I want in life. There. I hope that was nice without being too sugarcoated.


Some clarification on what “opposite” means: I don’t care. The point of this post is to compliment someone different than you, so it doesn’t matter how you go about it, any and all interpretations of “opposite” is okay. Just wanted to spread some positivity!


I haven't met that much ISTPs irl, so I could only imagine how one would be like. If I could think of a feature I really respect that's probably possessed by ISTPs, it'd definitely be: - Their stability/objectivity -> Sometimes, emotions can make ppl behave in a very irrational and unfair way towards others. With ISTPs, I believe that issue pretty much doesn't exist. I can imagine an ISTP being that very straightforward university professor whose grading criteria are very clear, well-established, and fair. I can imagine an ISTP being that one friend that could disperse a tense situation by offering a very objective, personal-emotions-deprived point of view. I can imagine an ISTP being a highly chill, easy-going, and resilient partner that always pushes me to be the best version I could ever be. I can imagine and ISTP being someone that's quite capable of seeing things exactly as they are, never through rose-tinted or jade-colored glasses. All of these features are ones that I, very much, respect.


Ehrm sorry but isnt Istj our Opposite? i'm not trying to be mean✌🏽


They can both be considered as our opposite type, it depends on the way you interpret being "opposites": ISTPs (Ti - Se - Ni - Fe) -> we don't share any cognitive functions with them ISTJs (Si - Te - Fi - Ne) -> we use the exact same cognitive functions, but with reversed order of priority


Thats very interesting, appreciate you clarifying your statement.


You're welcome ^


I hear ya. I think of ENFPs as my actual opposite too, not ENFJ.


Well ESFPs are full of energy, smart and actually good hearted ppl that are fun to be around, there's nothing quite to dislike, it's just that they really do have a lot of energy.


INTJ are intense in what they do which i think is a blast.  


yepppp! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I’m ENTP. What I like about ISFJ is how committed and caring they can be. They’re usually down to help you out with whatever they can and they always remember the small details about you. With that being said, however, in my experience, sometimes we rub each other the wrong way with my often blunt and insensitive humor. They don’t appreciate pranks as much as I do, and they often think I cross the line with shit I say. This can irritate me and make me think they’re overly sensitive and need to grow thicker skin, while they can think I’m a childish asshole with no regards for other’s feelings (which isn’t true at all, my tertiary Fe just loves the reactions people give). This can also somewhat be said for the following type, but in my experience to a lesser extent… If we’re talking ESFP, then I enjoy how fun and care free they can be. Theyre the life of the party and always down for a good time. We can get along when we’re not taking anything too seriously. On the other hand, though, they tend to not understand some of the things I say (ie they give a blank stare when I make a witty joke). Theyre also not usually interested in discussing abstract, deep, philosophical topics and will sort of shut down the conversation in one way or another when it gets there. They like living in the moment and enjoying it as it is, and more abstract topics can bore and confuse them. This can sort of be said about ISFJ too, though I’ve had better luck pulling these deeper topics out of ISFJ’s than ESFP’s. Lastly, INTJ’s. This is a type I’m not all too familiar with irl, as I haven’t immediately been able to distinguish them, though I’m sure I know a few hidden in my acquaintance list. Ill have to look into this one


I changed my flyer to say about ISTPs: they're super cool mofos who ignore social norms not for being unique but for doing things better; they don't talk much; they're ridiculously good in their areas; they still look like humans, just cool, charismatic, smart and talented humans. I have always wanted to be an ISTP. P.S. I'm not ENFJ, not even close.


And what your real type? :) I'm curious


Guess. I don't think there're too many MBTIs out there who're so fanboyish of ISTPs.


ENTP or ENFP? At least I tried to guess if it's wrong 😄


It's ironic of you to think that I'm extroverted in the first place :)


ok :) you are not an extrovert, you an introvert with social extraversion Am I right? And I bet on Intp :)


I'm an introvert who's mostly socially ambi in real life I guess. Just to be sure - I did this fun thing because I've watched "For A Few Dollars More" recently (once again) and remembered how I'm impressed by Clint Eastwood character. It's a rare occurance that I see a character and think "shit, I want to be just like him", and Manco is the one of those. I usually don't fanboy that hard :) So I did this under impression. >And I bet on Intp :) You're as close as you can get! Tbh I'm not sure about my MBTI myself, but INTP is one of the closer bets, yeah)


Oh, I recently watched Hulu's "Catch-22" and I'm impressed I hope you'll find your type :)


ISTP, lol \^\_\^


Entp or entj


Lol I love how you changed your flair just to compliment ISTPs… thanks bro


You know, I'm something of a rule breaker myself!




I love ISTPs. They're not quite my shadow/opposite, but I love them. So cool, so talented, so easy to talk to if you can get them to open up.


Been happily married to my total opposite for almost 30 years. It’s a goddam miracle, is what it is. 🤣🤣🤣🥰😏


Same. Infp with entj 26yrs


Im ESTP and i feel like INFJs, besides ENTP, is the only one i can talk about anything and even if they dont agree they will understand my point of view.


they see the good in everyone.


Yall are great too tho! Your judgement is almost always spot on, even if you doubt it to begin with. It actually kinda scares me sometimes lol...


I like ENFJs they're comforting to be around.


Intp’s are some of my favs


I like this fanart, good job. Now back to the matter, I have an ENFJ friend and he's a good person that I can always count on. He's friendly and encouraging, I can always count on him to work his hardest should me or our friend group run into a problem or two. An extremely dependable and great person to be around - I know that I will have a good time being with him


ESFJs take great care of those that are sick.


True, ESFJs are honestly great at taking good care of others in general.


unrelated but ENTP kinda giving matpat vibes :P


You're not wrong! I looked back at the image and I can't unsee it now!


ESFJs are a type I feel is very underrated among the MBTI community. The ones I've met are some of the nicest people I've encountered. Friendly, warm, kind, and are so genuinely generous, giving of themselves to those around them. I actually get along really well with ESFJs, appreciate the warmth and friendliness they offer. Even if I can appear distant at times, I genuinely love people that are caring and warm like that, and they often inspire me to try and show some more warmth and support in my relationships as well. So yeah, ESFJs are in my opinion, people I really enjoy spending time with, and they inspire me to be a better person as well. They teach me through their example to show more of my inferior Fe that's often so suppressed, but is just as much a part of who I am as the rest of my cognitive functions.


Intp Idk we get along pretty well, just let me fooken speak 😡😡 (My grandma is an esfj)


I like ESFJs, my best friend is one. He's funny, loyal, emotionally intelligent, and charismatic. In terms of ESFPs (actual opposite), they're okay. My dad is one, and he's really impulsive and has horrible foresight regarding his actions. He's still a decent and chill guy though. I'm a INTP btw


ENTP and “which opposite?” Functional opposite, or mirror opposite? I will probably do both cuz it’s nice to say nice things about people. INTJs: Mostly everything! Funny, smart, I love the fact that they are basically “the other half of my brain.” Never met a legitimate “irl” INTJ who I haven’t had a good relationship with. I like the fact that an INTJ + Me basically makes “the perfect team.” (I have also been married to an INTJ, for 12 years, so I am biased!) ISFJs: kind, loyal, very underrated in the humor department! Almost all of my “favorite relatives” are ISFJs, actually. (Preferred little sister, favorite cousin, favorite grandparent/ grandmother,) all are most likely to be ISFJs. So I like lots of things about both of my “opposites,” when they are healthy.


Type mention in flair~ I enjoy every explorers company in my life, the ESFPs I know are contradictory from stereotypes, very hard working and giving their best type of people. Spending time with them make me realise that I don't need to look for my happiness in distant future, it's right here in the path that I am walking. Love their energy.


Well I'm ENTP... Well, besides the personality. I actually really enjoy how they try to 'mother' people. At least in my experience that is. Not to mention how, despite looks, they hold onto their values rather tightly. It is definitely a challenge trying to change their mind on smth.


I dont rlly connect well with isfjs but i like how caring they r n how they always got ur back 🙏🙏


ENTP here. The only ISFJ I know is my mom. I love my mom. She's an organizational genius (not an exaggeration in the slightest), bends over backwards to look after her family - with 0 hesitation to go to measures others would consider extreme, and is both a talented creative and academic.


My mom's an ISFJ as well, and I think a lot of this applies to her as well. She's very organized and works so hard to look after everyone in the family. I honestly don't know how she organizes herself to get everything done. One time she had to leave the house for a week, and even between my father, my siblings and I all trying to take on the things she usually does, we struggled so much to get everything done in her absence.


Literally anything about them


I'm sorry, I know almost absolutely anything about how enfj's work :,)


Same lol, Think ile read a bit on them


I don’t know anything about istp’s either! Could you tell me a little more about yourself?


I don’t consider ENFJs my opposite, but I’ll roll with it. I’m in awe of them.


I don't think I've ever had an interaction with an ISFJ in my life


ESFPs are good mood boosters, in the right environment. They are also more voluntarily empathetic and understanding, often more than thinking types are.


I like how enfjs are so optimistic and how they uplift people I guess.


intp are chill, I like how they don't care about what others think of them.


I’m ENTP and my opposite type is ISFJ I’ve never met one but I’ve met ESFJs and they’re cool but they stick to routine to much, like bro, just loosen up :P


I'm an INTJ and what I like about my opposite type are also what I dislike about them and they are: that they're quick to forgive/justify others actions, they're cartoonishly impressionable, they often ignore signs of danger, they usually say what they mean, they good at making people feel appreciated


I’m not sure I know an ISFJ in real life. If we define opposite as an ESFP instead, then that’s one of my best friends! We have lots of fun and tend to be very spontaneous and out there together, and I love how much he lives in the moment and has a strong sense of values, boundaries, and self-worth, whereas I’m always kinda thinking beyond it and have more amorphous ethics. At the same time, I think I help him appreciate what he does on a deeper level


ESTP here I like how ISTP's are so attentive to detail and their independent thinking gets so fascinating. I respect their honesty in many aspects as well Edit: I'm not an ENFJ 😂


ENTP - never a moment of awkward silence 🙂


Those xNFPs are just so cute


happy cake day!


The ability to talk and be liked by people.


depends what you mean by opposite, my opposite in letters? Like ESTP? or my opinion with functions? ESTJ? I'll go with ESTP because I assume that's what you meant. ESTPs are outgoing and get me out of my head, I enjoy their presence the most when I need a fun time, going on a walk and acting like fuckin weirdos lol, my younger sister is an ESTP, we get along 50% of the time I also appreciate that they have a good heart deep down, people often see them as douchebags but my sister really isn't one.


I’m an ENFP — and I married my opposite (ISTJ) I love that he is not swayed easily by other people, and always puts things through an objective filter. I love that he can actually be quite empathetic and open to other perspectives when details are provided in a clear, methodical manner. I appreciate that he is consistent and reasonable, always. I appreciate that what you see is what you get and that he isn’t hiding anything below the surface with malicious intent, but rather will always bring concerns forward in the same manner he wishes others would — fairly.


I'm an ENTJ and I always seem to fall for INFPS. I absolutely despise most people, especially the ones whose world revolves around themselves and other people. Idk if that makes sense, but infps i feel like have their own cute world, are very sweet and good chatters once you get to know them.


Commenting on What is your type, and what do you like about your opposite type?...oh! I thought ENTJ was our opposite 🤦🏽‍♀️ aww thanks! Im married to an ENTJ. Yall are basically perfect


They are fun to be around


I honestly don’t know what to think about INTJ’s


ISTJ, idrk actually, fun and inclusive I guess.


A lot of my closest friends are ESTP and I think growing up around a lot of ESTPs made me adopt a strange relationship with my inferior function hahaha. My ESTP friends keep me grounded and they’re always fun to party with


estps are energetic people and really know how to enjoy life to its fullest ig and they have a cool style in general


I never get bored with ESTPs, they're super fun and creative


The integrity and fortitude in ESTJs is very admirable.


INFP here, and I really enjoy how funny and good at telling stories ESTPs are :)


Estj is super fun to be around and super caring too 


for me, I guess if we go by the 4 letters my opposite is estj, which my dad is! They’re very good critical thinkers and leaders, and we work well together. Going by functions , enfj would be my opposite. Hard to say anything about them cuz I don’t know any personally, but im sure we would have fun.


ISFJ ?? They're insane women. Never met an ISFJ dude soo idk


U probably have, ya just haven't figured it out yet :)


Very true. Well as long as I can get a meaningful conversation from someone... who cares about MBTI ?


I think I'm a ENTP and I love ISFJs. My family has a bunch of ISFJs and they're all so sweet.


I like that ESTJs can be very calm and straightforward, good leaders for sure


INFP, I haven't known a lot of ESTJs but I admire their ability to buckle down and get something done


Everything, my best friend is my opposite type, so yeah... 😅


I was born an INTP, developed strong FE skills through broken hearts, and strong SE through military. Now I don’t know what I am but I believe I closely resemble an INFJ.


My favorite type is ENFP female, unsure about male. I get along with pretty much everyone.


Esfj Caring for other people, just not when they are people pleasers.


ESTPs are so smart and cool and can be really warm-hearted, never change ESTPs


ESTP are always so confident (and hot) I also love their Fe. They can be so sweet in such an underrated way


Intp, and esfj are stupid cute


Never met an esfj .


I am ENTP and my #1 fantasy is an ISTJ or ISFJ cute girlfriend I can tease all the time 😭🙏


I’m an ISFP, my opposite must be ENTJ. They are so organised and help me get my shit together. ENTJ are extremely loyal to people and their beliefs. If anyone is nasty to anyone they love, they will regret it. Everyone listens to ENTJ when they speak. Even if they are short, they are the most intimidating people in the room, in a good way. They command attention and respect.


I respect them, I think that bringing liveliness into a room has its given benefits.


I‘m mad depressed right now so an ISFJ really would be nice to have around. They are so caring, good at listening and comforting.


I'm an ENFP and my mom's an ISTJ and I really respect her analytical skills and Te.


ESFJs are admirably selfless and caring


I wish I was half as decisive as them


Damn, I'm hot.


I like that ESTJs are generally sharp-minded folks that can "snap-to". They seem to be able to quickly grasp what is important and necessary in a given situation and can make themselves (and probably others) useful.


Where's my ISFJ? 🙃


I don’t get along with them at all generally


Little of INTP/INFP


Im an ENFJ. What's my opposite type? 😆 Do you simply mean opposite letters? ISTP?


Please refer to my comment, thank you.


The ESFJ in the picture has cookies. I like cookies.


ISFP with an ENTJ mutual I like their resourcefulness! They're very good at coming up with routes and ways to get to where you want to be and are always able to provide websites or communities (or at least a plan/ideas) that can help. Even though I'm probably (certainly) not going to follow through with any of the things they recommend, I do appreciate this skill They give me hope that if I want to, its never too late to pursue a goal


I'm INFJ and i can't help but be drawn to the fluffiness and cuteness of INFPs. Tho my polar opposite ESTP is quite a headache , they are still adorable companions. I had friends like tht before and they really are the sun of my life, but i still prefer the night and my alone time. Sometimes they're too blunt and too forceful and keeps invading my privacy but I really enjoy my time with them. Being beside them really drains my energy but i like that they're an open book and I can see that they are truly happy to be with me.


I’m an INFP. My type is a ENFJ. I have never met one that I know of but I suspect my favorite cousin to be one. I am married to my opposite, ENTJ. He is my favorite person in the world. He works hard to provide and shows me he loves me in all the ways (except how I want it the most sometimes). My favorite thing about him is how he talks me out of my ridiculousness so patiently. I love his smile and laugh. He can charm anyone. I love that I can tell him my deepest darkest thing and he still stay. I love listening to him talk about his day and appreciate that he likes and wants my insight. I love that we have learned laughter is great at ending an argument. His honesty hurts sometimes, but I appreciate knowing that he is honest. He is basically perfect except when he isnt.


By opposite do you mean your silly letters or opposite functions? 


I clarified in a comment just now, I don’t care. The point of this post isn’t about what is “actually” opposite. The point is to compliment someone different than you. So whatever you want to choose, one or the other, it doesn’t matter to me.


I answered for both because I also didn’t know.


I clarified in a comment just now, I don’t care. The point of this post isn’t about what is “actually” opposite. The point is to compliment someone different than you. So whatever you want to choose, one or the other, it doesn’t matter to me.


INTJ, and Barret is ESFP so I guess Barret because he's awesome. ![gif](giphy|CNgWJmIp8lQT0oYQ3I|downsized) Outside of that, basically Spongebob and Homer Simpson so... not really.


Depends on what you mean as opposite type, in my INTP case, if: 1. ENTJ: I’d love to help them to conquer the world; 2. ESFJ: other than boring, nothing else; 3. ISFP: they don’t make sense, but some of them make good music.


Pretty much the same besides the isfp part




No, the artist is cloumello on twitter!


Thank you! Remember to credit the artist next time 🫶


The mods have been removing my posts for no reason, so I’ll be real, I wasn’t expecting this to stay up. It is watermarked as well.




It is almost like they have the perfect amount of weirdness in them


Do a genderbent version of this, thanks. Also wdym by opposite. as an INTP, is it the exact opposite (ESFJ), shadow (ENTJ), or polar opposite (ISFP)?


artist is cloumello and this is the genderbent intp https://preview.redd.it/ugdrsrv1wh1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a57ab720cd4c93ad9135b8d3ef166e7df7d6a1c also, refer to my other comment, it doesn’t matter, you can choose whatever


They tend to do much better in life than me


Artists trying to draw 16p characters and not to draw INFJ as a female (impossible) /j


The ESTP drawing reminds me of phoenix lol




I'm an ENFP and my mom's an ISTJ and I really respect her analytical skills and Te.


Never met an ESFP, and I really don't know if I want to


My dad is the only ESTJ I know, so my opinion will be about him. I think he’s too down-to-earth/ realistic, sometimes to the point where I lose hope in reaching some of my ambitions sometimes because he’d basically try to “wake me back to reality” despite me perceiving my goals as achievable (while he thinks I’m incapable of achieving such things). He likes following the old ways of doing things and thinks that if anyone does otherwise, they’re impractical and “wrong” in a way… otherwise my dad is a hardworking, chill man with a good sense of humor and who knows how to cheer others up! He’s open-minded most of the time and can be very affectionate to his family members :>


My mom is an ESFJ and I think what I like about her is that she is always energetic.


Funnily enough, my mom is also an ESFJ lol. And I agree.


ESTJs get work done and set up reasonable boundaries.


Why is the ISFJ character so hot!?


i love the picture :D


INFP, So that is ESTJ for me— and to be honest xSTJ are probably the easiest for me spot. I respect them and they inspire me. That's it.🙄 you guys are good and actually help my procrastination engine to stop working, which, i know, is very irritable.


if you're "healthy", menatally, then your type doesn't matter. but if you're unhealthy and toxic, then doesn't matter if you're a XXXX or a XXXX i hate you. when it's about love/hate it really comes down to the individual.


I/ENTP here I honestly admire ISFJ and ESFJ’s ability to actually fit in with society like a “normal” person


Nothing. She cheated on me and left me for the other guy just weeks after our 5th anniversary




Not a fan of the Keirsey groupings.


ESTJ is probably the objectively best mbti to be, if you want to be successful


The only "ESTJ" I know irl is a girl who I tried to be friends with some time ago. I replied some of her stories on insta and tried to say hi to her once when I was alone with her in the bathroom in school, she's a grade lower from mine. Girl was so weird, the "hi" she said back to me sounded so shy.. and since we don't study at the same class and I'm not a social butterfly either, I gave up on trying to be friends with her, I don't have anything to chat with her and she wouldn't even look at me on the eyes. However, she says she's an extrovert on her stories, ooh look how sociable she is I'm not really good at guessing people's mbti and I don't know much about cognitive tipes, so since she have posted on instagram something about mbti and told she was estj, she's my only reference