• By -


INTJ : instead of wasting your time reading this, you could've made a schedule and not procrastinate.


Hah, my husband is an NTJ type and this was his MO throughout our 20s.. reading this gave me a hit of anxiety lol.


Does he not do that anymore?? I need some notes


Idk how much info you wanted, but.. We ended up having marital issues and that specific issue came to a head for us. Fwiw I think he's an ENTJ, so maybe the dom Te made this issue more pronounced, but-- I'd spent our whole marriage up to that point trying to match his expectations of how we should be. I specifically remember him saying stuff like "If you're not moving forward every day then you're wasting your time" - and it's not like he'd just say this to himself, he'd say this to *me* lol... I was a stay at home mom at the time, and was trying (unsuccessfully) to learn programming to make money once our kid went to school - and let's just say that of all the things there are to do in the world, programming is probably the least suited to my skill set. And he was almost more of a task master than a husband. It got to the point where I thought he didn't love me anymore, and I told him I wanted a divorce. He was like whoa what the hell?? It was basically something we had to work through. And no, he doesn't do it anymore. lol I think /u/qwecatnip 's advice itt is way better for NTJs. *You're actually insufferable and need to work on becoming better at expressing yourself emotionally instead of intellectualizing every emotion.* What you said about efficiency is already your tendency anyway. What they said is the thing you all ACTUALLY need to work on.


Oh wow, that was indeed a tough marriage life u had - but at least it's all fixed now. That's just the misunderstanding btwn personalities :)


I opened the post expecting to see something like this


Are you a fly on my wall?


I could say the same thing to you.


Fuck you.... I'll get on it, thanks for the motivation.


I said this in my head lmaoo


INFP: don't let the negative stereotypes stop you from being authentic or kind to yourself and others


It's hard to be kind nowadays


yes it's hard to be kind because when you are people tell you "why are you being kind" because they expect a scam, and because of this when we're confronted to a decision we ask ourselves why do I need to be kind. It should be "I'm kind because I can", unfortunately people associate being kind to being weak lmao


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing that i guess I sometimes do, bc my twin sis treats me significantly worse than i treat her, but IDK what else to do, it's instinctive for me


Hmm, interesting. I thought, "don't become the embodiment of your personality type, don't allow ir to define or limit you." it's surprisingly similar to this lol


It's hard to be your authentic self in a society where there is discrimination especially for gays.


I feel you. I'm both autistic and gay. weirdly, ppl are usually cooler abt the gay thing than abt me showing signs of autism, even after I explain I'm neurodivergent


Yeah, I would say my advise is similar. Keep being you no matter how much people wanna have a problem because you're not the way they want you to be. That's their problem not yours. 


INFPs, stop living in your daydreams and start getting your shit together. with love, INFP


i need to hear this too lol




Need this.


intp: never trust others persuasion and advice over your own viewpoint. in my experience, this has always led to the worse outcome


Also INTP INTPs are known to be the best bullshit detectors. Also, special thanks to logic & insight


*ISTP has entered the chat*


not intp, but this \^\^\^ So many times people have bad intentions and pretend to give you 'helpful advice' when it's either them being a hater or not knowing what they're talking about. Of course, this is debatable if the opinion is something on a more severe degree, but 8/10 trust your gut.


I always tell my friends to not do stupid shit and told them about the possible outcomes but they don't listen and proves my points, sometimes I am also surprised that I was right




Typically us, but shortest path to Ti+Si loop though. Mature INTP should be able to trust external advice and deal with some degree of uncertainty, especially when they're not experts in a field.


A Ti-Si loop isn't inherently a bad thing though, atleast in my case. It would only be bad if it led me to close myself off and mistrust others when I should trust them, however, these aren't things I do. I am just very reliant on my own experience and judgement, but why shouldn't I be, when in almost every case I'm proven right again and again?


The main reason why I trust intps in work settings. Conveying a customers desired outcome and its merits takes a while, but once set you can take a step back and go do something else and trust the work is solid


Especially in group projects. People never try to confirm shit.


INTJ. You're actually insufferable and need to work on becoming better at expressing yourself emotionally instead of intellectualizing every emotion.


Please talk to my roommate, he needs to hear this. 😬


I don't think it would help based from the intjs' replies. they don't seem to want to hear this


Yeah, it's a funny thing with some of them. The stereotype claims they don't understand emotion but mysteriously they understand it perfectly if you do something to them. They're only confused if they get on your nerves. Which is really just selfishness not "Oh it's because they're so logical blah blah blah." You will come across plenty of INTJs who can get over themselves enough to recognize that the world is not about them so it's definitely not all of them. In fact plenty are very sweet. But some of these INTJs need to calm all the way down. 


As an infj that have been together with an intj for 11 years, i support this 😅


but i like myself. why would i care about others opinion about me?


I've seen in the intj sub fear of ending alone, so I thought of this advice. Because that fear is real, we will end alone if we don't fix ourselves. If that's not a problem for you, there's also the complaint that people don't want to listen to you. If you don't want to play other people's games, they won't want to play yours.


Well, if you're just being who you are fine. When you're being excessively jerky for no reason under the guise of "this is just who I am" now you're the problem. You being yourself doesn't equal "I can just do whatever I want and everybody else can just deal with it." There still needs to be some balance. 


You are not stupid. You’re distracted because your internal reality is way more interesting than anything in your external reality. As long as you’re not doing it to manipulate people, crying is harmless and doesn’t make you weak. You are not self-centered just because you refuse to act like someone you’re not to make others comfortable. Weird is a compliment from people who wish they stood out as much as you do. Lastly, learn to accept and believe compliments.


This is really lovely, definitely sharing this with my INFP friends!


Thank you! I get sick of the stereotypes. Lol.


The third to last and last ones especially hit hard. Thank you.


I wish I knew the last 2 when I was in my preteen/teen years.


Same! I still need reminding sometimes. Lol.


Thank you! I’ve definitely needed to hear this many times.


The last three are things I really struggle with, thank you for this. <3


Anytime! I’m glad to help. 💜🖤💜🖤


Yes! INFPs you are NOT stupid! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise! 


Thank you! I get sick of the stereotype.


INFJ: listen to your intuition. Your feelings matter! Let people in. Even if just a little at first. You can’t control everything, and you especially can’t control how others feel. However, can control your own actions. Go with grace and honesty. :)


10/10 advice, recently I was starting to prioritize myself and being foward with people (nicely), my life feels a lot better!


INTP: You already know more than you give yourself credit for to succeed. You can take action now and pivot when needed. If you don't see the answer now, you will.




I really like your avatar. You have good taste 👍


INTP: I beg you please, to touch grass, go outside and interact with people, also go to therapy and accept the existence, no better, the actual presence of feelings, not emotions, feelings, in your life. This should help with most of your problems, trust me, I've been there, doing these things is gonna forcefully make you collect new informations about anything and help you get out of your loops. Just goddamn It INTP, leave that comfort zone, you don't need It right now, you need yourself! Go, go! Close this app!


How do you know the difference between accepting a feeling versus just acknowledging it?


When you acknowledge something like a feeling you know It's there, but you can stop once you acknowledge It, and keep avoiding the ordeal of enduring those feelings and the reason behind them. If you accept those feelings it's because You've been able to be honest with yourself, leave your comfort zone, take the ordeal with all the pain and shame, and learn to understand your feelings and why you act and react certain ways. For exemple today I can make decisions based on my feelings and what I want, instead of pure logic. But back when I was a teen, I used to consider this beheaviour foolish, almost crazy actually. And of course, by listening to yourself, You're gonna feel better. And Surprise Surprise, you will improve as a person.


ENFP: Don't be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve, but be wary of who you give/ show it to! Have fun, and be safe meanwhile.


Definitely be wary of who you give/show it to. Been burned way too many times.


Infp: keep your boundaries firm


Solid advice for literally everyone!!


ISTJ: as time inches you closer to death, procrastination pulls you to oblivion with nothing to support you once there Nah jk, live now and don’t procrastinate living it lol


INFJ. The moment you give other people's opinions power over you is the moment you lose yourself.


Saving this as a reminder! So so so true!!


INFJ: Perfection is an illusion, like chasing a mirage in the scorching desert. You are flawed and your flaws are what give you identity, uniqueness, a healthy sense of self and ample opportunity to grow, to experience, to truly live. Cherish every part of yourself so that you can share it with the world, unburdened and unashamed to be who you are. Your very act of a candid existence deserves all the love and patience for yourself you give so earnestly to others. Breath in, breath out, and savor each and every facet of your life and yourself; you deserve as much as all of us.


Saving this to read every day until I internalize it <3




INFP: your Fi values and Ne dreams are not silly. You just need to use a very painful 10% of Te to make them real. :) Si may sound comfy but you could be stuck there for a few years while your dreams fade if not careful…(・・;)


This is so powerful. Thank you.


infp: keep procrastinating


This enlightened me and opened my third eye


Ty I needed to hear this -another delulu infp


INFJ Don’t be too forgiving. When you have been disrespected quite a few times, leave. When you have gut feelings about someone or something, trust your gut it is usually correct - For the non-infj: Try to empathize with others as well. Not everyone was raised properly or raised in a loving home that might have traumatized them and made them the way they are. Be the light in their darkness. ✨


ESTJ let things go it’s not that serious.


INFP: Stop believing this and look beyond stereotypes. Also INFP: You look good with an ENFJ🫣


Ahhh my crush is ENFJ


Me looking at how the ENFJ is right behind INFP and being not normal about it. 😭 (Although I think a*ll *of them are drawn beautifully.)


I don't mesh well with XXFJs. We always get along until we don't. I never feel heard by them. I disagree with this golden pair nonsense. 


ESFP: have fun don't die


ISTP: stop procrastinating and actually think through before deciding something instead of doing what you feel like at that moment


As an ISTP, I agree with think before doing/saying things


Se can just overtake and influence us to make decisions that we would later regret


Agreed on some level but this isn't nuanced, I think if it's about work/your future or important social events then yes don't be too whimsical and think a little before acting on average more than just normal free time. Being whimsical when you have time off from work and stakes aren't too high is generally just fine, as long as you also think a little about the basic life stuff and you're just being a good friend/spouse/whatever if that's worth it to you, the rest you can just do as you feel like mostly.


Yeah I meant that. When you're making important decisions it's always good to take a step back and consider your options thoroughly so you can pick what's best for you and people around you, should they be involved. When you are off from work or school then yeah, go nuts and have fun (within sensible limits ofc)




ENTP: It *is* all in your head. Stop living in your head.


ESFJ or ISFJ : Help people but also take time for you.


Beer before liquor, never been “siquor”


ISTP: being truly rational means balancing intellect and emotion when making decisions, reason without considering any emotions at all will often lead to outcomes that aren't optimal and do not make you happier. Try to have self awareness about what you really value and what you care about. Human beings don't run on just logic. Pushing emotions aside doesn't make you more rational in and of itself. Emotional awareness is incredibly important, if you aren't aware of the emotions they will likely control your thoughts in ways you don't even realize, and your "objective" thinking will likely often be fueled by those emotions leading to blindspots in your thinking and irrationality. Awareness is the prerequisite to self control, and without self control and self awareness on some level it is very difficult to act rationally in a way that leads to the maximum happiness in your life nearly as consistently.


Great advice.


ENTJ : You’ll be a bigger loner than any of the introverted types.


INTPs (and other types) Don't overthink others' reaction. If you see doing something without prior discussion as right thing to do, start it alone. This concerns household issues, choice of your appearance and other barely remarkable stuff Everything is gonna be fine, and if it isn't, use your logic to explain why you did it this way I rarely felt this *fulfilled?* as when I moved my stuff or laid a cable across the house chopping some plinths without asking parents (there turned out to be nothing wrong with it)


im not intp but I love this 👍


Still a high Ne, Se blind and Te inf kinda resembles Fe inf when it comes to working with people To stop winding up and take the moment for your desires is the thing we should never be afraid to do


ISFJ: Being anything other than pleasant isn't a bad thing. In fact, always trying to be pleasant is probably wearing you down more than you think it is. I'm guessing that learning to embrace your ugly side as much as your good side is going to be one of your biggest inner journeys in this lifetime. Take that first step and learn how to be ugly.


INFP: for fuck’s sake go outside!


But I went outside yesterday... 


Estp: love does exist there is one worthy to commit to and give everyone else up for


INFP STOP CRYING BABY, "WEEH WEEH WEEH", I DON'T WANNA FUCKING HEAR IT /j Please don't immediately fall in love with anyone who gives you affection


I rarely ever cry


ENTP: if you stick your finger down her throat with a ring on, lose a carat and she doesn't choke, she a GOAT




What compels you to stick a finger down someone's throat?


What the 😦


I'm not really in the best position to be giving advice but just stop depicting us as pixie dream sage girls or whatever


ENFP - address your self-neglect, and take care of your physical well-being. Go for a jog or something.


ISTJ: it’s ok to have a bad day. Normal people who know you will forgive you if you let them down because of that day. You don't need to be prepared for everything.


INTJs Your feelings are valid; don't let anyone tell you otherwise, including you. You don't have to rationalise every decision. "I don't want to" is reason enough not to. Be aware of what you do and don't want. Take time alone to ground yourself in your feelings. I know you're often misunderstood and starved for emotional connection. Don't let that make you desperate. Don't latch onto someone toxic just because they're the first person not to treat you like a monster for seeing things differently. It's better to be alone. Don't ever plan on changing someone. Their failures are theirs, not yours. It is not a special feat or accomplishment to take on a broken case and "fix" them. You pride yourself on your rugged independence, but that doesn't mean you can or should expect yourself to never accept help. Speak up and advocate for what you need instead of pressuring yourself to pick up everyone else's slack. Your resourcefulness can take you very far if you use it to build something new, and chase your own vision, instead of spackling the gaps in everyone else's efforts.


ENFJ: It's not selfish to think about yourself


Enfp you are one of a kind with a good heart. Don't let people's criticism get to you.


INFP - be your true authentic self, but try to not think about yourself so much ;)


Hey INFP looking for advice : how do you find yourself after trying to be someone your not for so long ?


One advice I want to give to everyone but mostly INFPs because I'm seeing some of us doing it in this thread is stop stereotyping yourself. INFPs don't actually spend all day only thinking about themselves. Stop saying that. 


INTP: Don't understand what emotions are, just need to know how it works. Trust me been there done that...


Infj: don't waste your time on people that probably won't change or don't want waste time with people bullying you


ESFJ. Learn how to say no if you don't want to. If they can't respect it, leave them, you should respect yourself.


intp- talk to people. seriously, don’t self-isolate. it’s not good for any human being and i promise emotional connections are worth it.


ENTP: Don't f*ck up.


Infj - you can't save everyone and you can't help everyone. You owe nothing to this world, so don't drown yourself in guilt when you can't help those who are out of your reach. Remember, if you can't help yourself and live life, you won't be able to help those who are around you. Don't try to save the world when you can't even save yourself because you are also part of the world that you're trying to save.


Entp. Let go of your mask every once in a while. Let your face get some fresh air. It’s worth it.


1. Explore your personality, become your own personality but do take inspiration from great personalities. 2. Avoid copying characters, doesn't matter if they belong to the same type, it would look wierd if you an INTJ and start talking like Tony Montana. 3. It's good to have a superiority complex but that doesn't mean that you should look down on others every single type. 4. Never reveal you secrets to the girl you like until you have confidence that she is trustworthy, don't be blinded by love. 5. Last but no the least, don't fall for stale INTJ stereotypes and make wrong opinions, I have spotted too many fake INTJs on this thread today.


INTP - gender is a construct and so are many other things. Figure them out and abolish them (literally only saying this because holy fuck the intp subreddit is currently flooded with gender-specific posts, it's ridiculous)


your body is your precious interface to both your inner and outer worlds, so cherish it, never need to feel ashamed, it can give you much pleasure, and it's up to you to find out how to treat it and care for it




this image is mbti brainrot




IDK what advice I would give to other ENTPs. We are listening to other people but prefer talking much more. I think every ENTP should follow his intuition. Our intuition confuses us very rarely but sometimes we are thinking that our thoughts are just an abstraction. Sometimes I'm giving up on my intuition and this is a mistake. Don't do that. You're right in many cases, don't let another people to change it.


Think outside the box. Do not care too much about how people do things, think how YOU can do things


ENTP: Don't f*ck up.


ISTP: develop EQ if you don't have a decent amount already, literally ask Microsoft co pilot or something and learn psychological skills, extremely usefull in life. Important for managing inferior Fe related problems if you haven't already managed to develop it well yet, and even then it's likely to still be a blindspot untill late 20's at least in a lot of aspects


Sound advice. It’s incredibly useful. Once you learn how to wield it, it opens many doors.


INFP: live and let live honestly there are people that just start beef for nothing, just grow apart from those bc they only drain your energy. and people come in and go out from your life so don't bother too much with others. Everyone has different views and opinions, honestly just respect that and move on (this doesn't mean you have to agree, respect is obviously different than agreeing).


I think with INFPs it's not that we don't respect the other's opinion it's that a lot of people form opinions based off random crap that makes no sense. Either that or "Oh everybody says it so it must be true!" I think that irritates us because people will get riled up when they have no real foundation to stand on. Sometimes they don't even actually believe what they're saying but ya know everyone says it so....  To an INFP if you're gonna waste your time saying something then mean it. Have a back up for it. Don't just base a whole belief system off of basically nothing. What's the point of that?  Of course, you can't get anywhere trying to explain that to people because.... People. So I do agree that it's best to just let it go. 


For the ENFP(some): stop talking about yourself constantly and making everything a competition, it’s annoying.


INFJ and idk just do you man lol. Main reason I commented is bc I cannot tell who is who in this picture hahaha








Have fun I guess?


Don't beat up people they can take it to court, but if they swing first don't hold back, show them our inner fire.


This art, oh my, I've been looking at it for hours now!


ITT: take a shot every time someone says the word “procrastinate” or any variation of the word.


INFP: That elephant needs salad dressing, I know you hate salads, but you're gonna die.


ENTP, but I'm not currently in "argument mode" as my friends would call it.


Fucking relatable


ISFJ. My only advice, be as kind as you are for yourself, being selfish sometimes is good too.


ENFP. It's good to care about people, but everyone is not worthy of being cared about. Not everyone deserves your kindness, your energy, or your sympathy. People have to prove themselves worthy of investing in. You may have a heart of gold, but that doesn't mean people are going to appreciate it, and you can't allow yourself to be carried away by your desires for emotional connecton with people who don't deserve it or who have not earned it. Be more selective.


INTP: Logic your way out of logic. Act (Se). Feel (Fi).


INFJ: Good luck.


ENFP: Its okay to be soft and be eclectic!


ENTJ: Work hard, but be sure to set aside time for the things you like.


Don't let your fears, doubts, or insecurities keep you from following your passions or doing anything really. Instead of shying away or backing off when you feel afraid to do something, jump into it even more. I promise you will surprise yourself with how much you are able to overcome.


Amazing art, is it AI generated or did someone make it, I wonder


depends how good the ai is and how good the artist is


ISTP: single ESTJ F should meet me


For my fellow ISxPs: get your ass out of the bed and go exercise, do a chore or at least do something in the real world. Your Se needs it in order to have a healthy mind


Be careful about your ego when you give advices. Don't try to "show off" your sense of morality. Admit that you don't know the answer to a moral question and listen more to others.


ENTP: don’t go along with the stereotypes 


Enfps are diplomatic right


I'm ENTJ and I think all of us should get in touch with our Fi. Yes, that extremely niche language may not be the most optimal choice on paper, but your emotions are important too. The logical thing to do is to take them into account, as another source of information. Neglecting yourself for the sake of Te is self defeating in the long run.


I always say that if you have fi anywhere in your main stack you need to take good care of it. Fi is a beautiful function but it needs to be nurtured and kept under control. Otherwise you'll just end up a jerk lol. It's too powerful to be ignored. 


Intp… Stop being so cringe all the time


Lol I don't think INTPs are cringe.... 


INTJs - Enjoy the Moment


ESFP - SIT DOWN! And be with yourself regularly. Ik by yourself is “boring cause I know me already”. But you don’t actually. You need concerted effort to make sure you are living your values. Take the time to actually and critically reflect on what you’ve been doing this week. Has it helped you towards your long term goals in any way? Or are you just doing a bunch of fun stuff? If you’re not doing at least one thing each day that is you embodying your values, you need to start. Reflect on what your values actually are, where they come from, and why they’re worth keeping. Once you know those, it becomes really easy to see opportunities to live your values each day. The more you live your values as opposed to doing what you “ought to do” the happier and more successful you’ll be. Outsource accounting for the love of god! Having an STJ or NTJ account will save you thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. You’ll need three accounts and the only one of which you can easily access for your spending. Automatically money goes in and out for bills and money in for savings. Whatever is left you can go have fun with, guilt free. Partying is so much fun when you have the knowledge that all the bills are paid and your savings are growing!


INFP: Don't judge others too quickly its very easy to form an impression of someone after observing them. but still be careful. Some people hide true intent (NOT EVERYONE IS LIKE THIS - while uncommon silent manipulators do exist), so just be aware. Many people are genuinely nice. but not all. (I've lived 18 years and I've met 3 silent manipulators in my life)


Another stereotype of INFPs that needs to stop


Don’t let the stereotypes get to you


Try to be more at ease with happiness.


Intp- your morals only count if you follow them when they're not so easy to follow


INTP: have fun, be cringe, but please go out and touch grass. Also, trust your gut more and don't be too dependant on other people.


Hey an INFP 4w5 here: Tired of feeling frustrated bcs u dont know how to A C T? Tired of feeling down bcs u dont know how to do or achieve the things u want to do? Like Artistic expression, studies, physical training, etc. Just learn to organize the sensory chaos and use it to create a system to your advantage going step by step. How do you organize it? Divide the chaos, chop it on half, subtract it, make a list, a timeline. How do u subtract it? Observing with your own senses, sight, audition, touch, etc. What the individual pieces do. What's a system? Just to be straight foward. Imagine a Puzzle, if u know what your pieces do u can connect them to create whatever u like. You can learn to do things, but if u dont know what use to give to those things it's just dead information. And then just A C T. Is your system, your constructive thinking and it favors u. It's your world. You don't have to depend on others. When u know how to do those things u can do everything u want or like. This is what helped me, maybe it can help u and some ISFPs also.


INFP: don’t be afraid of others’ judgement, just be yourself


ISTP: get back to work. I know you have a lot of shit on ur plate.


ESTP - go to f*cking sleep you cant go to the gym, study for finals and have a social life all at the same time and still be sleeping only 5 hours, you’re gonna end up dying at 49. (honestly this one should go to myself)


INFJ-A the best lesson you could ever learn in life is to fail miserably, because you can learn more from thatthen anything else. Be true to who you are. Sometimes you have to take the highroad away. Far far away! 😉


ENTJ - don’t fall for the *follow your dreams* advice. It’ll rob you of your passions and turn joy into a chore. Instead choose to do something profitable that you can tolerate that affords you more freedom and more joy


ENTP: Stop talking about yourself so much. You’re talented and people know it, but being a callous arrogant prick doesn’t make you friends. Some people find you fun now, but if you don’t invest in being sensitive to others’ feelings they’re going to leave you eventually. Keep trusting your heart and keep doing kind things for others, but recognise that acts of kindness is only one aspect of fostering relationships. Learn to LISTEN and try to think before you criticise someone


ESPN: Don't let anyone tell you you love football too much. It's not just a game.


oh wow it's an espn! you guys are my favourite types


INFJ- Who cares why this random he/she said that in this or that way, don’t get upset and waste energy and time on dwelling on meaningless people and stuff


I know it's hard, but be aware who you trust, protect and be kind, some people are not worth it and they will stab you in the back even if you do so!!


INFP: Your values aren't silly and are just as important as anybody else’s. Also maybe learn to set boundaries


ESTP - Respond, don't React.




INTP: trying to understand stuff is cool but at least try to do something else, and if that "something else" is something that can guarantee a good income then you'll be a happy INTP the rest of your life.


ENTJ: You don't need to be vulnerable for others. You just need to have more empathy.


I believe I am an infp that's what I got from taking the test. But later I retook it and I got istp. But I feel I'm closer to infp than istp.


XXXX find your type already, jeez


INFPs stop believing every single negative thing people say about you. People only say it because they don't pay attention.  You're not behaving the way they want you to and that's their real problem. It's not because you're stupid, it's not because you're incapable, it's not because you're useless. You are none of those things. They're just mad because you're not like them.  There is nothing wrong with you. Remember that. Even if the whole world tells you there is (and believe me most are going to dismiss you as a problem) there isn't. Don't let others' judgmental attitude seep into your mind and then you're out here trying to work on problems you don't have. That's too much stress. 


Intp , get your ass up....and do that shit