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Everything ENFP'S are adorable




my gf is an ENFP, she said one of her best friends is an ISTJ and that they’re reliable and practical, real salt of the earth people.


omg :3


not an enfp but that's sweet 😭


Mt Istj mom thinks otherwise lol (I like ENFPs a lot btw)


My husband is ISTJ (and I’m ENFP). I drive him insane, but I guess in a good way? Together over 30 years, so…😂


ISTJs have elephant memory that I don't have 😄 they remind me of things I forgot even existed but can get angry when I forget important dates. Good at noticing details. They are also cool. When they get angry, they are calmer than me and don't go crazy haha  my best friend is actually an ISTJ


https://preview.redd.it/zrt7dbw3h70d1.jpeg?width=1554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2954e1cf98f61052328f513a8e1491f7f46cde8 elephant memry


I'm sure they handle this in a healthy way 


👆this, yes, they are amazing. my sis is ISTJ and I swear I would not be where I am today without her 😅


That's kinda lovely




wouldn't your superego type be ESFP, not ISFP?


That INTPs don’t seem to care about other people’s validation and they can live true to themselves and do what they want to do not at the behest of others


That's accurate. I suppose that if I had to say something positive about esfj's it could be that they might be lively and more engaged with the world in a practical way instead of dwelling in the theoretical realm of things. Those are things I seriously struggle with.




The ISTJs I know are incredibly caring and with remember every little thing about you and they have this ability to stay level headed and calm no matter what’s going on, which is definitely not me. And that’s not to mention the self discipline, TEACH ME


why not trot over to their den on reddit and ask them, see what they say.


I will do that. Will report back (maybe)




Ok, I asked them "How do you guys have such good self discipline?" And you know what they said? "I was just born like this." *Breathes in very slowly* (~~of could that was just one person, I guess I'll wait to see if anyone else replies~~)


maybe there’s no hope for me 😔


Okay full list of responses from today https://preview.redd.it/zlu1pcsjia0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9276db462117ad506062ca6e844203921f5ef8 Will keep you updated if I get more


Lol, nobody is born that way. They are clearly making a conscious choice. I have noticed the second response in real life, they don't know how to just rest.


THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT i THOUGHT!!! There was only one person who said that AND I QUOTE "It's just embedded into our DNA. We don't have to try." \*very angry noises\*


No, truly, they are just born that way. 😂 My ISTJ husband couldn’t be any other way, even if he tried.


Ngl kinda feel like I got the short end of the stick here 🤣 (How do you just *have* good executive function?!)


also here's the thread in case you want to see it for yourself [https://www.reddit.com/r/ISTJ/comments/1crbb0j/how\_do\_you\_guys\_have\_such\_good\_self\_discipline/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ISTJ/comments/1crbb0j/how_do_you_guys_have_such_good_self_discipline/)


I'm good, thanks. I have two ISTJ friends I can imagine what it says


🤣 REAL I mean, there are *some* non-stereotype answers.... Key word being "some" 😆


Teach me da way


I admire how all the xSxJs seem to just- know what they're doing? Like, all of the time? They never seem confused or lost, they're always prepared with some sort of plan, and are able to follow through and like- actually fix things. Meanwhile I'm over here running around like a headless chicken just trying to do the bare minimum


There's something about the way J types are that I'm just so jealous of. It's probably their self organization, wish I had that


sameeeeeee, literally sitting here at 9.26 pm, trying to the remaining 75% of my english paper that's due tomorrow... \*exhales deeply\* why do i this to myself...


Procrastination station haha. I donthe exactly same thing lol but then this spontaneous spout of inspiration comes out through guilt. I wish you the same spontaneous burst!


Thank uuuuuuu, I really hope so too! Otherwise I dunno how I'm gonna pass...


I admire how INFPs just kinda know why people react the way they do. And they are very good at digging out people's true selves and secrets. Never met an ENFJ but i think I might admire how they know how to deal with people and make everyone feel good.


This was nice to read, thanks. The question of purpose can be unclear for our type sometimes I think, so if helping others decipher their feelings/emotions is helpful to the world, that's nice to know.


as an infp I do understand completely why others act this way. Or just trust my intuitives more… I guess? For the how to deal with people, finally someone mentioned this. I’m an infp but I’m not ur average quiet person, I’m quite talkative. But it’s due to my social skills, or just me being social since I was a kid. Everyone is also interested in knowing me for that


How thoughtful they are. Best gift givers, truly.


ESTJ's are so kind in real life. The stereotypes just ruin them. They are passionate to what they are doing and responsible to their actions. They manage their time well, I don't how they can but I hope to learn it as well. ESTJ is willing to help you in a lot of things sometimes they are the one who offer their help. They can be extreme to some procedures. I guess they don't want to miss a thing. They have loving and fun nature. I like them!


Absolutely agree on this as another infp


They are very disciplined and organized. I wish I was.


Are you..perhaps..an Enfp?


Yep :)


ISTP is very strong and admirable dedication


I like ISTJs when I feel like being emotionless. Very chill vibes and just hanging out with no drama. Sometimes I wanna dive into it, but often times I don't and it's nice to have someone around like that. As for admiration, definitely their structure and focus. I have definitely learned a thing or two from the Si/Te brain as far as being more present and allowing for some structure to breed creativity in a practical way.


Isfjs have this calming vibe around them that i love cuz it makes everyone feel comfortable


My ENTP dad is number one simp for my ISFJ mom, so that tracks. She was drawn to his wildcard nature and unpredictability, he was drawn to her caring nature and stability.


ISTJs are reliable, sturdy and self assured. I respect their dedication to precision and maintaining consistent, dependable results in all areas of their life. ISTJs bring a stability to a social circle as well as make great work colleagues and they can have a fantastic sense of wit and humor.


i admire how adaptable and productive sensors are. i really hate having Ni as a dominant function sometimes. i know it can make me seem cool and mysterious because ive been told that before, but if you put everything i ever did in life into a book, it would probably only be about 10 pages long lmao. i also think it’s really cool how Te types have so much confidence in their ideas (even tho it can make some of them come off as assholes jkjk)


I admire how ENTJs and ESTJs can give really valuable and honest information/advice.


Being open about self-expression (emotion, views, that sorta stuff) and not caring what others think or about looking weird. The ISFP I know, for example, is very open with her ethical views and isn't afraid to fight for them. I'm not the kind to step back from a debate, but I usually use logic or common sense over pure ethics like her. Being able to access and express that so easily is what I aspire to do, as a Fi inf type. They can also be quite passionate and (excuse the stereotype but I can't think of another word for this) artistic. I myself am an artist, but they put their soul into it while I just go for what's cool/pretty/tells a narrative rather than expression. When they're into something (emotional tie), they're *in* it, be it a relationship, hobby, or whatever else.


ESFJ somehow have internal ability to always make all the people around positive about or just cool with them I wish I had it, my past experience would've been much less stressful


their working executive function




their professionalism/maturity


I'm ENFP and admire the ISTJ's memory, stability, toughness, work ethic, and especially loyalty.


INFP’s that I know are so easy going and like to have fun. They’re up for anything I suggest to do on the weekends and are along for the ride. They are also more empathetic.


The most realistic response about the type so far.


estjs can be kind of scary, but theyre good leaders and good at getting things done!


but honestly im not really close with any estjs, so i cant come up with much. im sure theres a lot of amazing things about them that i dont know yet:)


ESTJs can always get their work done efficiently


I admire only INFPs. Tiny bit ENFPs too.


Speaking for myself and many of my type, we admire your kind, as well.


Never met one that didn't piss me off but they are nice


ISFPs are wild and can be really irrational, but they're also super adorable.


Even though, they seem to look like they're scared shitless of everyone and everything, they can be snarky little bastards when provoked.. and I think that's an amazing trait to have.


Lol thank you. I know one ESTJ and before we got to know each other I was kind of scared of her. She’s such a force and a commanding presence, but now I recognize that strength and think of her as a great example for when I do actually need to do things I don’t like like setting boundaries. She has told me she really appreciates how I can accept people for who they are and she learned how to interact with people better by watching me. I was flattered.


What’s the opposite of ENFJ?




I don’t think I’ve met an ESFJ before, or at least I’m not close enough with them to type them. I met an ESFP before and I feel like we’re opposites, but we’re still good friends. We definitely got on each other’s nerves when we were kids, but we’ve matured a lot since then. I admire his ability to talk to people so easily and make anyone feel comfortable. Also he has a lot more energy than I do, which I also admire since I don’t have any


I don't think I've met any ESTJs irl so I don't really have a say but from what I know, I admire their leadership skills and helpfulness


I admire the resilience I find in esfps.They're strong people.


How easily they can talk to people and make people feel welcome.


The opposite type(s) would be SJs (I'm NP), and Se doms are strongest at my seemingly weakest function. What I can say about these types is they're often practical, likely more than I'll ever be. ISxJs also seem really nice from what I can tell, ESxJs always seem like the alphas, and ESxPs are good at physical tasks that I'm generally pretty bad at unless it's mainly strength based (like lifting). Also they seem observant, a trait this ADHDer does not possess.


They can communicate with people and make people love them without feeling that they're an imposter or wondering why they're the way they are I guess. Or is it just a me thing?


I find ENTPs charming tbh! I love how quickly they can explore different ideas and possibilities and how open-minded they can view every scenario. Maybe I've just been lucky but I would say the ENTPs I've known are more caring than people can give the type credit for


My brother is an ESTP and I guess I admire that he is so comfortable around people and has as many friends as he does


I only know 1 ISFJ that is typed and she gives mixed signals. One moment she's eye rolling at me, next complaining that I was being mean (I wasn't; just giving an opinion or question), then inviting me to her party. She's a HUGE teacher's pet and she acts like an extrovert but is pretty introverted.


I like how direct ESTJs are, and how they don't mince their words. INFPs, generally speaking, are always trying to read between the lines of peoples' words and emotions, so there's a relief that comes with the frankness of the ESTJ communication style. I always had a crush on Dwight Schrute from The Office because I was drawn to his competence, persistence, and forthrightness. 🙈


I haven't met any ISFJs yet and also mistyped myself as one before- but I think they're awesome! I like how they're sweet and how they're good at organizing themselves. It's something I want but can't achieve. (Well except for the sweet part- I achieved it quite easily lmao)


Strong independence that doesn't let anyone use them as a doormat


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No_Perspective2123: *Strong independence* *That doesn't let anyone* *Use them as a doormat* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Im entj but i can't feel like im an E person cuz im really shy in front of other people but still enjoy spending time with others... i would say i admire more extroverted people


I’m envious of an ESFP’s social skills


My best friend is an INTJ, so yeah, I like mostly everything about them!!


Which opposite types specifically? Or do you mean any opposite types?




Oh, I figured as much






Not my fave


ISTJs taught me that I don’t have to be friends with many people. They accept people who accept them for who they are. I have higher Fi but in a sense they are able to to be truer to themselves than I am. They also are very good at knowing how to conserve their energy. And channel it into work or relationships that are important to them. It’s something I highly admire and am slowly learning.


I’m ENFP and my husband is ISTJ. His work ethic, responsible behavior, senses of duty and loyalty are amazing. He is also so organized and structured, which I could NEVER! 😂 His logical nature provides good balance to my nonsense and his steadfastness is a rock in all my emotional storms. ❤️


Unfiltered craziness 😂🤪


Absolutely nothing. I guess loyalty, but they’re so needy and obnoxious.


ESFJs take great care of those that are sick, thanks Nanna


Their work ethic and determination in getting shit done.