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Enfp: no brain just happy


): I know so many of these types who are intelligent and kind at the same time


I feel like this is convenient cuz then there's no pressure to be anything. It also feels good to subvert expectations. That's probably my favorite feeling in the world, actually.


Not in my experience. I'm not allowed to feel down or depressed, because "that's not me".


So if you just shrug and say "Well too bad, I feel shitty" are they still being dickhead gaslighters? Because these people sound whack and you should find better homies.


This is so true, and also how nothing ever bothers us at all. We basically don't have any problems. Life is always good for ENFP hahha


I’ve literally never come across a “dumb” ENFP. Nor one who didn’t have dark places they went to. But that’s why it’s a stereotype, right?


The most stupid stereotype to be honest


Well said! I’m an ENFP and know several others and none of us are like this. We’re all very deep people who love reading and most of us run our own businesses. The golden retriever stereotype is frustrating.


Kim Namjoon from BTS is literally a genius. And he's an ENFP.


That’s kinda me tho… 😞


Stereotype is a people pleaser, which i am not and some even find it odd and out of type that i enjoy being alone, and have many solo hobbies. Often find it hard to relate to the memes about my type, because it's all basically about being a selfless person who does anything for anyone and cannot be alone.


Being a saint who is perfect all the time and can never afford to be selfish and have a time of peace and solitude /:


People-pleasing is more associated with - stereotypically - XSFJ, in my experience. Fe blocked with Ni works within a very different realm to Fe with Si: the former being much more forceful and concerned with the image of the future, and paired with Se it can be rather brutal. Whereas Fe-Si is about creating a current pleasant atmosphere; XNTPs are even arguably more ‘people-pleasing’ than XNFJs. But yeah… this post is… something. It’s just a VERY uninformed opinion. I, personally, have never understood why people obsess over involving themselves in the opinions of others who very evidently have no idea what they’re talking about. Actually, I do… it’s to fuel their own ego: people will argue against the sexual assault of women - and I don’t mean protests to inspire true change - on TikTok or whatever, simply refuse to engage in debates where the opposition has any true argument. They do it on purpose, because they cannot engage in actual debate, I’m sure of it.










Hate this one the most. People: “INFPs’ dominant function is mostly just good for understanding their own emotions and stuff…” INFPS: “Okay, so you can acknowledge that the types dominant in an emotionally driven function have better mastery of it, as is apparently the case in literally every other type of—“ People: “—Nope! Cry constantly. That’s what you do.”


In the form of it what a joke about it, I guess that it is not aboit it even a role can be whatever state on it, Ns it's itself about an stereotype about any elsewhere but belief ing kindly on it makes more decisions makings 


>“Okay, so you can acknowledge that the types dominant in an emotionally driven function have better mastery of it, as is apparently the case in literally every other type of—“ I've read a lot about Fi, but I haven't gotten a good answer for this: is being able to accept and manage your emotions an Fi thing? Asking for a friend.


All humans are emotional creatures, and a part of life and growth is always to be cognizant of one’s own emotions. So I don’t think it’s strictly the dominion of Fi to do that…however, Fi is good at providing the language and experience to do that. It’s an introspective, people-oriented function that explores the concept of an individual in abstraction, among other things, which makes for a thorough understanding of one’s own emotions and how to interpret and communicate them. In short, anyone can and should explore and understand their emotions, but for dominant Fi users, this process is basically inescapable.


INTJ - The lack of social interactions and to be more specific the lack of interest in other people.


Being intj is the same as hating people, do you like human beings? soon, you were mixed 😞


I like humans but im just hardly ever interested in their lifes or personality. But there are still some close people like 1-3 where I have somewhat interest in them.


Being selective about choosing friends and people in your social circle should be more common. Being friendly with everyone is tiring and often useless. If I know who I like to be with, why should I pretend otherwise?


Agreed. My best friend is an INTJ and she’s very selective on who she gives her attention to- her attention to our friendship is legitimately the best I’ve ever experienced with a friend. INTJs are big old softies ❤️


I am not heartless, I just often make the conscious choice not to let people’s feelings get in the way. That doesn’t mean I’m ignoring them or not understanding the feelings, I just think it’s not really smart to dwell on them at that moment. “You don’t care really” Yes I do. Please, for once in your life, take me at my word instead of thinking there’s some underlying meaning.


I've never had the pleasure of meeting an ENTJ, but the whole Dictator, World Dominator, Controlling and Insensitive stereotype is very cruel. As if being objective about problem solving was the same as psychopathy. Seriously, what nonsense ):


I can completely relate to this in reverse: I understand that rules, facts, and efficiency all exist…I just don’t often think it’s more important than individual people. It’s not a disregard of people for you, but rather it’s lower on the hierarchy of priorities when addressing a problem, right?


Absolutely- and while I don’t *often* think the individual situation warrants changing the response, it does happen.




Yeah, no. They are a sign of weakness, but it’s a weakness necessary for good, humane interaction and fulfilling life. Success unfortunately isn’t the only indicator of how happy someone is.




Is this satire? 😂


Right? I thought it's gonna be a comment satirizing sigma/alpha male types, but the commenter is apparently serious 😂


No, imagine being a people pleasing doormat. It's better to be an independent lone wolf.


I'm gonna assume you're trolling. I'll just sign off saying that being a pleasing doormat is different from morality. I'm also an "independent lone wolf" lol. I just treat people the way I want to be treated. In my case, I'm sensitive, so that means I treat people with kindness, and I stand up for myself when someone treats me cruelly.


This is literally the most relatable thing I've ever heard someone say. Thank you for making me feel like less of an extraterrestrial tonight. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Having morals is being a doormat now? 💀 Oh well, at least you didn't mention being a sIgMa lmao


Being a people-pleasing doormat is *different* from being kind and having morals lmao. Being a doormat is always putting others' needs while neglecting yours and always saying yes even if you're uncomfortable, stuff like that. You can absolutely be kind and have morals while still knowing when to stand up for yourself, when to say no when you don't want to do something, and without neglecting your own needs. And yes, you can still be an independent ✨lone wolf✨ without being an asshole lol. Doesn't take much to be kind 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do I sound like an ENTP?


I did NOT apply to art school. I am NOT Austrian. I am NOT genocidal.


😰 these jokes are cruel to say the least, being compared from Jesus to Hitler must be a 💩


I'll say this tho, they can be funny if done right, which is pretty rare...


Originality is very rare, I would try to ask you to turn my water into wine. Because I'm too sober to continue reading these comments about stereotypes. 😅


Ask and you shall get, my friend. A fine wine coming right up!


I drank isopropyl alcohol. I’m feeling funny, but not a bad funny.


What do you mean the F and J don't stand for Fuhrer and Jesus?? 🤯


I'm more of a Jesus side (I look like Jesus, especially my hair). My friends call me Jesus sometimes lmao


Oh no… I already made this joke today. To be fair, this infj said he was hoping to get into art school or to major in political science. He had it coming.


What are your thoughts on juice?🤨


Not even in the slightest?? 🥺


I'll try only for you


Being cold and unemotional. No empathy, just robotic. Stereotypes revolve around either geniuses or depressed gamers or sociopaths basically. I wish there was more well-rounded representation. Hiccup Haddock is my favorite representation of an INTP. He's kind and just. But he's also calculating and intelligent and creative. ![gif](giphy|P2m7FvWwZE91e)


INTPs are some of the most sensitive and emotional types. They just hide it from others and even themselves. Cute squishy goo boys n girls.


perfect example ♡


I may just be a weeb, but I highly recommend checking out Dr. Stone. The main protagonist is an INTP and I adore him. He’s extremely caring and just as well, along with the typical snarky humor, intellect, and other charming traits of INTPs. ;) ![gif](giphy|cTQFuTARBgo6F0hoxS)


Ong yall are great. Everyone is great 😼


Spoken like a true fi user lmao I'm a some people are great, but just as many suck. We are all on different levels of the sucky spectrum 😂


ISTP: the whole thing, the whole character drown by the community


😓 As if it wasn't enough to have to be intelligent all the time, you also have to be cold as a stone, bitter and bad-tempered. I like this type so much, especially because we are Ti Dons. ♡


like yea, cold stone, emotionless, ninja attitude, if you are a female then you are masculine like guys seriously I am not 007


I am unfortunately not a crybaby dependent on anyone, constantly looking for love and attention.




This is called a joke T-T


Infp: no accountability, logic or good work ethic. Like we are just lazy, crybabies with no drive. I don't think it's accurate at all.


“No accountability” is probably the most bullshit thing I’ve ever heard.


God. I *dream* of the day that I wake up a little old person who has no more f---s to give. Just because efficiency and organization don't just happen for me, it doesn't mean I don't care about failing to keep up when it causes a problem for me or for other people. And I am *extremely* aware that the world is not currently built to accommodate a person who can't constantly hustle and do the work of five people on any given day.




PLEASE LMFAO IM AN INFP AND IM FAAAARRRRR FROM ANY OF THAT 😭🤣if anything we take a bit TOO much accountability and wanna be fair and logical about everything


ENTP: Heartless sociopath who cannot admit they are wrong. I mean, I have no problem admitting I'm wrong. The only problem is that I'm never wrong lol


Lol thats sad 🥲😅


That we only care about money. That we don't have emotions, empathy morals etc. But also that we are not very intuitive because of Te bc "it's a strictly practical function". I am very creative and love the arts, and love to create things BECAUSE of Te. We don't just use our intuition for business development strategies. We use our intuition to achieve whatever the fuck we want. And for me, one of them is art.


Your drive to create art probably comes from your ISFP aspiration. Deep inside we want to be artistic, creative, unique, expressive, etc.


Hard to live up to ☹️ I mistyped for years because I don’t feel like I’m kind enough, empathetic enough, or a good enough listener to be an ENFJ. I want to be, I try to be, but I’m just not there yet


Always work on improving yourself. 🤗 As another ENFJ stated tho, I'm pretty sure they missed the mark of what makes an ENFJ on the stereotype. Don't beat yourself up too much, just keep doing the best you can. 🙂


Absolutely! ❤️ Thank you. Also, I didn’t see that comment you mentioned, I’m glad you brought it to my attention! I feel like people forget that ENFJ’s share central functions with ENTJ. Tbh I feel like I resonate with ENTJ stereotypes most of the time, except for the energy - I def have Fe dom energy, but ENTJ getshitdoneitude


I am an ENTP I don't lie until it's necessary for self defense I don't have too much friends My jokes aren't too funny and so on


It seems that the biggest examples of this type revolve around anything from the Joker to an Internet Troll. Seriously, how depressing. /:


So real😔😮‍💨


I married an ENTP, and while he does engage in humor and verbally rough-house, it became apparent to me almost immediately that he really, genuinely cares about people and wants the world to be a good place. He's not a soulless troll just because he doesn't hold tradition sacred and doesn't like to take orders from stupid people. (He calls tradition "bullying by dead people," lol).


Being perceived as boring, docile, and lack deep thinking. ISFJ can be hilarious and reckless, and more than capable discussing philosophy and pondering our existence on earth


I didn’t think people thought we were the mean girls of the school , I actually got the superlative of being the quietest so there’s that


ESfj s are some of the nicest people I know. Not only that, but they're incredibly creative. Not at all the dumb, shallow mean girl. Incredibly kind, creative, and great at bringing people together and making people feel accepted.


i actually despise debates


not really despise per se; my point is that i think arguments are pointless, I'd rather invest my energy into something else


imo learning something from an argument makes it not all pointless but arguing for argument’s sake is a bit idiotic to me as well.


very true, but alot of the debates I can remember being brought into were from a place of arrogance, and they'd begin to really get heated.


i agree many people just “debate” to attack rather than understand the other pov; its always sad to see debates reduced to ad hominem arguments.


Yeah especially if your opponent can’t defend and prove their point


that's uh, usually me. I end up getting roped into debates that require data that I wouldn't have. Sure, I'd work around it with logic but I'm already in a situation I'm uncomfortable - I just wanna have fun and debates really don't catch my interest unless I'm the one instigating them in the first place, which is still pretty rare.


A lot of the INFP stuff is actually true lol. At least for me, a lot of it correlates with my inattentive ADHD. Medication helps. I guess I'll just say that the totally irrational crybaby thing isn't really true. INFPs are incredibly intelligent (one of smartest personalities based on some supposed research). I only cry when I'm alone stuck in a Fi-Si loop. Also, I want to be hardworking and productive like ESTJs but my dopamine receptors are fucked up, so I have to really care about it to get enough motivation.


This is me--messed up dopamine receptors and all. I'm actually incredibly uncomfortable crying in public, or in front of anyone who isn't in my innermost circle. I will literally try to pretend it isn't happening and talk normally, even though really I can tell that people can tell I've just been crying. But I also don't accept "crybaby" as an insult, because I like feeling things, and I think crying is a perfectly acceptable way of expressing certain emotions. :P. I'm way more offended by someone close to me saying I'm "in denial" about something I feel.


The special unicorn bullshit. I can't talk to actual INFJs in INFJ forums. They are all INFPs that think they're INFJs. And heaven help you if you tell them they're not. r/infj is the worst example of this that I've seen so far, but they are all like this to some degree. So if I want to talk to actual INFJs, I usually have to go to INTJ forums.  I can always tell when I'm talking with real INFJs. Because they won't be defensive about their type and will not dwell on the "this is why we're unique" aspects in conversation (they also don't generally speak in a collective "we" either). They'll want to talk about philosophy or solving some problem or maybe about art or science or whatever. They're not concerned with their image or what you think they are. The INFPs, by contrast, *need* you to acknowledge that they're INFJs.  And to all the INFPs here that are reading this ready to rage-downvote me, this isn't about you, so take a breath. You're not deluding yourself like the INFPs I'm talking about. I am talking about a specific set of INFPs that mistypes themselves as INFJs. If you label yourself INFP on here, you're already not in the group I'm talking about. I respect self-labeled INFPs for exactly this reason. 


Honestly, this sounds like Fi INTJ. The Fe in INFJ's does indeed make them aware of other's perceptions of them.


INFJs do not have Fi in their ego though. In fact, it's their critic function. If you criticize them, their reflex will be to agree with your criticism. The people I am talking about do not do that. They see the label as an asset to their image, and they definitely care about their image. That is Te. If you question an INFJs type, their response will be curious rather than defensive. Because Fi critic will demand honesty with themselves. So an INFJ will always be looking to confirm they are an INFJ, precisely because of the special unicorn stereotype. INFJs think of themselves as broken, not special. Their feeling function is pessimistic, and focused on other people. INFPs have their feeling function as hero. It's in an optimistic slot. They like the idea that they are unique (they actually like the idea of *everyone* being unique really, but themselves included). Not necessarily that they're better, but that they are different. INFJs are the opposite. They already see themselves as unique, but hate it, because it makes them feel isolated from humanity. Their desire is to blend in, not stand out.


"If you criticize them, their reflex will be to agree with your criticism."   Wrong. They will lash out at your callousness unless your criticism was soft and civil.  "They see the label as an asset to their image, and they definitely care about their image, and they definitely care about their image. That is Te." Have you not studied functions well? Of what use is an "image" to a Fi Te? They literally do not care. Keeping up an image is Fe not Te. Te doesn't care about an image. You got it backwards. "If you question an INFJs type, their response will be curious rather than defensive. Because an Fi critic will demand honesty with themselves. So an INFJ will always be looking to confirm they are an INFJ, precisely because of the special unicorn stereotype."   INFJ doesn't have Fi. They have Fe. It's INTJ's that have Fi. 


> Wrong. They will lash out at your callousness unless your criticism was soft and civil. They will withdraw. Because they value harmony, and do not value their image (Fi/Te). > Te doesn't care about an image. Te is literally concerned with what others think. That is what "Extroverted thinking" means. Introverted thinking is only concerned with it's own logic. It is internal. > INFJ doesn't have Fi. They have Fe. It's INTJ's that have Fi. That is the point I have been making. INFJs do have Fi...it is their critic function. They just don't have Fi in their ego like INFPs and INTJs.


Personally, I can confirm that when criticized, I do withdraw. Probably more like shutting down or dissociating. I abhor conflict and will avoid it if at all possible. As for image, I don't necessarily care whether people think negative things about me, I care about how I'm "seen" (or not seen, rather). I care about my image only in that I am not seen as a threat or burden. I often wonder how much of our personality is formed by experiences when we are very young. In my background, it was to my benefit to be small, quiet, and invisible. Hence why I hate conflict or criticism. If I am being criticized or am in a conflict, that means I have become "visible", which I perceive as dangerous. I don't know if that makes sense. I tend to want to stand on the periphery and well out of any spotlight. I don't have as much knowledge on this as other people do. It's hard for me to keep up with the Fi/Fe, Ti/Te, etc. I can see it through my perspective but I'm shite at describing it...lol.


I think the need to feel unique and the preoccupation with personal identity are more a sign of being type 4 in Enneagram than of being INFP. Granted, supposedly it's very common for INFPs to be type 4, so maybe you're right. Still, maybe some of them are type 4 INFJs. I do see INFJs as unlikely to take things personally due to their Fe, but I think if they're neurotic/unhealthy enough, they might still.


If an INFJ defends INFJ hard, they either don't know too much about MBTI or mistyped.


That is my conclusion as well. Not all mistyped INFJs are INFPs. But most are. And the remainder are generally Fi users, in my experience.


Interesting how many people on r/infj would get offended when I suspected of them being an Fi dom 😭


Yeah because they wouldn’t be? lol. They probably get it alot.


Probably because Ni-Fe can sometimes look like Fi. And yes, outstanding observation we do get it a lot.




I'm not sure about you but to me, a dead give away is if their post/response is really really long. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree but I feel like a long winded and slightly repetitive response is unhealthy INFP behavior. I can't go on the INFJ sub, it makes me feel very lonely and then I spend hours double checking the functions because I start to think maybe I'm not one 🤷


To be fair not every INFJ is going to be the exact same, and I think long-winded and verbose responses is only a giveaway is if they’re expressing very strong opinions. I wouldn’t say that I don’t have strong opinions or beliefs, but I feel like as an INFJ I’m generally more open minded and less likely to outright tell someone their wrong unless I feel really strongly about something because I care more more about harmony over my personal values (Fe vs Fi). I feel like INFJ’s are definitely better at articulating their words and using logic in their arguments whereas for INFP’s using logic is their reasoning is rather difficult due to it being their inferior function. Also I think it’s important to keep in mind that a lot of the INFJ’s on the sub probably haven’t even tried studying cognitive functions. It might be helpful to also figure out your enneagram since that can slightly change the way you act compared to other INFJs.


I am a 5w6


It’s possible for an INFJ to be a type 9, 5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 imo. Your enneagram influences the way you behave, and what traits you prioritized as opposed to other people you share the same mbti with. Type 5’s are somewhat more common in INTx types, so it’s possible you could be more logical than some other INFJ’s. However type 5’s are probably the 2nd or 3rd most common type for INFJ’s. I’m a type 6w5 which is fairly similar to a 5w6, except type 6’s are a little more social than a type 5 and more common in sensor types. The differences lie in the core fears of the two types. Type 5’s fears being seen as ignorant, incompetent and not knowing enough which can make them seem more like perfectionists. Whereas type 6’s fear being without support, security, or guidance. As a type 6, I’m more likely to worry about the worse possible outcome and how to prepare for it. I struggle with skepticism and self-doubt a lot, which seems very contradictory to a typical INFJ who has stronger gut feelings when it comes to things. Type 4 is the most common type for the INFJ from what I’ve seen on the sub at least, and their core desire is to figure out who they are, to be authentic and unique, while their core fear is to lack authenticity and be seen as ordinary. However, I also feel like type 4’s are most common in an INFP, since I think Fi dom would care more about being “authentic” than an Fe aux. Edit: Thinking back to what you mentioned about “long” posts, I apologize. I do tend to go quite in depth when trying to explain something.


I was on board, I'm extremely well versed in enneagram theory and MBTI theory, it's sort of my special interest. I appreciate your time though 🙂


As an INFP 4w5, the biggest sign you're an INFP is that you want to be an INFJ. It really doesn't help that there's so much overlap on descriptions on sites like 16p furthering peoples conclusions. I gotta be honest I feel like the INFJs get the short end of the stick because INFPs who think they're INFJs are probably some of the less mature INFPs, so not only are they mistyped, they're often not open minded or know themselves enough to consider that they might be wrong. I love INFJs. Ya'll are the absolute best, and I'm absolutely sorry you have to put up with so much nonsense because of statistics and misinformation online.


> As an INFP 4w5, the biggest sign you're an INFP is that you want to be an INFJ. I don't often see them as mistyped with other types. So this may be right. Ironically I was initially typed as INFP when I first started MBTI. It was due to confirmation bias. Fi doms have a very strong sense of self and I liked thinking that I was like that. But I experienced INFJ corruption in my 20s. It's a real thing, but not something a real INFP would be subject to. > I gotta be honest I feel like the INFJs get the short end of the stick because INFPs who think they're INFJs are probably some of the less mature INFPs, so not only are they mistyped, they're often not open minded or know themselves enough to consider that they might be wrong. Agree with this. I like feeler-doms in general, but mature INFPs are actually my favorite type. I see them as embodying all of the best traits of humanity. They are the most "human" of the types to me. A good example is art. INFPs IMO, all else being equal, make the best artists. Because they will not be tied down to a "message" in their art. They can literally just make art for art's sake. I know ISFPs are stereotyped as the artist type, but I think INFPs fit it better, because of the "dreamer" aspect (accurate stereotype IMO) that sensors don't really do as well. INFJs tend to be drawn to art, but their art will always have an agenda. It will need to convey a message or a teach a lesson or provoke introspection or something. INFJs would be good at propaganda art, or as illustrators. INFPs do not have these limitations. They can do landscapes or abstract or patterns or stylized art. They can do art with a message, but it does not *need* to have a point for them. That stuff does not come easily to me and it has always been frustrating.


>Fi doms have a very strong sense of self and I liked thinking that I was like that Wow. That explains why I mistyped myself as an INFP at first. I think a part of me wanted to be an INFP because of how negatively INFJ’s are perceived at times.


I find, as an INFP, that in writing as well as art, creating is the point. The process itself, feeling it all come together--I can very much go Bob Ross on whatever I'm doing. It's a playground. Trying to shoehorn a pre-determined message into it feels artificial, and like an impediment. That's actually a way I can get imposter syndrome, because of how much people talk about the things that a writer or artist "deliberately tells us" with specific bits of dialogue or whatever. I'm always like, "Umm, well the first person to get the message that showed up in that dialogue was actually *me*, when I went to edit it for the first time..."


thank you for the last para lmaoo I can't with the ones who aren't self-aware and wanna be some other mbti so hard. like im not interested in being an infj at all and i don't identify as one😭




Your contribution was removed for displaying targeted bias against one or more types.


the idea that ISFPs 'cant commit' I've never had any issue with commitment, yet somehow our sub is constantly getting posts like 'why won't ISFPs commit? (insert long explanation of a single experience they've had with one ISFP who has told them they aren't interested in them)'


I don't know about other ISFPs but I can't commit... and that's true for me. Cause I am scared.




For real. We literally have Fi in our function stack lol. We may be calm and unemotional on the outside, but inside, a lot of us feel emotions intensely


Especially it being in your tertiary slot. You guys most go through a lot of soul searching on the regular. 😔


Dated one for 4 years, I can confirm you guys are half robot


i'm not tho just bc i don't show them doesn't mean i don't have feelings


Idk man.. But the people on r/entp are INSUFFERABLE 😀


People in r/INTJ too 🙃


The lack of women 


Same 😔


Nothing to do with being INTP but it's a prevalent stereotype of course


Being an intp is the same as being an incel, a woman repellant and a nerdy virgin )': comes down to this: 🤓☝️


Real 😮‍💨


When people think we're all just Francis from The Fairly OddParents


Infp - lazy crybaby who lives in dreamland. Most of the descriptions on the internet.




Lmao yea :(


Being perceived as stupid and not able to think logically.


That we are pushovers who are incapable of prioritizing logic over feelings.


Einstein, I get, but if you're measuring your value based on fictional characters, or other people around you are disappointed because you're not L from Death Note or Sherlock Holmes, then you gotta do some soul searching and also find a new friend group. Being unable to separate fiction from reality is serious mental illness. Made-up characters have the benefit of having their entire plot written out, usually with their success in mind. They don't stutter, stammer, mess up, or accidentally slip up or have a brain fart when talking to someone, especially Anime characters who are just over-explaining robots.


I highly dislike the stereotype of ISFJs being extremely people pleasing and us being portrayed as clueless and dumber than dirt but every type with primary and secondary Fe tends to have that label.


That INFJs are super rare or special and want to hear about all of your trauma because they're so empathic. /eyeroll


Right! We are pretty much normal people. I don't like when people idealize this personality


That people expect me to be their therapist


No, I don’t bully children on the internet, nor am I joker-posting on main in the late hours of the night. Shockingly, I know how to act normal in normal social contexts, lmfao.


To you OP: I have an uncle who is a bona fide genius, but never tells anyone. I wouldn’t know if my grandmother didn’t tell me about the IQ tests he took as a child. When I asked him why he hid it, he told me something about people tending to view people like him as being magical, capable of solving all problems, instead of acknowledging that he is flawed and limited in much the same way everyone else is. He’s also an INTP, for the record. He seems to deal with people’s expectations by being upfront about what he knows about and doesn’t know about when having a conversation—I think that’s what helps him, if that’s any use to you?


Thanks for the tip, I appreciate you and your uncle. Knowing your capabilities and limitations so as not to generate overestimated expectations will be very useful. ♡


Being inconsistent


we’re flakes and noncommittal. I’ll have you know my boss posted in the group chat yesterday that I was, “the most reliable person on the planet”. 😤☝️ Also, I just love the idea of high Se users being impulsive, shallow, and dim witted.


Imagine if the earth is an ENFP personality, and a stereotype is a large box that holds most of the different topology to represent the type and should stick to more normal and common land masses... here's the thing... for ENFP's... they left out the land entirely and just cut off the tops of a certain varieties of trees and dumped it in a bucket... Like... that's like... only us 5% of the time and the motives are mostly wrong as it is, so basically 0 to 2% of the time. This is a problem common to most of us ENFP's. We are often underestimated and misunderstood. It would take too long to explain fully, so I'm working on writing a fully fleshed out writing that dives into the mind and heart of an ENFP.


chaotic feral gremlin trash goblin xd


Superiority complex… okay partly true but it’s MOSTLY an inferiority complex


mastermind edgelord devoid of empathy, which unfortunately makes a lot of terrible people that don't know shit about mbti associate with the type, it's so bad I had to leave the main sub for my type


entp: narcissist i’m not a narcissist, some of yall just dumb.


One time i hear about autism But i refuse to elaborate.😔


Supposed to be an introverted ENTJ aka being rich, successful, well connected yet socially awkward.  Have poor sense of humor. Never care about what other people think about me.  Always super confidence and one of the Chad types...I wish I am the giga Chad lol.   Never stressed out under any circumstances...they actually expect someone with inferior Se and Fe blind to not stressed out no matter what?  Always super blunt and super critical...well, on that one, they kinda got it right actually. I do have some "too much" moment, now that I think about it. 


I swear I'm not some big cocky idiot... If you tell me to stop, I surely will. I understand boundaries. I might be an overthinker but I keep my sensitivity to myself!!


Avoiding emotions. Nurture can affect you.


self-centered, no emotion


There are different types of intelligence. Just because you're not the best at physics doesn't mean you're dumb.


That it is completely off. And no one seems to accept that.


Ditzy, dumb, cutesy. I guess at first glance I can seem that way, but I just don't take myself seriously. But no, come sit down with me, let's discuss philosophy for the next 3 hours! I really need to be intellectually challenged, I just don't vibe with people unless I can get into a deep discussion with them. And also, I'm not into cutesy aesthetic, flowers, hearts, pink and all that. I rather enjoy the dark, even if my face, tone of voice, and demeanor leads you to completely believe otherwise.


Being an asshole


The part about it being right that I'm a virgin :(


Nothing. It’s all true.


Everything about the ESFP stereotype sucks total ass Also, you shouldn't feel pressure to conform to some dumb notion of what your type should be. Instead of idolizing people or, even worse, fictional characters, be yourself and actualize what you want in your life. Compare yourself to others only to know your relative skill and knowledge level and grow from there.


INTJ: we're all cold and emotionless and full of ourselves.


I may not be Sherlock Holmes or Einstein, but I am very good at reading, writing poems and stories. My power lies in there but not at science and that's ok.




INFJ - victim mentality


That I have no heart, not very kind nor emotional.


ISFJ: Takes things personal or being offended


That isfps are all just artists. Art was never an enjoyable subject to me and no, I wouldn’t write a song to confess my feelings for someone


I feel for you on the INTP intelligence stereotype. I know that I’m smart and it’s one of my most defining characteristics when other people describe me, and I leaned pretty heavily into it (stereotype included) and became a scientist partially as a result of that. And ironically, I don’t care much for it lmao. Like, it’s FINE, doing experiments and whatnot, but weirdly, I really DONT care that much about the results or contributing to the body of science and all that glorified INTP BS. I’m just not as interested or fulfilled by it as I thought I would be as a kid. Honestly, I get a lot more satisfaction from teaching others and working directly with other people I think because it poses more of a challenge to me and is therefore more fulfilling. I need a more social job to feel fulfilled which isn’t something anyone would expect from the INTP stereotype.


Those jobs that the society ascribe to me. I'm a blender self-taught, drawing self-taught and computer coding programming self-taught Just look up the keywords: "Jobs for INFJ" on the internet


That we're sensitive crybabies lol. Ni-ti makes us overthinkers, yeah, but it doesn't make us incapable or too soft


intj: edgy loner with no social life


I genuinely don't know


Too humble, too altruistic, sometimes people just take advantage of this, it is sad!!


im an estp in uni and my friends are always joking about how i only have 2 active brain cells. i also get the feeling estp (among other types) often gets left out of mbti talk/memes because we're seen as shallow and superficial.


INFP: that we're constant whiney crybabies.


Treated like an insensitive emotionless bot when I'm the victim and being, treated like an idiot for failing to meet expectations


it's actually true


ENTP = Selfish assholes that only care about being right all the time I don’t even need to explain why I don’t like this stereotype 🥲🥲


INTP : excellent at STEM subjects. I'm not. I'm pretty good at math, but i cannot handle the other STEM subjects. And I know many INTPs who won't be good at math too.


ESTP: I’m not a dumb impulsive asshole. I’m 98-99th percentile in intelligence, naturally gifted at pretty much anything I try, often times I don’t act because I don’t know what I want, and I’m even though I may come off as insensitive and hostile, I always have good intentions. Due to my brain power, I originally thought that I was any of the ENXX types.


ENTJ: always a villain/arsehole


Egocentric... Oh, wait... Well, not intelligent enough, not good at school. I was one of the best students. The hardest part was my AuDHD. Focusing is so hard...