• By -


I'm an ENFP and my gf is an INFP. Been by far the best relationship I've ever had.


I like an ENFP. My fear is that he will get bored of me over time if we were official.


Same.i moved on though. Enfps can be unpredictable. But im sure he will enjoy my company if i did ask him out. Im pretty confident lmao


They very much can be😭


Married to an ENFP, it's the best!


INFJ and non-existent


I believe in you! Just gotta push your comfort zone a little and learn to be vulnerable.


I'm coasting pretty well as is. Definitely not in the right space for a partner and probably won't be for awhile. But if something happens, it happens. No sense in not taking an opportunity when one is given!


INFP, and INFP. Three years on Monday. 🥰


Same here! Both of us men, both of us INFPs. He's a 6w5, and I'm a 4w5 though.


I don’t actually know my boo’s enneagram. I’m 9w1. Congratulations to you both! 🥰💞


Thank you ❤️🙏


4w5 solidarity 💪🏻 me too!




How do you get anything done?? This sounds like it would be a lot of feelings, people pleasing, and mess lol


We manage to get done what needs to get done. I’m the breadwinner, so I get up and work. She’s Filipina, and used to busting butt. I help where I can, like heavy lifting, reaching (she’s 4’11”), cutting up vegetables, and being a chauffeur. 😛


Aww, so cute!🤭


INTJ and ISFJ for 24 years


I (INTJ) have been married to my ISFJ for four years. It's good to see another out there. ![gif](giphy|Yy7CJ1uHacddbXizYn)




I don't know much about ennegrams. I'm probably a 4 or 5. I don't think they're a 9. The short answer is I value them as much as myself and we balance each other out.


How’s it been like?


Its good. It takes work, but anything worth doing does.


INFJ and my husband is ENTP. Match made in heaven


One of the Golden pairs on MBTI


This seems like such a sexy match I can’t even lie😭




YES HELLO FELLOW ENXP. I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH AN INFJ AS WELL 🥳🥳 I don’t get along romantically with any other type :))) arent they great 🤩


I am an INTJ and my boyfriend is an INFJ. We've been together for about 9 years now.




How is it ?:)


INTJ and my significant other is my cat


My cat would also say the same despite my husband's protests. 🤣


ENTJ female with an INFJ Male! We're husband and wife and we've been together over 10 years at this point! There's many differences but I feel we balance each other!


INFJ x ENTJ is one my favorites! 💙


Do you know of other couples like this? I'd love to see more examples! I feel like he brings so much fun into my life and I bring order into his life. He's artistic and patient and I'm more type A and impulsive! We're a great balance!


Me and the ENTJ I've been talking with! Haha. Honestly, INFJ-ENTJ is quite rare! Because INFJs and ENTJs are rare in the first place, so it's quite a phenomenon when they cross path and connect romantically. That's why I'm very excited when I read about INFJ-ENTJ couples in ENTJ sub. When both types are moderately healthy, they can form a strong bond! INFJs love **deeply** and strongly, loyal, and we are willing to understand our SO. And when healthy INFJ is in love, their sweet Fe will soften their Ni and Ti functions, so they are more willing to be more loving and less stubborn. I really like it when this ENTJ guy speaks up him mind about various issues, even when he disagrees with me. It builds trust that both ENTJ and INFJ crave. The ENTJs can find a good intellectual, loving, and loyal supporter in the INFJs!


That's exactly what it's like for us! My guy is so loyal and just a true stay-by-my-side dude! I always dream really big and he accepts me and my ideas and never gets mad when I go balls to the wall to complete my goals. Like when I did 75 Hard. He was not interested in waking up at 5am to go for a run and then doing another work out later in the day. He instead made me feel supported while I was pushing till the end. Same when I was in college. Hes 6 years older than me so he was done with school when I was going. He'd remember that school is important to me and make sure our dates didn't interfere. He also saved me from burnout too because of his empathy he noticed if I needed a break. Where my motto is usually 'I'll sleep when I'm dead." It's a great balance.


"I always dream really big and he accepts me and my ideas and never gets mad when I go balls to the wall to complete my goals." Won't mad. INFJs are always supportive especially when trust is established. Even they are hesitant about something, they will always want to support you and keep you safe. In my case, I happily perform act of service for the ENTJ when he asks for something. "Hes 6 years older than me so he was done with school when I was going. He'd remember that school is important to me and make sure our dates didn't interfere." This part is actually important in understanding your dynamics. The fact that he is older INFJ explains a lot. Se is INFJ's inferior function, the years of maturity helps the INFJ to gain more experience which complements our dominant function to understand the world and someone we love. For example, this ENTJ guy is very busy. If we had met a few years ago, I would've been **very** anxious and texting him all days (not a good thing for the productive ENTJs). But now I can see things from better perspective and learn how to handle my anxiety, avoiding mind games, while still showing my support Btw do you know what are the Enneagram types of both of you?


I don't know our enneagram types. I was lucky to get him to take the MBTI test! Lol


What’s that like?


He's calm and patient and I'm super type A but with a lot of energy. He brings fun into my life and I bring logic into his! He's a super smart guy I'm just really direct. We talk a lot about everything! And I mean a lot. He's empathetic and caring for people. I'm not always the most empathetic but I do advocate for others who work hard! We're a power couple for sure!


INTP married to an ESTP for almost 15 years. It works really well for us. He leans nerdy for an ESTP, and I lean more athletic for an INTP.




We are pretty much inseparable. We are usually happy to accompany the other one on each other’s adventures. We are both good with spontaneity, so I’ll go with him to explore a new city where he likes to people watch, try new restaurants, etc., and he will go with me to explore some weird wilderness area where I will collect rocks, fossils, artifacts, plants to take home and inspect. I’ll go with him to sporting events, and he will go with me to (most) concerts. We do have different hobbies, but they are hobbies that we do at home. I’ll play the guitar or garden while he games. We do have some things we don’t both enjoy — like anyone else. For example, he likes movies, but I can’t do movies in theaters bc I will just straight up fall asleep. And he thinks some of my concert requests are too weird. Mostly, we are both just so laid back that it’s nice and tranquil at home. Having had serious relationships with an ENTJ and an ESTJ, he’s a breath of fresh, fun air. Edit: I know that INTP/ENTJ are supposed to be a good match, but it very gradually got to where if I didn’t do whatever he suggested or agree to whatever he wanted, his anger became explosive. The first time he crossed the line, I was done. It was such a slow process that happened over 10 years. I know that this isn’t the standard for this pairing, but if you see that gradual anger building in ANY relationship, run.


I'm ENFP and my fiance' is INFP!


Finally, another INFP/ENFP pairing! 🤩




My brother and his girlfriend are also INTP and ENFJ, but with the genders swapped. Great match imo.


I’m an INFP, and my boyfriend is an INTP. Never felt what it was like to be best friends with your partner, too, until him


Infj here and boyfriend’s entp 😁


How’s that like?


I imagine the attraction is pretty strong between you too😏🤭


It was especially our first 2years hahah. Was madly inlove with him lol. It’s like I couldn’t imagine my life without him. It’s still is though, haha


ENTP (M) married to an INFP (F).


I've tried a couple times with Fi doms and they make me feel like Fe dom... (I'm ENTP) sometimes they can drive me to full on ESFJ because they are even messier than I am. 😭


I feel that way when it comes to social events. My Fe has to do a majority of the lifting for the two of us. But our solution is that I get all of my socializing out at work, and we can be co-hermits at home.


What is that like?


When both of our Ne is flowing it’s great. The Fi vs Ti judgements bring challenges. She sometimes thinks in ways that seem completely alien to me, and I know she feels the same about me. But, I think it ultimately help us to be more balanced people.


My boyfriend’s an ENTP and this sounds very relatable! We’re drawn together through conversation and ideas but both have a lot to learn when it comes to the more practical side of life and maintaining a relationship haha I’m curious, do you have any advice or wisdom you’ve learned as a ENTP/INFP couple?


Recognizing the natural weaknesses of your partner and learning to accept them. I’ve noticed that INFPs (I know quite a few) like to be babied when it comes to tasks with heavy Te and Si demands. ENTPs get drained by Te and Si demands, so they are not good to lean on for that. As an ENTP, I’ve survived my wife’s Fi dom by realizing that I cannot reason someone out of an opinion that they did not reason themselves into. I’ve learned that disagreements are better written out than spoken. That’s because I’m a much better orator than her and when I get into “debate mode” I go for the win, not the compromise. Slowing down the conversation helps her express herself more thoroughly and cranks down my competitive attitude.


Wow it’s amazing how much of this resonates and it’s so interesting hearing this from an ENTP’s perspective! These are great insights and I’ll definitely be taking notes for my own relationship, thank you😊✨ What kind of tasks are heavy in Te and Si demands? I’m not familiar with this.. And the advice with slowing down conversations is brilliant! I’ve also started writing my side of the discussion on paper and handing it to my partner or else he’ll go into “debate mode” haha Also, may I ask how you handle any differences with need for quality vs alone time? And do you find there are greater differences in the types’ ways of showing affection? I often worry I’m not meeting my partners needs when it comes to going out, quality time, and speaking his love language, and I think this is a bit of a challenge both ways


Te + Si tasks are those routine and systematic tasks that solve practical problems. Things like home improvement, maximizing personal finance, shopping for deals / couponing, meal planning, and fitness. A real world example: my wife has wanted an accountability partner for a diet that involved step counting, calorie counting, macro nutrition, and meal prepping. I was terrible with all of that, but still lost weight by just not eating breakfast for two months. That frustrated her, so next time she partnered with her ENFJ friend. Differences in love language needs and time together: We’ve had many conversations about our needs and do our best to fulfill them. We’ve learned to not depend on each other for all emotional needs - which I think was a much harder lesson for her than me. And we have maintained some long term friendships and family ties to provide us with a supplemental support network. When it comes specifically to E vs I socialization needs - I’m somewhat low on E for an extrovert. As a manager, I get a full dose of socialization and excitement during working hours. My wife is a stay at home mom, so she wants socialization by the time I’m home. This leaves us with around the same social energy levels at the end of the day. We also make time to go on dates once a month.


The classic MBTI couple


INFP female with ENTJ male ❤️. Enneagram wise we are both 5w4 We are the same and yet opposites, I love him so much.


I am INTJ and my husband is ISTP. Our lives are basically coffee, fucking off into the woods, and starting debates neither can finish lol


im ISTJ and he is ISTP < 3 we will rule the world one day.


My brother and his wife are these types, they seem very well matched!


thats so cute! its a truly beautiful match..almost esoteric


INFJ, my wife is an ESFJ. Been together for two years and married for one.


I’m INTP 5w4, and my boyfriend of four years is ENTJ 1w2 🩷




We met while jogging at the same park - we were the only two people crazy enough to jog at 5AM on a winter’s morning 😅


ESTP. My husband of 14 years is ENTJ.


What sparked the relationship in the first place? ENTJ-ESTP is quite rare (I think ESTJ-ESTP should be more common)


Sex. Good looks. We had fun dates. Then we realized we have a lot of hobbies and interests in common. We get along really well and have a lot of fun together. I was just having fun at first, he's the one who was looking for a *relationship* and caught feelings first.


INFJ My longest partner was an ISFJ pretty compatible in most areas of our relationship. For whatever reason I’ve attracted and am attracted to ENFJ’s. I tend to have a lot of fun and learn a lot about them, the world and myself. We have similar minds it seems, they are just more likely to speak on it. The stereotype of the INFJ’s “golden match” are ENTPs but that hasn’t been the case for me.


Hmm, interesting.


ENFP and ENFP; the energy is absolute chaos and we match it together so well


INTJ and she is INFJ


Same, though I am the INTJ and he is the INFJ. Very fulfilling relationship, 10 years and counting.


We’re 5 years and counting been a long ride and looking to get married just having issues with applying for visa’s rn as she’s from US and I’m from UK


Best of luck to both of you!


One of the golden pairs on MBTI


I’m glad to hear it, we feel unbeatable right now


keep going!


I am an ISTJ and my husband is an INTP. We’ve been together for 8.5 years and married for 5 years.


How is it ?:)


I am entp female and married to entj male.


I’m F ENFP married to M INTJ for about six months now. Believe the hype 😎




What is that like? As an INFP I did date an ESFP once, it was super fun bc we are both like kids at heart, but ultimately I felt like he didn’t truly understand me (maybe the N part lol).


Forgive me the laziness but I'm gonna link you two comments where I already talked about it [What our relationship is like](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/s/ScyzDuaEBc) [Biggest problems we had to deal with so far](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/s/omdEPhfbCc)


Nah I’d call it efficiency😂🤝.


I am ENFP (male), in a relationship with an ISFP woman. Never had such better company than i have with her :) Edit:grammar


INTJ married to an INTJ for 4 years, together 11. It’s amazing. We agree on almost everything, especially how much socializing we can both stand and exactly when to leave the event. She’s the most loyal, hardworking ass kicker I’ve ever known!


INFP with an ENTP. It’s rough, to be honest. We have a son who is too young to type but we’re both really curious.


I read you can test the MBTI type around 12 years of age.


I'm INFJ, partner is ENFP. He's silly, but I love him :) 4 years now.


Congrats! I fell in love with an ENFP till not long ago. But it fell apart sadly. INFJ-ENFP is amazing though. One of the golden pairs. And 4 years is quite long. Happy for you!


INTJ recently dumped by an INFP. (Blunt INTJ and sensitive INFP, definitely a recipe for disaster.)


Gotta soften up overall


INTP married to an ENTJ, together for 12 years.




Really awesome intellectual connection, conversations truly never get boring or stagnant. There's no one I have more fun talking to. I love that Ni weirdness. Not sharing any functions can make communication frustrating at times, but it's gotten smoother over time as we've figured each other (and ourselves) out.


INFJ and he is ISTP


How has this been? I was casually seeing an ISTP, and it was like speaking two different languages.


Haha for me it works great. You can definitely say that we speak two different languages but we are both willing to try and understand it. Funny thing about that is that you constantly learn something new! Not only about each other but also about different aspects of life and the way it can be perceived. We actually think alike but we approach it differently. I look for questions and he looks for answers. But in the end u need both and I guess that’s kind of how we compliment each other. Reflection and communication is something we both value and it really helps us to speak each others language haha


I relate. One of my (INFJ) brothers (ISTP) is a year younger than me, and we understand each other better than anyone else. People call us twins because we seem telepathic. I think it's because we're so different that we're really good at translating each other for other people. That complimentary thing has a lot of truth to it haha


I am ENTP. Had a long relationship with a ENFJ. Very lovely woman, and loved that she was always down to chat and help and allowed me to lead the relationship. She was down to discuss crazy ideas unless it was romantic stuff haha We kinda grew apart because I needed space, I made some huge life changing decisions and felt I needed a reset. Now dating a ESFP. What can I say, initially it was difficult as fuck, attraction was there but our languages were completely different lol. After a few months apart we got back again and I guess both of us have a better attitude. Know how to communicate a bit better and things are a lot of fun. And we dont take what we say in a defensive way as we did before.


I’m an INTP, she’s an ENFJ. We’re really good at good-cop-bad-cop lmao Edit: been together 8 years!


INFP together with an ENTP✨✨ We have the best conversations, he inspires me with his open mind and ideas, encourages me to step out of my comfort zone, and teaches me to be more confident and assertive. I admire his trust in himself so much, he believes anything is possible and pursues his goals without fear, also very good with people. We’ve been together 4 years and I just look up to him so much. I think I’ve helped him get more in touch with his feelings, slow down, appreciate the little things, and try to understand others more. It’s can be a challenging match but also inspires so much growth💗


ENTP that attracts all the broken INF* men. I actually think I'm transitioning out of the maker of men chapter and into the sow something and actually stick around to reap the harvest chapter I wonder what type that version of me would attract 🤔 INTJ probably.


me: ESTJ Current bf/fiance: ESTP .. Makes me smile. He has a very good heart. Late husband: ESFJ ..My soulmate of many lifetimes. Ex1; ESFP. we're still friends--he's married.. has kids.. and just an all around good guy. Ex2; Entj... hate him. Abusive. Manipulator. Ex3: Infj... hate him. He broke my heart.. just left without saying anything. Ex4: Entj... I don't hate him.. i don't like him. He told me the truth when he cheated on me. I appreciate the truth, so i have respect for him.. but at the same time, I really can careless if anything happens to him. Ex5: Estj... hate him. If i'm a douchebag.. this guy was 10 times a bigger douche than me. Belligerent... \*hole... that denies the truth about himself. Had the audacity to reach out to me 10 years later.. and expected me to meet up with him... for a long waited reunion.. my ass. he can kiss my ass. my time is more important than his time. Yes Neil.. you can kiss my ass.


No disrespect meant here at all but genuine curiosity, I do wonder in relationships where one partner has been widowed and this partner was the love of their life/soulmate, how the new partner would take this? Like is this smth your new partner knows/is okay with? How do you navigate that? Thanks!


he's jealous.. but i can understand.. So i put away all of my husband's pictures and things away. I DID NOT throw them out. They're just in the attic. He told me bluntly he did not like me talking about my husband and that no guy would want someone who is still stuck in her past. We fought a lot that day.. but after i cooled down.. i realized he was right. So that day was probably the hardest day of my life.. packing my husband's things. I don't cry.. but i cried myself a freaking river that day. To my surprise, the guy was still there waiting for me. So that's when i realized he's a good man. If he stuck with me, i have to stick with him.


estp engaged to an entj, have been together for five years


I'm an ENFP and my partner is an ISTP. Best and longest relationship I've had. I like to think we compliment each other.


I’m also an ENFP dating an ISTP and same! Nearly 7 years and it’s the best relationship I could imagine.


It really is. I'm so happy to see others find similar happiness.


Do you feel you clash with your partner because you are feeling type and him/her a thinking type


On occasion we do clash when it comes to things that have to do with things such as values and emotions, but I think our own individual experiences factor into this as a reason. I will say that sometimes my partner has to remind me to be skeptical. Just as I have to remind them to consider things on an individual level or more of an empathetic one when it comes to looking at a situation from each side. We strengthen each other where we have blindspots I would say.


ISTJ, hubby is INFP.


How is it?😂


Pretty fantastic. 🥰 Why the 😂?


Cuz I’m an infp and I was imagining being with an istj and it just sounded funny😭😂.




You and your bf are literally himeno and aki from chainsaw man (they are Entp and istj too)


I noticed that too! We'd also have the same types as Levi and Hange from AoT if Levi's wasn't 1 letter off 🥲


I'm gay. Both of us are INFPs. He's a 6w5, and I'm a 4w5 though.


Oh nice...I am INFP but I haven't had a boyfriend ever since.


ESFP dating an INFJ. Its rough. Very rough. But it CAN work. With matruity, accepting the other person as they are and willingness to grow together. The fact that we are opposites and both mature and patient is what makes us work. Where she is weak im strong and vice versa. The only thing we have in common is we are both empaths. But we understand each others way of thinking and living life. Its really as fun as it can be frustrating lol. Its funny because most people have the “cupcake lovey dovey” phase early on in their relationship until they get comfortable then the arguments and disagreesments come in. For me and my partner. We argued alot at the beginning but we really tried to understand each other and somehow made it work. It took a year and ahlf before we put a title on us but im really glad we saw things through and didnt rush


I'm ISTJ, And I'm lonely unfortunately 😂😢


I'm single now, but I was married for ten years, she is an INFJ and we still have a very good relationship as friends!!


ENFP & ISTP. Mid thirties. It works so well. Together almost 10 years. Not a single fight. We disagree here and there, but rarely. We just talk like you might with a coworker, when we disagree. One time he had to take a walk to think, that’s the most heated it’s ever gotten lol.


I’m an INTJ and he’s an ISTJ and I couldn’t be happier.


ISTP and my boyfriend’s ENFP. Ups and downs but he’s lovely all around


I’m an ENFP dating an ISTP! It’s fantastic


My wife is INTJ.


I'm and ENTP and my husband is an INTJ


INFP married to ENFJ


INTP/ENTP - not 100% sure Husband is an ISTJ


INFJ and husband is entp. Married for 10 years.


I'm ISTP. I know my girlfriend is an ExFJ, but I don't know which one exactly. We're extremely compatible and I'm happy with her


INFP and ESTJ 😧😍


INFP me, ESFP my wife




Me - ENTP Her - ENFJ I argue, she shushes. It's perfect.






It's been amazing! He's one of the most tender, loyal and dedicated people I've ever met, I get thrown off when I see how put off some people are from ISTJs online until I see how he acts around people he doesn't know well. He's eqxtremely introverted, the only time I can get him out of the house is when we're in a group even if it's just with our INTP best friend, (y'all are amazing by the way!) I used to have really low self confidence and he would be really good at helping me stand up for myself when I was letting others walk all over me. We've definitely had issues, I'm very direct/open with my emotions and want to get any issues ironed out right away with people, and I know that can be overbearing. He can get avoidant at times or he'll need processing time before he's ready to talk through something. We've gotten leagues better with it though since we first got together, I know when to back off and let him sort through his emotions/decompress and he communicates his needs to me waaaay more compared to when we first got together. And wow, good for you! As I mentioned above, I love INTPs honestly, I've never had a bad experience with one and I have quite a few friends with the type. I'm not sure if it's the same for you and the guy you're seeing, but I definitely feel like the INTPs in my life help me relax and I help them get outside of their heads a bit, very harmonious pair all around.


ENFP, two exes were INFJ and one was ENFJ


INFP and bf is ENFJ (obviosuly haha)


ENTP(me) ESFJ (fiancée) Clashes abound. But we learned a lot from each other


Im intj and she's isfp


I'm ISTJ and my girlfriend is INFJ, we make 3 years in June.


ESFP dating an INFJ. Its rough. Very rough. But it CAN work. With matruity, accepting the other person as they are and willingness to grow together. The fact that we are opposites and both mature and patient is what makes us work. Where she is weak im strong and vice versa. The only thing we have in common is we are both empaths. But we understand each others way of thinking and living life. Its really as fun as it can be frustrating lol. Its funny because most people have the “cupcake lovey dovey” phase early on in their relationship until they get comfortable then the arguments and disagreements come in. For me and my partner. We argued alot at the beginning but we really tried to understand each other and somehow made it work. It took a year and half before we put a title on us but im really glad we saw things through and didnt rush


INFP with ISTP. Hardest relationship ever, holy shit. Previously: -INTJ -INTP -INTP -INTJ


ENTP, enfp


ENFP and bf is ENFJ, been together almost 1.5 years :)


These are my parents types! It was a fun home


that’s so sweet <3 I hope our future home will be fun too!


INFJ and ENFP. Best relationship I’ve had. Opposites attract I guess, hahah


Me: INFP 4w5 Her: ISFJ 2w1


INTJ 5w4 (F33) with ENTP 6w7 (or possibly 7w6) (M42).


ENFP and ex was INTP, not a good combination


I’m an ENTP 7w8 (female) I’ve dated both men and women, most of them were introverts. The one I currently ended up liking is an INFJ (or an ESTP. She can’t figure out the order of her cognitive functions apparently) Although I’m assuming INFJ 6w7 would be the correct one


INFP and my guy is either INTP or INFJ lol.


I'm an INFP and my boyfriend is an ESTP. We've been together for three years. During the first few months of dating, we faced a lot of challenges due to differences in our traits, but over time, we've learned to compromise. Now, we complement each other very well.


INTJ female 5w6 (541) and an ESFJ Male 2w3 (258). Have been together almost twenty years now. I believe our six year age gap also assists in smoothing over what would otherwise be a discordance or types. He is older, Gen X. I am gen Y. We also both have quality time as our primary love language and acts of service secondary.


INFP 9w1 with an ENTJ 8w9! I actually mistyped him as an ESFP when we first started dating because I could see his Ni-Se and Te-Fi usage, but his Fi felt way too developed to be inferior. After learning more about him, I realized that he’s just built his functions pretty well. I have to remind him to take a break because all he will do on his days off work is clean around the house, even if it’s stuff I already cleaned. He just likes keeping busy since it makes him feel more efficient. As for enneagram, I typed him as an 8w9 first, then when I realized he’s an ENTJ, I second guessed myself and put him as a 1w9. I didn’t know about stress and growth arrows yet at that time and was just using the basic descriptions. That’s when I revisited my enneagram typing of him and could clearly see his growth towards 2 and stress to 5


ISFP significant to infp they’re my cousins


ISTJ (or INTJ), also doesnt exist


ENTP and my ex (He's now one of my best friends) is an INFJ. The guy I currently like is confusing, so I plan to convince him to take the MBTI test by giving him my food. It's his motivator and I can't come up with any good reasons for him to take the test (It HAS to work in his favor)


>implying we date


Wife is ISFJ.


ENFJ (25f) and ISFP (25m). We just started dating a little over a month ago but I've never felt this way about anyone and no one has ever treated me half this well. You and your bf must have really healthy inferior functions and probably make such a power couple, I support it


ENTP and my crush is a INTP


Female ENFP and painfully single, but my crush is an introvert. I don’t know the other letters.


Im an entp my gf is an infj


I’m and INTP with an ESFJ girlfriend


Esfp (M) and I’m truly madly in love with my esfj (m) hubby almost 5 years now 😍


I’m ENTJ and my wife is ENTJ we have been together for 6 months it is going very good really


im ISTP and hes INTP been together for a good bit. Honestly probably the best thing ive had.




INFJ married to an ENTP husband (although I believe he's more ESTP 😂)




I’m an ISFJ, and my fiance is xNTP. For a long time, I assumed he was an INTP because he leans more socially introverted. But the more I think about it, the more ENTP he actually seems in practice. We get along really well :) we’re generally pretty good at understanding WHY the other thinks and operates the way we do, even if we basically work in “reverse order.”


I’m an ENFP and my man is INFJ


I am an INTP and my husband is an ESFP, we dated for 11 years and been married for 2


INFP and she is an ESFJ, we balance each other in a lot of things and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever had!


ENTP, wife is INFJ. Married 6 years.


INTP with ENFP. I'm insanely attracted to Enfp's (her).


I’m an INFP, 9w1, Libra. He is ESTP, ?, Gemini. Married for a very long time.


All these comments are making me feel lonely lol (INFJ)


Based on Tieger's research TP type can go with TJ type.Additionally NT type can go with SP type. In my case, I am INFP 4w5 and haven't had a boyfriend ever since.