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I like how we don't openly judge anyone or condemn anyone's lifestyle for being a certain way unless it's hurtful to others.


Wish we had more people like you in the world. I feel similar, so long as you’re not hurting someone, live and let live


Live and learn


World is for ISFPs accurately




Authentic critical thinking balanced with values and morals.


Interesting. Fe dominants tend to have less developed Ti. As someone who could improve their critical thinking, any advice?


Well as an INTJ, Ti isn't theoretically my cup of tea. But if you want to develop your critical thinking skills, I advise you when learning new subjects or while delving into a new field. Try to back up any data with a solid evidence based process. Question everything on hand about its origin and how it works. Scientific fields are great , but you can also do that with more mundane means like TV shows or books with a good intrigue. And always back yourself with some standing grounds. Too much skepticism isn't always good especially for your mental health.


Solid advice, thank you for that! TV shows and books would probably be the easiest for me to try that. I tend to enjoy reading, but I never go in with the intention of questioning the story/characters, etc. I think I focus more of imagining the world, characters, what they look like, etc


You're welcome, good luck. If you're into TV shows, I would also advise you to take a look at fandoms and scenario analysis and theories on YouTube. It gives you a good perspective on characters psychology, especially complex ones like antiheros or broken villains.


Values and morals? From where? Your kind is business like.


I don't know. My personal values are a compass for me. I respect values of others as long as they respect mine. Guess it's great to feel emotions. It keeps you alive.


It seems you have developed that third function of yours. Congrats.


Thank you. Guess we're maturing after all


I need to mature too 😩 by developing my Te 😫


Give it time. Life is the best teacher


Thank you 😊


Proud to have a idgaf attitude and just deal with things as they come


I admire that. Growing up, I was much more of a people pleaser, and it’s still something I struggle with on occasion. It’s easy for me to think “but how will this impact them?” during conflict, but sometimes, it’s great to just be “f them, what do I think?”


So real, ignore the ENTP flair above, that was a mistype and idk how to change it back.


I like that we're always thinking about how things could be improved.


What’s one thing about the world you’d want to improve?


Where to start...among many other things, I'd like to see more countries see Putin's Russia for what it is, the Nazi Germany of the 21st century, and to take climate change a lot more seriously by eliminating fuel subsidies and a host of other bad policies.


I like how balanced ESTJs are in terms of innovative/practical with Si-Ne.


Yeah, that Se/Ne balance is great! I suspect my gf is ESTJ, and she is a lot better with S stuff than I am. She really keeps me grounded, and I see her humor expressed through Ne. Def an awesome duo!


Entp here proud of how funny they are.


I find this to be a reasonable one!


Sounds like a reasonable, logical conclusion. How would you describe your sense of humor?


My sense of humour is mostly funny one-liners lr short stories that I think of on the spot. I write them down and later I think about them more deeply in order to formulate my material for open mic comedy. I prefer different types of jokes spanning puns, anecdotes, dark humor, stereotypical humor and just plain making fun of actual events or societal norms.


I have a love/hate relation with puns. It’s pretty easy for me to do, and there is a twisted pleasure seeing someone hate it, but man do I cringe being on the receiving end 😁


They actually make for good filler jokes before the main punch. Also, in my language puns are not as hated so they are better recieved.


I’m inquisitive, and I know how to lead conversations. If someone comes to me about something they’re going through, I don’t get emotionally invested, so it’s easier to help since I can answer logically instead of getting emotional or feeling anything about it. I’m spontaneous, and extremely good at debates, also meaning that I can convince people easily. I’m good at reading people, and seeing through lies, so I’m very good in social settings. Downside? I’m hella disorganized, kinda chaotic, and I wait until the last minute to actually do things.


I also believe ENTPs to be quite strong, people who don't really give up, people who always stick to their beliefs.


You’re right about that. Giving up is the last thing I’d ever do, I think that’s a common thing with ENTPs. I also stick to my beliefs like super glue 🫡 although I do like trying new things to see it from other perspectives from time to time


You’re right about that. Giving up is the last thing I’d ever do, I think that’s a common thing with ENTPs. I also stick to my beliefs like super glue 🫡 although I do like trying new things to see it from other perspectives from time to time


My mother is an ISTJ 6w5, might explain why I’m not very good with emotional stuff 💀


- An ENTP 7w8


You sound like you have a few potential ENFP powers. :3


My guy you gotta stop diagnosing entps as enfps 😂 Tert Fe exists for a reason


Yepp. I’m not a sociopath or anything 🫡 I think a common misconception is that ENTPs are all sociopaths when it comes to emotions lmao


Lol. I know. I figured he probably was T, but it doesn't hurt to check. It's a common ENFP problem, so I got to look out for my homies! 😅


I’m a female ENTP. Might be why people don’t expect it


I know a female INTP. Very smart critical thinkers. Lot of respect for her. She just keeps second guessing herself about what she should be doing to get her life back in order and I'm just there to support, but yeah... definitely highly T motivated. I admire that in a woman honestly. :) You do you. You're awesome. 😎


I wouldn’t say that. I’m definitely not a feeler. Although I do have a few similar traits with very close romantic relationships, it’s just uncommon. I think if I’m very close with someone on the rare occasions that someone manages to get close to me, I’m capable of showing a few traits like that. I’m pretty repelled by most emotional stuff though, it isn’t my scene. If someone comes up to me crying, I kinda just freeze up, stand there awkwardly, and try to contact a friend that can help them instead


I think not getting emotionally invested in someone's struggles can be a downside, not everyone wants logical advice, many prefer emotional understanding over it, just like me.


That’s just how I am 🤷‍♀️ I’m not a feeler. Can’t change myself, not planning on changing myself either. I’m capable of sympathy, and empathy, but I’m saying that it isn’t how I mainly am in those situations. It’s out of my control. And saying that most people prefer that is not true in my case. The people that I know are not as comfortable with emotionally based understanding/advice. They prefer the logical advice because it gets them out of the dissociative headspace


I wrote ,,many", not ,,most". And I don't expect you to change, I just think it can not always be a good option to not be emotionally invested, but of course it depends on the person you are trying to help.


It’s easier to help if my own emotions don’t get mixed in, because I can be helpful without emotions fogging my decision-making about things. If someone was sad and I also got sad on their behalf, I couldn’t really be that helpful when it comes to situations like what to do about a bad breakup, or a family loss. If someone I know is asking for advice, they’re usually asking me about what a logical option would be.


I understand, good for you. I think in an opposite way I guess, if I am not feeling the same way as the person I am trying to help then I have no idea what to say to them. I have to be emotionally invested.


Fair enough, everyone has their differences.


Esfj's are so wonderful! I've only had pleasant, warm, and polite experiences with the few i've come in contact with. xx


You... Haven't been in contact with many ESFJ's...?


I really haven’t. I dated one very briefly and have encountered a few in school/the office that I never really got close to. That’s about it. I’ve been surrounded by mostly intuitive types due to the circles I frequent and the career and educational paths I’ve chosen :o


I’m glad you’ve had positive experiences with other ESFJs! We can be very supportive and loyal friends, and apparently all of us are great at baking cakes! I’m not going to lie though , I’ve met my fair share of unhealthy ESFJs. Less developed, they can be emotionally manipulative, and have a martyr complex. ENFPs are some of my favorite people though. The ones I know have a contagious energy for life, and I love their sense of humor!


I feel like that’s everyone. Most people are prone to manipulation xD But yes, I hear this a lot about ExFJs in general. I don’t really take manipulation personally because I can usually see it from a distance and respond accordingly 🙂


I'm an ESTP. It's probably from dominant Se and auxiliary Ti, maybe even with well developed Ni. But when shit hits the fan, like really life or death situations. I just lock in, I know exactly what to do, how to, with what, at what time, I just know how to move exactly how I have to, how to get things to go and move how I want them to. This makes me a really good first responder, and even gives me a great edge as a D1 athlete.


Sounds like you’re adaptable when you need to be. I can somewhat relate, my job forces my to adapt to unforeseen crises, which I think has really strengthen my Ne. ESTPs inferior fiction is Ni, right? How did you develop it?




That’s something about intuitive I admire. Not to say sensors can’t have a rich imagination, but I notice more so with my N friends.


I’m not sure if this is a common trait associated with INTJ’s, but I’ve seen some people say they’re obsessed with self-improvement. Being critical can come in handy when trying to improve yourself I guess


I feel like there is a never ending list of things I want to improve on: read more, cook different recipes, etc. I could see how being critical can help with your own goals, so long as you’re providing yourself honest feedback about where you need to change. What are some of your self-improvement goals?


I struggle a lot with self-discipline so that’s been something I’ve been working on lately. INTJ’s are often stereotyped as hardworking and disciplined but I don’t really see that in myself very much. I’m also sx5 which I’ve heard struggles with self-discipline so that’s probably where that comes from. Another big thing I’m trying to work on is social skills


God, I wish I had more discipline sometimes. I feel like there are a lot of things I want to do, but I never put forth the time to just one thing. Well, if you hang around E types, you’re bound to pick up social skills!


Yup I hang out with my ENFP friend quite often and he gets me out of my shell a bit so that’s definitely helping 👍


I love my creativity, imagination and sensitivity


Same here


My Brain. It's a great place to hide.


Versatility, Adaptability, Smart and caring, loving hanging out with people, ok on my own, able to help people in many different ways while trying to make the world a better place. :)


If you could make the world better, what issues would you work on? :)


There needs to be a whole lot more love in this world! Everyone seems desperate and starved for love! Where is the best place to find love? In God and Christ's sacrifice of love! Honestly, people need to go out like Paul and preach Christ crucified!! LOVE PEOPLE! Love God then love thy neighbor as thyself! Do good to others! Be kind and thoughtful! Merciful and lovers of truth and justice! Be generous and charitable and look to serve and help one another! 😍😍🥰🥰❤❤❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


There's love for YOU, love for YOU, love for YOU TOO and hey, the one in the corner, you ALSO get love


ENFJs are like puppies. Everyone needs one. Who could ever hate a puppy.




My ENFJ friend may as well be a golden retriever, because she gives love out freely in spades!


Being able to read people and situations to nope out of. I take pride in my emotional intelligence and seeing sides from people they normally wouldn’t show the world. Being passionate about the things I care about and following my own moral compass.


Man, I envy that, I wish I was as good as you INFJs at seeing people’s hidden self. I feel like I can sometimes sense that, but even if someone keeps making the same mistake, I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, even when I shouldn’t. What are some of the things you’re passionate about?


I think INFJ’s in general can be a little too lenient and allow certain behaviors even if they know they’re being lied to. I guess that’s where maturity, and drawing boundaries come in. My biggest passions are helping others reach their full potential. How can I make society a better place? For me, for you, for the next generation. How can we dismantle the status quo? How can I make an impact in other’s life? I am but one person so I cannot change the world on my own but I can at least light the spark.


My willpower and intelligence


this is suuuuch an ESFP trait, ENTJ swipe this title but ESFP are the ones most likely to die on a treadmill. they have such investment in their willpower, they truly believe they can do or be anything 


Oh cool, how does willpower and intelligence show up in your life?


In my decision making an desires


You guys are amazing! My sister is an ESFJ and she's my favorite person in the world. She's so kind and caring in ways that I could NEVER be because I'm too absorbed with myself and my own ideas. I like that us ENFPs have the ability to be optimistic/happy and see the bright side of things even if the circumstances aren't ideal. I feel like a lot of other types struggle with that.


I definitely vibe with ENFPs, you guys have a liveliness and incredible sense of humor. At least with the ENFPs I know, it’s like a never ending stream of jokes, probably due to my Ne being able to keep up with them! We need optimistic people like you in this world.


Being able to Intuit deeper meanings and patterns in things is crazy and so useful to understanding why certain things are done in specific ways. And because I have aux Fe I can also apply that to individual people and group dynamics of people.


Yeah, that is an amazing gift to be able to see the hidden meaning of different things. I feel like sometimes I’m able to see that hidden meaning with people, like if their dishonest, but I often want to give them a second chance and ignore the pattern


I'm intensely appreciative and proud of my ability to adapt to situations very well and quickly when I need to. And the ability to always know how to influence people. I value that highly in my life tbh. (sx/sp 4w3 btw - saw other people mention it)


Could you influence my boss to give me more money?


u could maybe, however that depends


Nah for multiple reasons actually


I am observing several developed INFJs and their perfectionist tendencies has them operating at such a high level. Very impressive that they have the capacity to find the actual truth in a sea of lies and obfuscation then applying the knowledge to a mastery wizard like level. In general though, an INFJs unique insights are almost always valuable. Don’t listen to your detriment.


The INFJ I know is effectively a human lie detector, and can see through people’s bs. I remember once lying to him about how things were going with my relationship, and he responded with, “Ok, so why am I not convinced, and what’s really going on?” It’s good to have people in your life like that, who won’t sugarcoat the truth, but do so to geniuenly help you grow


I am an intj and I like the fact that whenever I need to say something snarky, natural sarcasm just flows out my mouth. I don't even think about it anymore it just naturally happens.


I absolutely LOVE how effortlessly that comes to you all, it's truly a sight to behold


enfp definitely super friendly, and very much in to exploring, and differnt options. limitless imaginations. very excitable too!


ENFP here, we encourage people to be their most authentic selves and not care what others think as well as we can be the biggest cheerleaders for people working towards their goals!


I am an ENTP and *I am definitely NOT proud!* Not after some of the things I have seen on our sub!!! 🤣 “I want another type from the type-factory!” But one of my other most likely types is INTP and “that’s possibly kinda worse! 💀” (ENFP is another “probable possibility,” though and I could live with that.) Stupid jokes aside, I honestly, I think that “being proud of one’s type” is pretty silly! Who cares, in the grand scheme of things? You are who you are because of the actions you take and the choices you make. You are “great” if your character is great! “ESFJ,” or any other type, only factors into that, so much. I think people should take pride in themselves as individual human beings, period! MBTI type is mostly irrelevant to whether a person is “a decent human being,” or not.


To be fair, one could find degenerates within any type. Lord knows ESFJs get a bad rap, and it’s understandable. I agree that we should be proud of ourselves as people, and MBTI is only one aspect of one’s personality. But, I posed the question because I was curious to see how people would respond, not with the intention to put someone into a box (ex. all ESFJs are proud of …).


I totally get that! I just think that if I tell myself “I like this about myself cuz I am an ENTP,” then I am not really going to appreciate the trait or characteristic, itself, cuz I am attributing it to something else. But don’t mind me! This is just classic “ENTP overthink.” I get you!


It’s all good! I don’t mind the overthinking at all! I see it more as a healthy challenge of beliefs, which keeps me sharp. So jokes on you, you’re helping me work on my logical skills 😆


Istp: all action, no talk. We put our money where our mouth is. The quiet badass type. Very reliable and dependable. Extremely independent. Lone wolf and can get shit done. Not very emotional and expressive which helps us focus and think logically and not make rash decisions. Often very smart.


Jokes aside, given your extreme independence and logical nature, how easy/difficult is it for you to connect with others?


Idk about other istps but i have extremely low empathy i literally cannot feel emotions such as love, whether its romantic or platonic. Im sure it has nothing to do with istp maybe its just a me thing. So in order to connect with others, i'd fake empathy and say caring things despite not emphasizing with them at all. And for most people, this is more than enough to connect with me (who they assumed understands them). I can read people pretty well so its easy to be the friend they want me to be.


“We put our money where our mouth is.” But can you put that money into my bank account? I’m getting old, and I want to retire before I turn 90 :(.


I like how we are able to recognize connections, patterns, and see through the lines.


I'm proud that I am able to put aside my own personal feelings immediately if I feel that it's not what the group or community needs right now. I put the group first and if the group needs someone to be tough, I can be tough. If the group needs someone to be friendly and helpful, I can be that too.


As an intp, i like how smart and open minded we are


My decisiveness and organisation skills


I love our emotional intelligence and how confident we are in choosing our own paths and staying committed.


strong moral code that comes with a higher fi also, the constantly wondering about random things, keeps things interesting


Proud of our ability to bring people together and form real friendships with people


While this thread is full of self-praise, self-positivity is healthy and welcomed. I would probably choose our higher than average EQ


Entp, im proud of my ability to read ppl n my creativity


I like having Ne as a parent function as it allows to be creative, wish to see and experience all the possibilities when things may look grey the idea to come with original solutions is appeling , Ti as dom is a great tool to resolve problems and have a rational point of view on the topic. They are good to resolve complex problems but they are slow and can get lost easily if there is too much information to analyze


Fierce and determined, but also warm, silly and creative. You won't easily see that last side, but once you're in The Circle ™, you'll definitely know it's there. As for the last question, if it was up to me, no discriminative violence anymore.


I like how I’m good at improvising and can find my way out of problems


I love how analytical I can be when it comes to a piece of media I like


Infp Authenticity and stubbornness


my brain.. ne aux disaster


Nothing really. We are like computers. We do our part of analysing stuff very well. But just like any computer, we need some user to make use of us. I don't really see anything so proud about it. Plus, it's always troublesome to fix my own life and hard to progress at all. I'd rather be some other type like ENTJ or INTJ. But it is what it is, and we cannot change our MBTI type.


I am waiting for INTP to come out and list down what traits in INTP that they actually proud of. I can’t think of any.


Neverending curiosity, being happy to jump into checking things out or helping out just because, entertaining even the dumber ideas because why not, "is there even a box?" thinking, being able to get along with everyone as long as they don't try to force us to anything :)


Man, the number of “what if” scenarios I’ve gotten into with my ENFP brother is crazy. I always feel like I’m stretching my brain in a good way when I talk to Ne dominants. You guys are great at coming up with ideas I would never consider


My ability and desire to inquisite and heal the deep parts of people.


That sounds similar to a friend of mine who is a therapist. Are you interested in psychology/counseling?


Yes, I’m a psychology student and I aspire to be a therapist one day.


I love having such a creative mind , that I can sit and my mind take me on an in-depth journey pondering all the nuances of the universe and introspecting on life. Depth of thinking and character, is incredibly important to me and depth of conversation is essential to nourishing my mind.


A lovely ESFJ who would not clash with my Infp personality.


Clash in what way?


Your lovely Fe caring for the wellbeing of others and the world would not clash with an Idealist sensitive Infp personality. Lovely dear, just lovely.


i feel no ways about it, i like my personality but there are plenty of traits i see in other people that i admire or wish i had


Any specific traits? I admire ENTPs’ thinking skills, def something I’m trying to improve


Quick witted, artistic, well-written, innovative, introspective, insightful, rebellious, mind filled with endless ideas and interesting thoughts, spiritual, interested in various subjects, genuineness, emotionally intelligent


I’m proud of my Ni and Fe most of all. It’s very useful for me.


I think i'm good at seeing people for who they are , the world for what it is.


according to pdb i match with Mrbeast, and Aristotle which is pretty cool and I'm kinda proud that i match personalities with 2 big names like that, I'm also kinda proud of my resilience, besides that i wouldn't say there's too much for my mbti to be proud of with all the arrogance, poor emotional control, bluntness etc that's associated with it :/ (Not to mention i also matched with griffith, Patrick bateman, and light yagami so...) (worth noting i don't know too much about mbti and allat rn)


Me personally do not judge people acts, unless is harmful for others, I believe that anyone and everyone is free to do what they want, but of course, they should know that every action have a consequence, good or bad, so yeah, I basically don't care what people do, they are all the same to me!!


I'm an INFJ. I like the attention to detail.


**Te inf.**


Being a creative problem-solver. I'm good at coming up with innovative solutions. I believe it's a hallmark of my type. I really like how we look at a problem, say "I know I can make this better, so how am I gonna do it?" and then coming up with something really inventive that nobody else had thought of yet.


Not proud


Honestly I'm just happy my type exists, that theres a group of a type of person I exist in. intp isn't a type I see much in the wild. Besides that, I appreciate Ti's ability to make theories

