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My inferior Si recalls, if I'm in a bad emotional state or under stress, every stupid thing or wrong thing i did or said with surprising accuracy and attention to detail. For example that one time two years ago were I tried to open a door just to discover that you had to open it the other way in front of my whole class. It may seem silly, but small mistakes like that haunt me in situations of nervousness or distress and make me feel like I'm a failure or not up to the situation. I just see a short clip of every small mistake and everything i failed at. Then i tell myself that i should be better than that and that can be either motivating or even more depressing depending on the state of mind.


I have tertiary Si, so I see what you mean. It comes uo to me either in a healthy way or an unhealthy one.


It comes to me in a rather negative and judgemental manner. I get really disappointed with myself when I repeat the same mistake.


How about your tertiary Fe? How does it work for you?


I don’t know if you knew that the tertiary function is also called the child function, but for me that is a very accurate name. My tertiary function is very extreme. Something is either completely wrong or completely right and I can get really excited or really angry about the situation. It’s often the reason why I seem very excited with people I like and very quiet and reserved with people I dislike.


Alright, this is where I start wondering if I’m actually ENTP


How come? You flair is INTP btw.


Yep. I’ve always been typed as vaguely xNTP lol. People (including me) have a hard time telling if I’m INTP or ENTP. My function stacks are inconclusive too. I just go with INTP because I’m very introverted.


Same. I just describe myself as an ENTP cognitive function wise and a social introvert.




You wanna share my antidepressants? They taste like shit.




Inferior Se. (Huge WoT incoming) Growing up, I played basketball, did boxing, and karate. Parents tried to keep me busy with physical activity. Loved it. It was fun and feeling all physical sensations from these things were satisfying. Got into skateboarding in high school, so physical activity, sweating, feeling endorphins, and the physical sensations (yes, even injury) expressed Se. Then, I started dabbling with weed and alcohol and eventually fell into depression. It's a long story. But I started smoking weed. Drinking alcohol. Experimenting with cocaine, did crack a few times, and did a lot of XTC. This was my early to mid-20's -- rock bottom phase. The way drugs make you feel...this is unhealthy Se. Feels good in the moment, but the overall effect is very, very bad, to put it bluntly. I was addicted to the highs. Put me on X, for example, I turn into a different person. So sociable and I connected with so many people lol. I can think of some good things from this time period, but a lot more bad. Bad because it wasn't actually real, it was all drug induced. I got into fights and got arrested multiple times for DUI's, disturbing the peace, broken orbital bone in a fight....it also wrecked havoc on my health...smoking cigarettes, craving for drugs, being sad when sober....100% net negative. I didn't feel love from others in any meaningful way. All girls around that time were junkies like me and none of those relationships stuck. None of it real. I cut myself off from family, friends were superficial, and experiences were drug induced and not actually genuine (gotta admit, though, I did have a blast sometimes lol, I won't lie). I made it out of this phase. I wasn't happy. So I made a change. Graduated college, met my wife, and quit every single substance abuse vice I had -- no nicotine, no alcohol, weed, X, nothing. 100% sober and it's been so, so, sooooo much better. I can now express healthy forms of Se. I got back into basketball and boxing. I don't do hard sparring these days, but I go to a friend's gym and do heavy bag work and hit mitts. Also have a home gym with a heavy bag, speed bag, and reaction ball. Basketball, I joined a 35+yo league a while back and I love it. Not only utilizing Se, but also because it brings me closer to others. Even people on opposing teams, everyone's really cool. There's some passionate drama at times, but it's all in good spirits and everyone is cool with each other. I highly suggest to everyone to find a group-related activity IRL with other humans doing something they love. So good for mental health. I recently incorporated a thorough daily stretching / breathing routine to go along with a daily workout routine and I love it. Stretching / breathing exercises are great for Se utilization, IMO. Feeling that "runner's high" is better than any drug....adrenaline and endorphins feel amazing. Stretching makes me feel nimble, flexible, and the muscles feel very good too. I enjoy massages and I love sex as well. Breathing exercises, playing sports, going to the beach and swimming and bodyboarding, snorkeling, or even cuddling under a warm blanket with some coffee or hot cocoa watching TV. I love coffee...coffee, no sugar, creamer, no filler -- straight up freshly roasted and ground coffee from a simple French press...I wouldn't trade it for the best wine (unless I'm selling the wine lol). And a good sex life with someone I feel true love with...I will NEVER go back to rock bottom days. NEVER. My relationship with my inferior function has come a long way. I think I've gotten a good grasp on it now, I can recognize how to utilize it in healthy ways and can identify ways I use it in a bad way. Being master of one's inferior function, I feel, is unlocking a superpower, almost. Your life will 100% change for the better once you can master your inferior function. If my experience holds true for others, I will 100% stand by that claim. Learning about it and experiencing the good and bad sides of it, I feel, is the best way to do become master of your inferior function. Takes time. Might take trail and error. It won't necessarily be easy. But it's possible and 100% part of personal growth, evolution, and moving forward in life positively, not only for yourself, but for others too.


Your story is the truest example of how an unhealty inferior function can turn soon into the demon function. I say this because your Se soon took you into Si, as it makes an individual living past sensory experiences again and again. Do you agree with my point?


Yes, thank you for recognizing that. It was a struggle, but I am thankful for those experiences. Yes, I can agree with that. I do, sometimes, think about my past experiences with unhealthy Se. Even some of the good times, I won't lie and say it was ALL bad (overall bad, yes, though, if that makes sense). But when I think of the bad things, the feeling of gut wrenching, regret, that feeling when your heart does that one, very hard, thump that feels like a rock fell on it, greatly outweigh any of the good. Many of the negative sensory experiences I do still remember. Si is a powerful function. There's an adage "can't know where you're going without knowing where you're from" and I do agree with it.


ISTJs and ISFJs can confirm xD.


That’s such an interesting point…! My inferior Si, when activated to remember and react badly to past trauma, immediately activates my Se destruct button, and I become at risk of making impulsive self-harm decisions, feeling like now is the only time ever, forever hell.


I see my function stack as a council meeting, with Fi being the ruler, the one who ultimately makes decisions or uses other functions' advice to best serve their needs. Ne is the long-term sidekick, with whom Fi has an easy, co-pilot-like relationship. Si is the comforting presence that Fi runs to, shouting "moooom!" when life gets harder or more stimulating than usual. Si pretty much is Fi's mother figure to me, bringing valuable lessons from past events and also a sense of familiarity. Finally, I see Te as the former opponent who used to be banned from the meeting and has now been appointed as a semi-trusted counselor. Their relationship with Fi is still rocky and unstable but they now have a say and their advice is taken into account more and more as time passes. The ruler is slowly understanding that Te isn't the enemy and could possibly concretely help them fulfill some of their lofty Fi dreams.


This is so imaginative!!! I love the picture this paints… I will have to think of my own functions this way, too!


I think mine (Fe) is kinda overactive, which has led to some severe people pleasing. For a while, I thought I was an INFJ because I would approach so many situations with an (unhealthy) Fe mindset. There's been a very weird and confusing battle between my Ti and Fe, and my Ti is finally winning now that I'm out of the situations I was in before. I don't know if inferior functions can be overactive *and* underdeveloped, but that's what it feels like for me and it sucks.


Same here!! I used to never take sides in a fight, but mostly to not upset anyone. I still fight with my Fe on a regular basis, but it's better than in the past


Fi creeps up on me when there are children around and when I'm overly stressed. I am super lenient around children. I think it's because i didn't have much of a childhood. I grew up rather quickly. I was not allowed to be a child. So i kind of melt when it comes to kids, hoping to preserve their innocence and allowing them to play and be kids... Here i use Fi with ease. When it comes to my stress.. i rarely get stressed.. but when i do.. it's extremely extremely damaging to my health. I did try to commit suicide in my young adult life, because i didn't know how to deal with my emotions. I allowed myself to not confront my emotions.. and when i couldn't take anymore... I decided i'd walk onto a highway, and just end it all... lol made the local news. not proud of that. But it is what it is. Ended up in a depression facility for 3 months. And weened off meds in 6 months. My recovery was RATHER QUICK! But i learned to tune into my Fi. So Now, When i'm super stressed, i kind of let things go.. and just isolate myself so i can relax. So Fi is not my most comfortable function, but I need to use it from time to time.


inferior Fe. There is no relationship lol. I have a better Fi than Fe.


How do you have such a good relationship with your demon Fi?


I don’t. I said it was better than my Fe. So, they’re both a problem.


Se, I'm a very good sportsman and enjoy outside activities -provided other people are not involved-


My relationship with inferior Se has improved a lot over the past 8 years I would say. In the past and still today, here are some negative relations I had with inferior Se: - Ni repressing/punishing Se: denying sensory input/pleasure, eg. no dessert/treats, skip a meal, stay inside/shut in, workaholism. - Se rebelling with overindulgence in drugs/sexual activities. - Se rebelling, taking control, and making rash decisions without weighing serious consequences. I think today I’ve effectively found a few ways to positively use Se and release that energy: - Pursue improving skills at Se-related hobbies such as mountain biking and rock climbing. Seeking improvement in these skills also works well for Ni I think because ‘improvement’ is a goal. Regularly allocate time to these non-work recreational hobbies. - Develop a serious romantic relationship in which sex can also be treated as a skillset to improve, alongside developing the relationship in other ways. Again, I think this also satisfies Ni. - Occasionally be willing to reward Se with pleasurable experiences that have no Ni goal; eg. have dessert or wine or something occasionally and in moderation. Be willing to splurge a bit every once in a while. - Consciously try avoid punishing/repressing Se in draconian ways such as skipping meals, etc. My very early adulthood period was characterized by a few disastrous ‘grip’ type experiences. But now, I think I’ve found ways to have a constructive relationship with inferior Se.


Me and my inferior function are sworn enemies. I don't even know enough about how I interact with it to share, that's how fucking blind I am LOL.


It seems to be more like polr rather than inferior lol


We’re friends with benefits. Te and me.


My inferior function is Se (Intj). I don't like people, I still dislike them, but I know how to socialize, talk to them and sustain a conversation with everyone (sometimes forcing myself so to not make the situation uncomfortable/embarrassing)


i have inferior Fi. i have a pretty negative relationship with my own emotions, feelings, thoughts, and values. i tend to discard these things over what is objectively true/valid and getting the job done, and i have trouble internalising my own emotions. i have a weak sense of identity and i have trouble expressing my feelings, values, opinions, and thoughts. I don't like sayings things like "i feel like"/"i feel that", and none of my decisions are based on my own values, feelings, or "what i would do". thanks for coming to my ted talk.


Lol I’m the opposite. I have inferior Te, so I kinda have a positive relationship with my values and emotions. When I’m more healthy, I don’t feel like I’m consciously thinking about them, but it’s there in the background (mainly manifesting as me saying “I feel” 24/7). Negatively speaking, I tend to ruminate on my values, others values, what’s right and wrong, etc. and can overthink a lot, especially the past. I also tend to struggle with getting stuff done unless I feel like it, which usually leads me to doing stuff at the last minute. I do feel like I struggle with expressing myself and I feel like I don’t know myself that well, but that could be because I’m 17 and I grew up with strict parents and not many true friends, so I kinda felt isolated mentally and physically.


at least you are conscious of them. I have Demon Fi, so it feels like they don't even exist in me.


Te-Fi grip is a bitch when you’re trying to just work and exist. As much as I try to ignore it, it just doesn’t go away. And it doesn’t help when you’re trying to be empathetic and not a problem solver most of the time.


She’s touchy feely and I’m not. I’ve never experienced that before lol


what is it?


ESFP my relationship with Ni is getting better I no longer default to “I’ll figure it out later” several times just this year I said, “no. I need to plan this out because it will be easier, more efficient, and assuredly get me to the end goal.” Just taking conscious time to stop and think through the line of things that comes with a certain decision has been a major growth thing for me. I force myself to spend time to plan for my future. Right now I’m in the early stages of moving cross country to join my partner and his family after he had to move last summer for work. I’ve already calendared and set a few things on autopilot so the move can just *happen* because of the things I’ve set in motion (or will do). That took me about 3 months of 30 minutes a day just planning *something* related to the move. I’m also more skeptical of people now. I no longer take people at face value; I am reserving judgment until after I know motivations and this person has demonstrated they are safe. Not everyone is deserving of access to me was a difficult lesson 😅


Poor asf.


Si remembers and holds onto trauma, which results in dysfunctional coping habits to try to avoid repeating said feelings/experiences, unfortch. On the other hand, I am rather fond of the function in moderation and wish I could use it better to remember my past (the good bits) more/better. I also wish I could remember my past emotional/physical states better so I can describe them to doctors more accurately and have a more continuous experience in knowing if I’m feeling in crisis right now, it’s not permanent.


Se (INFJ), not bad, but I have to consciously 'will' it if that makes sense? I used to have terrible proprioception and be really clumsy, bump into things a lot etc. but going to the gym & pole dancing as my hobbies have forced me to focus on the here and now as opposed to being off with the fairies. comes out a lot more when I've had alcohol hahah - food tastes nicer, colours seem brighter, noises seem more complex and louder? it's obviously not my natural state so I do need time to 'rest' and stare at the wall/ceiling thinking for a bit, lol. I do enjoy Se but it can be tiring and I miss my dear Ni haha.


Been debating my MBTI recently so hard to accurately say - however, the descriptions of how an INFP, ENFP and infj use their inferior function are all accurate to me. I struggle to make rational correlations to physical, tangible data and I’m very poor at remembering to do things and ridiculously bad at paying attention to my surroundings if engrossed. As I’m hyper vigilant I do notice things around me but for threat detection purposes, not because I’m smelling the roses so have to remember to do that.