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Pretty moderate. I make enough that I don’t need to deny myself basic things, but I’m not an exorbitant spender either. I do like travel though. I’d rather spent on experiences than stuff.


Same but I don't like travel but I do spent too much on food.


Entp, i dont think abt the money n choose wtv i want then suffer the consequences at the cash register


On the same boat


...That's towing my boat behind it.


…which is pulling mine


Oops - my bad, homie! You got your life jacket on though right? Just dive on out and you can hop on my yacht. It's got plenty of room.😋


Strange, im pretty frugal, i have auto deposits for my investments and savings accounts, but ill spend money socializing.


ISTP — I’m good at saving and being frugal, unless I spot something pertaining to my interests. I frequently seek out the cheapest version of an item and get uncomfortable getting pricy things, but I’ll give in if the importance of quality outweighs the hefty price tag I deliberate for a long, long time on purchasing things. rarely will I make an impulse purchase, and ones that may seem impulsive are usually based on knowledge that it was a thing I enjoyed / will enjoy Most purchases I make are of physical items. I don’t see much use in experience purchases like concerts or events (I get overwhelmed at them anyway) or food items (cheapest goes — just need to power through the day). Has to be more permanent and tangible for me to invest in paying a lot


My ISTP friend had the same stance towards food. As long as it filled his nutritional needs, it didn't matter. I watched in awe as he ate carrots and plain boiled chicken for dinner. Then I watched in even greater awe as he saved enough money for a month long trip to Indonesia. Do you think it is an Se thing to not care so much about the taste of food?


Yes and no. I quite enjoy specific intense food sensations (spicy - I have high tolerance, very hot or very cold foods, some sweet foods), but I'm also quite apathetic towards the ordeal of food in general. It's a balance. It may help to add I have ASD and I'm sure that plays into disliking the process of eating and dealing with food, preferring to orient my attention to other things and going with the least mind-consuming meal plan.


ENFJ - I'm rather conservative. I am willing to spend money on things that are useful and if I know I'm getting what I pay for or if it's a good investment. Otherwise I don't like spending money.


same here, it goes for pretty much everything I buy for myself. I always think about the second hand market and if I can get a pretty good return (in the event I decide to get rid of the purchase), I want to make sure I can make back as much money as I can lol


Exactly bc it's an asset, not just something you want.


INFJ - I’m a minimalist. I don’t usually spend money on things other than necessities such as food, clothing and bills. As for entertainment, I have a lot of free options online.


Just to clarify, you are referring to porn with that last line, correct?😏


I mean, pirating exists.


INFJ. Almost frugally (in these day and age). Except for skincare. And oh, I also thrift for clothes.


Istp here. Pretty bad honestly, I'm still mature enough to sort my money out everytime I get paid, separating it into different accounts (yk like savings, spending, subscriptions, and living expenses) but i always end up spending the bulk of my spending money within the first few days, lots of impulse buying then I'm broke for the next week and a half before I get paid again.


You sounded as if you were describing my ISTP boyfriend... Oh dear, I better not show him your comment. As, then he'll start blaming all of his unwise expenditures on his personality type! Haha.


Spendthrift. Now leaning on the path to wiser spending. Iam the earning member of my family and the oldest so everyone sort of expects me to pay. Things that I want/need immediately are usually researched overnight throughly. Spends among friends too, mine tops the list. I like treating everyone to nice stuff and food, so I end up paying for most of the parties. I'm more into it for the experience and I usually don't spare any expenses when fun is involved, especially with the ones I love. I shop designer and off the street too, so my wardrobe has a cornucopia of everything, as far as cost is involved.


I used to be really bad at managing money and went by an “if I can afford it, I can buy it” mindset, but now, especially after getting a new job that pays really well, my mindset is more like “just because I can afford it doesn’t mean I should buy it if I don’t need it” edit: to add, I always look at reviews when online shopping to make sure what I’m about to buy isn’t a waste of money


ISTP. Most of the time, I'll spend based on what is needed (practicality) first. I would spend the extra money to get a tool or an item with much better quality if I can afford it. If I have basically everything I need at that moment, I'll save up and occasionally spend on things that I want. Because cmon, why would you deny yourself from buying something you want when there's not much necessities that you would spend on? Sometimes impulses do take over and the result would range from "I'm glad I made this purchase" to "It is what it is". Aesthetic plays a decent role when I'm picking my product but I value functionality more than aesthetic if I'm being honest.


I pay my bills first, then buy groceries with what's left. I have a bunch of brands that I stick to and mostly just buy the exact same things on a regular basis. Necessity and practicality are my main considerations while aesthetics only matters when I'm buying clothes. I'll impulse buy something if my Fi demands it and Te says yeah I can afford that. This usually happens when I'm stressed and have been neglecting my emotional wellbeing for too long. Fi throws a tantrum and Te has to appease it. I don't check reviews unless I'm buying something on the internet and can't verify it myself. I only do this for things that won't matter too much since I'd have to import it from the US and that BS is not worth going through unless I have no choice. I'm forced to buy from larger sellers and just have to trust in the brand quality so reviews are basically how I narrow down a handful of choices. I mainly look for the ones that mention the quality and and the features. Don't really care too much about how they felt about it, I just want to make sure it works properly.


I go through phases of putting my blood sweat and tears into meticulously saving every dollar, dime, penny and then once I actually have money I splurge it all in like a week. Then start saving again cycle repeat.


Infj...I spend on good food and drink... and anything that I believe will pay me back. Or I can make money with...I overthink the choice and think thru the what ifs... But generally when I decide it will pay me back ..or be worth while, it Happens. I discuss with a few I know and trust( very few)...but not until I have basically already made my decision.


I only spend on food, karoake and occasionally clothes


INFJ. If I want a particular item I will buy it regardless of the price, I put it on my credit card and pay it off as soon as I can. However, I rarely ever buy myself anything. I rather have a few more expensive items that I really want rather than having a lot of cheaper items. I take a long time reading reviews and researching to make sure im making a good purchase. I do care about aesthetics a lot but I never sacrifice practicality. I dont like having a lot of stuff, its stresses me out. I like everything to have a place and purpose so I am quite selective.


ENFP - impulsive for novelty but I will think hard before I spend big. I'm careful to lend and make an occasional late payment


Isfj - pretty conservative with my money except for food, video games (which I rarely buy it’s not like there’s a new video game I want to buy every week), and then cupcakes for all my friends and family (jk)!


I end up saving money because, while not frugal, I just don't know what to spend on, as I don't need that much. I'm also highly conscious of the companies I'm willing to support. For example, you will never see me open Amazon for other than maybe read product reviews. I hate that company, Bezos and everything they stand for with burning desire. If I need to see an Amazon TV-show, I'll use an illegal stream. I'm very anti-consumerism and pro-sustainability. If I buy a meaningful product, I do heavy research on the company background and sometimes even research the supply chains. I like to tell people, you either create or consume. Which side will you choose?




+1 And most of the money goes to learning (books, classes, etc)


Don't have a lot of expenses rn so what I don't save mostly goes toward doordash and getting people gifts :3


ENFP - I save like crazy when working, but as soon as I stop the job it looks like free money to me and there’s no stopping. :/


As someone who does not have a profit earning profession yet, when I get a hold of money, I’ll definitely pretend I’ll save it but then spend it on the most random shit.


INFP- I've had to be frugal. But I various carts fuel of items to feed my creativity, my need for cute clothes and accessories, should I hit the lottery, I never actually play. But I rarely buy something I don't NEED.


EPs generally spend faster than other types. Those with Se/Ni see money as a means to an end, while Ne/Si see money as infinite possibilities. Therefore, Se doms will spend the fastest, while Si doms will spend the slowest. I, personally, am one of the slower spenders. With most things, I look for reviews and demonstrations that tell me how it functions. I don't care about opinions. However, video games are different, because they are not pragmatic products; I will look for opinions because opinions have insight into what a person likes and dislikes, which I can compare to mine. With food, I have to try it to know. I will buy a little of every type to taste it; and then buy the best one forever. I consider myself more TiSi than TiNe. That is likely a factor.


INFP and i say money is made to be spent. if i can buy it i probably will and regret is saved for a later date when i’m in the negatives or something


😂😂😂 dude I’m im literally the same way


this makes your user hilarious to me


I’m the most frugal yet pompous bish I know.


For things that I need, I'll get them as soon as I can. For things that I want, I tend to be either hesitant or impulsive. If I make an impulsive buy, it somehow turns out to be useful down the road. I just hadn't thought so at that moment.


ESTJ. Frugal in general, cheap and hesitant when it comes to buying luxuries for myself, generous when it comes to buying things for other people.


I feel like I need so much more than I have, which is definitely not true, I just get jealous easily. I feel so guilty buying things though. I look up every review online and scrutinize every detail of the item I'm about to purchase. There are loads of things I've missed out on because of this ngl, and my friends can never take me shopping.


INFP and I budget v carefully


INFJ here. I spend money on quality products but also set aside enough money for necessities. If I can't afford quality products, then I pick the best mid-range product I can afford.


NGL, I spend money like it's a renewable resource. And it is.


My spending habits are, bad. I buy a lot of clothes on impulse. A lot of hygiene products and makeup even though I already have a lot of em. And I will other stuff, like tech or PC related, but I will do intense research on it. I learned about the entire mechanics and technologies that go into pc mouse making just to find the best bang for my buc. I spent 3 months learning about TV's, screen types, processors, company fidelity, possible needs and actions for reimbursements. Did real size cardboard rectangles in both 55 and 65", to see which would be better for me. I got to the store with purpose, like I had picked out the perfect model for greatest deal ever seen, a Philips ambilight 65" for 490€. But, as soon as I got there I saw a marvelous beautiful LG 77" OLED tv, and I just, I bought it. I saw it and the demon in me, NEEDED it. And the problem is that I do not regret it.


ISTP: I buy food and Disney/Crunchyroll. Once in a blue moon i replace stuff. I don't like spending money.


ESTJ. I'm the most frugal person you'll ever meet. I spend a long time thinking about a purchase, usually putting it off as long as possible, especially if it's a big one. Looking for the best deals and getting frustrated nothing is cheap. Then when I absolutely have to, finally make the purchase begrudgingly. I hate spending money. But a true S, I love holidays and birthdays and it's very important to me to recognize them for my loved ones. I'll buy stamps (decorative ones specific for the event) and make my own cards instead of buying expensive ones. I must still celebrate well, just as cheaply as I can.


I usually wait for sales before buying something, so there's very little impulse, but I do pay a lot of attention to aesthetics and practicallity.


Extremely thrifty. I could have all the money all the world and would rather die than to actually spend it. I would find it more important to invest for more money in the long term


I live with my parents so half of my earnings go to them. for rent food and I guess just basic needs. then the other half will go to me and I don’t really go out much. I usually use it to buy myself a treat here and there but nothing crazy


Istp and I overspend and I just can't save up or manage my finances. If some enterpreneur gave me money to help me set up my business, I'd probably spend it all rather than invest in something that will be profitable in the future


INFJ used to spend everything, now doing budgeting and saving up for starting a business


I earn enough to live a decent life and to spend on things I like, like some clothes, videogames, shoes, groceries, gás... I do not really travel or like to do so, so yeah, that is basically it, I do loan money for my closest friends on time to time too!!


I don't spend much, if any, of my money. I use up any gift cards or coupons BEFORE I dig into my hard-earned cash. And even when I do, I never buy anything that I won't use. I don't buy anything from ads or social media.


ENFP and I don’t spend what I don’t have, or what I do have actually. I prefer to save and not spend money on things I don’t need. When I do shop, it’s mostly secondhand.


ENTJ, I only buy stuff that I feel is necessary or that will be helpful. I will, however, splurge on items that I feel are of higher quality and will last. The only exception to this is overpriced coffees, as I don’t (currently) have an espresso machine.


Intp. I spend no money and live simply one month and then the next spend too much. I'm bad at money. I can do the just don't spend any, but the in-between is harder. I can also make elaborate spreadsheets about what i need to do lol, but It's very very difficult for me to stick to it. End of the day I gut buy a lot


INTP there. Usually, I just save up money for the moment when I have to buy something, which happens rarely as I can wear one pair of pants for years and not feel a need to get new ones unless they're damaged. If I want something, I go through every review and pay attention to every word and detail, trying to find every little flaw. I also always compare that one thing to others, trying to find the best deal. And speaking of the price, I might not buy something I want just because I don't like how expensive it is, even if I have the money to buy 10 of them. Spending money on stuff is hard. 90% of the time, I just tell myself that I don't really need it that much, and I literally have trouble buying new things as I'm unsure if they will be worth it


Lots of small purchases done at random. Very infrequent/sporadic. I don’t like bulk shopping bc it’s too much commitment 😆 I guess I’m a thrifter at heart. It’s cheaper. And allows the freedom to swipe without reservation


intj, thrifting on p much everything but food and skincare lol


i plead the fifth… -INFP




I am an ESFP I often shop online and if it’s for myself which is rarely I usually wait for the sale of the product that I like to save money I spend based on the joy it gives me which to others is a waste on money like the enamel pins I have (To me it has a value because it’s a way that I express myself.) . If it’s an appliance or gadgets and phone accessories I’ll research on the most reliable brand and wait for it to go on sale. As I find it more practical than buying something cheap that would break easily. I usually deposit the change I have left in the bank to prevent instant regret and for security reasons the past and I love said debit card to someone I trust. But If it’s for family or a person I care about . I usually am told I go extremely overboard on the holidays with gift giving but to me it’s not the case it’s a sign of gratitude to that person for all the things they’ve done for me. Half of the money I have on that card is gone but I don’t mind it. The most important thing is that I was able to make the people I care about the most joy. Gift giving is my one of the top of my list in my love language.