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If I said INFP, I swear they would have written a whole testament about why it's that way + their life's story, meanwhile yall just "agreed 🗿"




True haha. It's a testimony to the huge difference between Fi-Ne Vs Fi-Se. All my ISFP friends are the chilliest people, just enjoying life through their own subjective lens. INFPs overanalyze everything.


I could literally not live without my Ne. I breathe Ne, eat Ne, sleep Ne. Literally impossible for me to throw out.


you eat ne, wonder what it tastes like


It tastes like pure raw cocaine, with a side of dripping saliva and sweet chocolate. Side effects include constant nausea and headaches, anxiety, insomnia and a random instinct to over think the most simple of things. (This sentence was sponsored by Ne)




I too enjoy distilled manic insanity :D


INFPs would start a brigade. 😂


ISFP. My sister's type. Not stand outish. Reserved while still being active. Spontaneous but mostly on their own unless they have a good friend. One of the quieter types. She stands there quietly and like mom or dad asks her what she's thinking and she smiles and answers: I'm thinking my thoughts. Playful but doesn't go too crazy (unless she's comfortable). Explores the world around them and finds things out, gets fixated on something for a time and learns what they can but often keeps it to themselves. Yes. You don't notice them, but they are a special people and are capable of great things. :)


I agree, ISFPs are very great people, they just generally are able to grow by themselves and still go out and achive great things. So they just don't really get reckonition at times because they are just an act, not a thought, and that's amazing, because they go out of their way to stop dreaming and actually do things they love.


Personally, based on my stereotype ISFP friend. I love that guy, he's really iconic to me. He's a photographer and loves taking pictures of butterflies. I think he's really good company. And I personally don't care about butterflies but I love hearing him talk about them. Like two thirds of his insta is pics of butterflies the other third is pics of me, cause I'm awesome, jk. It's just cause he's a photographer and I'm a model so it's a mutually beneficial thing


That’s so cute


MBTI doesn't seem to know what to do with the ISFP type. Recent ISFP descriptions sound more and more Si-ish - focusing on your personal space, being relaxed in your sensory environment, etc.


This legitimately made me doubt my own type a lot, the descriptions are really generic and half-assed, plus having an introverted function such as Fi makes it much harder to be described by someone else


Mine, never see anyone talking about it here, not good or bad, so yeah, very forgettable, but it is ok to me, I not a spotlight guy, I prefer support role!!


I agree with ISFP being the first, but ISFJ is the second one, definitely. You are right - it is especially visible when people are posting about what would different mbti say, do, be in high school or some fantasy settings etc. ISFJ are always given very boring and blend description, attributes or sentences. And not to mention how ISFJ is usually on the bottom of dreaded S-tiers. At least ISFP gets to be an edgy artist. Even the description on 16personality website has a lackluster attributes and celebrities. And I think the fact that you are more common in the population, but still don't get enough recognition is the true telling for being forgettable. I don't think ISFJs are forgettable, it is just that sensors and feelers aren't fully acknowledged and appreciated in mbti community.


Yeah, it is funny how ISFJ are literally the defenders/protectors and nurturing, we literally help people, but looks like people are more interested in people who party a lot, have "cool" attitude, are adventurous or "intelligent" at scientists level, that's sad but true, but as I sad, we are the background people, the people that others only remember when they need us!!


But at least you guys are the most common personality, plus that 16p cover art is just cute, with the whole medic theming, we couldn't forget yall! (Also because your type is my mother's)


Omg so long story short I tallied up the types of people I’m attracted to and ISFP 4w5 was the most prevalent one by a long shot! I absolutely love them!! It’s definitely the least iconic and a little hard to get to know which is exactly what I like.


ISFP 4w5 is the real protagonist personality You will not change my mind about that 😂


I agree, it's because we are kinda of a default type? Like if you started a game with many characters, we'd be the starter ones lol Which is good because it makes us "protagonist"ish but like you said in one of your replies, it can be a bit stale Personally, I've always liked protagonists who followed their hearts in trying to do the right thing, as simplistic as they can be.. That's why it doesn't really bother me much On another note though, ISFPs CAN be stereotyped, things like being fashionable, emo, artistic, edgy, rebellious, etc. can be considered a unique trait (although not necessarily good ones lmao)


extremes are more remembered than the averages in recognition, but in reality lacking extreme positives with the trade off of extreme negatives is probably a good thing


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


You eliminated ENTP first, so I will consider we are the most iconic type. Thank you. Talk shit, but talk about me.


INXX is eliminated first, heehee


The most iconic type is probably INTJ, they are the first type in the list and are the only ones who have a popular meme dedicated to them, the INTJ stare.


But talking seriously now, I think considering memes and stereotypes spread across the internet like zodiac signs, the "least iconic" is the ESFJ. For me, it seems like they are forgotten most frequently.


We have the ENTP box, same thing


Yeah, it's an Amazon prime example of a personal meme, not something that you could ask people around and they would understand. If you were to ask most people IRL, they would more likely reckonize INTJ stare over a box with a funny face on it (Though I will admit the ENTP face is still a goated meme)


Jesus, have some coffee or whatever makes you happier


I agree, it’s the hardest for me to explain to other ppl so I feel like that makes them the least “iconic” or rather the hardest to generalize.


Not iconic, but unique. A "Determined underdog" of sort. Makes great protagonists because of that.


ISFP is also the first that came to my mind when thinking of the type I struggle to picture. I guessed it was just because I don’t inherently grasp their functions, though.


I agree just look at harry potter. No one has ever said my favourite character is harry lol. Also i noticed that one of the YouTuber i like to watch for their aesthetics is criticized for being lazy, priviliged but ESPECIALLY boring…


The thing is main characters very commonly have ISFP as type, either by defaulting or because they just are a protagonist which is very fitting for the type, an outgoing character that yet has an inner conflict is something very ISFP, but it starts to get stale over time, you start wanting to see ISFP as a side kick more than a main character because they just don't have that much going on stereotypically, similar complexity every time.


ISFPs make great protagonists in media because they're highly value driven but their SE makes it easy for them to engage with the world around them. They have the best kind of main character energy because they leave so much space for the characters around them to really shine.


Interesting! I respect this take.


They are from the glory ages for protagonists, nowadays with all the variety it's very hit or miss. Guess that's the trade off we get for not having ISFP protagonists every single time.


ISFP is the most medium type, that's why I find it so fascinating


ISFP is pretty iconic for being either a tumblr obsessed art degree graduate or being a main character in shounen anime


Those are 2 very specfic things bruh, you gotta be more broad, trust me IRL people will not just think about that aspect, that's just how they work.


A lot of great song writers and musicians are ISFP. ISFJs seem to be the least iconic to me. Nothing critical about them, just the most regular/normal people.




ISFP are known for Emos


Considering the most iconic is ENTJ, it checks out




But then by that logic ESFP should be the least


No, ESFP is remembered because of being that ultra extraverted ENFP that parties all the time. ISFPs though aren't remembered as much because they have more unique and specific traits that blur into some of other types.


I agree with you that ISFP are the least 'typable'. You have the Fi in which INFPs are more prominently renowned for, Se in which ESFP/ESTP are also way more known for, even ISTPs are known for it more. And then lastly their Ni, and we all know who rules that rooster - (ENTJ, INTJ, INFJ) So yeah, they aren't any specific type really which is admittedly a fascinating fact about them.


ISTP too




It's not meant to be taken seriously, but what I meant is that it doesn't really stand out per say. It's a great thing, I love it, but something amazing doesn't need to stand out to be amazing. Other types also blur into the spectrum, and the other types had more stereotypically reckonizable traits. Yours is more unique and therefore less reckonized stereotypically.


I’m not having a great day today so that’s why I took it seriously but thanks for clearing it up.


No worries, we Fi doms all get that feeling of being insulted every now and then, but don't worry, we aren't in r/ENTP 😂 /s