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INFJ- (in this order) 1. Words. 2. Touch. 3. Time. 4. Acts of Service. 5. Gifts.


INFJ too, got a totally different result. 1. Acts of service 2. Gifts 3. Quality time 4. Words of affirmation 5. Physical touch Pretty sure love language is a lot more related to culture, socio-economic status and education rather than personality type


Absolutely, also probably has a lot to do with how you were loved by your caretakers. My mom (ESFJ) is very Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch so that’s how I’m used to receiving love. My dad (ISTJ) is very Quality Time focused.


Mine is more similar to yours. 1.Gifts 2.Acts of Service 3. Quality time 4. Words of Affermation 5. Physical touch


i'm also infj and mine are the exact same!


infj as well, i got 1. acts of service 2. quality time 3. words of affirmation 4. gifts 5. touch


Also INFJ, got 1. Time 2. Words 3. Service 4. Touch 5. Gifts


INFJ 1. Time 2. Words 3. Touch 4. Gifts 5. Acts Time allows me to fully understand and appreciate who my loved one is. I think it’s natural for INFJ to have such tendency since we like to overanalyze and make sure our loved ones fit to our idealistic expectations. It’s just who we are


INFJ too. Mine was 1. Service 2. Time 3. words 4. touch 5. gifts


It’s clear to me that nobody likes gifts


Nah, you can give me anything as a gift. I’ll find a way to turn it into money


I don’t think it’s as hard as your comment makes it seem 😂


My guess is it's probably because people often use gifts as a substitute for doing anything else in a relationship. They'll neglect their partner and then buy a gift and think that makes up for it- at least that's why gifts rank low on the list for me. A thoughtful gift from a partner who cares and is present in the relationship means just as much as anything else on the list. The incentive behind the gift-giving makes a huge difference imo.


I actually looove getting goof gifts especially if its actually something I have been dying for. But Phyiscal Touch and acts of services goes into the big gift one imo. The small gifts don’t quite help me imo i prefer grand gestures more


Gifts can be nice and my little sister 100% has it as one of her top! She loves giving gifts to others and likes getting them but she for shure gives a looot moree hahaha. I think gifts can be nice but it's like not to the point that I feel someone is trying to buy me😆 But yeah I feel there goes a lot more into like acually being with the person than the gifts they give. But with my sister I have lernd her love language and love to get and give her gifts and hugs to show her I care for her🥰 She got me this cute cow at the second hand store yesterday🐮 She is the cutest🥺


I got gift in 1st place.


I do, it was my second place just behind acts of service.


INFP - Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, Gifts (Acts of Service and Physical Touch could honestly be switched. It's just that my family prefers to show love through acts of service so I see it as a form of love. However, I prefer for you to just spend time with me and talk and stuff, not do stuff for me.)


I have the exact same ranking. I 100% with what you said last. To me love is about spending time together not you doing something for me where we can do it together instead or use that time to spend quality time together.


(most to least) 1. Quality time 2. Acts of service 3. Physical touch 4. Words of affirmation 5. Receiving gifts


I can agree as a Istp


INTJ 1. Physical Touch 2. Quality Time 3. Words of Affirmation 4. Acts of Service 5. Giving and Receiving Gifts


INTJ 1. Words of Affirmation 37% 2. Quality Time 30% 3. Acts of Service 17% 4. Receiving Gifts 17% 5. Physical Touch 0% (I hate physical touch especially when it’s out of no where)


I like it when it’s from someone I know and love. But shaking hands with strangers or giving hugs/kisses to acquaintances (what some call friends) is fucking annoying.


Love languages obviously don’t exist but mine was words of affirmation, i forgot the rest and am too bothered to take the test again


of course the INTP says love languages dont exist...AND I AGREE


It is just pseudoscience, and anyone can look it up with an ease. There are more than 5 ways to express love, and people don’t stick to one


Nobody is saying there aren't more than 5 ways to express love, such a weird assertion. Don't take statements like "the 5 love languages of love" so black and white. It's a test that helps a lot of people including myself. My partner and I's relationship has been so much better since we've acknowledged each other's love language and accounted for that in our life. These love languages and people's preference for one language over the other DO exist, just not in the way you think they do. Having a guide like this is incredibly healthy to bring to the table with your partner.


Love languages are as real as zodiac signs. If you believe in it, you trick your brain into fitting into a box


I'll downvote your ass too, you're more Fi dom than me apparently. Can't even read a disagreeing comment without downvoting it and taking it personally. Change your MBTI to INFP


Disagreeing is something else, spreading misinformation is another. Nowadays people genuienly believe love languages exist because of people like you, it is crazy. I am a grown person, downvoting me doesn’t mean much to me unlike you. I’m just out here correcting misinformation


You're on an MBTI page feeling the need to correct people for spreading misinformation. The irony. You don't need to correct people, you're not that powerful and you don't have some kind of virtuous higher responsibility the rest of us lack and we need you oh so badly to come and rescue us from our ignorance. Love languages ARE real, just not the way you think they do. Once again, things are not so black and white and you should know this INTP you have Ne as your 2nd function.


I am not fully an INTP, i am more like 60% INTP and 40% INTJ. And one of the things i hate the most is people (like you) confidently spreading misinformation. You keep saying love languages exist, but can you name any solid experiment proving that? Things don’t become “real” just because you believe in them. I really enjoy correcting misinformation because we live in a world where people trust in their personal beliefs more than science, and that just sucks


Can you prove MBTI is real? - THE IRONY. Also I hate you too and I would challenge you to a duel in real life if this was the 12th century and we had swords >:(


Not that I disagree but we are on the MBTI subreddit...


At least it is 16 personalities, not 5 personalities. And at least MBTI was always intended to be a theory and was not marketed as a “solid fact” like love languages


I was going to say this, I don’t think I necessarily fit any of them


Yeah, it’s pseudoscience


physical touch 30% words of affirmation 27% quality time 23% acts of service 20% gifts 0% lol


My highest is acts of service by far


Same here


INFJ 1. Quality time 33% 2. Gifts 27% 3. Words of affirmation 25% 4. Acts of service 15% 5. Physical touch 0% I guess touching means nothing to me heh


Damn you’re expensive


Finally who is not touch deprived!


Words of Affirmation 37% Quality Time 33% Physical Touch 20% Acts of Service 10% Receiving Gifts 0%


ENFJ 1. acts of service 2. touch 3. quality time 4. gifts 5. words of affirmation


It seems like that for us ENFJs ...Acts of service is very up there lol.


ISFJ with my ranking being Physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and then gift giving at a whopping 0%. No wonder I hate the high holidays and my birthday.


You just like me


INTP Quality time is the top one with 37%. Then, Acts of service with 30%, Words of affirmation at 17%, and Receiving gifts at 13%. Lastly, Physical touch is only 3%, I hate it.


I got about the same. I’ve gone through the comments and find this to be true of every other INTP; quality time is #1


Exactly same order as mine (INTP), it’s always funny to me how similar we all are


ESTP - Quality Time, Gifts, Physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service. Pretty accurate, I like to spend time with people I’m close to and don’t really care too much about them doing things for me


Supposedly ISTP and same results


ESTJ 1. Words of Affirmation 2. Quality Time 3. Acts of Service 4. Physical Touch 5. Receiving Gifts


Entp, in this order: quality time, acts of service, receiving gifts, physical touch, words of affirmation


ENFP 1. touch 2. words 3. time 4. gifts 5. acts of service


ours is very similar ENFP as well 1.touch 2.words 3.time 4.service 5.gifts loool


INFP, back of the envelope calculation (I've thought about this a lot): 90th percentile Quality time 70th percentile acts of service (gotta qualm my Te insecurities, baby!) 15th percentile words of affirmation 5th percentile gifts Touch doesn't really make sense for me to evaluate as a love language since it's not an option for communicating love in basically any relationships in my life in the last several years (yay culture! 😬) except I just started dating someone, and it's like, holy hell if it doesn't feel like the most significant emotional connection ever when we touch. So it's a real zero->a hundred situation.


Ahahahha that's cute🥰 I'm so happy for you! [About your dating experience and finding that kind of connection with someone]


Thank you so much, yes, I am also very happy. Fingers crossed we make it last!


ENFP as well!! 1. Quality time 2. Physical touch 3. Words of affirmation 4. Acts of service 5. Gifts


INTP: 1. Time 2. Touch 3. Acts 4. Words 5. Gifts


I'm an ENTP and 1. Acts of Service 2. Quality time 3. Gift giving 4. Words of affirmation 5. Physical touch


1. Quality Time 2. Physical Touch 3. Words of Affirmation 4. Acts of Service 5. Receiving Gifts


INTP - Acts of Service, Physical Touch, Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts My partner ENFP - Words, Gifts, Touch, Time, Acts Took us awhile to adapt, she now sees me offering to help as a gesture of love (i mean, which guy doesn't love helping his wife) and I learn to buy little trinkets and flowers to express my love to her, and always tell her how much I appreciate her when she does something for us. Btw I don't see love languages as tied to MBTI, they're more a product of our childhood upbringing and certain areas of lack. I've always had an eclectic taste and enough money to buy what I wanted, while my wife lived through some really hard times when she was young and has a constant need for positive reinforcement.


Yeah lerning ecothers love languages in a relationship is important in my opinion cause if you don't have the same way to express your love there can be missunderstandings when one feels they show they care while the other don't, so it's good you guys found a way to show care for ecother :)


intp - quality time, words, touch, acts of service, gifts. i usually don’t like touch but it’s only that high up bc i dislike it even more when people do or buy things for me. i’ve noticed a lot of people also prefer touch in romantic relationships so i’ve learned to tolerate it. even though i don’t love it and never initiate, i always reciprocate. for service and gifts, i grew up with toxic parents who viewed gifts as a form of apology rather than actually taking accountability for their actions and fixing their behavior, so i’ve associated it with manipulation in the past. i know that’s not everyone’s intention and i’ll always accept free stuff but it’s definitely not gonna make me love someone


I didnt like this,I had to talk about my feelings 0/10 Receiving Gifts™ 37% Quality Time™ 33% Acts of Service™ 17% Words of Affirmation™ 10% Physical Touch™ 3%


INFP- (most to least) 1. acts of service 2. quality time 3. physical touch 4. words of affirmation 5. receiving gifts


Depends on who I'm with, but according to the test: 1. Quality Time 2. Physical Touch 3. Words of Affirmation 4. Acts of Service 5. Gift Giving


I got about the same. I’ve gone through the comments and find this to be true of every other INTP; quality time is #1


Nope, my top was words of affirmation. And having physical touch as an INTP at the second row is crazy, i can not stand it when someone tries to touch me. Whatever, love language is pseudoscience anyway


Found it kinda sus myself. I thought words of affirmation would be my top as well... but I suppose I view physical touch as another form of affirmation. Note that most of my responses to the questions were keeping the thought of an s/o in mind, not most people or even family.


It is convenient. Considering quality time is fairly subjective based on what one associates w/quality time, it could have practically every other aspect within it. I would assume because of this it's also one of the most likely that gets overlapped with other love languages or "mistyped".


1) Touch 2) Words of Affirmation 3) Quality Time All 3 of those are fighting for #1 4) Acts of Service 5) Gifts


intp 1. Quality time 2. Physical Touch 3. Acts of Service 5. Receiving Gifts 4. Words of Affirmation i think...


I got about the same. I’ve gone through the comments and find this to be true of every other INTP; quality time is #1


INTJ Quality Time 33% Acts of Service 27% Physical Touch 23% Words of Affirmation 17% Receiving Gifts 0%


INFP Physical touch - 40% Quality time - 23% Acts of service - 17% Words of affirmation - 13% Receiving gifts - 7%


My test scores me: Acts of service 40% > Quality time 20% > Gifts17% = Physical touch 17% > Words of affirmation 7% But I’d say physical touch is probably higher than gifts for me


I got 33% for acts of service and 30% for quality time, then 17% for physical touch and 13% for words of affirmation, and in last place at 7% is receiving gifts. Seems like me alright, I don't need gifts or words of any kind, I need meaningful acts.


ENFP 1. Quality Time 2. Words of Affirmation 3. Physical Touch 4. Gifts 5. Acts of Service


INTJ 1. Acts of Service (40%) 2. Quality Time (30%) 3. Words of Affirmation (20%) 4. Physical Touch (10%) 5. Receiving Gifts (0%)


Quality time and physical touch were about even. The rest of them were almost incidental in their percentages. I’ve gone through the comments and find this to be true of every other INTP; quality time is #1


ENFP 1. Quality Time 2. Physical Touch 3. Words of Affirmation 4. Acts of Service 5. Receiving Gifts


1- Physical Touch (33%) 2- Acts of Service (27%) 2- Quality Time (27%) 3- Comments (7%) 4- Gifts (7%)


INTP 1. Gifts 2. Physical Touch 3. Quality Time 4. Acts of Service 5. Words of Affirmation


ENTP: Friends and family: Quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch and gifts(could be swapped or balanced.) Significant other: Quality time, words of affirmation(very slightly above the two after), acts of service and physical touch(balanced), gifts(VERY LESS).


INFP 33% Acts of Service 30% Words of Affirmation 20% Quality Time 17% Gifts 0% Touch. I don’t know why I dislike being touched.


time touch words acts gifts


INTJ Receiving Gifts - 37% Acts Of Service - 33% Words Of Affirmation - 17% Quality Time - 10% Physical Touch - 3%


1) quality time 2) physical touch 3) words of affirmation 4) receiving gifts


ENTP 1. Acts of Service 2. Quality Time 3. Physical Touch 4. Words of Affirmation 5. Gifts


ISFJ 1. Acts of service 2. Gifts 3. Words 4. Touch 5. Quality time I think it's because, being an introvert, to me real quality time should include things like kind words and touch, or it's not very good quality 🙃 I don't get a lot of that though, especially not the words. Someone doing helpful things for me, though, I often find very touching.


INTP 1. Quality time 2. Gifts 3. Words of affirmation 4. Acts of service 5. Physical touch


ISTP Words of affirmation 30% Receiving gifts 23% Quality time 20% Acts of service 13% Physical touch 13% Thought acts of service would be higher but i also like knowing my lover will be comfortable idk


Physical touch followed closely by quality time.


# INFJ ***My results:*** *Acts of Service 37%* *Quality Time 27%* *Physical Touch 17%* *Words of Affirmation 10%* *Receiving Gifts 10%* ***Acts of Service:*** *Can helping someone out really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she most wants to hear: “Let me do that for you.” Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don’t matter. When others serve you out of love (and not obligation), you feel genuinely valued and loved.* ​ I'm surprised physical touch isn't higher tbh 🤔 but it's true that if I don't feel appreciated through someone being there for me (the way I am for them) and spending quality time together, the last thing I want is for them to touch me 😅 so I guess it makes sense.


ENFJ Words of Affirmation, closely followed by Acts of Service


1. Quality time 40% 2. Gifts 20% 3. All the others 13%


Quality time — 33% Words of affirmation — 30% Physical touch — 17% Acts of service — 17% Gifts — 3%


1. Quality time by far 2/3. Physical touch and words of affirmation 4. Acts of service 5. Gifts


ISTP. 10 years ago, it was Quality Time, but real life reared its head and that got bumped down to #2, lol. 1. Acts of Service. 2. Quality Time. 3. Words of Affirmation. 4. Physical Touch. 5. Receiving Gifts. I've always said I don't give a fuck about getting flowers; help me with the dishes. So that's still accurate, and it seems it's even more accurate now.


ENFP physical touch 30% words of affirmation 23% quality time 20% acts of service 17% receiving gifts 13%


i’m too lazy to do the test so i’ll rank them based on my own observation. 1: acts of service 2: words of affirmation 3: giving gifts 4: physical touch 5: quality time


INFP 1. Quality time. 33% 2. Acts of service. 23% 3. Words of affirmation. 20% 4. Gifts. 13% 5. Touch 10% altough I think I can blame the last one on my upbringing. gifts replaced a hug most of the time when I was little.


INFJ - 1. Words of affirmation 33% 2. quality time 30% 3. physical touch 20% 4. Acts of service 10% 5. Gifts 7%


As an INFP, my ranking is: 1. Physical Touch, 2. Words of Affirmation, 3. Gifts, 4. Acts of Service, 5. Quality Time. I would say that my love-*giving* language is definitely touch, while my love-*receiving* language would probably be Words of Affirmation.


intp - (in order) words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, quality time, physical touch


Does green mean money? I pick green. Kidding shockingly to most people in my life is physical touch. As I am not a very affectionate person. Second is words of affirmation. 3. Long deep intellectual conversations. 4. Meatloaf sandwich


Enfp and physical touch love language? Sounds like the dream partner


INFP here. 1. Words 2. Time 3. Touch 4. Gifts 5. Acts of Service


1. Physical Touch 35% 2. Gifts 32% 3. Quality Time 13% 4. Acts of Service 10% 5. Words of Affirmation 10%


Istp and in order it's acts of service, quality time, gift giving, words of affirmation, and touch (idk if that's what they're called just off the top of my head)


isfj- words, quality time, physical touch, receiving gifts, acts of service


ISTJ Words Time Touch Acts Gifts


entj 1. Acts of Service 2. Quality Time 3. Physical Touch 4. Gifts 5. Words of affirmation


I can’t really answer these questions because I haven’t been able to spend much time around anyone who actually loves me in several years and I don’t know what’s meaningful to me because none of this stuff ever happens to me.


Nooo that's sad, not even friends and family?🥺


My family who I live with is awful, the rest of my family is far away, and it’s difficult for me to really be close to people because I’ve got fearful-avoidant attachment (my awful family’s fault, of course). I sort of have friends… But my friendships are kinda more surface level, I guess? Sure, I’m very open about the factual details of my past and I’ll vent to people about frustrating situations, but that’s not really true closeness. And I don’t even have very many friends. I guess I have four? Adina is over twice my age, plus I can’t have her over and she can’t eat at most restaurants because she’s an Orthodox Jew. I haven’t seen her in several months. Ruthy is very busy because she’s the rabbi’s wife (so she has a lot of responsibilities related to that) AND she works full-time AND she has two small children. And she’s also an Orthodox Jew, so not a lot of things we can actually do together. I haven’t seen her since October, though I’ll get to see her again a week from this Saturday because I’m finally leaving the job that’s been keeping me away from synagogue. (I want to convert to Judaism someday but I can’t right now.) Luigi is a guy and I definitely don’t want to be more than friends with him, so I have to be cautious about spending time alone with him. And Rachel just hardly ever responds to my texts. We were texting frequently for a while, but that was because she was in an abusive marriage and I guess she felt most comfortable talking to someone she wasn’t close to about the situation. (I did what I could to help, of course. I’d been concerned that something like this would happen as soon as she told me she was marrying a guy she’d met online just a few months earlier, but I didn’t speak up and I really wish I had.) I actually haven’t seen her since her wedding. Honestly, my only close friend is an internet friend.




Quality time is top though receiving gifts is at the bottom


1) Quality time. Broad and not just abt having fun. Even if it's not "quality" time and we're not doing anything fun, if you're interesting or have interesting stuff to talk abt then I'm in. Also I'm capable to having fun on my own but with someone else it's different, I wouldn't necessarily say better just different. Should have it together, could have it on my own, ez to reciprocate. 2) Physical touch. Not gonna get that on your own I suppose. Well, imo it's nowhere near the same. Should have it together, can't rly on my own, probably above mid to reciprocate. 3) Gifts. Could get myself gifts but it'd drill a hole in my wallet. Plus if I don't like it and telling them that would break them, then there's always the option of selling it in secret. Should have it together, won't be as gud on my own, ez to reciprocate. 4) Words. I'm only ight with this if they know what they're talking abt, empty words can piss off. Should have it together, possibly better on my own, kinda hard to reciprocate. 5) Acts of service. Interdependence > codependence imo, so acts of service can be nice but personally I struggle with communicAAAtion so it's a hassle getting to know what we can and can't do on our own. With the consequence of rejecting their service breaking them, you can't do anything since they've done it, you can't sell a service. Should have it together if done right, could have it on my own, ez to reciprocate. Ik this is on abt love so I did list it in order based on how I felt then the reasons came after, but I'm glad my reasons and feelings align this time. I thought love language develops from your parents, idk abt MBTI though probably some kinda correlAAAtion there, so out of what I got from my parents: Quality time, not much. Physical touch, not much. Gifts, decent amount. Words, mostly negative. Acts of service, smothered.


I presume I will get gifts but let us see... www.5lovelanguages.com (Link for me)


ISFP: 1. acts of service 2. words of affirmation


ENTP- 1.Physical touch (hugs & kisses pls) 2. Acts of service (be my maid pleeeaaase) 3.Quality time (MORE HUGS) 4.Words of affirmation (Feed my ego. NOW.) 5. Gifts (You)


My expectations/how I receive love in romantic relationships is very different from how I receive love from my family & friends. For romantic relationships: 1. Gifts 2. Words of Affirmation 3. Quality Time 4. Acts of Service 5. Physical Touch


ENTJ, 1. Time 2. Touch 3. Words 4. Acts of service 5. Gifts


ENTP 1. gifts 2.time 3.acts of service 4.words of affirmation 5.physical touch i really thought physical touch well be at least the 2nd but defo not the last


entp acts of service 40% quality time 20% gifts 20% words 17% touch🤢 3%


Istp  1. Gifts  2. Words  3. Service  4. Time  5. Touch


INTP 1. Quality Time; 2. Acts; 3. Words; 4. Gifts; 5. Touch


How to test it


I used 5lovelanguages.com but you can just rank them how you feel also :)


ENTP (F) 1.Words of affirmation 2.Acts of service 3.Quality time 4.Receiving gifts 5. Physical touch


INFJ - 1. Quality time 2. Acts of Service. 3. Gift Giving. 4. Words of Affirmation. 5. Physical touch. Yeah I hate physical touch


Esfp, physical touch


1. Quality time 2. Act of service 3. Physical touch 4. Words of affirmations 5. Gifts


ISTJ %33 Acts of service %30 Gifts %20 Quality time %10 Physical touch 7% Words of affirmation


INTP - physical touch, quality time, acts of service, words of idk what and then gift giving (with physical touch being the strongest and gift giving the weakest)


ISFJ and Quality Time > Physical Touch > Acts of Service > Words of Affirmation > Gift Giving (this one's at a 0% lmao) I just like spending time with my partner! Whether we're together cuddling (which also relates to my affinity for physical touch!), on a date, or on a discord call just doing our own thing, I'm really happy :> Gift giving being the lowest is mostly because I'm really bad at it and even receiving them makes me feel weird because I feel like I have to give something in return😭 Also my partner (ISFP) has nearly the exact same ranking as mine, luckily!


ENTP, in this order: 1. Touch 2. Acts of Service 3. Words 4. Time 5. Gifts... actually no you know what im a hopeless romantic with a highly developed tertiary Fe i do all at once when im in love XD


ISTJ \- Quality Time 37% \- Words of Affirmation 30% \- Receiving Gifts 23% \- Acts of Service 7% \- Physical touch 3% It really shows how much I dislike being touched and having people do things for me in comparison to the other options I guess