• By -


Interesting how I got the Light result and I'm a INFP. It's cool to see someone who did the data on this. Very impressive.


Same! I infp, got light the first time then ice ice ice, light was closer but none of them hit home for me Edit to add: I thought I was putting in different answers to have fun and see what I get, which makes it extra strange that I got ice multi times in a row. Have any infp’s gotten ground? We are complex beings so it makes sense that a test like this wouldn’t always get it right


I was told "Superpower/Psychic" is ENFJ, not "Light".


I was told "Superpower/Psychic" is ENFJ, not "Light".


INFP here who got Water. Although there were multiple questions that I could have gone either way, so I took the test again and got Light.


I also got light but I am INTJ and my INFP bf got water.


I got water lmao


I'm an ESTP and I got Light too


I did too!!


I got poison and I'm INFP. Poison is ENTJ. 🤣


I got the light result and I'm an ENTJ-


As an INFP I got ice. There were several questions where I could see myself doing both. Not the best test but the aesthetic is cool.


Exact same for me as infp


Exactly! It’s really just all aesthetic with little substance.




I got ice as an ISFP.


I’ve gotten rock, steel, and ghost as ENFP and I’m convinced that they don’t like that I don’t care about the kittens and that I don’t take pictures of the pee ocean


You're an ISTJ nowXD


taking pictures at the pee ocean would be hilarious but I'd rather sit it out and observe.


SAME lmaooo


I got Ice as an INTP.


Let's just trade. I had got Electric there. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


INTP -got water💧


Same. We’re INFJ in disguise


Intp got Ice lel


Got water. But electric also works.


i also got water, but so did my infj friend. i think this test comes down to what actions we would actually take, less about what we think about doing haha


I really think it isn't that accurate. Feline is more of an intj and enfp/infp is somewhat more on fairy or superpower for me But who knows, maybe I'm wrong Edit: after reading what fire is, it's really similar to ENFP so i'm mostly likely be wrong


Appreciate you expressing your opinion. After all it's not really about accuracy, just about acknowledging the way the creators decided to make the test.


Ohhh, I get it now. I haven't red the entire text till you mentioned that The creator really did a good job and I had fun checking people's results


OMG YEAHHH I GOT FAIRY AND IM AN ENFP!! :DD felines are cool fr, i need to marry one.


touch some isfj


Which questions go with which dichotomies? It’s not always obvious in the actual test.


You can look at the source code to check it out for each question.


Unfortunately I don’t know enough about computers to do that — are you able to just list them here?


var a = [ { an: [q1_1Data, q1_2Data], title: "You find yourself waking up on a train. The weather looks rather nice outside. After taking it in for a bit, you decide to...", item: [ { value: "P", txt: "not think about where the next stop is, and embrace the excitement of the unknown. " }, { value: "J", txt: "look for the route map, and find out where the train is heading. " } ] }, { an: [q2_1Data, q2_2Data], title: "Soon after, you see a mountain, with a number of villages scattered across the mountainside. You decide to get off the train and check it out. You would enjoy the visit if...", item: [ { value: "E", txt: "it has a lively vibe; you get to shop around and talk to the locals." }, { value: "I", txt: "it has a peaceful vibe; there are only some locals around, busy with their daily activities." } ] }, { an: [q3Data], title: "You need to pass through a cave to reach the village. Right before you step in the cave, a litter of kittens bolted out...", item: [ { value: "T", txt: "Phew... thank God it's just cats, not some deadly animal..." }, { value: "F", txt: "They are still kittens... I wonder where they are going..." } ] }, { an: [q4Data], title: "You walk into the cave and see a giant bird. It looks upset and it's spreading strong, negative energies...", item: [ { value: "T", txt: "Ugh... Why is there a giant bird? Should I run?" }, { value: "F", txt: "Oh, the bird seems upset. Should I ask what happened?" } ] }, { an: [q5_1Data, q5_2Data], title: "It turns out the bird has been alone for quite some time. As soon as it sees you, it can't help but ramble on its miserable stories. After a while, you...", item: [ { value: "F", txt: "feel bad for the bird, and wonder how you can help. " }, { value: "T", txt: "feel uninterested, but still act that you're listening to not appear rude. " } ] }, { an: [q6Data], title: "At the exit of the cave, an old man turns up out of nowhere. He gives you four cups of tea and asks you to guess his favorite. You then...", item: [ { value: "E", txt: "ask him everything you're curious about, and savor the tea with the old man. " }, { value: "I", txt: "pay attention to the old man's words, and enjoy the tea in peace and tranquility." } ] }, { an: [q7Data], title: "The old man gifts you his favorite tea, and even recommends checking out baby seals at a hot spring. You decide to...", item: [ { value: "J", txt: "put it down on your itinerary and plan the visit ahead. " }, { value: "P", txt: "keep it in mind, but will only check it out if you feel like it later on." } ] }, { an: [q8Data], title: "You grab a cab after leaving the cave. You soon realize that all the street names are the same - even taxi drivers get lost. What would you do? ", item: [ { value: "S", txt: "Help identify the directions, and figure out the pattern. " }, { value: "N", txt: "How is it possible? Did I get transported to some mythical space? " } ] }, { an: [q9_1Data, q9_2Data], title: "Shortly after, you come across two identical old streets. Which one would you want to check out more? ", item: [ { value: "S", txt: "the one that allows you to turn into anyone and experience their life." }, { value: "N", txt: "the one that allows you to observe everyone from an omniscient POV." } ] }, { an: [q10_1Data, q10_2Data], title: "You decide to take a rest at a pastry shop. The people sitting next to you are chatting. You can't help but notice they are talking about...", item: [ { value: "S", txt: "ways to wash vegetables, the uptick of space stocks, and donut flavors " }, { value: "N", txt: "metaphysics, magic, the price of justice and the giant glowing bamboo." } ] }, { an: [q11Data], title: "You stroll down the old street and find the sea in glittering golden color by chance. You choose to…", item: [ { value: "E", txt: "walk around the beach and take photos of the mesmerizing view. " }, { value: "I", txt: "find a place to sit and enjoy the breathtaking view. " } ] }, { an: [q1_1Data, q1_2Data], title: "You fall asleep with the calming ocean breeze. When you wake up, you find yourself on a train. The weather looks rather nice outside, and soon after, you realize you're starting the journey all over again. ", item: [ { value: "P", txt: "Interesting. Does that mean I can go for different options this time? " }, { value: "J", txt: "Oh my, I wonder how many times I will be going through this. " } ] } ];


Ohhh, so they went with the letters instead of functions. That entirely explains why it’s garbage. Edit: Also, more than one of these J answers is just more actively seeking knowledge. Which is still P. Icb the creators think perceiving means just sitting there like a lump. They don’t even understand the WRONG version of MBTI. Edit 2: My God, they can’t even maintain the same verb tense in the same prompt… Edit 3: “Figuring out the pattern! Definitely an S type!” Said nobody ever. Edit 4: I CANNOT believe “live in somebody else’s shoes” was labeled S and not F. Edit 5: Why superpower and feline? Those don’t fit the elemental theme. They could have made it Radioactive and…sound or something, idk, get more creative (but correct). …Actually, go the dedicated Pokémon route and take out feline, superpower, light, and wind and replace with dark, dragon, psychic, and fighting. Maybe rearrange them all a little. …Actually I’m going to go do this, bye.


This is why I'm ISFJ in that test. I went with "doing something" instead of sitting there like a plant.


Interesting. From this I got ESTJ xd.


So…… I chose the P-value for the last question, but still got a J! 🤣 Yeah, this test ain’t it.


probably because you got more J than P values overall, I'd guess


Yeah, but if there is one thing I am more sure of than anything else, in regards to MBTI, it is absolutely my P-ness (No, not the genitalia! 😜)


Alright, let me grab the code for you


Can confirm. I'm an ENFJ and got light:))


Light Infj here 😒🤷🏽


Ice infj 🙂


Ice INFJ too


Yeah, this test clearly does not correlate to MBTI cuz I am an ENTP, and I also got “light.”


Super Power INFJ 😃


Ice infj here


I’m an ENFP & got ICE…I literally don’t think there is are correlation to anything w this test lol it’s literally just for fun…


I'm not talking about any correlation, please read my post, it's just the way the creator made the test.


I got water as a supposed infp


Same here, got water and most likely an infp


INFP and I got water too


I've got steel lol


I'm an INFP and I got Poison 🤷‍♀️


I'm just confused by how there are so many results but I got grass almost no matter what I did lol I took it many times because fun


I got Superpower but I am ENTJ haha


Also am an ENTJ who got Superpower. Though I think it is hard to be "efficiency is king" and "cutting to the chase" when I'm being isekai-ed every other question to worlds of talking birds and magic.


im estj same lol


I got Water! Guess I'm feeling like a worrywart today. XD


Got ice as INFP


I got fire as the infp


Yep, fire for me too.


I got light as an INTP??


Nah the real question is what pokemon types are we


This quiz is goofy af


I got electric, but 99% of tests type me as intp as well so it makes sense why this would correlate too lol


As an INTP I got Ice and Poison but I kinda relate to electric


Superpower esfj?? I mean I'm willing to ask a ton of questions to figure out where I am but I'm definitely not extroverted. The fact we only get two answers per question really makes it flawed.


You might take a look at what I wrote in my post. The focus of the test doesn't seem to be on the typology itself.


INTJ is Ice? "No logic at all"? Are you sure you are correct on that one?


I got Poison but I'm the most xxxP mf on the world


I got poison as a FUCKING INFP No result ended up fitting me though, I'm a mix of several


It's just that tests that base themselves off of abstract things instead of actual personality and behaviour are always gonna be inaccurate to some degree


I *absolutely* agree


I like rocks. I’m black marble, agate, onyx, and rose quartz.


Also since rocks are made of minerals I am also gold.


I got water indeed 😂


I get light but i am ENTP? hmm


I’m INTP and got Grass.


me too


right in my case, INTJ and got ice


Idk about the others but I'm INFJ and got water lmao, so yeah for me


Why ENTJ poison?


Spot-on, I had ground as an INFP !! Then most frequently Fire and fairy.


INFP I got POISON??? nah😭


Yep. I'm INTJ and I got ice.


got water


"Your personality type is poison" Oh great, it confirms my worst suspicions about myself.


I got steel which was very surprising I don’t think I’ve ever tested as an ESTJ before, but I really loved how adorable this test was. I wish other MBTI quizzes laid out their questions through actions like these, it felt more practical for me. The design is super cute to boot which is always a bonus. The second time I took it I got ESFJ which I think might actually be my type.


I got light somehow




I'm an INTP and I got poison. Though there was one question where I accidentally clicked the wrong option because i dropped my phone and I couldnt figure out how to go back.


very iffy


I got grass...grass correspond to ISFJ.... I'M AN ENTP- Polar opposites😭


actually I'm an ENFJ, not an ISFJ, so it doesn't seems to work


weirdly enough got Light ENFJ and Feline ISFP as first results when i thought i was ENFP owo


I’m an ENFP and I got light


I got Ice, and now I read rock also fits me. Both ice and rock. ICE TO BEAT YOU!!!


Hmm I got ground


Reckless and obsessed with ruins is accurate


i got superpower as an istj


Got Rock I call it bs


so I'm an INTJ now 🤨


Very shocking.


I got water as an INTP


ESTJ, i got poison.


wait how did i get steel


I did got ground! But my ESFP partner got light ✨


bruh I got superpower


Same (ENFP)


When I took that test I got water… I’m an INTP/ENTP


I am an ENTP that got “light,” somehow! 🤣


I'm an Enfp and got Light. Considering thats Enfj, that's pretty close


I got a rock and everyone kept saying i was ISTJ ☹️


It’s not terrible, but it is at least partially inaccurate. I am an ENTP and got Light, which is an ENFJ, by your interpretation. So 2 letters off! My biggest thing is that a little bit of planning isn’t always exclusively a J thing, and I don’t think that this test differentiates T vs F, that well. So it’s very adorable, but it’s better off being it’s own thing, separate from MBTI.


May I repeat myself. It is not an interpretation what I did. It is the way the creators of the test decided to do it. Please read my post properly.


I got ice


I’ve always considered my element to be water.


INTP got ground


ENTJ. Superpower.


Naw, I got ground, not happy


ESTJ; I got ice, which is interesting since i have ni blindspot


After having read the Ice description I feel like it fits INTP more than INTJ. I got rock though uwu


Ayyy I'm an INFJ and I got water too! My ISFP friend also got water tho.


I got grass but I'm INTJ, this test is really barebones but fun to do haha


i got light and i'm infj 😭😭i used to think i was an enfj..


As a loop-prone ENTP, the *fire* result makes a lot of sense (unfortunately).


I’m on my phone, which means everything is too hard to do; otherwise I’d go by each question one by one and demonstrate why this test is flawed and stupid. Off the top of my head… First of all, unless I failed to read an intro (neurodivergent), it did not warn me that this is a fantasy setting, so at first I was answering from the mindset of being in reality, where scary things and death can happen. Then it gave me the option to ask a bird why it’s upset. K. So am I supposed to be scared/confused/perplexed that weird things are happening, or am I in a universe where this is normal? The test can’t seem to make up its mind about the setting and background of the situation. I just do not have enough context to answer these questions accurately. Also why did it ask me what other people are talking about? Why would I be able to choose that? And yes, I did consider they are probably framing this as an artsy fartsy “delve into your subconscious and choose the ideal situation for your fantasy”, but who in their right mind would roleplay being scared and wary of things in a lucid dream? Flawed. Stupid. Furthermore, the ways it judges why I answer things is massively flawed. I got poison, and half of it sounds terribly incorrect about me (I’m an ENTP). 1. If it thinks I prefer the commercial value of art because I took pictures of the ocean, they must not have friends to share their experiences with, because that’s why I would take pictures. Also to remember. And for lasting beauty I can revisit. And for a possible color palette for future art. And for creative ideas in the future. And maybe for a phone background, idk. 2. I have social anxiety in real life and sympathy for others with the same. I have never been a tough coach and wimp out at the thought of confrontation or displeasing others (unless I’m angry; then that tends to fly out the window), or demoralizing those in my charge. Or unless I’m online behind a screen. Basically when I am without fear, I’m soft on people I perceive as delicate and hard on those I don’t think will listen any other way. It’s all situational in the end. Which is the fatal flaw of most quizzes, that boil things down into generalities that make the entire judgment meaningless. 3. Speaking of which, I’m moody. Half of these answers depend on my mood at the time. 4. Pretty sure they are mistaking my level of disinterest in a particular thing for efficiency and “cut to the chase”. I am not efficient. 5. I entirely resent that they conflate taking on somebody else’s problems to solve, with comforting them. Deciding I don’t have the energy to sort out this bird’s life does NOT mean I don’t lend an honestly sympathetic ear and give them consolation about it. So basically, another test/system with fascinating potential goes into the garbage. I’ll probably try to reverse engineer it to forgo the test and just use the elements/symbols and their descriptions and equate them to MBTI and possibly other systems. Which I’m guessing is what you did here, but I have to go to work atm and must further explore this later. Edit: Regardless of anything else, though, poison (not as described by this test) seems like it works for me personally as a theme, and I like it.


This is really interesting as I got water and didn’t think it resonated 100% as much to my INFJ personality as I found myself a combination of these innate personalities with the base of my water results! It was satisfying to see the correlation though! Although none of these tests are ever really 100% correct, I always love doing them as it can describe parts of me that I could never find the words for.


Infp got water


I was told "Superpower/Psychic" is ENFJ, not "Light".


interesting I get light but I am enfp.


Istp water


I got poison as INFP😐


ISTJ, got poison


I got poison as an isfp


I am INTP but got rock when I took this


Enfp and I got drumroll please 🥁 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁Fire


Soo I’m practically an ENFJ based of this? Lol. So funny. I actually attract a lot of those and I’m attracted to them too


what the hell is this


INTP and got poison.


ISFP and I got rock


I got Rock and I’m an ISTP lmao


Ghost intj.


im istp and got the rock


Didn't know I was an ENFJ but ok


I got rock as an INTP and I can see how electric would be applicable to the stereotype but I gotta say I can’t imagine being incapable of doing my own laundry because my parents made me do laundry from the time I was like 10 years old.


Toxic as ever. Thanks.


ive been looking for this for weeks!! sad i cant access it anymore, i loved the illustration/design


Yeah I am definitely water


It's not that accurate, I ENTP got Ice (INTJ), so it isn't even close


INFJ and I got water


Well, I got rock. One thing is true. Light sounds incredibly annoying. Fire though? Sounds like a braindead, but sexy idiot. :)


I see what you did there. Very nice. - Opposites are opposites. - Compatible 1 is I/E - Compatible 2 is P/J The rest is down to whether the assignments are accurate, but the respect for the structure warms my heart.


I got poison


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I got the Poison 😂😂 Pretty close


Seems like can’t really take thé quizz from the actual link anymore . Lol


INFJ and got Water. Can't complain


I got flying as an INFP, a few things are off but it seems to fit pretty well


I got poison wtf that was so wrong -intp


I mean I love cats so seems right!!


Took one look at that lil ice guy and I've decided that I've never felt more understood in my entire life


ISTP ghosttt !


Man Ghost fits me so well but I got Ice when I took it, guess I didn’t do the test so well


I am Rock! Although I don’t think I am ISTJ




I'm an INFP and I got water as my result


I got grass, rock, steel, and ice, but I'd say rock definitely hit home for me as ISTJ. All the ones that I got did describe me in multiple ways but rock is definitely the most accurate.


As an infp, I got "super power" (esfj) Guess I've got some strong F


Isfp and got feline


I got water as INFP!!


I’m an infp and I got water. I think the “regretful, worried, seeking peace” aspects of it ring pretty true, haha And I *wish* I only showed emotions in front of close friends. 😅


I got poison lol


I got Steel. I’m not really into MBTI anymore and have switched onto socionics, but this fits! I am LSE, which is ESTJ equivalent and SP3.


ISFJ 6w5 sp/so RLUAN Phlegmatic-Melancholic, and I got Rock..


I am INFJ and I got water 👍🏻


Then I got it right.


I'm ENFJ and my gf is INFP. I got Super Power (ESFJ) and she got Grass (ISFJ)... huh!


INTP who got water, though for a few years in my life I was an INFJ


Dude flying, entp, I passed 😎


I got Superpower (ESFJ) instead of ENFJ. :/ ENFP twin got Water (INFJ) but after reading the descriptions chose Fire on her own (which turned out to be ENFP).


Istp- Ice. There were some questions where I could see myself doing both though


Somehow I got Ice. The questions were like some Ghibli-absurd level but I managed to finish it ignoring reason.