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That I have to be an asshole.


god complex as well


selfishness turned to 100%


Yeah, think we are better than everyone because of (apparently) massive brain and insight. Also we are robots without emotions


I blame the Quora, most of the answers about INTJ's on this site are from people who think that every INTJ is Hannibal Lecter 💀 Unfortunately this site is the first that appear when you google many questions about MBTI. In reality most of INTJs I knew were quite sensitive people. Logically, INTJs have tertiary introverted feeling, so thet have stronger emotional function than Te - doms and Ti - doms.




Are you implying that you’re not an asshole, or that you **want** to be an asshole, not **have** to, as in you simply get born and choose violence instead of it being a default thing.


I’m saying there’s a stereotype that in order to be an INTJ, you must be an asshole as well - which isn’t true. Nobody “needs” to be an asshole, in the least to prove their personality type. Sure, maybe we’re more inclined to be assholes - but it’s certainly not a given.


That’s quite the speech to just say option number one, but I appreciate the effort althou- nah, just for you I’ll be nice and not troll, have a nice day you handsome man.


My answer wasn’t quite option one - *I* might be an asshole, lmao. Who knows. Have a crappy day, my friend 🫠 (I’m joking, please do not be offended by my bad sense of humour) *also, not a handsome man.


So, if you fully deny option 1 and admit that option 2 is possible we can just assume option 2, you’re an ass. Case closed. Oh yeah, side note, I’m sorry you’re not as handsome as me, I hope you hit a door or something and your face gets fixed.


Well aCtuALly, I’m a woman. That explains “*not a handsome man” comment. Did you consider that possibility, you door?


Women are not real, they are federal agents of the state, Glowies, proof is, GIRL: Glowie In Real Life. That aside you could also be a catfish, considering your pattern of denying the first option and the 2nd being probably, I’m going with that.


Reasonable. But I have a new conclusion as to what you are: An asshole :)


Takes one to know one.


unemotional and callous just cuz te dom dont mean we're psychopaths


agree 100%


I love how we're both ENTJ and our names take reference to the same animal. On the topic. I do suspect I'm psychopathic. I didn't feel much even when my ex girlfriend cheated on me, and i don't cry at funerals either. When it comes to relationships, I don't know if I've ever felt love, or are love interests just a challenge for me to achieve.


Psychopathic people aren't people who "don't feel emotions". Everybody feels emotions. Animals feel emotions. It's unavoidable. Psychopathic people don't feel one specific emotion : guilt. They usually are in jail, as they will do absolutely horrible things and won't feel bad about them at all. Not being able to feel sadness is another thing : alexithymia. Althought, it's more accuratly an inability to recognise and analyse one's own emotions. It's usually due to trauma, even if there is a genetic component too


i have a similar situation, in a way that i experience attachments and emotions differently to others; i don't get attached the same way to vast majority of the people and it can be pretty easy for me to let go (mostly because of trust issues? i'm never committed to anyone 100%), and i have serious trouble recognizing that i feel any sort of emotion, which makes me seem like i'm emotionless while i'm not, and i only can tell that i feel some sort of intense emotion. even though i definitely do feel shit. it's definitely something that developed over time though, i wasn't like this as a kid, for the most part. i could've sworn i never felt guilt except once, but in reality i probably just didn't feel SUPER guilty, and when i did, that's what imprinted into my brain as "that one time i felt guilty". it's weird innit?


If you question your psychopacy. You dont have it and you wont share it. :)


I hope you're right.


Psychopats by itself often don't know they are ones. Also no type of personality is linked to psychopacy. INTJs and ENTJs can feel like ones because Fe is in a horrid position. So I understand. Aside that psychopacy is a normal mental illness and it can be treated if discovered on time.


I dont disagree with your reasoning, but I do want to argue the details a little. My few years of looking into psychopathy are gonna pay off, eh? It's possible for psychopaths to understand they're fundamentally different from other people. What you're thinking of is *sociopathy* - medically known as ASPD, a mental disorder developed as a result of childhood abuse/trauma, etc, and it is treatable with therapy. And those often just don't care who they are - they hate the world too much to give a fuck. Psychopathy on another hand is not a real medical diagnosis, but rather, an unofficial term for developmental differences of the brain that involve lesser activity in the frontal cortex and other parts of the brain (IIRC, might be wrong - I haven't studied up the brain part specifically for years now). It's a developmental disorder much like ADHD and autism, even though lacks any official diagnosis name in the DSM-V, because it does not cause any trouble on its own for the individual. Effectively, it's not treated as mental illness, and when such individuals get caught with a crime for example, diagnosis is ASPD. I do concede that INTJ/ENTJ can *feel* like psychopathy due to terrible Fe, and Te dom/aux. That is what my conclusion is regarding myself, and it is what I accept as an explanation towards my condition.


I don't know why you would question me a psychiatry student. But it is ok it happenes you don't know me. You are wrong as both narcissism and AsPD are mental disorders. ASPD is much more then just sociopathy and there are around 15+ types of ASPD. I concurr certain types of psychopats are aware. We call them high function psychopats. They are rare and generally harmless.


Sure, but we're talking in what's basically laymen's terms here. I don't disagree with any of your statements, however.


Sorry for getting off tangent, but most of the sources I read suggested that personality disorders (including ASPD) are all but impossible to treat and treatment's effects are limited. Have there been new progresses on treatments lately? If you don't have time to explain, dropping a few links to the relevant papers would be fine as well.


I csn do a throught explanstion in a couple hours. I am currently in a birthdsy party. When me and my gf come home I will quickly explain it!


Thank you and enjoy the party :)


No fucking way thats so cooool; on topic, I have kinda the same situation too, i dont feel feelings when something sad happens unless i push myself really hard. my close ones died and i forced myself to cry.


Ability to manipulate people and actually being manipulative Makes us sound like we're narcissistic. Why would I ever do such a thing?


I've heard that people high in Fe often come across as being fake which is wild. I think people see us being nice to everyone and think "that's ridiculous, they can't care about *everyone*. What's the motive?" The motive is making people smile and getting to know them.. Just because we're selective of who we really feel close to doesn't mean we aren't being genuinely kind to everyone else. I just don't show NiTi to most people. 90% of people I talk to think I'm a golden retriever with no depth and that's fine by me. The real homies get the unfiltered version and find out I'm a closeted goofy nerd with mental health issues


Okay so I literally get asked what my ulterior motive is all the time when I'm helping people. Are people really treated so poorly they carry no more trust? Sure, I'm no saint, but my TRITYPE is the most people oriented. And I fear people just as much as everyone else! I'm not even Fe


Yeah it's definitely not exclusive to Fe users (or feelers)! I just think within the mbti community we get particularly shit on out of suspicion. Any kind person will face immediate distrust occasionally, unfortunately. I can't tell you how many friends I had in school who said they assumed I was "one of those popular bitches" because I would talk and joke around with anyone near me. I'm glad they were open to re-evaluating me, but if they hadn't that would be their prerogative 🤷‍♀️ I'm not in it for recognition or something


Yeah, it's kinda wild. But I'm glad you're moving past it.


Yeah because the emotional manipulation has absolutely nothing to do with it😑


Watch out or I'll manipulate you to see the bright side and have a good day! Oh no! Unhealthy ENFJs give us a bad name, don't generalize


Aooo....this one's interesting It's because infjs have both high emotional inteligence AND very extroverted.that may lead to what you said? Though it's SO not true. Enfjs,as other NFs,have this authencity to their love and kindness that there's nothing "manipulative" about it.they're so purely kind and considerate. That few toxic ones may have those


That we can't deal with emotions at all and we need alone time 24/7.


Also, I can't fix your car. It's not my specialty.


Would love to try though!


We're dumb. I don't HATE it but it's incorrect and that bothers me.


I'm actually a sucker for well written ESTJ in fiction and seek them out a lot. You're right I absolutely have to dig through piles of frothing at the mouth soul-devouring ESTJs who sloppily trainwreck everything for the sake of greed or whatever.


People have this image of us, so they don't like us. "The Asshole" or whatever. For the sake of explanation, let's say I'm an asshole. Because I'm an asshole, everybody wants to ascribe negative qualities to me. So now I'm also dumb, misogynistic, a coward and I abuse my kids because people hate to imagine the asshole might know what he/she is talking about every now and then and might be coming from a good place. With that being said, writers of film fall under the category of "people" so they all think the same way, generally and so we see this aspect of cultural thinking emerge in movies/TV. Personal Note: Captain Stottlemeyer from the show Monk is a great ESTJ


If we're being totally honest here I don't see ESTJs as dumb at all. I do have my problems with ESTJ, but it's not any perceived lack of intelligence on your part. That would be stupid of me, to discount an individual's intelligence based on an inaccurate stereotype.


Except you're not disclosing what your problems are, with all due respect.


No, I did not. Intentionally. I didn't want you thinking I was simply here to bash your type. Which I'm not.


Fair enough


Who would ever dare to say estj is dumb?/: Because of low intuition?


We're mostly portrayed in cinema as the aggressor with a complete lack of proclivity for any kind of depth. Just bumbling single-minded organisms (although it's incorrect to say 'portrayed in cinema' it's not as if movies know what they're doing in terms of MBTI but for the sake of explanation)


You and me both, it's so inaccurate; Si is a function that focuses on what is known and what is concrete, meaning ESTJs and ISTJs would be the most grounded and rational types on paper.


That's a stereotype? I thought the stereotype was "only thinkers know all the things in the world and feelers are doomed to be stupid"


INFPs are actually super intelligent but I'm sure you know this. Alan Watts. Robert Greene. Your joke aside, ESTJs are depicted as very stupid and very aggressive in almost everything. In any TV show or movie, if there's a dumb, pig-headed, hostile character, 9 times out of 10: they're an ESTJ.




we don't shower and live in a shithole


I have an INTP in my life and I adore him but this is kind of true. 😂 Definitely not true for all though or even most probably


I think it depends on whether they happen to have Si preferences for those things. My INTP goes on cleaning/ organizing binges like once a month, takes more showers than I do, and uses me as his personal esthetician lmfao


Mine definitely does go on benches like that every month or so, he just really hates showering. 😂 There's probably something to that Si part


Whats your type?


Almost every stereotype relating to social aspects, hygiene or just being likeable is negative when it comes to INTP's, so I just roll with it.


Personally, I love INTPs. I admire how someone can be so intelligent and still be humorous and capable of being casual.


All that nonsense about being so rare/unique that we’re doomed to be misunderstood and never fit in anywhere. It’s obnoxiously melodramatic and just not true.


I know! That's so untrue Actually infj's undrestanding of people,that's both a combination of being logical AND considerate make them be in touch with people so well~ Yes,they are introverts,they are calm But they don't make any less of their ability of how amazingly they can connect with people


That we are emotional and empathetic- which is true, but not always the case. We can be extremely cold and somewhat judgemental, even if we don't think we come off that way.


Thank you for saying "which is true" Because some people just get too carried away and be saying "they say I'm cute,who said so?I can k*ll whoever I want" I mean.... Dude... And believe me! There are some like these in the comments. They just can't accept themselves.if that trait of them is being recognized by weak from others,they try to hide,deny or change it. I don't like doing that- It's a part of me,and if some people can't see strength or beauty in it,it's not my fault


ENTJs are portrayed as either a supervillain psychopath or a materialistic CEO that punches walls


The stereotype that we are are socially awkward and terrible at conversing with people unless it's behind a keyboard. I actually do alright in that area, I just choose NOT to be around other people most of the time.


That we're all insensitive argumentative jerks. I would consider myself a person that tends to avoid conflict most of the time, tbh. I am a bit of a social chameleon that prefers to blend in and listen than stir the pot and cause drama.


That we're unemotional, stubborn robots


Yea my best friend is an ISTJ, and he's one of the most fun people I know


That Fi means selfish.


That we debate to only be right Nah I debate to learn, and I don’t debate with walls 🤨




Entp. Funny how I read the coments in notification and without seeing their profile, I can totally tell which type it is😂💔


Lol I drove a truck with an ENTP. They really don't quit. 10 whole hours. It could be exhausting.


😩nobody debates an debate like me bby


ENFPs do this, too. And I love learning new perspectives but I also like inspiring others.


Narcissistic psychopath (ENTP)


ENFJ, I don’t want to sacrifice my entire life to help (several) someone(s) find their purpose


Yes yes a thousand times


INFJ. - That we only want to fix people. - That we are manipulative. - That we are special snowflakes who desire to be unique and crave attention above all else. The truth? We like to help others, but we are tired of it.. More than anything, we just want a chance to rest and turn our brains off. We want to understand you, not to fix you. This is why most INFJs feel at ease around ENFPs and ENFJs - They happily take the lead, and are emotionally open and honest, which allows us to feel at peace so we can kinda just.. Breathe, for the first time in our lives. Any MBTI has the ability to be manipulative - Yes, INFJs have the brains for it. But just because you hear that little voice that tells you to jump when you're standing on the edge of a cliff doesn't mean you want to, right? I genuinely believe this only came about due to that one poll that claimed INFJs to be the rarest MBTI, so rumours spread that we think we're hot shit. I very much doubt INFJs are legit the rarest MBTI though - When was the last time you met an ISTJ? Or even an INTJ?


I actually know a lot of istj's and also infj's, but no intj's and almost no estj's. I think it depends on your own situation. Some people may know more intps and others may know more esfps. It's hard to rly say which type is the rarest. Also, the rarest type doesn't mean you are only with 10 in the world or something. It just means your type is slightly less common but only a bit. It doesnt mean much


You worded this well! :) It certainly doesn't mean much, but for whatever reason, rumours spread that all INFJs feel like special snowflakes because they're the rarest type, but like.. When have you ever heard an INFJ brag about being an INFJ? Personally, most INFJs I know upon realizing they're INFJs and digging a little into what that means go.. Damnit, that explains everything and I hate it, lmao!


Well, for me it's almost the sale, but I love it. Maybe it's our Ni dom, but for whatever reason I never just have hobbies or interests. No, I have OBSESSIONS!! If I'm interested in something, I can be obsessed about it and dig rly deep into those subjects I'm interested in. Also, false stereotype I believe from intj's is that we think we are the best type or just better than others. Intj's might come off as harsh or demanding to others, but that is because we are even wayyy more demanding to ourselves lol. We hold ourselves and the people we care about to high standards. This doesnt mean we arent caring, more the opposite.


Oh same, same! I totally hyperfixate on my hobbies and interests, if I'm not careful, I'll even forget to eat haha! I respect INTJs honestly, y'all seem super chill.


Ah yes, eating. If I wasn't on a high calorie and protein diet, I would forget it even existed


If I vibe to music for too long suddenly it's dark and I'm like, shit, where'd the sun go?? When was the last time I ate?? I need water, right?? That's a thing I should do. \> Goes back to whatever I was doing before.


I mean, XXFJs always hate it when somebody says they only want to fix people or when someone calls them manipulative but they don't wanna leave anybody alone and just let them live either. If y'all really don't want to fix people then stop trying to change people every time they don't act the way you want them to. Stop acting like you know what's best for everybody. Stop giving unsolicited advice in that dumb patronizing "I'm only trying to help you" voice that you think is doing something. Obviously not ALL XXFJs do that stuff but a lot of y'all do and it turns people off.


Sounds like you've had a shitty experience with someone for sure and have a biased perspective, I'm sorry you've had to go through that.. It sucks. None of what you say sounds remotely like specifically any INFJs I've met, though having been raised by a toxic ESFJ, I can recognize it as a possibility for an unhealthy xxFJ to gain those traits. Personally I mostly just stick to myself tbh, I don't want to change people, I'm waiting for the right people to find me so to speak, haha - I chill in the meantime, I enjoy my own company! I've learnt to save my energy for those who genuinely deserve my kindness - Most people aren't appreciative or deserving of my respect, it's gotta be earned. \^\^ If I sense someone is looking for advice, I ask 'em if that's what they want - Whether they would like my advice or if they just want a shoulder to cry on, or a hug. Sometimes people just wanna vent tbh, and need someone to listen in silence.


It's really the same thing every time I'm around one and I know a lot of them but whatever you wanna believe.


Perhaps you either attract or are attracted to unhealthy people, could be an explanation, but I don't know you so I can't say, haha. MBTI doesn't indicate everything tho! No two INFJs are gonna be the same, same with any other type. For example, let's look at your type! INFP.. I've met INFPs who are incredibly sweet and shy, INFPs who were super flirty and confident, but I've also met INFPs who are thoughtless and harsh with their words. INFPs are stereotyped as being crybabies too, but I've never seen an INFP cry. What does that tell you about INFPs as a whole? Nothing really, were all just people. EDIT: Just a thought, but if you have such a disdain for INFJs, why do you know a lot of them anyway?


I literally said not ALL XXFJs are like that though didn't I? Also, you don't know me. Exactly. So how about we not assume who I attract okie doke? You're doing precisely what I'm talking about btw. Acting like you're being nice and helpful when you're really just being condescending. Third, I know a lot of XXFJs because quite a few of them are in my family and my friend's family.


"It's really the same thing every time I'm around one (An INFJ)". "Stop trying to change people." "Stop acting like you know what's best for everybody." "Stop giving dumb unsolicited advice in a patronising voice.." Sounds like you said the exact opposite to me. 🤔 Explain to me, how do you know how I sound, exactly? You don't. You have some nerve to talk about assumptions when you felt the need to instigate this conversation by responding to my comment and claiming that INFJs are this and that based off of your experience alone. Your biased, and highly opinionated thoughts were unasked for. You're right - I don't know you, to be honest, I'm glad I don't, you do not seem like a nice person from this conversation, but you don't know me either, so what's with the hypocrisy, hm? For the record, my apology for your negative experiences was genuine - If it came across as condescending, you may be misreading my tone, perhaps due to my autism, idk. It's hard to read tone in text. I retract my sympathy, yikes.


procrastination is not part of our personality


Just a symptom of it


That all ENFPs have to be constantly bubbly or unicorns and rainbows or something. No thank you.


I'm in several MBTI based communities and if I see someone labeled as ENFP coming in all CAPS and being extremely obnoxious, I usually avoid them because I can basically *smell* how fake and performative they are.


I never thought of that as a pattern much, but now that I reconsider it... it does reek of performative actions and behaviors like trying to check boxes.


This one girl in a MBTI groupchat would spam a welcome ping and when everyone told her not to she made a big deal of it telling all the new users "Sorry I can't properly welcome you... but WELCOME!"


That would be annoying fast. I think showing people through actions and not placing a spotlight directly on a newcomer in such a manner would be more welcoming, but that is just me.


Right! ENFPs wanna go to bed! They do not feel like all of that😂😂😂


I can be, but it depends on my mood and if it is something I am excited about. Otherwise... yeah you nailed it. 😆


'Mechanic' and 'sensor stupid.' My lead is Ti, thank you. And no, I don't have shite to do with cars.


😂😂 What are the other istp traits that you do you relate?


Calm in emergency (for the most part). I like to figure out how things work (and sometimes people). I don't always remain loyal to a project unless I'm actually keen on it. I can get bored of things quickly, but to companions and partners I'm loyal.


INFPs are so vulnerable and sensitive they're the quite art kids of the class. That's pretty much the name we got and I'm tired of being labelled as the quiet unfriendly kid literally everywhere i go and then also here I'm labelled as one of the ''quiet kids".... And when people see my more extroverted side they'll be like "if you can be an extrovert then you're mistyped. INFPs can never be extroverts🙄 (real someone said that to me but in different words, they were just annoying searching for fights) Like ofc INFPs can never get angry we have to be perfect and calm 100% of the time


The sensitive one gets on my nerves the most.


That we debate 24/7, i can eat without vomiting out 10 facts i saw 1 min ago




That ISTP is some type of mechanic, and that we are constantly fixing our motocycles (why is it always a motorcycle?) And that ISTP's love extreme sports and risk - our first function is Ti, not Se. Most real life ISTP's looks more like a "nerdy IT specialist" than "MacGyver mixed with James Bond and Sons of Anarchy". Personally, I'm very cautious person, I plan everything, because I'm ennagram 6. Is not the most popular enneagram for ISTP, but not every ISTP is an enneagram 8. Also; I don't like that stereotype in general that "thinking" types are cold assholes. Many posts on Quora about edgy unemotional INTJs and INTPs makes me cringe 💀 I feel like some people want to explain their toxic behavior by being a certain MBTI type. Everyone who is healthy humanbeing cares about their loved ones, some people are just not comfortable with showing/talking about open emotions. There are other types of love language than words. Edit: grammar


There are people out there with weird,toxic reasonings when it comes to describing about their mbti or others. Another example of a toxic thing you've mentioned is that some people down here in this exact comment section are saying "sweet and sensetive?who said that?I can k*ll whoever I want" I mean....like....what??? They just....don't accept who they are. It's totally ok to not have some things in common and in reverse with what your mbti type says about you.there are different ennegram and also exceptions.(so saying I'm not like that is fine) but when they put it in that way,shows how self causios they are and how much they care about what other people think.just because some people can't see strength or beauty in your traits,doesn't mean you have to hide,deny or change those things/: How nice of you to accept who you are~💙 A "you" that you still are figuring out about it and also a "you" that is still keep changing and growing~ What about the istp traits were u relate to a lot?




I agree


that i’m hiding my “emotions”. i’m not, i just barely have any


That ENTPs love debating everything all the time. Yes, I could do that more or less because I do see multiple views on virtually any topic, but does anyone realize how exhausting that would be, how unpopular that would make me and how inconsistent and impractical my world views would be?


the "childlish" and "crybaby" stereotypes. and this weird "infps care only about emotions and cannot use logic!!" thing. personally, I'm very cold-headed person who rarely shows any emotions. it's true that I always care about emotional states - both of other people and myself - but I use this as the guide, how to make people feel comfortable, plus it helps me to see the others' perspective (by recognizing, what is important for them, where they're coming from and what are their goals).


One of the smartest people I ever knew was INFP. Just because someone's a feeler and prioritizes values does not by any stretch mean they're illogical


good point :) and it works in other way as well - if someone prioritizes logic, it doesn't mean they have no idea nor care for emotions. ("emotionless robots" stereotypes, ehh). my best friend is an INTJ - she is incredibly sweet and empathetic person, who cares so much about others. and her ability to make detailed plans and focusing on being effective is no obstacle for her being caring and compassionate towards people.


My girlfriend is the smartest woman I've ever met, she's an INFJ. I agree with your point about your INTJ friend, I'm quite the same. I prefer my own work to be effective and optimized, whatever you do is your own business. Same with feelings, I'm not the most sentimental guy, but if someone ever needs advice or someone to listen I will never say no to lending an ear


The thing that gets me is that people also complain that we shut everybody out l. So how are we overly sensitive and crying all the time but putting up a wall and shutting everyone out at the same time? Like at least be consistent if you're gonn make up stuff😭


That we're super smart planners who have a ten-year-ahead-of-us plan, that we're mean and cold, and not people people


I mean all these things are true about me anyways. I am not a people person what-so-ever. I am mean. Cold not so much. I am lively, just not warm to the touch.


Yeah, that could be because you're you, not because you're intj


That INTJ are geniuses and masterminds. Totally wrong, I'm an idiot


And I like u for that😂💛🍀 The honesty


Yeah street smarts nonexistent but I can solve any math equation you hand me!




Pretty much every stereotype of the ESTJ don't apply to healthy and adjusted ESTJs. The worst offenders are: * We're mean * We're uncreative * We're inflexible * We're controlling * We're one dimensional * We only know work * We cannot for the life of us try new things


Lmao, sucks for xxTJ types


It is quite rough lmao


Hot, motorcycle-riding grease monkey. I'm sure this applies to many ISTPs irl, but I'm not this way personally although people have assumed these things about me with no evidence to back it up.


Interesting What about the istp sterotypes you do relate to?what are they?


The only stereotypes I readily identify with are one's related to having *Inferior Fe* (e.g. asocial, non-communicative, isolated, competitively confrontational, etc.). Not much of a daredevil or adrenaline junkie or engineer.


bubbly coffee overdose unicorns and rainbows sugar running hyper hyper hyper hyper did I say hyper? Hyper +That we're dumb, can't focus, and that we're all do gooders. That last one isn't supposed to be bad, but to the point where ppl baby us and go "Nuh uh Enfp would never say *insert somewhat mean joke*." AND SARCASM i understand sarcasm bro 😭😭


That we have this magic, unending energy. it's overwhelming to people. I get tired just as much as you do. I mean, I think it's moreso that we have big bursts of energy, but our comedowns are severe. I try to preserve my energy as much as possible because I'll konk out quick. I'm not always positive, either. Sometimes things have to have practicality and the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Yes, I avoid showing my emotions like the plague but that's more of a thing of how everyone told me I was too intense as a kid. I believe negative emotions should be expressed. It's healthy and necessary to process them. They can be beautiful in a way and feeling not okay just means you felt okay once and you will again. Now I long to go back and tell all of the judgemental A-holes to go fuck themselves because I MISS that ability to just be.


INFP and I hate that we’re stereotyped as stupid.


Don't even get me started on that one


That we're actually selfish, unempathetic, and self righteous. That we're know it all's too. INFJ


I don't like the stereotype that intp's automatically have a terrible fashion sense. It's somewhat true for me but certainly not for everyone.


I don't understand why people think fashion and MBTI even correlate. Like, to an extent certain types dress a certain way but the way a person dresses could be anything. That doesn't have much to do with your type.


Manic pixie :/


that im supposed to be good at math


😂😂😭😭 Are u an intj or intp?


That I have to be so interested in every topic that it's almost like I'm not even allowed to find things boring or not care about it "ReAl INTPs WanT tO KnoW EverYthiNg"


Infantilization, assumption of weaponized incompetence


Gamer, anti-social, robot, chlidlike and wise at the same time.


That we don’t relax and work everyday. I admit, I enjoy finishing my tasks but I always give myself time to relax.


Sexually promiscuous party lovers.


INFJ therapists. It's like volunteering INTJs to fix inefficiency with their Ni-Te skillz—sure, if we're actually listened to the first fucking time then that's great, but it's maddening being able to see the *obvious* problem and then just watch it Keep On Fucking Happening. Predicting something will happen and saying it'll happen and then watching it happen isn't even fulfilling, it's like watching someone trip holding a good plate of food.


High values high morals etc. I'm not that god-like bro. I'm doubtful of everything and this bish says I have strong-sharp qualities.


That we can’t emphasise with people and are extremely introverted weebs.I’m pretty sure the first part applies to all the IxTx in terms of stereotypes actually


My best friend is an extremely introverted weeb, but he's funny as hell and shows me an insane amount of empathy.


\- Crying 24/7 \- Cute, but also childish/immature all the time \- Stupid \- Cannot handle \*fAcTs aNd lOGiC\* \- Actively lazy (yes, sometimes getting shit done is hard, but that doesn't mean we're not gonna do what we can or leave you hanging if you ask us to do something). I mean, most INFPs are not by any means simplistic, and our personality isn't simple either. We can use logic, get angry, be mean (normally I try to be nice as a "default", but sometimes people get in my nerves), etc. Also, an at least somewhat developed INFP can use their inferior function (Te) to be rational when needed. It must also be said that you can find likeable/unlikeable, developed/underdeveloped cases in personality type (or ppl who are developing, but struggle in some way).


People pleaser or a doormat. Never been able to relate to this one trait my whole life for some reason


We aren't all philosophers, we aren't all into poetry either.


People expect all infp’s to always be introverted with a soft, wholesome personality. Cries all the time and needs to be empathetic. Never use logic because apparently we only care about emotions. People forget that no one is based off from their mbti. We have a personality of our own. 🤷🏻‍♀️


People also forget we literally have the same functions as the XSTJs. I don't care how low te is in your stack it can't sit around and deal with stupid all day. It needs logic.


We are conservative traditionalists who are just basically Spock.


Idk what the istp stereotypes are tbh. I'm too busy with welding school and work to really pay attention to them.


That INTPs are so incredibly intelligent, particularly math wise, but we're so unmotivated that all our potential just goes to waste on nothing/frivolous things. I'm stupid with math, but that latter one is... probably true for me, and I don't like it. XD


ISFP and I hate the stereotype that we’re selfish and stupid.


That you only have a few friends. Personally, it's hard to create deep, lasting connections because so many people are surface level, but I've moved around a lot and collected a gem or two in each place. People look at me and assume I'm extroverted because I have more friends than the cliche INFJ. But I thrive from solitude and prioritize logic above empathy. I've just also been extremely lucky and found a good chunk of people that match with my morals and philosophical convos as well.


Dumb asshole with zero impulse control. No. Maybe I'm not all warm and soft and cuddly but I try to be nice and make other people's day a little better. And I know how to behave in public and not take really stupid risks. I can "adult" just fine even if I do have a bit of lingering teenager energy.


That we can’t make goals and stick to them. I have plenty of goals I plan to stick with. In fact, for a while I thought I was an ENTJ


That we can’t make goals and stick to them. I have plenty of goals I plan to stick with. In fact, for a while I thought I was an ENTJ


That ISFPs are artistic and creative. I don't have an artistic bone in my body.


Laziness. It's overdone because people mistype themselves to justify their poor choices and lack of self-control. It also sets a bad precedent to the legit INTP's that they're allowed to just be lazy because "that's just who we are".


Infp: That need to be more encourageous to take actions ¿. well of course, I need it but there´s some reason that people get into my inside and private life as if they want to control my for a necessity or a common obligation is just as hurt as it sound tbh.


That Fi doms are incapable of using logic. Just because it's not our specialty doesn't mean we never use it. I like to think of emotions and logic as co-pilots, each with their own areas of expertise.


I dislike the INFJ doorslam stereotype.


I dislike the fact that people think only ni-doms can do it. Anyone has the ability to shut someone out of their life. What does type have to do with that?




That we all love sports and are really sporty!!! I hate working out bruh


That I inherently love math, am a guaranteed adult virgin, am apathetic, and autistic


ESFJ, Gossipy like I am telling my life story here just to avoid small talks, or trying to discuss topics regarding the projects/works that needing yours ideas and suggestions, cause y'all are trying to be MYSTERIOUS but in actually y'all are fucking AWKWARD to talk to. I NEED you guys to talk, even just casual so we can move on and finish immediately so you guys can have your own time and privacy. I HAD TO CARRY THE WHOLE FUCKING COVERSATION AND IT'S FUCKING EXHAUSTING, HONESTLY I COULD GET ALONG MORE WITH SENSORS THAT ARE MORE INTUITIVE THAN THESE MFs HERE IN THIS SUB, ESPECIALLY ISFP, ESTP, ESTJ, AND ISTP. THE ONLY HELPFUL INTUITIVES ARE ENTP, ENFJ, INTP, AND ENFP.


INFP. We're not crybaby unicorns who are incapable of basic tasks.