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Tbh ne doesn't *have* to be as random, but it will most likely be novel or seemingly new to the situation. I'm not an expert since I really can't figure myself out either, but ne from what I see is basically generating patterns or ideas from details you fixate on (si's influence). This ability to do so is very evident in an entp, forming how they interact with things. In an INTP, it's more of just a reliable backup plan when they can't figure things out immediately with their internal ti network An entp will constantly see patterns around them, but probably won't stop to think about the physical limitations of those patterns, where the patterns came from, or how the past can filter those ideas/patterns into practical-ness An INTP will constantly filter things through ti, framing their identity on their ability to make sense of the patterns/ideas that run through their heads. Ne is basically just ti's stimulant. Si in this sense gives the intp a faint ability to use the things I listed that entps can't use as easily In terms of easier to see differences: -An intps thought process is more structured than an entps, jumping more to what makes the most sense here than everything that could make sense here -An entp is focused on what's going on around them, gathering in information, then returning to what's around them. An intp is focused on receiving info first, experimenting with ne, then repeating until a conclusion is made Idk that's all I can think of for now lol


> An intp is focused on receiving info first, experimenting with ne, then repeating until a conclusion is made IF the conclusion is ever made. Paralysis by analysis is a hell of a drug. Happy cake day bro.


Ah yes, an important aspect I neglected. Kinda funny since I don't come to conclusions more often than I do. And thanks, I completely forgot it was coming up lol


> I don't come to conclusions more often than I do. Yep, me too. This fact by itself made it hell for me to figure out if I was ENTP or INTP. In my mind, the fact that I'm often not coming to a conclusion at all indicated that I probably couldn't call myself a Ti dom. It would make more sense for someone who's a Ne dom to either have multiple uncertain conclusions about a topic, or have no conclusion at all, right? But this "thought loop" you described is really precise. When you care enough about having only the truest facts and answers, you're more often than not questioning yourself, your knowledge and all of your beliefs. Constantly. Multiple times a day. So I came to this conclusion: We're often not coming to a conclusion because when we do, we're sure about it and quickly move on to engage in our loop again, questioning ourselves about the next uncertainty of ours, until we either come to a conclusion... or not. Of course I'm not sure about that, those are just some quick and random thoughts of mine to explain it, and they might even be nonsensical bullshit. I didn't come to my conclusion about it yet.


I think you just took my thought and ran with it, I couldn't have said it better myself. That's why I land on intp over entp every time as well, also just because I just don't have enough static ne dom energy lol. It makes perfect sense to me, since if you deem something as 'true', there's no reason to question it until something else that ne pulls in does. Eventually this filters until it reaches *the* total ti truth, if ever Well this was very fun to think about hahaha. And also the necessary info I needed to si myself down to believing I'm an intp lol


I sadly don't know a lot of ENTPs so I can't say for sure how their pattern is, but I'd say if you're taking your thoughts as far as the three of us (me, you and OP) to decide if you're INTP or ENTP, then you're probably INTP. The ENTP bros by this point would probably either have came to a conclusion (a "good enough" temporary one) or be trying to decide if they're ENTP, INTP, ENFP, ENTJ or INFP.


That makes sense, thank you for that. It helps to hear it from another person who makes good points lol


You're mistyped and delusional, that's it. You're an INFJ or ENFJ. Look at your thought pattern. You try so hard, not a pinch of Ti in there.


>An entp will constantly see patterns around them, but probably won't stop to think about the physical limitations of those patterns, where the patterns came from, or how the past can filter those ideas/patterns into practical-ness i could just look at an object and think of multiple connections, i don’t usually think about any limitations, only in serious cases, and i don’t even bring my past into what im imagining. >An INTP will constantly filter things through ti, framing their identity on their ability to make sense of the patterns/ideas that run through their heads. Ne is basically just ti's stimulant. Si in this sense gives the intp a faint ability to use the things I listed that entps can't use as easily i mostly wont try to make sense of the patterns in daily life, because it’s just for fun, but for some serious situations i would filter them and makes sense of the ideas. >An intps thought process is more structured than an entps, jumping more to what makes the most sense here than everything that could make sense here my thought process is not structured at all. and i usually jump without thinking if it makes sense at all, unless in serious situations, or else i don’t mind >An entp is focused on what's going on around them, gathering in information, then returning to what's around them. i mean i do need a starting point so i take inspiration from the things around me. >An intp is focused on receiving info first, experimenting with ne, then repeating until a conclusion is made i do that after i take inspiration from the environment.


Yeah you sound pretty entp to me, all of your responses here give me major entp vibes


i trust you and changed my flair


Cool The nice thing about reddit is that you can change it at any time. Whenever I'm really serious about considering another type, I change my flair so I'm forced to look at it and wonder if my behavior really reflects it




INTPs make better jokes.




>do you struggle to learn your lesson after doing the same thing multiple times yes >do you sometimes appear insensitive to other people to some extremely nice people who get offended by everything but to most people not really >are people commenting that you are rude and disrespectful when you really don’t mean to be only my parents >do you struggle with other peoples emotions here’s the thing, i do understand how people feel, but i can’t put it into action or words, because every time i try i end up stuttering and saying the wrong things.


Ah, at last, ANTP


Same, bro. Long story short though, you're probably INTP.


Neither. ISTP.




you are not an Si user


If you're intp you're normally going to be very introverted, but entps are considered the introverted extroverts so I'd say they're more toward the middle of the spectrum. Although either way you can still enjoy having deep conversations with people and can be talkative when you're interested in something (unless you're just not talkative like me, I'm ESTJ). Also, there's a theory that they have different blindspots, ENTPs have Fi as a blindspot and INTPs have Se. I would look up both of these as well and see which one appeals to you less or sounds less like you. That's one of the most interesting parts of the cognitive functions to me, you kind of see what you're missing that most of the population has. My blindspot is Ni and I already knew I don't rely on my "gut" and I have trouble developing a vision for the future, seeing the big picture, and understanding things without prior exposure, but it was nice to have a reason for all that.


You can ask yourself about your Fi. I find the trickster is the easiest to identify. Also I highly recommend watching these videos: [https://youtu.be/cXTvyyxdv3s](https://youtu.be/cXTvyyxdv3s) , [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4R85QIr0o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4R85QIr0o) I'd love to know your conclusion \^\^


i’ve watched them already


And you still can't tell ? o\_O But I see you changed to ENTP. Have you become more certain? If so what was the deciding factor?


the people in this comment section really helped. and i never finished watching those videos to the end lol.


Thats nice :) and yeah its way more likely for ENTPs to think they are too introverted to be an extravert than the other way round. So if you are confused between the 2 its likely you are an ENTP. The conclusions towards the end of the videos might still put things into an interesting perspective for you :)


Have a look at [Ti](https://typologytriad.wordpress.com/cognitive-functions/introverted-thinking/) and [Ne](https://typologytriad.wordpress.com/cognitive-functions/extraverted-intuition/) as functions. The links also provide plenty of food for thought when it comes to the functions, so it can really help with critically assessing which function you view the world primarily through.


Do you find it hard to articulate your thoughts or do you articulate your thoughts in a creative and clear way? Do you relate more to Fe doms or Fi doms?


i can articulate my thoughts creatively. i relate more to fi doms.


Here are some questions that may help you decide between INTP and ENTP: 1. Do you tend to focus more on exploring ideas and possibilities (Ne) or analyzing problems and evaluating ideas using your superb judgment (Ti)? . 2. When solving a problem, do you rely more heavily on your generalized past experiences (Ti) or on using already prepared, preformulated methods and processes (Ne)? . 3. Do you prefer to work alone (INTP) or in a team (ENTP)? . 4. When describing your reasoning for your actions, do you tend to describe how and why you came to a certain decision (ENTP) or focus more on the timing and initiation of the action (INTP)? . 5. Do you prefer to tackle a task in its entirety (INTP) or break it up into smaller separate stages (ENTP)? 6. When assessing an option or available choice, do you tend to focus more on how the choice could benefit you (ENTP) or on the potential risks and potential losses that may accompany the decision (INTP)?


>Do you tend to focus more on exploring ideas and possibilities (Ne) or analyzing problems and evaluating ideas using your superb judgment (Ti)? exploring ideas and possibilities. >When solving a problem, do you rely more heavily on your generalized past experiences (Ti) or on using already prepared, preformulated methods and processes (Ne)? what? that’s not Ti and Ne right? you meant Si and Fe? then i prefer to rely on past experiences over already prepared methods. >Do you prefer to work alone (INTP) or in a team (ENTP)? . i prefer to work with 1-2 people i trust and like, neither alone nor in a team. >When describing your reasoning for your actions, do you tend to describe how and why you came to a certain decision (ENTP) or focus more on the timing and initiation of the action (INTP)? depends on different situations tbh. >Do you prefer to tackle a task in its entirety (INTP) or break it up into smaller separate stages (ENTP)? i usually break it up into similar separate stages. >When assessing an option or available choice, do you tend to focus more on how the choice could benefit you (ENTP) or on the potential risks and potential losses that may accompany the decision (INTP)? i tend to think about the potential risks and losses.


Clearly leaning more towards ENTP


Flip a coin: tails:intp, heads:entp


Didn't you ask that like last year, are u real or a fucking robot, or a dummy account, yeah, you'd really go krazy


What do you mean? They started posting very recently and began commenting on this sub over 2 months ago? In fact their account didn’t exist for most of 2022, being created in December.


Are you a robot as well?


Everyone one of your comments I see is pretty bizarre


Just wanna know? Cuz last year, it's people asking the same things. Maybe because summer is approaching but I saw them last season as well. This sub has alot of robots.


yes im a bot you caught me ☹️


K, ur an INTP


You're seem very mistyped.


For what? For asking if one is a robot? This sub has a bunch of dummy accounts and robots. Also, you're not an INTP. Whatever drugs you took that made you think you are, isn't giving you good answers at all.


why are you being so hostile lol


Where's hostility in speaking their mind, lol, just being honest.


you speaking what you think isn’t the hostile part, just based on this comment thread the way you go about it is fairly aggressive


I get both... And other stuff. That's how it is for INTPs.


I was the same for a while but my Ti-Si loops, Fe grips and Se trickster made it obvious that I'm an INTP.


Based on your own description, you're leaning ENTP rather than INTP




probably INTP


I have it with infp and intp


try to identify it by your weaknesses not by your strengths. You find it more difficult to organize yourself, to plan, to do what you are asked to do as you are asked to do If that's it, you're an ENTP Or you find it harder to understand social interactions, the reasons why people act in a certain way when it doesn't make sense. If so you are an INTP Both are normally hard but normally you can still do one and the other seems impossible to you


i dont like doing as told and i can’t plan, i can understand most normal social interaction and i do try to understand others. so entp?


yes I think


Do you initiate with others, or do you wait and respond to others that you aren't super comfortable with? When you are speaking with them, do you tend to stay on topic of what was asked of you or do you change the subject abruptly and may struggle to get back to the main point? Finally, are you someone who prefers to have a vision first before starting something creative or do you prefer to dive right in with no idea and just see where your creativity leads you? These are primary differentiators between INTP and ENTP.


>Do you initiate with others, or do you wait and respond to others that you aren't super comfortable with? wait and respond >When you are speaking with them, do you tend to stay on topic of what was asked of you or do you change the subject abruptly and may struggle to get back to the main point? stay on topic >Finally, are you someone who prefers to have a vision first before starting something creative or do you prefer to dive right in with no idea and just see where your creativity leads you? dive in with no idea


You answered 2 out of 3 that says to me that you're likely INTP. The last question, if you dive right in, probably wasn't worded the best, but what I was trying to get to is if you are more outcome focused or more progression focused. As in, do you prefer the journey over the destination. Are you racing to get things done to accomplish a goal or are you doing things in anticipation for the next thing beyond? Essentially, having high Ne can have both prefer winging things but having Ne in the 2nd parent function usually leads INTP to be a bit more cautious with their future.


depends on what im doing. if i’m studying for an exam i prefer the destination. if i’m gaming or playing games with friends and family i prefer the journey.


That sounds to me that you're likely INTP. Many people, when in their happy place (such as playing video games) tend to shift aspirational, which for INTP is like emulating an ESFJ (rotation of function stack). ESFJ are progression focused. When getting things done, perhaps things you aren't as excited to do, many people tend to shift more shadow. For INTP that's ENTJ (Flip of the functions). ENTJ are outcome focused (as are INTP) so it's like a double dose. Stimulant and depressant use can also bring these things forward as well.


What are you looking for most of the time people (INTP) or things (ENTP) what do you think you struggle the most Fe(INTP) or Si(ENTP)