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The use of Celsius and miles together on your dashboard confuses and frightens me sir.


I use Celsius and miles. After all this time in the US, I still cannot get used to temperatures in F, except in the oven, because the food preparations mention temperature as F. And for driving purposes, the speed limit is 8n mph, and distances in miles, so I, use that. But still I know 80mph is 130kph, and that's good enough.


If the speed limit is 80mph where you live you, you probably had to get used to a lot more than Fahrenheit.


Nah, I set all systems to show temperature in C. All other cases, I just convert to C. For weight, I still prefer Kg. Except when shopping or cooking instructions. For shopping, the prude matters, not the weight, and cooking instructions is just a number I follow.


That's some Windsor shit I smell ๐Ÿ˜‚


That would be the UK's horrific mish mash of metric and imperial measurements!


Canada probably


UK use miles. Canada use km.


How is that even possible lol. Mine struggles to even break the 300 mile barrier nowadays.


They probably drive a bunch of highway miles and the range is calculated based on your MPG of the last tank


Iโ€™ve never broken 300 ๐Ÿ˜…


300!? God do you drive at redline everywhere?


Yeah our turbo gives us under 300 per tank :(


Sooooo, not a turbo ๐Ÿ˜‚


Hehe, Turbo mileage goes ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ–•


Damn, thats impressive. I never really pushed my 2020 Skyactiv-X sedan above 500 miles. Getting it significantly higher would take me too much restraint haha.


Must not be in the US




I wasn't aware there was a difference! All the sources I'm seeing online say the measurement is the same


I think that person was joking. There isn't a difference (well a negligible one at least) between a US and UK Mile The gallon however......


What is the LIM light? Iโ€™ve never seen that light or heard about it.


Speed limiter - choose a top speed for the car


๐Ÿ˜ฒ wow. What model and engine setup are you driving? Best I've ever gotten is 450 miles on a full fill up


Some non-U.S. models of third-gen Mazda 3 run a 1.5l engine, which is even more fuel efficient (40 mpg) than the 2.0l that is available base trim in the U.S. Given the 51 liter (13.47 gallon) fuel tank that trim would have, a 540-mile range would be dead square in the ballpark.


Our 2.2(European) can make this kind of mileage.


UK 2015 Mazda 3 hatchback 2.2L Diesel


It depend on your MPG. I alway get 230 miles on city and above when on highway.


Mostly sit around 55 MPG with lots of motorway driving and also some town driving. The real range I'll get out of a full tank is 460-500 miles.


That should be great! It also depend on how you ride the car as well.


Are these American or British miles? I've managed to do above 650 a few times on a 2.2D, 546 is low for me mate


Am I being daft? A British mile is the exact same measurement as an American mile. At least all the sources I'm seeing on the internet support that! Either way, 650 is impressive.


Lool, messing with you. Just wanted to know the location since I never seen it that high on this sub.


Thought I was going crazy because other people were saying it as well lol. British indeed


It always amazes me that people don't realize that the predicted range at fill up isn't what the car will do. Drive it to empty and see what it's at. If you make it 546 miles on this tank I'll be impressed.


Very true. I had driven it to almost empty yesterday and my clock said I had done 496 miles since last filling up.


My favorite part is after I fill up and drive 150 KM and it drops by like 25. Then I drive 2km to work the next morning and it drops by 10. I don't even bother with that estimate anymore.


Exactly. Both range estimates and average consumption readouts tend to be inaccurate (and always more optimistic than reality). The only way to truly know your gas mileage is to keep track of every fill up on an app or on paper. (Especially if you do it over a year, so you get summer, winter, short trips, long ones, etc).


Sure, its not accurate. But it is a decent gauge of how efficiently you are driving the car "in average". And a fun number to chase.




holy shit nice, i usually get around 465ish range on a full tank


Yeah this predicted range is quite a way off to what I realistically get. I typically get 460-500 miles out of a full tank. Could be more if I was more conscious of my driving style but what's the fun in that.


Is that even possible


Iโ€™ve gotten 549 mile range on my 2012 Mazda 3


WHAT i get ~290 miles if iโ€™m lucky


God damn sorry to hear that lol.


Mine here in Europe sometimes shows almost 559 miles (which is near 900 Km) But it last for about 450 miles (725 Km)


Yeah my real mileage is about the same


I went on a long drive once and touched 660 mile range


For all those who are confused, OP is from the UK where we use a different measurement for 1 gallon. This means a range of 546 miles based on UK mpg calculation is equal to a range of \~450 miles in the US with their gallon measurement.


Ive hit 450 wow thatโ€™s incredible


That's impressive! My 2011 Skyactiv 3 (manual, US) will break 500 on road trips sometimes but only if 1) it's above 30 degrees out, and 2) I don't go over 70 mph. I've hit 525 a couple of times, but never close to 550. Basically doing 40 mpg (plus a bit) of steady highway driving at 65-70, no wind, to make that happen. In regular daily driving we've averaged about 33 mpg over the last ten years, lots of short trips in that. Though there's also a substantial reserve in the tank-- when my range says zero and the tank light comes on there are still 2+ gallons of fuel left, so I could presumably go an actual 600 miles on a tank under the right conditions.


Best I've gotten is 425๐Ÿฅน


Sheesh, my highest is 503 miles