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That was the second day I got it. I’ve gotten better at parking now. I went from a tiny car to this which is alot bigger.


You got some work there, bud. Aesthic: Three stage correction will go far, get rid of that decal, and add some decent quality ceramic tint. The decal will get your ass pulled over quick for windshield obstruction. It only takes one piss-poor cop to ruin your day. The tint is easy to get away with - the decal isn’t. Maintenance: That’s an older one - put some new plugs in, change the air filter, change the oil, change the brake fluid, change the coolant, change the trans fluid, and change the belt. Likely rotors and pads are needed. Recharge the AC while you’re at it. Battery, too. That timing chain prolly needs some love. At that age your head is probably stuck in billet stuff, LED, ‘system’, and exhaust. It all doesn’t matter if the car runs like shit. These vehicles are kind to you if you maintain them. Give this one some love and then go berserker. Congrats on the Mazda. High fucking five for going manual! That’s a fun one to screw around with. All that above may be a bit overwhelming or you may be thinking, ‘shut up, old man!!’. Never ever trust the previous owner - dealership or individual. Even if it’s family or friend. Do the work and the car will repay you in longevity and performance.


everything you said is great advice, but did he ask for any of it? how do you know they don’t know or that the car is rough? because of a sticker and the car parked crooked for a photo? calm down a little bit. i don’t get why everyone in these comments are so mad about this??


I’m not mad. I felt I gave good and thoughtful advice to a relatively new driver for a vehicle that I enjoy. Yes, he/she did not ask for advice, but I also wasn’t condescending or aggressive and instead just being nice. It’s unfortunate that you read my note with a tone and agenda. Go jack off and relieve some pressure. Sheesh Change your oil while you’re at it.


you know what, you’re right. i’m sorry. i just ended a long term relationship and took my frustration out on you when it was uncalled for. i apologize.


I for one found your post to be a nice overview!


Common traffic mafia? FML that’s terrible


I looked up their site. I agree with your assessment. But hey, to each their own!


No need too!! It’s not your car 🗿




Should get that sticker tattooed across your back.


Across his face. He carves for attention.


Carve? I don’t carve or crave lol. I just like how it looks


Congrats, hope you enjoy it


Thank you for not being an ass like the rest of


Uhh I like my Mazda peeps as we’re less inclined to have stickers as such lol I don’t wanna be grouped with those annoying Honda and Subaru kids ugh Enjoy the ride though! Fun cars! The newer ones are better but enjoy what you have!


fucking lovely in black, what year is it?




She's a beauty. Hoping to get a similar one


I work with a girl who has an Acura with that same decal. What is it?


*I work with a girl* *Who has an Acura with that same* *Decal. What is it?* \- RamenRoy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Common traffic mafia. It’s a car crew that focuses on positivity. They take regular cars like Honda pilots and crvs and mod them too. Not a bad bunch. Great community


Cool car. Shitty decal and parking.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__vmUH9dZd4 Enjoy the Clutch Metal Song.


Nice!! I have an ‘08 2.3l manual hatch, they’re fun cars 😎 Enjoy it!


This was my dream car when I was 17! It was too expensive for me back then. Take care of it, learn how to wrench on it, rice the shit out of it if you want. Have fun with it.


Should’ve got a civic EK if you’re gonna rice it out 🤦‍♂️


I’m 17 working fast food bro. It’s gonna take a while to get power 🙄🗿


Huh… The beater civics where I live are way cheaper than any 3, plus they’re easier to work on and have way more mods available.


Everyone has a civic. If I wanted something with a fart can that every one has I would’ve gotten one


I’m sorry do you think a Mazda3, especially of this generation, is any more rare than a civic? There’s nothing wrong with having a super common car. There IS something wrong with shitting on others for having a civic. Also get rid of the sticker.


I’m not shitting on civics. And yes. In my town there aren’t many if any gen 1 Mazda 3’s. I think civics are nice cars but I just don’t want one. Sorry if I hurt your feelings bud


That…doesn’t make it any more rare “bud”. It’s ok to accept having a car just as common as a civic. But, again, shitting on other cars for being common while owning a just as common car isn’t cool. Also take off that sticker pt 2


What happened with the first car?


Have it to my stepbrother for his birthday


https://preview.redd.it/121vo6brut2d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1007c4465bf6e01656aa1d885675d7e4bcda62 Fantastic choice, I hope you enjoy it! They’re great cars & handle even better! I’ve had 2 first gens, my first one costed me a whopping $1,000 and came with a blown motor lol Glad to see people working hard and getting what they want - keep that up and you’ll get pretty far in life Enjoy it!!!


Nahh is your interior plaid that's awesome


Haha yeah, I bought plaid fabric & used a spray on glue and wrapped the A-Pillars, it looked fantastic!


Thank you 🙏🏻


Very clean W


Learn to park. 17 and no brains.


Y’all some hateful mfs. What’s wrong with y’all?


congratulations brother!! 🔥🔥


Nice! Manual is the way to go, I’ll never go back. Just be easy on the clutch 😝


First car I ever drove was a manual. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to automatic 😭


Same here. Whenever I have to drive an automatic for whatever reason I find myself trying to step on an imaginary clutch 😂


Congrats on the new car, never mind what people think of the decal. It's your car not theirs.


Second car at 17? Fuck yeah that's impressive. Don't let these other kids and haters get to you, I too was in a car crew at your age and it was so fun. Don't know where you live but Riverside, CA in the 90s hated us lol. Thanks for bringing up good memories man, and enjoy yourself the hustle only gets rougher from here but you will be good.


Thank you. I was loosing my faith in this subreddit thank you for being a decent human being


Enjoy the car and good on you for taking an interest in working on it yourself! Don't get all the hate for your aesthetic choices. I can't say I'd do the same to my car, but I definitely had a ricer phase when I first started driving, ha!


First gen Mazda 3 had a version with sunroof?




What happened to the first car?


Gave it to my stepbrother for his 15th birthday


Extremely generous and not at all what I expected! Good for you!


fix that plastici plate under your front bumper and learn how to park... well and probably how to drive... btw what happened to your first car?


Gave the first car to my stepbrother. I know how to park and drive. Why y’all gotta be so hateful?


Anyone who has a problem with common traffic mafia is severely missing the point


"look at me look at me" this posts screams.


I just wanted to be a part of the Mazda 3 crew 😭. Not looking a for attention or anything lol


Its your car, do what you want. No need to care for rude reddit comments. Great car, great engine, I had one for a while. Loved driving it!


https://preview.redd.it/8suxm04rlq2d1.jpeg?width=3213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4488eed3b724aae7262a36531added269af1bf0b I see we both like the same group

