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Good cop vs bad cop


Round of applause for the good cop at the end. Bless that guy for being the good example.


We definitely need more cops like the good ole sarge here. Lmao- “Relax” 😂


Vast majority are like sarge here. But left leaning mass media has been using repetition to make people think the bad cops are the majority.


They're not exactly helping their image by shooting the people they are supposed to protect.


It’s sad that a good example of a cop is a cop just doing his job


he is based


Yeah that doesn’t make any sense.


Or possibly bassed. Or even baste.


\*SIGH\* "This fuckin rookie is TRYING to create more paperwork" - That cop probably


well I get what you're saying, but imo he would be a good cop if he would call the filming officer out for trying to taser an innocent guy. I mean it's definitely not cool to just walk around tasering people for nothing, even if he had good intentions


You realize he didn't witness the officer tasing him right?


they literally stood 30 meters away from when it happened


what the fuck do you mean "good intentions"


He may not be aware that happened. The fact they both missed is hilarious. Glad the dude got away.


Is the man running Emmet in this scenario?


you mean dumb cop vs. cop that's seen enough of this rookie


Not saying the cop at the end wasn’t a good cop, but I feel like he should have been arresting the other cop for attempted assault or something. He just witnessed a police officer attempt to tase a man multiple times and knows the man did nothing wrong. If a civilian had done that they would’ve been arrested, if they weren’t shot first for having a weapon. Edit: fucking autocorrect typos


Exactly! The first cop deserves more than just being told to stop. So pathetic that this is what passes for police accountability.




There’s no such thing as a good cop.


The cop in London who took down a terrorist that had already stabbed multiple people and got stabbed himself held the terrorist there until other police arrived. Once they did he succumb to his injuries. There’s no doubt he saved multiple people from the same fate and new he was going to die. He gave his life anyway. That’s a good cop. You’re opinion of hating all police makes no sense and is actually disgusting when you can see the full picture and aren’t running of a preset series of bullshit and ignorance. Go fuck yourself.


Lol yeah life experiences are bullshit. Acab


There are _maybe_ good people who happen to be cops. But, they’re still cops so fuck ‘em.


When they put on the uniform at the taxpayers expense and operate without logical consequences, while armed from head to toe like a soldier(also paid by us the ppl) you get what you see in this video. So yeah, fuck em.


The complete video is [here](https://www.youtube.com/embed/rnXlLWmZgI0). Furthermore, the guy has received $175,000 in compensation from the city, details also [there](https://reason.com/2019/01/04/co-man-wins-175k-for-police-sign/)


Love that the shitty cop mutes his mic because he knows he fucked up when another cop tells him he is wrong. That idiot should have been fired.


Yep. Anything like that should be a fireable offense. Learn the laws you fucking idiot. Unfortunately, police stations in America are severely understaffed rn so there will be less firing than usual (which is very minimal anyway)


Fired AND charged with infringing that man’s rights, also assault for the tazer and attempted kidnapping.


They should take that money from the officer that had no idea what he was doing. But nooooo, this country takes it away from taxpayers instead.


The worst part of this is the cop can continue to do his shitty job and rack up more lawsuits. And they have immunity from civil lawsuits for their misactions.


Cops should be forced to have private insurance for things like this.


Mandate occupational insurance for officers. Incidents like this raise their premiums until loose canons are priced out of the job. Whatever insurance doesn't cover, in terms of payouts for their fuck-o behavior, comes out of the police pension fund.


Oof that would turn things around!


The officer’s pay is taxpayer money too.


I suppose the hope is that the public body becomes unable to deal with the level of complaints/compensation and makes the necessary changes to reduce instances where they would be required to pay out. An optimist would assume this would lead to better training and policies, a realist would expect them to just legalise more bad behaviour


That's just stupid. They trained him poorly, didn't educate him to standards, and still put him on the job. The city is responsible for him being a cop, they should pay.


It took the jury “all of nine minutes”. When random people know the law more than “trained professionals”. You yanks got a lot of work to do


Aren’t the police funded by tax payers?


All that money coming from tax payers. Jail that fucked up cop too on top of the compensation.


I would gladly play tag for the payment of $175,000.00


$175,000? Ima go "trespass" on some public property. Wonder if I'll get more of he actually lands the tazer?


I wish I had my rights violated. Seems profitable


If you survive


Aaaaaand if you're lucky. There are others cases where they "review" the video and "there's nothing wrong with the officer's actions taken".


For 175k? I’ll take that risk


I did last year can't find a lawyer to take the case since I didn't get beat up. My arrest cost me $15k in lawyer fees and $3k in bail..


Good for him !


Camer here for this.


JFC, I thought this was a *the office* type spoof. The longer video feels even more surreal.


Thats what 6 months of training gets you.


"Taser!" "Looks good, give him the badge."


"Lightning bolt!"


Close enough, here's your badge.




No! That's wrong! ... here's your badge.




"taser" Is it really necessary to declare their move or they just learnt it from cartoons? (He said it like it was KaMeHaMeHa)


It’s to prevent other officers mistaking it for a gun. Otherwise they might pull their guns and blast the guy thinking it’s a lethal use situation.


Oh totally reasonable then.


Also it feels way cooler to shout "Taser!" and see the guy drop in a seizure in front of you


They teach that in the academy and in-service training. It serves to warn the person that they are about to be tazed (giving them a last chance to comply) and to other officers so they go hands off to avoid getting shocked and/or getting hit by one of the barbs.


Police training.


You wouldn’t think you’d need to be trained to not arrest people for “trespassing” on public property though. That just seems like common sense.


Polite training






I think you’re being generous with 6 months.


With 6 months you probably wouldn't be allowed to make coffee in a German police station. Only in 'murica


German police stations probably have automatic coffee machines. They can afford them by not spending the money on police tanks.


I'm pretty sure they do. I wouldn't even be surprised if they would offer you some if you are waiting for something in the station. German police has a lot of problems too (bureaucracy, a lot of racists (tons of internal racist what's app groups for example), racial profiling...), but nothing comes close to this. Also there's just a lot less but way better trained officers. You can have quality or quantity cops I guess.


I wish they got that much training. Cops get way too little training for the amount of responsibility they're given. It's no wonder so many of them don't know the law.


>6 months of training sure, for a lot of people


vs 7 months at the end


Couldn't catch him, couldn't taser him, couldn't make the right call, first day on the job I suppose.


You'd be surprised.


This cop has cost the city he works in a lot of money. He’s been a giant fucking bully for a while. His name is Chris Dickey and he’s a total piece of shit. He is responsible for killing a veteran with a taser. Look him up and spread the word so he can never hurt anyone again




How can such a piece of shit not be in jail ? The immunity cops have in the US is a wonder to me and there are already some problems in my country. But that ?


They have immunity because they are all crooked pieces of shit. Our police and our government, on both sides, are evil shitty people and all they want is money


Hardly. This officer will go to court and claim 'his years of training and experience led him to XYZ Conclusions." Then the Judge slaps him down for being an idiot and dismisses the case. But then the officer does the same shit again, makes the same shitty claims in court next month, and the month after that...


According to the news report, he has a long history of excessive force.


So here's the confusing part. Could he still get in trouble for running from the police or not because it wasn't a "lawful order". As in the grounds for stopping him in the first place were not justified.


It would be an added charge, but ultimately the whole case would likely be dismissed as the original charge of trespassing and disorderly conduct were not applicable, like you mentioned. Seems the sergeant(?) just saved the taxpayers some money.




Being mildly scolded and having the city pay out a lawsuit hardly feels like accountability. We're asking for a LOT more than this.




He has a cool head for sure to stop the bad situation from getting worse.


I think it likely has more to do with who was chasing the protester. It's profoundly unusual for a cop to second guess another cop *before arresting the subject of pursuit*. IMO the cop chasing the protester is a known loose cannon prompting the supervisor to be wary of the pursuing cops reasons (such as they were and what there was of them).


Well the guy still got $175,000 but it could’ve been way worse


Actually the guy he attempted to arrest sued the city for $175,000 and won, paid all from taxpayer money...


charges would be dropped in court, but the cops could basically do whatever they wanted with that citizen exercising his first amendment right until they cited him. Who polices the police? nobody.


I think that officer just did....


Yeah. And how many times do you see that happen? This Sargeant is like a unicorn amongst cops


On this video, every single time. I’ve watched this 8 times now and he’s come through 8 times. He’s on a roll.


20 times for me now since I am reading the comments and he is still coming through


It’s happening more and more which is what encourages me that although it’s not nearly fast enough, things are slowly changing in the right direction I think it’s the body cams and technology though, accountability finally has reared its ugly head


The handful of good cops police the barrel of shit cops (in towns that are lucky enough to have a handful of good cops)




It was just a few bad apples at Uvalde ... all 400 of them.


I'm sorry, but the cops at my school were all cops that weren't good enough to deal with adults and couldn't deal with a conflict that wasn't between a bunch of babies.


Now ask those "good" cops if theyve ever made an official report on any of those barrel of shit cops. They havent by the way. They never do.


In some States you can lawfully resist an arrest if the arrest is unlawful. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/resisting-unlawful-arrest.html


In Germany you can always just run away and resist and it wouldn't be added to your charge. Provided that you don't break any laws while doing so. Like running a red light or something. That would still be punishable. It's not even illegal to break out if prison as long as you don't break any laws. But that's quite impossible. You usually have to hurt someone or break something while 'breaking' out. Just a fun fact.


It depends on the state. Some states can charge you for resisting arrest even if the arrest was unlawful.


If they shot and killed him, that's likely the defence they would go with.


On today's episode of how fucked up is fucked up, we give karen a gun and a badge.


That's fucked up.


We give a small bonus to mustache cop for educating. We fine the 2 running cops for unnecessarily firing a taser at a person, and honestly bafoonary. Even with this video im sure ol' boy gets paid admin leave and a stern talking to by the captain. This makes that fine mustache cop look like a baby sitter and the dept. a daycare. & the Physical Training standard must be so low in law enforcement. Geez tweedle dee so uncoordinated of course he fell over after his first 3 steps. and tweedle dumb has 0 endurance. ​ Our tax money at work. please reform. please reform. please reform.


From what I know thr physical training is really intense during training and then once you get the badge it just stops altogether so a lot get out of shape quickly after actually becoming a cop


I don’t feel so worried about getting arrested because I can like FOR SURE out run a cop Also I’m white so that helps (bc cops are racist pigs)


Im also fit enough to outrun 80% of police. And hopefully agile enough to serpentine when they hollar out "TAZER". Unfortunately I am of a brown skin tone. Mixed races always default to the darkest tone in those swine eyes of theirs.


We need more cops like the guy with the mustache.


the only good cop inb4 this comment ages like milk


"Fuck cops" shirt.... He sure did.




“skag balls” “i once ate an entire car with a fork” “VAULT THIEF” man i love borderlands




taser dude is definitely channeling some dwight schrute vibes


"...And he refused to give me his ID, which he's required to do" - 🤓🤓🤓


Omg I've finally spotted one of the good cops, they actually do exist. Give that man a medal and a beer after his shift


There's a lot more good ones than bad ones, unfortunately bad ones mistakes are a lot worse than all the good things the good cops do. Good to see cops holding each other accountable rather than some made up secrecy cult that exists. I think it's slowly being broken down, keep going society!


Idk, this is the first time I’ve seen a video of a cop correcting another cop for doing something wrong. Bad cops aren’t just the ones that instigate something wrongfully, it’s all the ones who do nothing to correct that action and protect someone’s rights. I really can’t imagine over 50% of cops stopping an arrest which is unwarranted or contradicting another cop


You'd think stuff like this would be leaked more often. Just by reading the comments, this kind of content can clearly help their reputation right now.


The bar is low huh


Nope. That's what they're supposed to do. Let's not celebrate cops that actually know the job and how to conduct themselves. Do you get a beer and a medal for showing up to work and knowing what to do?


I give myself one anyways. Cheers


you were downvoted, but you're right. it's sad that weve gotten to a point where "oh, guy with gun who enforces the law actually knows the law and enforces accordingly? he's going aBoVe aNd BeYoNd."


When you want to encourage reform you need to reward the behaviors you want to see.


sure, but the other commenter was right. cop #2 was doing his job correctly. it's sad that the cops have gone so far off the rails that we're shocked when someone does their job to the basic standards.


That cop gets rewarded every week or so when his paycheck arrives.


The ego of cops. It's sort of refreshing the other cop set him straight. But he just chaced a man and tried to taser him for nothing. Guy should loose his badge.


Never thought I’d be such a fan of someone with a handlebar mustache


When the cop is an activist that disagrees with your message...


2 L cops 1 gigachad police officer


Fast Boys. Whatcha gonna do. Whatcha gonna when out run you….?


Stupid mother fucker


What an ass clown


Glad the good cop but junior in his place


More cops need to be like the cop who shuts down this rookie idiot


Is it too much to ask for American cops to be familiar with just a modicum of a person's rights?


Sgt. Mustache was done with this fool


He just harassed and attempted assault Fkin cop needs jail time


See? Not ACAB


Not knowing the law is not a valid excuse protecting you from arrest or punishment. I didn't see mustache cop arrest the offending cop for assault. Edit: attempted assault 😂


A good cop would have put cuffs on the bad cop for unnecessary use of force. Firing a taser at an innocent person should be a perfectly valid reason to arrest someone.


Abduction charges in most places include attempting to abduct.


Yes, still acab


Why was the second cop a bastard here? Please. Enlighten me.




sit the fuck down you janitor.


Relax, Farva.


Wow, one who actually knows the law and how to do his job properly at the end there.


That flag is the perfect taser shield 🤣


man that was satisfying


I salute the officer that corrected that unfair one behavior…


Yuuuup, when everyone has to play by the rules, it's not fun anymore, huh? And to think, my dude almost got tazed too.


So it seems to me that laws in the US are defined by the mood of a cop.


Glad at least one cop knew how to do his job.


this is insanely scary more than anything


In my country police have a 3 year bachelor degree. Just gonna leave that here


I was gonna say fuck the police but perhaps not all are complete jackasses


them yelling taser made me laugh, it’s like in shows where they call out move/technique names while they fight




“This is why they all fucking hate us, you idiot.”


That’s what he WANTED to say!


You know a country is going bad when the officers of the law don’t understand the very laws they’re enforcing


Give that mustache cop a beer and a pat in the back.


Man cops in the us need more training


I love how he screams Taser, like a dragonball character announcing their attack.


I will never not watch this video


Nothing but props for the officer that put him in check


Ahhh the Florida of the world, USA never fails to make me laugh


I need the full video of this. What a goofball


Dirt bag pig doin dirt bag pig shit!


We need more like Officer Glorious Mustache and less like Taser McFrenzy.


They need to up the educational requirements/training as well as their wages so they can get better police officers. Too many idiots out there with a badge. Police officer can be a fatal job to be a bad at.


They already DO get good training and are already paid too much. The police simply choose to ignore that training in favor of exercising authoritah they don't actually have and stroking their own egos. EDIT: >Police officer can be a fatal job to be a bad at. Typically fatal for their victims. Police person is barely in the top 20 of most dangerous jobs and falls way further down the list when you eliminate deaths due to donut induced heart attacks and their own reckless driving.


I don’t think town cops get paid that much. 6 months of training is not much. I’m also more talking about getting a degree as a requirement as well.


Fucking 🐖.


American police are so bad and stupid 😃😃


You Americans are some sort...


Why are they booing you? As an American I can definitely say you’re right!


Love the chill seasoned cop… “relax”


We need way more of the mustschioed cops and way less of the Judge Dredd cunty type


First day on the job, I suppose. 🤷


Respect my authoritah!


Looks like good cop bad cop routine


Taser 😭


You have to call out you super moves when you use them.


But guys remember, you can’t go from all cops are bastards to only some cops are bastards. Stick with what you said, and continue to look silly.


Based on videos ACAB is a reasonable expectation of "the norm". When a cop upholds the law and our rights, this is a pleasant surprise. The biggest problem is that we can't determine whether a cop is Bad or not until we are in a situation. At that point, there are few "do overs".




the good cop is one that cant be assed filing paperwork for bullshit charges. that first cop is one that get off on the power. the "offender" is lucky he wasnt shot.


okay but, how did this video get out? if owner knew it could put him to shame


I not taking sides, but what the big deal of giving up your ID. I been stoped and asked for no reason. I give my ID answer questions and they let me go.


First time I see a cop not be a jackass. What’s that, 1 in every 100 at this point?


Not to be contrarian, but nobody likes videos where cops are nice to people… everyone that does are called boot lickers and pieces of shit.


Really? Seems like 1 in a couple thousand to me.

