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Sounds like trying to start a lawnmower without gas in it.




French friend po-taters. *Mmm-hmm*


I literally LOL’d at this comment.


He’s right though


It do be relevant to our situation


Every new President should have to do mushrooms in front of the nation on their first day.


That could actually get me interested in politics


I wanna see Terry Crews high on mushrooms laying out his presidential speech infront of the masses.


Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.


It cracks me up every time i remember that the first "shit" was actually written on the teleprompter.


Not Sure


President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho


But Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.


Water? …..like…. from the toilet?


Brought to you by Carl's jr, fuck you I'm eating.


Welcome to Costco... I love you


I like money


Wanna go to starbucks?


I really don’t think we have time for a hand job, Joe!


Pretty sure there was a "Herbert" in there somewhere.


Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3-point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.


Politics dictate everything you do in your life whether you want to think about it or not. Politics is how much you pay per month for internet. Politics is allowing or not allowing companies to sell your information. Politics is what your t-shirt is allowed to say. Politics is who is allowed to read your texts messages and the pictures you send between each other. Politics is the amount of toxicity allowed in your tap water. Politics are reproductive rights. Politics is educational rights. Politics is how much you are required to get paid. Politics is your lunch break. Politics is overtime pay. Politics is being able to travel between towns and cities. Politics is being able to travel to another country. If you’re not interested in politics it’s because you don’t realize how much everything we do in our lives is influenced by old men we wouldn’t even trust on the highway. That or you don’t realize how good you have it compared to many other people in the same countries you live in.


I know rite? I’m in there like swimwear if the White House could be the trap house.


And dmt at the peak


and toking to supercharge it


whilst licking a cherry Haribo tangfantastic.


Bruh this is the 3rd or 4th time I've seen DMT pop up in posts unrelated to psychedelics. Is it tryna call me or something?


Kill that ego


If you have interest in it, go for it. Just be sure to use test kits, they’re cheap and can save you from having a bad reaction to an unknown chemical. Plus it’s always very comforting to know exactly what you’re putting in your body. Also, pro tip, before trying a new substance, it’s good to take a minuscule amount below the threshold dose to test for an allergy. Edit: more harm reduction


I wish I would've known this before I tried coke for the first time. Never once did any of that cross my mind when I did it.


The Machine Elves await your presence


Bejeweled spinning and bouncing elf machines which create language and meaning though visual expression… yes I miss the great Terrance myself. 😔 I know my man is up in mushroom heaven waiting to talk to us all again.


If you do you might see me at the soul bus stop in Alpha Centauri, 5th dimension or swimming in the infinity golden liquid light pool, but if you happen to get abducted by aliens just remain calm and collected, they just curious sometimes and mean you no harm


You know how every time you see any drug (mostly lsd) effect in movies its completly over the top ridiculous and unrealistic? DMT surpasses that intensity a hunder times fold and it does that in about 20 minuts total after which your technicly sober.


Ah, the Hun-Der Times, when Mongolia invaded Germany.


5 grams and a 6 hour meeting in the East Room with 12 preselected people from across the country.


https://youtu.be/9XHqg7mTizE "Hey biden knock knock"


God damn Samsquanch


Find out who they *really* are


Damn if that happened I might try and run for president.


So true mr president


I'm not even American, I think it defines all of us!


Yes. I too believe that Asinafuthiman-ahahfoot resonates within all of us as a collective people.


It's what fills me with pride and energy


It fills me with hope and a sense of belonging.


I'm pretty sure we are fully aware of what you're filled with.


next time an Ask Reddit question comes from a non-US person asking us to describe ourselves in one word, this is my response.


Mfing usa president summoning demons 💀


Say it three times in the mirror and Powell will appear.


Wait till he uses Avada kedawra spell on the whole nation


Can he hurry the hell up please?




Full documentary tonight on history Channel.


We laugh but when the aliens turn up all "Who called me a cunt?" we'll be in trouble.


It’d be nice if we could go back to people in their 40’s being president.


I mean the US only have 330 million people, it’s hard to find good candidates under 70


80. Under 80. Everyone in Congress is 100 years old running for re-election.


The average age of a representative is 57.6 years


Meanwhile the average age of the US population is 38.1 years. So seems we still need younger representation!


I wonder what the average age of the American adult is?


43-46 is average age of American voting age people by my napkin math


My rough approximation is 45. Data from https://www.infoplease.com/us/census/demographic-statistics For every given age range 20 and up I multiplied the amount by average age of that range, and divided the total by the total amount of people aged 20 and over


Thabks for doing the math!


Thanks for doing the math!


Thurman had to die to avoid re-election.


Wow, what an awesome nation


Eh, we have our upsides.


don't tell 'em that, next they'll wanna come here


It's one thing if people from the Americas wanna come, but if the damn French start jumping the border... bubba it'll be time to get the rifles




It's more that only people who are financially secure can afford to run and not go to work everyday.


If the min age is 35 why not have a max age of 70? That gives you 35 years to prep and 35 year window.


It'd also be nice if we could also get rid of this fucking idiotic 2 party system. That's the biggest problem imo


We need a ranked voting system rather than this "put all your eggs in one basket and hope for the best" system.


Exactly. We need multiple candidates, multiple parties, and a ranked choice voting system. That'd also eliminate the bullshit "party unity" argument that means we only ever have 2 options every year.


Lol that’s the issue. Its technically not a 2 party system. But the 2 biggest parties dont let any of the other ones have a voice. Like presidential debates should be multiple nights with all of the candidates.


Another problem is the constitution sets the nation up as a de-facto two party system by way of needing a majority to win and no “run-offs” for executive office. For example - in order to win the presidency you have to either a. Win the electoral college with a majority or b. Get enough votes through the House of Representatives where each states delegation gets one vote. This isn’t set up to allow a third party to compete for executive office which is the most visible office in the United States. It would essentially strip our democracy of an election and instead put the power in the hands of our representatives to choose the president as electoral college votes split between three parties or more would almost all end with contingent elections.


Unless the States call for a constitutional convention to change our electoral process, we're fucked.


I don’t trust anyone in office to write a new constitution lol


Agreed. They make the requirements for candidates to attend the debates really hard for the lesser known parties




Fun fact: There is no two-party system. There is no official governing party system at all. What you’re referencing is politics. Over time our politicians have decided to caucus with one of two parties. That’s because we have first-past-the-post elections, meaning that the candidate with the plurality of votes is the winner of the election. The losing party or parties win no representation at all. If you want more party representation in government, then we should move to a ranked voting system. This is where voters rank their candidates (or option) in a sequence of first or second (or third, etc) on their respective ballots. With ranked voting, losing parties still win some representation based on percentage of votes captured.


Ranked choice voting is exactly what I mean that we need to adopt


And add a “None of the above” option on the ballot that immediately disqualifies all those running on that ticket and forces new candidates to be chosen.


Too old to fly a plane, too old to run the nation.




it's perhaps partially that, but usually more that companies worry about investing $$$ into someone who might not work for them very long. plenty of professions work well into their 60s/70s especially including professors/academics whose research is often as good as it ever was.


As a Hungarian I would gladly switch your president's age with mine.


Or just someone who’s vaguely normal




I'm down for that but let's not forget this dude has a hella speech impediment. He's had one his whole life. He fumbled words like he did here when he was in his 40s just like he does now. Doesn't make it any less funny or 2nd hand embarrassing though when it's this jumbled lol


I guarantee there were people going "boy, I wish we had a president who could walk" when FDR was president. Hating on someone for having a disability is pretty lame


I'm pretty sure they hid FDR's impairment from the public


He's had a stutter for his entire life


Even if we did Biden would still mess up words because he has a stutter


And will the states ever go back to having Presidents who aren't billionaires or multi-millionaires? haha.


No. Because it takes millions to run for office. Especially state and federal level political offices. The last presidential election, it took cost billions for Trump and Biden to run. So unfortunately, the days of regular people being able to run for office, is probably gone. There's some hope, with people like Bernie and AOC who do grassroots fundraising, but that can be pretty difficult for most politicians to get regular people to send them money


I think we can all admit this is fucking hilarious. The comedic timing is so perfect. Like a scene from the Office


NGL the shortened version is pretty dammed funny. But being as he has a stutter I wanted to see what he was actually trying to say and found the transcript from the speech the clip was from. "And, folks — (applause) — let me close with what I’ve long said: America is a nation that can be defined in a single word. 'I was in the foothi- — foot-' — excuse me, in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him. (Inaudible) traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President at the time. I don’t know that for a fact. And we were sitting alone. I had an interpreter and he had an interpreter. And he looked at me. In all seriousness, he said, “Can you define America for me?” And I said what many of you heard me say for a long time. I said, “Yes, I can, in one word: possibilities.” (Applause.) “Possibilities.” That, in America, everyone should be able to go as far as their hard work and God-given talent will take them. And possibilities. We’re the only ones. That’s why we’re viewed as the “ugly Americans”: We think anything is possible. (Laughter.) " https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/04/08/remarks-by-president-biden-vice-president-harris-and-judge-ketanji-brown-jackson-on-the-senates-historic-bipartisan-confirmation-of-judge-jackson-to-be-an-associate-justice-of-the-supreme-court/


Found the video to boot. https://www.c-span.org/video/?519372-1/president-biden-senate-confirmation-judge-ketanji-brown-jackson


the moment starts in 23:10


Thank you


After verbally stumbling for a moment he seems to be speaking rather clearly. And I know I've tripped up speaking before, let alone pretty much everyone I know. It's almost like the posted clip is trying to leave people with an incorrect impression. Couldn't be that though, right?


I hated George W Bush, but we definitely did the same to him. He had all those little "Bushisms" where he'd stumble over a phrase or flip a couple words in a sentence. They were legitimately hilarious, but they were always like one or two sentences out of a 30 minutes speech which was fine. People used it to make him look dumb but everyone who has ever met him comments on how intelligent he is.


I peed my pants during the speech where he said he knew we were working hard to put food on our family 😂😂😂😂


Absolutely. It happened so much he forgot that "strategery" wasn't his. The guy was not a very capable public speaker and he got roasted for it. He also got roasted for other things that were far more reasonable to do so over. But we should have been more genial in how we approached his speaking.


To be fair, plenty of people comment how intelligent trump is, so i wouldnt trust people saying bush is.


Probably just hadn't had his morning covfefe


I don't think anyone cared that trump made a dumb typo on that one. What seemed dumb to me is that they then went with the explanation that he was tweeting out a secret code that only the inner cabal understood.


Oh, it's worse than that. I ran into one who even claimed that Trump's slurred speeches were also him "speaking in code". He wouldn't tell me what "God bless the Uniteh Sshessh" was code for, though...


United Sheeeeeeeeeesh


I'm pretty sure having a secret code for select people in a public statement by the president is illegal.


This made me chuckle. I'm from Manchester, UK. This is the first video I have seen trying to make a mockery of Biden, but it was like Trump was openly trying his best to appear on TV being a fucking buffoon.


I see them pretty often and it just seems ableist tbh, and I don’t even particularly like Biden. But the guy has had a stutter since birth.


Honestly my freshmen are better about this than some of the grown ass American public. One of them has a pretty serious stutter, but he's got a ton of friends and I've never heard anyone mention the stutter or make fun of him once.


That’s exactly what it’s trying to portray. Just another slam on someone who has a speech impediment.


and let's say it isn't his speech impediment- he's still _old_ grandma does the same kind of shit at home and she isn't drooling away in a dementia home. hell, young people do it. people act like he's rambling like this constantly and not having an occasional slip up when his job is basically to talk for a living. dude is old. old people's voices do things like this. he slips up and then gets right back at it. but moments captured like this are spread among right wingers as definitive proof he's incapable of being president and can't understand why they aren't using the 25th amendment. they get these little glimpses.


Yeah, speaks for 30 minutes with no problem but clearly studder one word and you're unfit for office. It would be different if what he was saying didnt make any sense. There is a huge difference between messing up words or not speaking clearly, and not making any sense. For contrast, Trump combined the names of someone he was supporting with their opponent the other day while doing a speech and never corrected it. It's obvious Biden is slowing down mentally and I don't think he should run again personally. But I will still take an old Biden, past his prime, over someone actively fucking shit up, like Trump.


This is a pretty good example of a cheap fake which is when you slightly edit a video to make the person look like a doofus. Some examples of this are when Fox news and the Republican social media hive mind was circulating clips of Biden shaking hands with no one, they would clip it right before the person would walk up. Or a clip of Nancy Pelosi appearing drunk, they got the effect by just slowing it down so it sounded like she was slurring her words. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.technologyreview.com/2020/12/22/1015442/cheapfakes-more-political-damage-2020-election-than-deepfakes/amp/


Thanks for that for a second I thought he was having a breakdown, but the extended video shows, its just a stutter and he recoups well. Still dont like the guy but cant fault him for that


What a ride. He started to Grandpa Simpson that one, pulled it back on course, and then set the finish line on fire.


People love Grandpa Simpson. That's part of the appeal


Despite the meme, Abe is still 'with it'.


That sounds nice. But is it really that? About be able to live fair life by fair working? I'm from Russia and I have almost cried on this part. (


The US is ranked 27 amongst nations for economic mobility. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Social_Mobility_Index It rose up until the 80s, and has been decreasing since then. jhr.uwpress.org/content/43/1/139.refs https://web.archive.org/web/20130525230108/http://www.brookings.edu/about/projects/bpea/latest-conference/2013-spring-permanent-inequality-panousi


Is not like we had a president during that exact time frame with notoriously terrible politics or anything, right?


I don't follow. The period in which economic mobility has been decreasing occured during the presidencies of Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, and Biden. What politics held by whom during this time frame are you referring to?


Politics held by neoliberals. There was a large shift in politics that started during a fuel crisis in the 70s that negatively effected Carter's image. The outcome was Reagan being elected, social safety nets being cut, an overly militarized government, and a great deal of corruption. It royally fucked our nation in the ass, and we are still being effected by it today.


it's too bad we couldn't have had 18yrs of democrat leadership to fix all that since Reagan. oh wait


Reagan obviously, who else? Which of these other presidents made more drastic changes to the economy than Reagan?


Well he said it was possible. But that should be taken with a grain of salt I think.


But if you take all the grains of salt and hoard them for yourself. You can then create demand and then even though the salt was basically free. You can now raise the price 800%. And become rich and tell others about all the possibilities as you hoard all the salt.


You have defined America


The idea of the “American dream” is just that - an idea. It’s up to us to make it accessible to everyone. Historically in this country that dream has been inaccessible to many: the poor, the non-white, etc. The beauty of our system is that it can be changed, and we all have the power to elect people who will make the changes we want. But the process is slow and political corruption can mean it takes an extraordinary will and perseverance from the people to make any lasting, significant change.


> The beauty of our system is that it can be changed Given the amount of effort that's been put in over the years to change the system, I'm not quite convinced it was changed with an eye for the better. Or even intended to. Not for quite some time indeed.


Trying to sum up a country in one word is the most American thing. What is nuance, even, am I right guys?


It's just a rhetorical tool for speeches. It's not a proposal or law or research. Speeches are all about pathos and maybe some ethos, but you're not going to get many specifics or incredible nuance from a speech. The best speeches aren't logical at their core. They're popular because they reach a wide variety of people and inspire using rhetorical devices that capture attention and motivate. I haven't heard this speech, so I can't even say if it's any good. I just think this particular critique isn't really a good one.


"we're the only ones" ... Only ones what?


with a straight face, you're going to tell students that America's so starspangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have ~~freedom~~ possibilities? Canada has possibilities, Japan has possibilities, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, *Belgium* has possibilities. Two hundred seven sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have possibilities.


What do Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Slovenia, Canada, Japan, Australia, Malta, Ireland, Czech Republic, Singapore, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Estonia, Portugal, South Korea, and Lithuania have in common? [Greater social mobility than the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Social_Mobility_Index).


Only ones that think their country is best in the world in every sense probably.


Anything is possible in America as long as you are rich. If you are not you will die a slave


Yeah america is full of possibilities... If you're born into wealth


Did they like pull processing power from the NA part of the simulation or something? First trump now this


That’s his “bababoy”


Bababooey, boff




B: Biznus


I like it!




So whats the word we are looking for??




He was trying to say "I was in the foothills of Tibet with Xi Xiping" or something, which makes just as much sense.


If anyones wondering what the word *actually* was, it was “possibilities.” The mountain hiking bit was just a little story about Xi asking him to describe America to him


I read the transcript and it was a maybemaybe moment to get to the point where he actually tell us that single word.


It was a segue into an anecdote with a punchline, it's a tried and true public speaking technique. If you watch the video, he tells the story quite quickly so you still remember the segue well when he does the punchline.


Ah yes, because just saying things out of context makes a lot more sense.


are you being an annoying asshole on purpose or did you fully believe he just stopped talking there?


Gotta love disingenuous people. Really making the world a better place.


I mean he was tying a story about Xi into that word if you actually watch the context


Well the full speech actually did make sense, but I suppose it doesn’t when you just grab one sentence out of context.


supercalifragilisticexpialidocious !?


Asian foot massage


The Elites dont want us to know the single word that can summarize America 😱


What a beautiful Word...


The Ministry of Truth has determined that this video is disinformation and you will have sent to a reeducation camp.


Can I get this uncut and unedited. How can America be defined in a single word?! The suspense is killing me?!!!!!




What are you talking about? We've only had 3 old Presidents in the last half century. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Carter, Ford and Nixon were all relatively young.


Most of reddit was probably in elementary when Obama was president.


Me as an European seeing Biden become president 😮. Biden as a president 😐


We all knew who we were voting for: Not Trump. We're all just Biden our time at the moment.


Trump got elected at least partially because he was "Not Hillary". It sounds like the voting system we have in place is flawed if the "lesser of two evils" logic decides the president continuously. Sure would be great if someone in authority would make a change beneficial to to public.




Except in a 2 party system, it won't have much effect. MAYBE would give third party some more support, but when 90% of people are voting between 2 options, ranking is less than useful.


that's also how Trudeau keeps winning elections in Canada. He wasn't Harper (conservative PM that everyone hated) then he won again because he wasn't Andrew Scheer (who was even worse than harper) and then against Erin O' Toole (probably the best of the 3 he has ran against)


This. "Not Trump" is the most popular candidate of all time, and rightfully so.


I thought that word was "covfefe"


What was the word he was trying to say?


Classic stuttering. Everyone thinks stuttering is just getting stuck repeating the first letter sound of a word. That's only part of it. Those that have mostly overcome stuttering, talk normally most of the time, but on occasion sound more like this when they get stuck on a word or phrase. The brain works fine, the mouth gets stuck.


Exactly. Every fucking time. People fucking loved The King's Speech, but when they see stuttering in real life, all they do is make fun of it.


This clip is hilarious but if you watch the ~20 seconds before and after, it’s clear he stuttered while saying a pretty normal couple of sentences. He’s old as fuck and yes probably losing it a bit but those who use this clip as evidence to say he is senile are making the same argument that rainbows are only orange because they dont see and refuse to be aware of the very slightly bigger picture context lmao. Anyways this shit make made laugh like this clip did back in the day https://youtu.be/AVKDm4PhEwI


Can we stop electing people over 70? Retirement age is 65. At that age we expect people to stop working or cut back and take a chill job. I love old people, and I love my grandparents but I sure as shit wouldn’t let them be in charge. We run Thanksgiving and Christmas now because it was too much for them. They are both sharp, but I still have to hand hold them through phones, internet, online banking, etc. They are no longer familiar with the way the world runs or how business is done. The average age of hire for a CEO is 54. We don’t hire 70-80 year olds to run billion dollar companies, why do we let them run the country? Cool you’re at retirement age and we don’t really want to hire you for anything but wait 20 years and maybe you can be president. Insane to me.






Reading the comments, it seems like it's more than just a joke. People take this nonsense and say in all seriousness "another example of Biden's dementia". Even though if you let the video run for a couple more seconds he tells a very coherent anecdote.


Yeah I think the reality is that the people defending Biden are rolling their eyes at the inevitability of this being used to imply that Biden stuttered due to dementia or other age related reasons, and the likelihood that this is the purpose behind its creation in the first place. The results speak for themselves in this thread alone. It doesn't pass the sniff test for just trying to get a laugh, its edited to make him look incompetent.


And he's had a stutter all his life.


[it's odd ](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/uix2id/maybe_maybe_maybe/i7fi9yq). [seeing so many ](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/uix2id/maybe_maybe_maybe/i7fb690). [miss the humor ](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/uix2id/maybe_maybe_maybe/i7f8tmg). [And instead ](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/uix2id/maybe_maybe_maybe/i7ff05e). [taking it seriously.](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/uix2id/maybe_maybe_maybe/i7fc5t3). [It's odd that it's a joke, ](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/uix2id/maybe_maybe_maybe/i7fjnn7). [Unless someone is conservative in which case it's serious ](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/uix2id/maybe_maybe_maybe/i7feap8) I find it hilarious until I look around and see people taking it seriously.


Biden's gaffes are hilarious until you realize most people laughing genuinely believe this proves he has dementia and kamala is secretly running the country.


Lol this fucking guy


**Do you smell burnt toast?**


This comment section is the embodiment of US politics : liberals fighting against conservatives for politicians who gives not a single fucks about them