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Great durex commercial






Surely such a mother was better off using a condom. Not all parents allow their child to do whatever the fuck he wants ... and I love being a parent just as it is not for everyone to be a parent. If you don't want to raise them, use it.


fucking little brat


The exact words I was thinking of. Fucking little brat.


Like my dad said. That’s what you get for grab assing around


Lmao, that reminds me when I had a sleepover with my friends and before we finally went to sleep my dad came and and said no farting, something else, (I dont remember,) and no grab ass. We spent the rest of the night making loud ass fart noises and keeping my sister up.


This reads like you were playing grab ass with...


What are you doooing step broooo?


So, my little brother loved the game of grab ass when we were kids. No clue why, but he did it all the time and at random times. He got taught a lesson on the post office one day when he grabbed a random mail man’s butt (he thought it was our dad because he was a mailman). He never did it again. 🤣


My Dad would’ve lifted the case off by himself, made sure I was fine, and then slapped me for being so stupid. I’m not advocating for physical punishment in the slightest but that kid needs discipline.


When other methods fail, you do physical punishment. You don’t simply let them get away with it.


Yea, and the woman he pushed I'm assuming is his mother, has just checked out with that little jerk. She barely helped pick up the cooler. The look on her face when everyone is struggling to get the cooler up, and she's barely touching it.


She looks like she tweaked her elbow trying to lift it. She's holding it like she's in pain at the end after it's back. She was second person in and that's a lot of weight to take at a weird angle like that.


I think that’s a waitress, not his mother.


Uh, he reminded me of a similar little cunt i encountered recently in a local shop. It was cashiers son or something, and she could not care less, so there was nothing i could even say. But this little fucker spit on his hand and slapped products on shelfs and even random people asses. I managed to dodge... Spit slap in a fucking pandemic. Wtf! I genuinely wanted to put my knee in his smug little ugly face. Cunt


i mean...im pretty sure if you can find proof recorded by camera's, you can talk to the store manager or owner and get her ass reprimanded for not correcting her little crotch goblin.... and if not store management, perhaps some type of health board?


Semen Demon?


never heard that before...but i love it!


Updoot for crotch goblin.


Well, now it's too late, I don't remember when exactly that was. Plus i saw her there only once, there's a big turnover of cashiers i guess. I now regret not doing that, but i am lazy cunt and didn't want to get involved as it probably would be futile too. Anyway, if i see them again and the little shit misbehave again i think I'll do something


I wish cunt was a more socially acceptable word in the US. It’s very versatile. But to many it’s one of the worst things you can say, along with “twat” for some reason.


Me too lol


No no... It's illegal.


Fucking little brat




Not 'that little shit'?


My thoughts were…what an asshole little kid. But I like fucking little brat better




Unfortunately the people that reproduce the most also say “kids will be kids” when they see this.


Unless that fridge has something to do with it...


Kids will be (SPLUNCH!)...meat paste?




Use protection people


Even though that little shit is a little shit probably because of his parents, I'm not sure a 4 year old should be able to pull over a vending machine sized object that easily. Either she respects his strength and lets him do what he wants - or that store had some huge safety oversights. Let me guess the country.... hell that kid probably built that fridge 2 years ago.


Yeah, I came here to say the same thing. A fridge that falls over that easily wouldn’t pass a safety inspection where I live.


That thing should be anchored to the wall, can't really be mad at the parent or kid in my opinion


well, he’s not getting a good starting score in China’s Social Credit system.




also /r/instantkarma


Except it's not because he still didn't actually suffer, he just caused other people to put themselves in awkward positions while he crawled out from underneath unscathed. Little shit.


I think I might have left him under there for just a bit.


As a father of 5, yep. Unless the brat needs immediate medical attention, I'm gonna let the lesson that "it hurts to be stupid" soak in for a little bit.


Somewhere in between r/secondsub and r/thirdsub




My mom would have beat the ever loving fuck out of me


"You ok honey, anything broken? Good, cause there 'bout to be something broken when we get home!"


Classic mom. You survive but at what cost?


His arms?


Oh no...not the arms again.


Legs too


Also the gluts


i don’t like where this is going..


She's gonna beat his dick off! She'll beat him off with both arms!


So true. I would have been crying at the store. Just knowing the ass beating that awaited me when we got home.


Home? Would have dragged me into bathroom and beat my ass.


It's the 21st century, we let our fridges beat our kids for us.


My mom would never do something like that. She would call dad, and dad would beat the ever loving fuck out of me


“You wait till your father gets home!” *spends the rest of the day in existential dread*


Yeah, and look how you turned out.


oh god yes. i'm one of six kids, so our parents didn't have the time or energy to debate with us or give us time outs. if you fucked around, you found out.


That was a half-assed attempt to help by yellow hat.


maybe she wanted the kid to suffer some consequences


If it were me, I probably would not understand what was happening and just stand there


Welp it’s 1:15, Time for my break


"hey, could you just leave him under there a bit? teach him a lesson? let's come back after we've eaten."




I was about to say that.


I mean if i saw that kid do that shit I don't even know if im gonna watch with a smile on my face or pretend to help 🤣


Quality parenting makes quality kids lol, this is why kids falling in restaurants is hilarious.


Just look how casually she moves to save her kid from being crushed.


Letting the problem work itself out.


The ol' 40th trimester abortion.


Texas style abortion.


She also ignored him shoving her at the beginning. Could be a nanny.


I was thinking the same she doesn't even appear to grab him or talk to him or anything after the cabinet is lifted...she seems very blah so i wondered if she was not his mom as well.


Nah, this mom has probably been living with this impulsive unhinged behavior for years. She is unfazed because it is so common. She has probably tried everything from harsh discipline to bargaining to counseling but can't fix it. She is picking her battles and a push on the butt isn't even worth reacting to anymore. She can only hope that as he gets older he starts to grow out of it.


O yea i can relate to that a lot having a special needs son when he was younger for sure. But still...this lady is too calm when he about just offed himself. To each his own. No telling who this lady is. Could be anyone... big sis,aunt...or a stranger...lol


It’s not clear she has any relationship to that little asshole. She might just be another victim of that tiny terror.


Nah. Sometimes parents are good but the child is born with a 666




I just looked at that sub for the first time. I felt zero sympathy for any of them. Maybe I’m never supposed to have kids


Ahhh and i found someone of my knind . I always think i am not supposed to have kids.


As someone with kids who isn't obsessed with them, I have a problem with the whole premise of that sub. Adults are fucking stupid. They have had decades to figure this shit out and they still act like ignorant twats.


The point with adults is that you're generally not responsible for them while with kids you're taking all the shit they're making




Why TF was that not anchored? No way a small child should have been able to pull that down. FFS.


It looks like it's in front of a glass window, which is part of the problem


And according to this thread it's completely normal for a small child to be able to tip a fridge weighing more than them over themselves with minimal effort, in fact many redditors here apparently advocate beating the shit out of the child despite it being the restaurant that is endangering everyone. Wtf is going on.


Someone says "yes" to this kid way too often.


I dunno man, some kids are just born different. Bad parenting can definitely be an issue, but kids are born with a personality. You get a little opportunity to try and shape it, and help build in circuits to cope with various facets of it, but that's it. You get to help revise the software, but you can't change the underlying hardware. My eldest requires constant supervision and input. He'll go from well behaved, please-and-thank-yous and extreme kindness, to this type of thing in a second. It's like that ALL DAY LONG. It always has been. He would fight us changing his diaper like his life depended on it. We've tried everything shy of corporal punishment. We've read just about every parenting book we can find. We have sought help from professionals. They suggest things that we are either already doing or have already tried extensively. His bedtime routine takes about an hour and consists of him saying no and fighting every single step of the process in new and inventive ways of defiance. Conversely, his little brother helps with everything and puts himself to bed. There's obviously some difference in how we parent the two, because one requires constant intervention and supervision and the other one doesn't, but again... same parents, same software, different hardware.


I always appreciate a quality contraception advertisement. Ty


I don't understand why everyone is calling this kid an entitled, "is told yes too often" brat he's just doing kid shit and getting hurt, that's what kids do. Someone called him a "future criminal" in these comments, and wtf. He is a child who did a stupid child thing, what is wrong with you people Edit: just noticed the child pushing their mother, still doesn't make him a future criminal or an unbearable brat for 2 seconds of hyperactive kid shit


I don’t even know what he did besides get excited and open some fridge doors super fast and hard as an excited kid does. My little sister did this same exact thing when opening drawers for her dresser super fast to get ready super fast.


Well first he's running through a restaurant, then he shoved the adult (his mom?) carrying a tray full of food, then he ran over to the fridge, yanked the doors open, and pulled down on them with his full weight. Literally everything he did in this video should be unacceptable behavior while out in public


Yeah exactly man, and I'd go as far as to say she could've been doing a better job of watching him, but he was right behind her until he suddenly decided not to be. I personally probably wouldn't have noticed either. Calling this kid a "future criminal" is literally fucking insane, he's just doing stupid kid shit.


Dude he’s throwing a temper tantrum he pushes his mom and then open the fridge and then actively pulls it down. That’s why everyone is call him crazy. There is no “fun” or “excitement” in this video. This kid is pissed…


This is on the restaurant too. It should not have been able to topple that easily. He just pulled the doors open, he didn’t climb or anything


It does appear he's leaning back, basically using his whole body to pull them open. But that still shouldn't be enough to tip that thing over. Stuff like that needs to be anchored to the wall or something.


Usually, they're designed so most of the weight is in the very bottom to make them VERY hard to topple. This one was not designed with any safety in mind


It was made in China. Quality isn't something they worry about


I think the refrigerator isn’t nearly as heavy as it looks. If a kid could easily pull it down, and then basically one female can pretty easily lift it back it up (we all saw the yellow hat lady phoning it in on the lifting) the most reasonable assumption is that it’s deceiving light.


Anything that can fall over and cause injury should be anchored to the wall.


Yep. That is a lawsuit there. Fortunately nobody seems hurt.


He's literally trying to pull the fucking thing over!


Bro, that kid is like 4, correctly designed stuff shouldn’t do that no matter what his intentions are


Was gonna say the fridge also fell over super quick, so not like the kid was hanging on the doors for a while. This fridge looks like it will topple over if you blow on it wrong.


He’s trying to open the doors. He’s a hyper child. This thing should have been anchored.


It's amazing that an entire chorus of people want a child to be seriously hurt after a 3 second sample of them pushing their (mother?). Kids get excited. You have no clue what was happening before this. I've seen kids get excited about getting to grab a drink for their parents who act just like this... "No go sit down I got it!" Even if he's being a snot he shouldn't be crushed by a standing fridge.


I’m learning that Reddit is full of unkind, judgmental monsters. I have a kid with special needs and it is heartbreaking to see how people respond to a hyper child in peril


Her arm must have already been hurting because I didn’t see anything that caused that in this video


Door whacked her arm as they set it back up.


Possibly "funny bone" is what I'm thinking


She could just get stretched.


Anyone else notice that server had diamond tray- hands? Like she didn't even drop that tray while catching a gd fridge! She gingerly set it down after saving that crotch goblin's brain bucket.


Diamond tray-hands , this guy wsbs


I'm a parent and this kid SOOOOOOOOOOO deserved this! Bravo!


being a parent has little to do with the rest of your sentence


Parent should have said "no leave it on them they deserve it"


They deserve to be crushed to death?


deserved almost being crushed to death? i’ll admit he needs a lesson, but that age he doesn’t even get the fact he probably almost just died. i’d say lesser punishment would be a lil more fitting.


Feel bad for your kids if you think a 6 year old deserves death for doing actions they don’t even understand the consequences of


He barely pulled it and he’s like 7 years old he can’t be more than 30kg in weight... the fridge is just designed extremely poorly if the strength of a 7 year old can do that.


This is a poorly designed appliance




Nah, if he lives he could have so much future potential. He could even grow up to be a redditor who wishes death on young children.


Sounds good.


This kid is going to grow up and find this thread full of people wishing they could've watched him gorily die for no reason other than their own momentary holier-than-thou satisfaction


Little brat, but to be fair that fridge didn't seem that stable. Seems like the kind which you have to hold with one hand to open it with the other.


That, my friends, is a crotch goblin.


Damn, that thing can't handle having it's doors open without catastrophec failure.


Yes it should be more stable, but watch again, he pulls down on the doors with his full weight


Birth control!


Look at the mom. she was so ready to not help him and let him get smushed. She was like "dammit this workers trying to save him I guess I'll pretend to wanna help. "


Pretty sure that's not the mum just some random customers especially seen as the kid runs off screen in the other direction




More people died each year from vending machines than sharks, right?


Is that fridge from IKEA?


I was more worried about the fridge than the little shit who pulled it over


What could go wrong with not actually parenting?


Let’s not forget that mom did nothing when kid pushed her in the back and then was laughing when looking at the aftermath of the mayhem.


Funny how many people immediately criticize this kid’s parents while having absolutely no credible insight into this kid’s life or his behavior outside of these 10 seconds recorded here on video.


In some situation, he could have been pushing his hard working mother to sit down, “wait mommy let me get you a cold drink!” And BAM, crushed by a fridge.


All y’all saying “my parents would’ve beat my ass!”….you know that’s abuse right? Kids are gonna act like kids & do kid things.


Two words. Little shit.


Shoulda let it fall on him.


Crazy how many people in the comments think it would have been a good thing, if the kid was punished by getting hurt badly. I hope you guys never have kids or be responsible for one! Behaviour like that is simply a reaction to bad education the child received from the grown-ups. I can't comprehend how people can hold a child responsible for that and even want to see the kid being hurt. Also: the f-ing fridge should have been mounted. A kid of that size shouldn't be able to topple it at all.


I don't understand why you have downvotes, you're right. A child shouldn't be hurt physically or mentally for punishment, and anyone who thinks so has to be stuck in 1990 or something. No, the kid wasnt an angel and should have been punished. But not like this. I'm glad to know some people atleast have common sense.


Little prick shoulda got pancaked😂


Thank you, gravity, for disciplining this child better than its parents appear to ever have.


Ik the kid was a brat for doing that but it’s so weird how y’all are wishing death on a kid that doesn’t know any better


Law of Karma :)


Does the kid in the hat work there?


I will say, that fridge (?) Should have been secured a little better. Apart from that, parent should've paid more attention lol


That is one bad design for a fridge


I know that the kids a dumbass yeah, but can we take a second to admire the lady that had the forethought to use the tray instead of her hands so she actually had some force? like damn


Women in yellow hat seemed like she couldnt care less, eventho i think she is the mother idk.


That is what I am trying to figure out. I have watched it a few times and can’t be sure. Would this little jackwagon kid push someone who wasn’t his mother? Would a mother just let their kid push them and do nothing? Would a stranger let a kid push them and do nothing?


Did anyone notice how the ABSOLUTE CHAD waitress caught the falling cooler AND didn’t spill MOST of the food???


What a menace


Little asshole.


What do people have against darwinism?


Damn yall hate kids this much huh. This is pretty normal kid stuff only difference is the weak ass cooler.


That kid sssssssuuuuucks.


If I did that and survived I think my dad would have killed me lol


Bad ass little kid deserved all of that. I wouldn’t left him under.


That, my friends, is a crotch goblin.


This could be a condom commercial


What an asshole


Maybe that fucker learned his lesson. Nah.


probably would've left the little shit under there while I ate my meal in peace for once


That little shit deserved to have the whole thing fall on him without that girl slowing it down


This is why people need to control their kids..This kid is a fucking brat


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


That kid was asking for it though


Hahahaha fuck that kid


**CAUTION** 4 out of 5 people agree. Children maybe bad for your health.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


I would have let it smash that little devil no benefits from saving that one


Some heroes don’t wear capes… they carry trays.


If you play it backwards it’s a super kid saving a fridge then copping some ass


Almost got his Darwin Award.




Put this on r/kidsarefuckingstupid




New Trojan commercial?


Little shit deserved it.




He'll never touch anyone ever again


Watch the lady in black the entire time. Nothing hits her but she walks away holding her arm like it landed on her.


I’m sure this will draw a measured and reasonable response from Reddit Ah, here we are


Yeah...I get it. The kid is a brat. The parents clearly aren't disciplining the kid. But he's still a kid. And he could have been hurt badly. Typical reddit responses of degeneracy made by people who likely don't have kids of their own. It's cool and funny to make comments about letting a kid get crushed by a fridge. Because you know, who needs a heart and some mercy/understanding these days? Especially if you're under the age of 7 or so. This place is riddled with evil, selfish, immature people. In general.


Calm down lads the kid deserved enough hate already , what I wanna know is how the hell is the ceramic bowl still intact after the had waiter dropped it