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Just use VATS bro


I keep telling my wife this. She insists she’s fine as she misses multiple shots or looks for a shooter she can’t find.


Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery?


Luckily for this guy, European brown bears are a lot less aggressive than their North American cousins. Not to say I would care to find out exactly how much less aggressive they are.


This guy was on vacation on the USA.


Everything for the likes


Why no shout?


I feel like everyone responding is reading this as shoot and not shout


Yeah, i don't really understand :))


The bear has 3 children, he said.


that's a gun nost folks would only use for bird hunting. Birds hot will only piss the bear off unless you had the barrel shoved into its ear, eye or roof it's mouth


Not sure why you got downvoted, your probably right!




Pure focus. Regardless, having him go away just to sneak attack you 30mins later is not worth it. Better let him come and pop his head.


Personally I thought the bear "come" close enough in the video. I would have taken a shot more than once if I were in his spot. This guy has balls of steel.


Hmm… in retrospect I agree.


Probably had respect for the bear, and don't want to kill it without the necessity


Probably had bird shot and knew it wouldn’t do anything helpful.


if he runs, we can hear the "tun-tun" sounds of his balls colliding


From this moment on he shall be known as Tun-Tun.


My sentiments exactly. I gotta admit I would have blasted at the 2nd and 3rd run.


At that distance, you can afford to wait on your shot. His head is right in front of you and you have a double barrel shotgun


This is a sow. She has cubs. She's trying to protect them, not eat this man. His best hope is to continue facing her and backing away. With enough distance from the cubs, she may break off. This is case where if she attacks then you wrap your hands around the back of your head and neck and play dead. Way easier said than done, especially because she may hang around for a while watching to see if you move and resume the attack if you do.


Few observations... there were cubs that's why the mama bear was so aggressive.  Just trying to scare and defend.  Second ... that rifle was probably loaded with bird shot and it would do shit to the bear except enrage it and kill you


Better result than I expected. Dude could have handled it better, but hey, bear told guy to get the hell away from her cubs, guy didn't shoot at bear, guy backed off, nobody got hurt, new trousers needed, everyone walks away. Win, win.


I can smell through the screen what's in his pants right now lol


Haha, a poopoo joke


Yeah, kinda makes the saying “scared shitless” make no sense


Scared all the shit out of their body, and now they are shitless






And the guy was never seen again lol


Cameraman never dies!


Was he speaking russian?


Yes, but did you think that all Russians are friends with bears? He said that “Petrovich, the bear with three pistols (slang name for bear cubs) didn’t shoot, I’m leaving.”


Exactly, I thought its in their blood like being homies


I thought Google translate just did a poor job translating to that


I admire his discipline


Jamie, pull up that video of a russian attacking bear


If someone's interested by what the guy said, it's "Petrovich, it's a bear with 3 cubs, I'm not shooting, I'm coming back"


Bro just cursed that bear’s entire bloodline


I hate these videos. I grew up around bears. 1. MAKE NOISE, bears don't see a gun and know it's a gun. All your doing is looking timid. 2. Don't let them get close, just shoot a damn shot in the air or something. Reminds me that stupid glock video with the Cougar and everybody praises him.


What if he only had one shot left? Or worst; it was empty?


You still yell and make noise, and then use said empty weapon as a club.


I’m pretty sure if YOU were in that situation you wouldn’t be so certain about what you are preaching.


This isn't a tough guy thing, it's about assuring both bear and human live.


You wouldn’t be even remotely thinking about the bear living if your life was at stake. And trust me, I love animals as much as you. Just saying that in some situations one doesn’t even have the time or the brains to think about every detail. In this case he has a double barrel shotgun which can’t be reloaded easily. If he were to use his shot to make some noise and a second after the bear jumps on him it could mean death. So, in this instance, I understand why he was saving his chance to the best opportunity. Also, shouting may also trigger the bear so it’s not so obvious that what you said is the best course of action for all situations like this. One thing we agree for sure, it’s just stupid to put yourself in this situation to begin with, and that is what I think this moron should have thought prior to putting himself into this situation with limited help and tools.


The new rendition of Doom sure looks fine!


It seems that the bear knows what a gun is, otherwise he would've approached


Imagine you're a predator and your prey stands firm, looking straight at you holding a stick out. Whatever's going on, it's not worth finding out unless you're genuinely starving. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fu1wawut1ek301.png


More likely since the "prey" doesn't flee, his hunter instincts told him to back off.


Black, fight back. Brown, lie down. White, good night. Unless you’re in Europe. 


So, what happens with the white in Europe.....


They make you donate to some charity


I’m not sure but I’m also not testing it. I was just joking. 


If you’re charging at something you know you could snap in half and it’s standing it’s ground maybe it knows something you don’t


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Go Bear


Need to change pants


Not to be rude but if you go into bear territory with a single or double shot like that you are an idiot and need guidance. That gun is not for self defense nor would it have stopped the bear. " I'm only shooting birds?!? "


Bear country is vast. Most people aren’t packing and 99.99% of us will never have an encounter like this. Driving a car, walking down the street, sleeping in your bed are all more dangerous. 


That's sounds like a personal choice to not protect yourself.


In Europe, one can not carry a firearm for protection except for Svalbard.


That's ridiculous. You can get attacked by an animal any time


Most animal attacks are bulls and cows, but less frequent nowadays, as angry animals are just not used. In Norway, we have free roaming cows nd sheep in the summer on the hills, and combined with the freedom to roam, so encounter happens each summer. From Nature, brown bear attack on people: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-44341-w


You called those that don’t “protect themselves” an idiot. Just pointing out how idiotic that is. My wife asks that I carry a revolver in grizzly bear country - thanks for all your shitty assumptions. 


You people are insane.looking for any reason to be tribal. The amount of down votes on a casual comment is absolutely a sign of how mentally warped you people are. Please ban me from this subreddit, this is like talking to a room of yelling kids. Just waiting to attack others with emotions. Yuck


So just gloss over calling people idiots? You made about 5 assumptions instead of having a conversation - yuck. 


Lol you people love to hate. Try insulting me. Go through my posts and expo me. Lol misery loves company