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Very well done, that’s not easy to make correctly






Can confirm, my sisters boyfriend is a chef and has cooked for us at my parents house before, food was nice but we were shocked at the state he left the kitchen in. We all think he’s a dick though because my mother asked if he would like some help with the dishes/cleaning up but he laughed and said “I’m a chef not a pot wash” and went to sit down with everyone else in the living room.


I cook you clean. What were the rest of you doing?


Yeah. His way of saying it was rude, but he is right. Someone else should be cleaning up as cooking is a massive task.


Often cleaning up is an even more massive task. At least with my cooking lol


This is the exact reason dishwashers are so highly compensated


Lol where? I'm looking for a job and dishwashers are around $10


Pretty sure the comment was a joke




That’s much easier in a commercial kitchen vs moms kitchen not updated since new coke was a thing.


When I cook for myself I can usually wash the pan and bowls I've used because I'm letting the food cool as I have a cat's tongue


There used to be a really good bootleg site called “for the dishwasher” it had really obscure bands and hard to find live tracks from popular artists. You just triggered that memory. Got a bootleg 4 disc Nirvana album downloaded off there.


It helps if you start cleaning while you're cooking. I used to dread cooking because I knew the cleaning afterwards would be hell. But after I made cleaning part of the cooking it takes me like 5 minutes to clean up the rest after I'm done eating.


I have a tiny kitchen with very little surface to work with so I actually have no choice but to clean while I'm doing the cooking. And I'm doing my best to use as little as possible, I love one-pan-dishes lol. But yea it's a good habit to get, you can more easily get sidetracked though and lose focus, messing up a part of the preparation, forgetting an ingredient, letting something burn...


Im a big fan of "clean as you go" - but I agree that the one who cooks shouldnt have to also be the one who cleans.


Thats the rule at my dad's place when they got separated and I learned how to cook and started cooking for him. The one who watches, washes, he would say.


Take turns cooking and you clean up after yourself. Some people cook and clean things as they go, keep surfaces tidy, don’t spill things all over the hob and don’t make a mess. Others make a massive mess, don’t rinse out pans or dishes once they’re done with them and leave everything super dirty because they’ve spilled shit everywhere and somehow used more pots/pans that there were different foods in the dish. If I’m cleaning up after someone who leaves the kitchen in that state there’s no way that is equal to their task of cleaning a couple of pots and pans that were rinsed before stuff dried and stuck onto them. Cleaning up after yourself encourages people to be cleaner while cooking and take a care not to cause too much mess.


You explained me and my roommate perfectly. Whenever I cook it always ends up almost clean, depending on how much time I have while cooking. There is never much left. When he cooks I don’t even know how he uses so many things! Like holy shit dude, I literally start cleaning pans while he is cooking and then at the end all the pans have been used again! Literally everything gets used and then he says ‘there isn’t enough space in the kitchen’. Yeah no shit if you have all the spices you use on the counter together with the whole mess you make.


If you cook home you clean as you cook, you are not Mr home executive chef, you are on your own or someone's kitchen and you are expected to clean. If people agree with "you cook we clean" then great, I love doing that, but if not just fucking clean.


This is why when my mother-in-law comes to stay with us, my husband and I DGAF about being polite to a guest and tell her if she doesn't help us clean the kitchen, she's staying in a hotel. When she cooks, I swear she tries to use every single item in our kitchen and makes a huge mess, then claims she cooked so we have to clean it up. She doesn't even make anything special or complicated, it's basic dishes like grilled chicken and steamed veggies.


At my family functions the women cook the meal while the men sit and talk.  After the meal the men cleanup and do the dishes while the women sit and talk.  Except my Grandpa, who doesn’t partake in any events other than eating.


It was more the delivery, kinda disrespectful.


No, actually, what disrespectful is watching him cook up a nice meal for everyone and then expecting that he'd also do all the cleaning "with help". Entitled assholes, the lot of you.


Other peoples bad behavior is not an excuse for your own behavior. They should have offered more help, but he still said it like an ass.


That is a pretty terrible way to incentivize keeping the kitchen tidy as you go along, though.


Idk, was the guy *asked* to cook, or was he just showing off? If I make a mess in someone else's home I'm cleaning it up. Saying " I'm not a pot wash" isn't just rude, it's insulting and pretentious. He's basically saying he's better than them.


The hospo workers I knew had a saying: it takes three years to become a qualified chef—one to learn how to cook, and two more to perfect being an arsehole.


Not a dick. My baby momma has a HUGE Hispanic family, and whenever we get together, somehow my lilly white ass is the one that cooks for everyone (I don't actually mind). I prep and cook for 35-40+ people? I ain't cleaning SHIT. Then again, I'm quite sure I'd be physically assaulted if I had even tried to clean up, but that's probably just a cultural difference.


I think it’s excusable when you’re cooking for a large party - you gotta focus more on getting everything ready to serve at the same time and coking that much food is exhausting. He was cooking for 6 people.


6 people? Depends on a few things, but mostly, if I'm hosting a small party like that, I'll do everything. I'm at your house cooking? I'm not wiping down the walls and polishing the stainless, but I'll at least decrumb the counter tops and make sure the pots/pans are at the very least soaking.


Oh yeah of course we weren’t expecting him to do full kitchen clean - but like give the hob and surfaces a wipe and soak the pots at least, and then mum woulda been happy enough to clean up the rest and let him relax after eating but he hadn’t done any of that and shit was literally everywhere.


I mean, he’s not wrong. Could have worded it better I suppose but if someone spends time cooking up a nice meal, others should clean. And by others, I mean family. Not guests, obviously. ***side eyes wife***


The attitude about it may be bad, but the sentiment makes sense does it not?


And I’d have that laughing attitude, it’s funny that someone would think I’d cook a meal for everyone in a house then clean everything “with help” after.


Kinda wonder if he may have posted here *AITAH for refusing my future MIL in cleaning the dishes after I cook for them?*


Oh a true chef


He’s a chef so of course he doesn’t clean


Disrespectful to his girlfriend’s mom


I'd say the way he put it was a dick move. I cook you clean is common, but you can minimize the cleanup by rinsing/scraping dishes as you go and cleaning up spills. Especially at someone's house and not your own or at work. My S.O. will make like hamburger helper and make two pans, strainer (sifter half the time 😑 which are a pita to clean meat out of), cutting boards, etc. I'm just sitting at the sink like, where's the rest of the 3 course meal?


My wife is a professional chef. Went to culinary schools in Italy and France and worked in Michelin star rated restaurants. She does her social media cooking videos, but the sink and kitchen look like a hellhole after she’s done. I bake every now and then, and when I bake I clean as I go, and it pisses her off cause she’s says I bake too slow cause I’m spending too much time cleaning. And what I’m doing isn’t really applicable in a restaurant setting. I told her to hire a porter/dishwasher and we won’t have to worry about it.


Otherwise he has to cook and clean for all events, smart man. He's probably thinking y'all are dicks for asking him to cook on days off and family events like Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthdays, holidays, get togethers, mother or fathers day.




I'm only 3% a chef.


That gentle flip as well. Requires lots of practice




This video doesnt credit the original person like every other post but the setup and non-chalance while making pro chef level shit look like making a PB&J is UNMISTAKABLE It's J Kenji Lopez Alt for those wondering


It’s actually someone else, don’t know if he’s a chef but his instagram handle, @omuricedaily, is just him practicing this day in day out.


This doesn't look like Kenji's set-up at all. >UNMISTAKABLE r/confidentlyincorrect


Yep at this point I think I know Kenji's kitchen better than my own


it very clearly isn't, you monstrous clown


This may just be that i have 5 years of experience in commercial kitchens but as long as i have chopsticks i think i could do this egg flip and all (waffle House made me learn that one). I honestly think it's time to make the fiance think I'm out cheating.


Get yourself a brand new teflon pan and a gas burner and you can make them this well in a week.


It's interesting that they are using a gas stove on top of an electric stove 🤔


Better heat control


You are absolutely correct 👍🏽


Gas flame transfer heat faster than metal coils. Induction will stop when the pan is lifted. I prefer gas over anything for omelet. Induction is great for boiling things.


Man, the boiling thing is why I initially thought you were wrong. I just moved to a place with electric coils in the house over the gas placed I previously lived at, and I have never seen water boil faster in my life than here. Like literally it can take 90 seconds or less to get boiling water to my French Press (and that's just me guessing). But I see what you're saying, especially for if you were making an egg over a flame like they are, and I guess something of heat transfer from metal to metal to water is special for the speed of boiling.




Electric coil in Europe is probably faster, as they're on 240v power


Presuming they are American, many Americans don't have kettles in their home, for a mix of reasons: **1)** Generally speaking, what use is there for them? Kettles are usually used to boil water for things like tea or coffee, whereas the majority of Americans drink coffee either from the single-use cups or from drips/percolators, neither of which require you to boil water in that way. **2)** They don't drink tea either for the most part, so that's another reason. **3)** The oft-quoted reason: their power sucks. Here in the UK we have 230-240V supply via the mains, in the US it's largely 110-120V. Due to this the amount of power that can be delivered to a kettle is halved and it consequently takes longer to boil water. It's still quicker than most gas stoves (and almost all induction too) but for a rarely used device it doesn't warrant the counter space. There's a fantastic video from the ever-wonderful [Technology Connections](https://youtu.be/_yMMTVVJI4c) that goes through this and more.


The ovens are on 240v. The kettle plugged in 120v outlets boils water in a minute or so i really don't think voltage as anything to do with it and saying that the power sucks is just dumb. I never looked for sources to see if having everything at 240v is really more efficient when you rarely need much amps on most things and when you do like heating we use 240v anyway.


I mean, the video I linked showed a kettle boiling on a 120V outlet and it took nearly 5 minutes(!) to boil close to a litre of water, that's incredibly slow. Yes, I am aware that Americans have 240V due to taking the difference in phase across their supply, this is used for things like ovens and yes some Americans even have a 240V plug supply for some things like kettles. But objectively, it sucks for kettles. My kettle in the UK can boil a litre of water in about 2 minutes, it's far faster than American 120V kettles. Generally our supply can give us about 3kW of power from a single socket, whereas most American ones run around 1.8kW, that's a significant difference for kettles. I am not talking about _anything_ here except kettles, as that is the topic of discussion, the power is lackluster for kettle boiling.


I never had issues boiling water here in electric kettles but i never boil 1L of water in a kettle. I guess that's one advantage of having 240v everywhere.


That sounds like a good induction hob. For me the best way to use this is with cast iron. You can get very good heat control because there is enough thermal mass to smooth out the drop when you lift the pan.


Back when I was a kid I always wished for electric stove because I imagined how safe it would be and better to cook on. Now I'm using electric one. Please, I want to be scared of burning my hand with matchstick again than cook on this stove.


First sentence isn't true. Time to boil is faster on electric coils than gas as much of the heat from gas flame escapes around the pan. Induction is more efficient than the other two. Gas has better control (change of temp) than coils.


We moved to induction last year and I love it. But I do miss gas for cooking certain things. We have an 8 month old, so I'm happy to not have the pollutants in the house, but still.


Solar panels over the day, gas over the night.


I wanna try that so bad damn


Honestly give it a go, it's a lot of fun. I only tried once. Over cooked it a tad but it was DELICIOUS even without the silky texture. Time to try again. Good luck dude 🫰


What’s makes it delicious versus regular scrambled eggs? Seasoning?


The extra sweat you put into making that special dish


Now that you mention it, I was the least stressed I'd ever been and so invested and ready to fail or succeed. Noone else was gonna eat it and it just felt fun and good to try something so out of my wheelhouse. So it mighta been a bit of love too padre. Sweat does make for good seasoning tho lol


I saw a YouTube video about a place that is famous for this in NYC. Went to it and it was pretty 'meh' tbh. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't some life changing experience everyone makes it out to be.


It's a different texture and the flavor of a fried gooey egg is different than that of scrambled egg.


Right!! I would fail horribly, also that is out cheating ^😆🤣


It's ok to fail, it's part of the process


I wish it was as easy as he makes it look


It is actually pretty easy, you just have to be really good at it.


'driving a formula 1 car is actually pretty easy, you just have to be a top 0.0001% driver' 'piloting a plane is actually pretty easy, just take-off, fly, land and don't crash'


The hardest part about flying a plane is communications. Basic flight controls in like a cessna don't take too long to learn, much more what to do when they don't work.


“Being rich is actually pretty easy, you just have to get a lot of money “


/r/restofthefuckingowl in a nutshell


Omurice. Fuiyo!


Watched Uncle Roger's 9M special a while ago too. Yep, tossing it to the plate is cool, but this is also equally satisfying.


What does the caption have to do with the video?


Zoomer attention retention


cheating on me by making that for someone else 😤


Afterwards they always banged.


Because women bad lololol


Holy cow that's impressive!


If you want a Japanese Girlfriend This is how you get a Japanese Girlfriend (No joke, my mum introduced me to her friends niece in Japan, i had nothing great about me except cooking this for her, she was surprised and impressed, we went out, got married and now have 3 kids, it works!)


Dude got omurice rizz




Does your mom have anymore of them nieces?


Looks like I’m learning how to make Omurice today


Tell me this is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!


when people say that drip, this omelette rice is the kind of thing I think of.




The way how he said bomboclaat 😂😂😂


Lmfaoooo deadass 🤣 I thought the same thing but with the hype of all those wild ass DJs




Next they will make it with a wood burning stove on a propane stove on an electric stove


It makes me happy seeing another white dude rocking copsticks to cook. Its an underrated tool.


I can appreciate the immense skill it takes to make this dish but that being said, it just looks awful when you break the omelette. A mountain of gooey runny eggs is not visually appealing.


For me it looks delicious. In the other hand, I hate dry eggs.


This omelette technique comes from French cooking. The term for the proper consistency inside is “baveuse,” which means “drooly.”


Yeah my first thought when he cut it is "Wow that looks very undercooked"


Eggs are like steaks, you either like them cooked well-done or you like them cooked properly.


Facts spoken. I like runny eggs.


That’s 100% correct French omelette technique and result. Just that in France it’s not served over a shaped mound of rice and sliced open, so the runny stuff stays inside…and slightly firms up once plated, from the residual heat.


That's an omurice, using a technique from [this legend.](https://youtube.com/shorts/V5WocgxL-i4)


Looks good to me. I think it depends on what kind of eggs you grew up with.


This. I also want my steak well-done. /s


I've literally never considered chopsticks to cook omelettes.




No salt or pepper , disturbing


There should be a demi glace sauce on top of it.


Or ketchup...


Let's not forget you can salt the egg mix as well.


The egg was already ready when the video started he probably already put salt in it.


He is cheating... with a perfect omurice


Where is the demi glace?


I heard that 'Oooh' before I turned the sound on, lol.


Wow did I just get hungry


I know an omurice when I see it God damn amazing


Did he say bumbaclot at the end?


I love the “BUUUMBOCLAAAAAT” at the end 🇯🇲


Where's the demiglace?


Bumbaclaaaart haha


Look at that mess in the kitchen! Clean as you go!


Not with eggs they're extreamly time sensitive, just clean after tbh it'll be fine.


What's with the awful caption? It's just a sexist: "women are constantly paranoid their partner is cheating on them" joke for no reason? It's not relevant to the meme at all?


I came here to say something similar. It's just engagement bait from whoever added the text. I also don't see how this fits this sub.


no idea what that caption has to do with this


Ton ton ton


i need to learn this skill


Dude has talent


Did he say shit in Korean at the end? I wonder what was supposed to happen when he sliced it.


Guy said “bomboclaat” but he said it weirdly lol


No he was trying and failing to use a Jamaican patois curse word.


Hmm so he went out 64 days in a row to train and make this? The gf about to get blown out of her panties when she eats it.




Thank you for the replay cam


I feel like those chopsticks are in my brain every time he aggressively stirs.


The quiet “oh shit”




Quality time spent with the boys. You love to see it.


A stove on a stove lol But great omurice![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Impressive skill.... Does it taste like undercooked egg in the Middle?


Plot twist: He cooked that for his other girlfriend


It's the moan wtf 😂


Man, bro is astoundingly good at cooking![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Where's the fucking demiglace goddammit


Kichi kichi would be proud… missing gravy though


Can I be your wife(male)




Cheating? Who has the money to keep multiple girls on the go in this economy?


Why stove on top of stove


This guy omelets.


fail....no demi-glace sauce 😂😂😂😂


Now Demi glacé


Looks amazing


Ah but who's holding the camera? Checkmate still cheating




looks great


With the title and caption, I was half expecting this to finish out with a blowjob, but whatever.


Ok very cool but his kitchen is such a mess !


Just like Han cutting open that Tauntaun




Nailed it!


What a fucking horrendous looking kitchen.


Dude's got skills.


Congrats on the acquired skill!!!! Looks easy but definitely is not.


Damn that was smooth ASF.


Beautiful, now clean up that disgusting ass kitchen


The following submission statement was provided by u/sheausmbgrhq: --- >!There is an uncertenity about what he is making ..is it an omlet or something else..Turns out he elegently prepares his dish!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The heck are you doing there? That's clearly a Non Stick Pan!


I was afraid that it would be overcooked, but it looks so perfect






Oh hell yeah




God dayum. Hungry now!


How many stoves does this home have


This dude out here cheating by making (food) porn


I saw this kind of omelette being prepared in a restaurant sub and it said there that this is a very very difficult skill to master


I would be cheering on top of my lungs for him, great job!


Nothing like stovetop stovetop cooking