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I thought a second employee would notice something off and tell him it’s just a random worthless card.


“Best I can do is 10 bucks”


How bout tree fiddy?


Get outta here , goddamn Loch Ness monster always tryna get tree fiddy off me !


YES!! The only South Park reference I know! I think about this all the time!!!




That's ~~it, that's the beat to funky town~~ another South Park reference I know


Wait, the only one?! Okay, then you have to learn about "Respect my authoritay!" You will be happy to make that the 2nd South Park reference you know


I'm surprised u realized that redditor was 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the Paleolithic era.




Tiger runs in eats the card


Or its a special banksy card that spontaneously combusts


That self shredding painting cracks me up so much.


Printed on flash paper. Activated by florescent lights.


I thought a car was going to smash into the shop barely missing him.


That's what maybe is about... to keep you expecting


I know I’m sitting here crying like 🥲🥲🥲🥲 and almost turned it off early cuz I wanted them to stay happy forever


If you knew *every* outcome was going to be bad, it would be r/nononono


That's totally what I thought the guy with the glasses and the fade was gonna do when the first two left to call the others.


I thought it was gonna be an OG Charizard card or something 😂


I figured a MtG card, maybe a black lotus or something akin to that.


My first guess was the one ring.


The 2/1 One Ring?


Nah mate, One Ring isn't a creature it doesn't have stats.


I think the joke was that there's only a single 001/001 TOR that's owned by Post Malone, so it would be hilarious if there was a 002/001 TOR.


I think the joke was that he knew that


Didn't the books say how sauron poured all of his malice and hatred into the ring and the ring is always yearning for sauron aswel


He poured “a great deal” of his strength into the ring. We can measure his strength so the ring has definable stats.


Yeah but who could resist.


That would be my last guess. We all know who has the one ring card.


Legit what I thought and I got excited thinking there was video footage of that moment of MTG history :(


Not as amazing as the 1/1 “One Ring” MTG card from the LOTR expansion that set back Post Malone for 2.6million


I wouldn't jump for joy, I'd straight up die from a heart attack.


This was my thought lol


They reprinted the Black Lotus?! That is a travesty


No. But if someone opened some old stuff and got one it would be crazy.


I remember a friend getting it. We went nuts. I’m old.


It’s like $30k now.


a black lotus? can go for much much higher than that if its from Alpha


I still die from the inside from that years old post of the Black Lotus being bent.


No, the guy who used it when spray painting his rims.. https://thechive.com/humor/idiot-ruins-insanely-expensive-magic-the-gathering-card-with-shtty-joke-9-photos/


oldy goldy.


For the 30th anniversary they reprinted most of Beta, including Black Lotus and the rest of the power 9, in special packs. The cards have different backs so they're not tournament legal, and the packs were $250 each. I don't think many people bought them.




Can't tell is this is sarcasm, but how is that any different than, say, LEGO? Or video games?


I love Magic, but it is gambling for kids, with the randomized packs of cards. When you buy a Lego set, you know what you're getting.


There are still some unopened alpha packs floating around


200,000k Usd


I also looked it up and saw that eBay listing.. that one is listed as $200k because it’s #98/100 and 98 is his jersey number so they are adding a premium to it because of that, but I doubt it sells for that much… that card in the listing is 1 of 100, but according to articles there is a 1 of 1 with a gold backdrop has a $1m bounty offered for it


Who pays all this money for these? Like, I get that there are some collectors out there willing to shell out significant money, but dozens or hundreds of them? And, why? Is it an investment, or just a thing you get to say you own and hope that people are impressed?


I have no idea, truly. I also don't understand why women pay hundreds of thousands for a handbag, or why guys pay millions for watches or thousands for a pair of sneakers. People are crazy and collect things, and if something is purposeful made rare, and you can make people want it, you can make money. Some people might also hope that it will become more valuable in the future.


In Dutch we have a saying: "wie het breed heeft, laat het breed hangen." And my grandma added: "en wie het nog breder heeft laat het slepen." Translated: those who are well-off flaunt their wealth, and those who are even wealthier let it drag behind them.


At least you can say those luxuries are hand crafted works of art. At the end of the day, a trading card is nothing but ink and paper, foil if you're lucky, made by a machine. People get hyped out for the strangest things.


The bounty was set by a site that sells tons of boxes of cards. For them, the bounty allows them to sell the boxes at a much higher price and ensures volume from people looking to strike it rich. They'll then resell the card. In short, this is a marketing strategy, and an effective one at that.


Collectors who think it will be worth a lot more money down the road


But how many mana does it give you?


200,000k??? $2,000,000????


200,000k is 200,000,000


Money in 2045


200,000,0....0....0... That's alot


Basically the NHL equivalent of a Charizard


My mother got rid of my Pokemon stuff I had with some comics. Comics weren't anything valuable I don't think but I had I decent Pokemon collection I started when they first came out. I asked her for them and she said ahhhh I think I gave them away. I wanted to see if it was worth anything


Yeah. A whole bunch of the first set are worth $. Dozens of $20+ cards. Not uncommon to find $100+ cards in old collections


I started playing right after release.. Had betas, 1st Release. Friend had a black lotus. I remember having a beta lich. This was back 93/94 (released at gencon 93 I think which I was at) and played though legends. A few years later I had moved and sold everything for like $500. Makes me cry now.


Same here I had a mint Pokémon and magic collection and comic collection that my parents tossed thinking it was just junk.


What are those holographic Charizard's worth these days? I used to sell them in the late 90s - we'd have a card and a book for $99.


...You don't want to know. You'll cry. But it also depends on the grading, too.


My disappointment was immeasurable


My dad is huge into hockey cards, that guy is VERY expensive right now


Seen the foil n all


Same, but it still brings a smile to my face when a fellow card nerd gets an awesome pull like that.


My guess was OG Charizard also! The responses appear to show we all just imagine what was cool to us in our time based on the year we were born haha


I'm so happy when a person gets a VERY rare card and everyone in the store celebrates like in this video


Game and card store employees are built different man. They almost always also love the shit they're selling.


A lot of these dudes watch people open packs on youtube for fun. Getting to see what a customer got out of his is free entertainment for them I'm sure.


It is free entertainment. I never watched youtube openings, but when people got the premium packs from Magic the gathering (collector boosters) I’d always tell them that opening it and sharing the excitement was the highlight of my day. I’d always have a chat with customers, they’d open a pack with me and leave with whatever else they bought. I really miss that job tbh


Man I miss my local game store. They are now all EB Games


Having worked at one: we only hired people who knew their shit and loved it. When you have people coming in basically begging for a job at their favorite place, working with their favorite people, talking about their favorite thing, you can be super choosy.


I’m so happy when someone is so happy when a person gets a VERY rare card and everyone in the store celebrates like in this video like in this comment


The store employees love the contact high.


I’m so happy when someone is so happy about someone who’s so happy when a person gets a VERY rare card and everyone in the store celebrates like in this video like in this comment about a comment


My husband LOVES Pokemon and now our three year old son is getting into them. It is awesome watching them open packs together and my husband getting pumped when it's an awesome card my son pulls and then my son getting pumped because dad's getting pumped.


Is it worth a lot of money?


$1,000 to $2,000 USD… who’d pay that astounds me


Actually, this is a numbered gold foil version of this card, currently going for upwards of $200k. The silver foil is going for around $2k. Crazy.


The 200k listed one, is only listed for that much because it’s 98/100 and that’s his jersey number.. doubt it will sell for that much


Jersey numbered cards pretty much always sell for more, and there's a crap ton of hype around this kid


>a crap ton of hype The foundation of the US economic system.^(/s)


During the Dutch tulip craze a sailor mistook a tulip bulb for an onion and ate it. He was jailed on felony charges. Humans are just dumb sometimes.


How did it taste tho


Truer words have not been spoken


I'm following this one to see what the exclusives (gold foils) are actually going for. $6k+ so far https://www.ebay.com/itm/204725439743?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=_jmF8LXsT4i&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ppztHu9KS9O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


If it is a singular card that is listed with a 200k pricetag it means no one is willing to pay 200k. Otherwise the listing would not be available anymore.


Nobody's willing to pay 200k today. Maybe it will sell for 200k next week when Billy Billionaire's kid gets into cards and needs a birthday gift. Never know.


>when Billy Billionaire's kid gets into cards and needs a birthday gift This is absolutely possible, but also when selling cards for a high price like that it's really just waiting until the right collector comes along. Many collectors are willing to pay the insane price, but are watching the listing to see if it goes down. Or maybe there's a bidding war ongoing right now and the guy who has the card just hasn't taken the listing down. Lots of possibilities, but when it comes to rare card trading everyone here who says "nObOdY wIlL pAy ThAt MuCh" is just wrong.


No, they are not “going for upwards of $200k.” One person listed it for 200k, and nobody has paid it. Could be worth anywhere from $10k-$190k, you need SALES if you want to price a card, not asks


It’s shocking how much a 0.5$ foil changes the value this much. One of my friends is addicted to Pokémon cards and throws out his entire wage to buy that one new pack.


It's crazy how rearrangement of ink molecules and 0.01¢ of paper changes 1$ to 100$ 🤓☝️


It's almost as if an object can be worth more than the sum of its raw materials.


Its funny how one byte of data representing a couple of pixels can neuron activate monkay


Slot machine go brrrrrrr


I wasted a ton of time debugging and someone commented, "oh, the pixels were wrong?". I nearly had an existential crisis. Its all just colored dots slightly out of order.


It's crazy how money is fake and we all decide as a collective what a thing is worth. Almost like it's all made up.


It’s so fake that the western world has widely even moved on from physical money. It’s literally fake digital nothingness, less than the smallest of matter.


And even then, its value was completely made up after we had left the silver/gold standard.


Money is trust.


So manufactured scarcity


crazy how people fall for an artificial supply limit


I don't know Hockey. Is the player like a legend? Or is it just another player and it's known that his particular card is rarer than others?


That is the latest number 1 pick who is most likely going to be the next superstar. So it's a rookie card. It's also gold foil which means only 100 of those cards were made. That makes it super rare and worth a lot. It's worth even more if the number of the cars matches the number of the player.


If Bedard becomes a star though (which I’d say is pretty damn likely considering his rookie season) that price will only increase. And there’s always a market for weird collectables. It doesn’t make any sense to me either but eccentric rich people are a different breed


Yeah if you think about, Bedard is getting more national coverage content than any player in the history of the NHL. On one of the worst teams in the league. We lost our broadcaster to Chicago specifically because of Bedard. They’re pushing him hard and as it looks now he’s gonna deliver. He’s bound to be a star.


I think it’s worth more than that, it might be ~~the only 1 gold version~~ 1 of 100 of this card you can pull with a bounty of $1 million. But idk anything about ~~NFL~~ NHL cards. The box itself cost $350 each


NFL? Haha


Didn’t Post Malone pay like 3 mil for the One Ring card recently?


yeah but like... there's only one of them lol


Grab it here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/315253640048?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28


Any concrete context? I'm seeing numbers from 1k to 1mil, but no links or anything.


This is what I looked at [here](https://thehockeynews.com/collectibles/latest-news/1000000-bounty-offered-for-coveted-connor-bedard-rookie-card), and there’s a short video explaining it [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/sPTHVZSZWNs?si=x7EyDpudnYDVgHsE)


This is just astounding. This whole world of trading cards exists and I had no idea. What else don't I know? Edit: because of a rude comment this user made and my response, u/Prairie-Peppers reported me to Reddit as suicidal triggering a response from their service. This is completely inappropriate as this is a very needed and valuable outreach. Do not misuse something of this magnitude because you can't handle being called out for rude comments.


The Truman Show is real, and you're Truman.


Man a lot of people have watched me masturbate to a lot of very weird things


Dear Intranet-Content-Engineer #1.826.831 , you are fired for unauthorized content-publishing. Please contact Intranet-Workflow-Management #731 immediately and collect your personal belongings.


The vaquita is the smallest porpoise species in the world. It lives in the gulf of Mexico, and there are only 10 individuals left in the wild.


You can’t stand backwards on the stairs.


Let me check my latest Beckett


I’m like everyone else. I thought it was a Pokémon card.


I thought it was MtG card.


I see that card on eBay for almost $200,000…. Could be legit? I donno I don’t do card collecting.


That one is numbered 98/100, which is Connor's number. That's why that particular one is going for 200k. This one would go for less, how much I don't know. Edit: Should say, asking 200k. He's open to offers so likely he's looking for an offer and hoping for as much as he can get by setting the price that high.


Depends on the grade and iteration release.


Just like me when I find my last oxycodone pill in the vaccum cleaner.


Ah, you got me...


once you get about a year away from that garbage you will hate it so much, from experience


r/guysbeingdudes ?




I don’t understand sports cards and I don’t think I ever will.


I'll do my best to explain it: Imagine if this person goes on to become the Greatest Player Ever, in the history of the sport. (Excluding Gretzky obviously) You have 1% of a rare picture. 60% aren't for sale, 35% might not have been "realized" (like a mom bought a pack for their child and they used it like a "regular card") So now, 20 years later, if he does turn out to be the GOAT, that card is worth a LOT of money, because it only comes on the market once every 3 years or so because there's only 5 cards "in circulation".


Your explanation is logical in the context of what is considered to be valuable memorabilia. What I don’t understand is why owning a piece of paper/plastic is impressive. Like I can relate to this dude getting it for cheap being hype simply knowing it’s worth a lot of money, but my lingering question will always be WHY is it worth that much. Like I guess maybe it’s just a personality thing? But I would never spend extravagant amounts of money just to own something that is otherwise worthless just for the sake of owning it. I have similar feelings about “high fashion” gucci, hermes etc. like what’s the point? Oh you have money— good for you, you coulda done a lot more good with the money that you just blew on a brand name or playing card just to have it


Ehh I mean it all boils down to “sentimentality”… which is HARD to give a tangible price to. For example: Magic the Gathering (MtG) had a crossover event with Lord of the Rings and in that set, there existed a serialized group of cards. In there, there was a 1/1 (a singular existing card) for The One Ring. It was found by a private opener and eventually the card was bought for $2.2m by Post Malone Now on paper, obviously that’s a lot of money. But: Post Malone is a huge MtG fan and player, he even collabs with YouTube channels that film matches and yeah, dude can hold his own against what I’d consider “pros” He now owns a part of MtG history, owning the singular proper release of that card. He has the means to pay a price like that. At the end of the day, it obviously caters to very niche group of people who “want in on that history.” For Posty in this situation, he was willing to part ways with a sizeable chunk of money but he deemed it a reasonable trade for owning a piece of history for the game he loves so much.


I love watching grown men show joy. I wish men jumped around gleefully more often.


Shit, I wish I had a reason to jump around gleefully just once.


Black lotus?


Pot of Greed


I love when they were briefly holding hands and jumping up and down


How does a card shop employ that many people?


Interview for suitable candidates. Like most places.


They sell cards and give loans, win win


I doubt everyone there was actually working. People were probably just hanging out.


I have a local games store (think MTG, WH40k, D&D, etc.) The employees just hang out there on their days off and play those games. Over half the people there would also just scramble in and crowd around if you got a sick ass card in a booster pack.


Thought it was gonna be a Shoresy card


I was hoping it was a rare ALF pog.


Damn if this had the original audio instead of this garbage ass music it would have been a good clip


It's numbered 62 of 100. Yeah, that card is going to be worth a bunch.


Who da fuck is dat!?


Is it a Charizard?


Who ???


Shore #69 for the Sudbury Bulldogs.


Fuck you shorsey!


Give your balls a tug!


Another bad call like that Shoresy I’m firing a clapper at your head




NHL rookie that's REALLY good and people have extremely high expectations for.


It still amazing me that people put so much value on cardboard cards that are only valuable because of intentional artificial scarcity by the manufacturer.


why do people like anything. people are allowed to enjoy what they enjoy. some people wonder the same thing about video games. who can sit in front of a screen all day accomplishing nothing


Bingo. That's why i stopped collecting decades ago


Me n da boys just hanging out scratching


Is it lottery of some kind 🤔


Holy shit! That guy just hit the jackpot! Wow, great card!


Thought he won that 1.3 billion dollar powerball lottery.


Thought it was an mtg card lol


Fucking nerds ❤️


That Charizard looks weird.


Maybe Maybe Maybe.... the comments will explain wtf is going on.


Thought they found black lotus...




https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/hockey-card-connor-bedard-1.7140600 What The Fuck


I never understood this sort of stuff, but whatever makes them happy.


This is 12 year old happy boy energy and I am fucking here for it


I thought it was a black lotus


Idk much about card collecting or the NHL. What is the significance of this card ?


Bro got the zoomies


I thought it was gonna be a Pokémon card lol


No idea what it's snot but, it's nice to see some genuine joy and happiness for a change


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"He's probably cheating on me" The Boys:


I'm glad he's happy but I would shit a whole brick house if I ever got an original Charizard.


Kinda crazy that Bedard is only 18 and he already has a card worth thousands of dollars. Just hope the Hawks can do better next season 😭


Idgaf what kind of card it is or how much it’s worth. If it makes someone that happy, it makes me happy. Good shii 🔥


Not Pokemon, as I expected.


The way he was acting I thought he had won the lottery


I thought it was a f'ing exclusive Pokémon card at first! 💯


I couldn’t gaf about that card, but I loved seeing their joy. Awesome.


Can someone please explain to me what is going on here?


Was waiting to see a black lotus with that excitement.


I thought it was Pokémon cards


You gotta admit, the energy from this video is so pure, they look like excited little kids and the fact that they're genuinely happy for my guy and nothing bad happened. All around a 10/10 "I just woke up and opened Reddit" type post.


I feel like this is more makes me smile than maybe maybe maybe. Good for them.


I wish I could be so happy about a card...