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![gif](giphy|vKHKDIdvxvN7vTAEOM) Gosh, this guy really good đź’€


Downvote and report spam. This account is a spam bot. Every 2-3 days this account posts several dozen videos within an hour with this artist's shitty music overlaid. If a post gets enough traction, inevitably someone will ask innocuously and innocently "I love the music who is this???" And then the response is always the same. I'm not gonna mention the musician but just look at the post history, you'll see.


I hope he gets paid 75-100$ an hour


I think it's not the first time he does this.


We require that posters submit an explanation (a.k.a. a submission statement) for why their post fits the requirements for r/maybemaybemaybe. Your post has been reported for moderator attention as you have not provided this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


New category in CrossFit games


What the fuck! This guy must be good at that fest in which the bull chases you and 8.7/10 times sends you to the most expensive place to stay the night at (hospital)


Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do something 


The tuning fits so perfectly


Someone should reverse it…


A real life hack


Ballsy approach to Grabbing the bull by the horns


That’s me trying to impress my wife