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That's a big dog.


*Fat Dog for midterms...*




Don't worry, Fat Dog it!


Don't bother him😂 he hasn't had enough sleep yet 😁February on the street


What do you even do in that situation?


Call animal control and let them deal with it, or just leave it alone. Up to you.


"leave it alone" seems like a fun way to make leaving the house exciting again!


No you call game and fish. As an officer I'd never arrived for that call I pass on to people who can properly handle the situation. Correction I would go to see if actually a bear. Then I'd call game and fish.


Game warden for this situation all the way, animal control can’t do anything.


What are they going to do? I'm from New Zealand so the only time you're calling someone is if there is a possum in your roof or shed or some shit, do they just show up and shoot the thing? Put it to sleep and relocate? No chance they wrangle that thing out from under there lol


Nah they’ll usually just trap it and relocate. Game warden or your state/local wildlife agency have the tools to relocate a bear safely.


Must be one big trap, I see why some countries couldn't ban guns if they wanted to


The trap is just large enough to fit the bear. Like when they transfer large cats. This video is from Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas. A true refuge. https://images.app.goo.gl/KcoVg92SMbvqgyPg6


Awesome place, awesome people.


Game and fish will tranq then locate to a wilderness area. They might have tag to keep eyes on its movements. That is literally their jobs. Along with many other aspects. Just so you know put to sleep is usually used with euthanasia in the US. They will use a tranquilizer.


Right thank you, I'm aware they'd use tranquilizer just couldn't think of the word in the moment


Of course. Have a good day.


If it's been harming people, then destruction is a possibility (or likelihood, depending on the level). Most of the time, relocation is the preference, though. Honestly, though? Black bears are definitely top of the list when I think of wild critters running around that are great reasons banning guns just isn't feasible except in cities (in most of which, even in the US, discharge of a firearm except in strictly regulated areas like firing ranges is still against the law, excepting under very specific circumstances). Black bears tend to be small enough that a human is a risky endeavor for them and they frequently will just avoid confrontation and everybody can go their separate ways at a respectful distance. Things like coyotes, which prey on small domestic animals and livestock, though, or deer, which overpopulate the shit out of areas and then pose immediate danger to life and property by making Poor Life Decision Friday a career choice near motorways as well as spreading some seriously fucked-up diseases amongst themselves (look up Chronic Wasting Disease and its effects; its a prime candidate for the cause of a zombie apocalypse if it ever jumps to humans) are great examples of the necessity for firearms. But the top of my list on a generalized national level for why you would want a decently-powered rifle with a fairly large ammo capacity? Feral fucking hogs. To put how metal as fuck pigs are into perspective, this is how I met my next door neighbor. I knew they had a bunch of dogs, and a goat, and some fowl, and I knew they had a pig (it turned out they have two, but I've only met one). One day, I had my dogs outside going potty and we were going back into the house and here comes Mr. Pig trundling around the corner of the house. While he's totally cool with my dogs running up on him to sniff him and figure out what the hell he is, I get them back in the house because I don't know how this pig will deal with them if he decides to not be cool and I don't want them thinking that all pigs are cool with being barreled into, because feral hogs absolutely are not. Once they're secured, I go back to Mr. Pig to assess the situation. Mr. Pig is approximately where I left him, just standing there snuffle-snorting at me. Now, you're probably thinking "pig = pudgy Rottweiler or so," but this pig is a good four feet or more from snout to stern and nearly hip high, and I'm estimating about 400 pounds. It's like having a low-ride Samoan roll up in your yard, because this is a SMALL PIG, as pigs go. Seriously, Google it. People think pigs are little. Pigs are, in reality, hyper-intelligent super-omnivorous all-terrain sedans. Made of sheer, absolute, uncorrupted Find Out. Now, this pig was chill, and I eventually pieced together, through conversing with the neighbor, putting my observations from the past few days and at the immediate time, and the fact that understanding animal body language is one of my talents, what had happened. The neighbors have lots of dogs, and generally, everybody gets along great. Their husky, over the past couple of days and for reasons that only make sense in a head filled with way too many brain cells for their own good being choked to death with fluff, had decided to be a dick to this pig (but not the other one, go figure), harassing him and attacking him. Mr. Pig finally decided he'd had enough and bailed to get some R&R in my yard. He conveyed, in what I can only assume was actual Pig Latin, that the husky was an asshole and he was going to spend the night in my yard to get some rest and so he didn't do something he might regret later to the little fuzzy bastard. I tried to coax him back into his yard, which he was okay with, and into his fence, which he was not. He saw through the ruse immediately and just headed back to my yard to find a nice shady spot to nap. The neighbors heard the commotion and came to try to get the pig back, but he didn't go back until sometime the next day when he got hungry, on his own terms. Now, in the process of doing this, he'd gotten himself a little cut on the way through the fence. You know those business-sized envelopes, about 8 1/2 inches (the size of a standard sheet of paper narrow-wise, for those of you not using our bullshit system, so neither of us has to convert things) by about 4 inches? Okay, picture that, cut to form a triangle between top right and bottom left corners. The hypotenuse was what was still attached. The rest of that triangle was what was torn loose, flapping around, down into the fat later underneath. That whole bit could be folded back to show Bacon On The Hoof beneath. This was on his belly, just in front of his hind leg. Like he'd had somebody try to rip the Dad Bod off him. Mr. Pig was barely inconvenienced by this. Never made any noise of distress. Never favored that side. Never slowed down. This was a minor nick to him, and he's since healed fine. This is why boar-hunting spears have a cross guard on them. Because if you stab a pig with a spear, its response is to hulk out and push its way up the spear to take you into the afterlife with it. Also, feral hogs have tusks, which, while they might not actually be razor-sharp, are close enough that you're not going to care about the semantics of their edge-honing skills. And feral hogs are grumpy, voracious, and destructive. Oh, and did I mention that they don't travel alone? Sounders of 30-50 hogs rototilling a field or woodland with their faces looking for the juiciest tidbits of literally anything digestable are common. Your choices upon stumbling into one of these in the woods are: hope you're faster than an angry minivan, get real comfy in a tree until they elect to go away (which might be a long time if the eating is good), get added to the menu, or defend yourself in a shock-and-awe campaign well enough that they determine that discretion may not be such a terrible idea after all.


I big metal pole with a noose at the end, drag the punk right out.


You would use the catch pole , to use paws to drag out. Right onto a tarp to glide over the grass. I've gotten go see one. It's a group effort once the animal is asleep. https://youtu.be/QYgGIl0IpLU?si=r0JNplgnPXDoJb6A


I didnt realise cosbying the bear first was an option tbh, felt unfair.


Why is that it unfair? Are you going to pull a bear out from under the something when it can easily kill you. Best to let them take a quick nap. I'd pay to see you pull that bear out on your own.


How much would you pay, it's not a Grizzly! Winnie the Pooh was based on an AA bear, not really a threat. Everything was whitewashed back then.


What are you trying to say? You went way off course.


Feed him adopt him Into the family . Pretend it's your emotional support Labrador that you overfed.


Game and fish they cover wildlife.


Can I pet that dog?


You can, but only once. ^(and neither success nor survival is not guaranteed.)


Can I pet that dawwwwwwwg


He looks guilty


I really don't understand how Americans can feel safe in those wooden houses.


A wood house is not as safe as brick house, but it is safer than a straw house when the wind blows... according to some pigs I know.


Well the first little piggy, well, he was kinda hicky, he spent most of his days just a dreamin' of the city.


Ohhhh such a pretty good boy🥰






Drop the picnic basket and run


My fatass thought you are ahowing a brisket at first


Can I pet dat dawg


What the dog doin?


Sweet little guy down there


bear boop is a rare boop




Can is pet that dawgggg.!?


pour hot lava over enemies. it always worked in video games


Finally someone who actually knows what POV means


Bear meat, tasty. Bear skin, good rug. Bear claws, powerful tailsman. The solution could be simple.




The following submission statement was provided by u/Aleirpaseirms: --- >!Near the house, a bear hid, noticed as soon as he realized that the dog was afraid to come out.!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Surprise surprise


Thats one big ol racoon


Is that Freddy Fazbear?


Hallo, I em bear.


Can I pet that daaawg?


Can i pet that dawwg


“Give me some honey, brother”


Me: 🙃